Inheritance (The Dark Gifts) (6 page)

BOOK: Inheritance (The Dark Gifts)
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“What was that all about?  Oh, and by the way, in what universe did you consider that a quiet conversation?”

Without answering, Jason began shutting and locking the windows.

“Hello?  Speaking here.”

“I know.  Sorry.  She gets under my skin easier than she should.  I don’t trust her,” he answered.

“I don’t either, but we should give this thing a chance.”  Her eyes pleaded with him as she followed him from room to room. 

Once he was certain the cabin was locked up tight, he sat at the large kitchen table.  Sarah rummaged through the cupboards and made some coffee as he silently contemplated the day.  Her mind drifted as well.  She missed Liz.  Until today, Liz was the only positive female influence in her life.  Sure she’d had foster mothers, but those that weren’t drunk all the time, were more like prison guards than mothers.  Except for Rose.  Her chest tightened as she thought of the mother that almost was.  They only had one month with Rose and Leo, before she was killed by a drunk driver.  Even after ten years passing, it brought tears to her eyes to remember the lovely plump woman's smiling face and comforting hugs.  After that, it was back to the same old story.

Liz volunteered at the boys and girls club with Sarah.  Two weeks of working together was all it took for them to become fast friends.  She was a year or two older than Jason and for a while, Sarah had hoped to get the two together.  But Liz had no time for men.  Sarah sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said as she sat a cup in front of him.

“Whatever.  I know that sigh.  What?”

“I wish Liz was here.  She’d know what to do.”

Jason reached out and took her hand.  His eyes held compassion and worry.  “We can’t tell anyone.  Ever.  That life is gone now, and we must learn to live in this one.”   

She squeezed his hand.  “I know.  It’s just--”

“No, Sarah.  It wouldn’t be fair to her anyhow.  If she did believe you, and it’s not likely, why would you want to bring her into this mess?  What could she do anyhow?  What can anyone do?”

Looking around the empty house, her eyes filled with tears that refused to spill over.  “Nothing I guess.  We are totally alone…again.”

Jason smiled and tried to make his voice light and carefree.  “Alone?  We’re not alone.  We’ve never been alone.  Sheesh girl, you’re always trying to get rid of me.”


Close to transformation time, Jason and Sarah retired to the basement.  Around 8:00pm the howling began.  Jason stood and paced the cell floor.  His breathing grew labored.  Each new howl filled him with longing as if the night and everything in it beckoned.  Grabbing the remote from the top of the television, he flipped through channels until he found MTV, and turned the volume up.

It did not have the same affect on Sarah.  Each new howl had a melodious, mournful quality.  She couldn't help but think how beautiful it sounded.  Sarah was not afraid of the wolves.  When the music began to blare, she sighed, but said nothing.  A different kind of uneasiness ate at her. 
What am I so afraid of?  They can't get it here.  It's not them anyhow. 
Like a whisper in her mind, one word echoed,
.  The secrets she
were being kept filled her with foreboding. 

Jason fought it like a trooper.  From the moment he heard the first howl, his body wanted to change.  He sat on the couch beside his sister pretending to watch television with his teeth clenched and muscles ridged. 

After several minutes Sarah noticed his condition.  Grabbing the remote from his hand, she muted the TV, and laughed, “What are you doing?  You look constipated!”

“It’s not funny,” Jason’s strained voice answered.

Sarah laid a hand on his arm. “Don’t fight it, Jase, it’s not worth the effort.  You won’t hurt me.  I can tell you right now what will happen; you will change and then haul your big butt up here on the couch, and lay down.  That’s all, nothing more.  Don’t worry.”

“I would've hurt you the other night.  I remember grabbing you.  I knew it was hurting you, and I didn't care.  This is a bad idea.”

Raising her hand to his cheek, she ran her fingers from his temple to his chin.  “You won't hurt me.  It took you off guard.  You know it's coming, all you have to do is let it happen.  I really believe it's worse when you fight it.”

He nodded, but moved farther away.  “Turn around.”

“I’ve already seen you naked,” she laughed.

His deep voice changed pitch as he spoke.  “Please.”

Sarah turned her head to the side and held a throw pillow in front of her face.  “Better?”

Standing against the back wall, Jason removed his clothing, let his guard down, and allowed the change to take him.  The transformation was less violent this time.  His body shimmered
, giving the impression of an image in a vibrating mirror.  As the vibration grew stronger, hair burst from skin to cover his body.  Bones shifted and elongated, but the snaps and cracks that had frightened her the last time did not accompany this change.  Within seconds, it was over. 

Exactly as predicted, nothing happened.  Jason sat on the floor watching her.  She laughed and patted the couch, “Come on, get up here.” 

As Jason put his front paws on the cushion beside her, the old wooden frame creaked and groaned. 

“You better be careful.  This is old and worn out.”

Jason gave a slight whimper and laid his head in her lap.

Without hesitation she stroked his head, enjoying the feel of his soft fur under her hand.  “It’ll be okay.  We’re going to be just fine.  Ugh!  Lay still, you’re heavy,” she said as he attempted to get comfortable.

Sarah must have fallen asleep for a time because she awoke confused and upset.  Jason sat in front of the cage door intently watching the stairs.  His ears twitched and wiggled as they leaned forward on his head.  When she heard the noise the second time, she realized what must have awakened her.  Sounds of breaking glass tinkled in the distance, and something scratched at the basement door. 

Jason issued a low, deep growl.  He glanced between Sarah and the door, and whined.  Sarah knew what he wanted.  He wanted out. 

“Absolutely not,” she whispered loudly.  “You’re not going out there.  They are trained and have been doing this longer than you.”

Jason looked at the basement door and growled again.  The scratching noises had stopped, but rustling could be heard behind the door.  A loud crack reverberated as something, or someone, fell against the door causing it to split down the center.  A second blow would send the two halves flying off the hinges.  Jason howled in rage, shoving against the barred door. 

“Stop!” Sarah screamed.  “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

The massive wolf turned to her and looked pointedly at the covered basement window just outside the cage. 

“Oh yeah.  I never thought of that,” she replied.  Sarah quickly pulled the keys to the door out of her pocket and unlocked it. 

Once outside, he pushed it shut and stood guard, blocking anyone from entering the cage.  They could still hear rustling noises upstairs and the sound of wolves growling.  One barked several times before a fight broke out.  Growling and barking, yelping in pain, it sounded like the entire pack was in the kitchen tearing each other to shreds.

Something hit the door again, and this time it did go flying off the hinges.  A large black wolf followed the broken pieces down the stairs.  Jason drew back, the hair on his back stood straight up.  Head lowered and ready to spring, he snarled.  The black wolf rose to its feet and turned to face the stairs, growling in warning to those who might decide to bring the fight down to the basement.  Jason’s head rose to sniff the air.  Turning to glance at Sarah, he joined the newcomer at the base of the steps.  The black wolf was huge, but still half the size of Jason, he stood teeth bared, waiting.

There were many figures surrounding the basement door, all of them wolves.  They snarled and growled at each other as if arguing about what to do next.  The pack divided and a beautiful snow-white wolf began to slink down the stairs.  The protectors at the bottom of the stairs roared in warning.  Stopping, the white wolf raised its head, and released an ear-splitting howl. 

A massive wave of teeth, claws, and fur rushed over and around the wolf.  In a split second, the two protectors were covered in adversaries.  The weight of the opposing forces knocked them to the ground.  Jason pushed up and shook, throwing three across the room.  They hit the walls with a dull thud and lay whimpering. 

Three more snapped and bit the black guardian.  Bits of fur and flesh floated in the air.  He spun and grabbed a grey wolf by the throat before tossing it away like a rag doll.  Those who'd attacked Jason lay dazed on the ground.  He turned to help the guardian dispense the few remaining. 

The white wolf stood on the stairs, salivating and howling as if giving orders to the mass of angry wolves. 

Sarah’s terrified scream reverberated against the concrete walls, “Stop it!  Stop it right now.”

As one, the entire pack became still.  The animals stood watching Sarah as if awaiting orders.  The white wolf whimpered and began moving down the stairs.  Sarah bellowed out, “I said stop!  What kind of family are you anyhow?  I have spent my whole life wanting a family, and now I have one, and they want to kill me?  What’s wrong with you people?” 

The white wolf stood still as stone, its muscles tightened and relaxed only to tighten again.  The others in the room looked as if they were fighting her orders as well, but did not seem able to move.  Memories of Jason and how well he obeyed her, flashed through her mind. 

“You have to listen to me don’t you?” she whispered in awe.  “That’s why you don’t want us here, because you have to do what I say.”  Sarah was dumbfounded.  In her heart, she knew these wolves would follow her every command.  Hesitantly, she ordered, “Sit.” 

Each of them sat, some still growling, but obeying nevertheless. 

“Jason, come here,” she ordered.  Sarah slowly opened the cage door and stepped out.

Moving to her side, his eyes stayed focused on the others. 

The pack crouched and snarled, fighting to break her hold on them. 

Sarah had no doubt, worry, or fear.  Something about this felt right.  She
they could not harm her without her permission.  Her body tingled with anticipation.  An overwhelming sense of power coursed through her veins.  “Oh shut up, and sit still.” 

For the first time in her life, standing in the middle of vicious wolves who wanted her dead, she was completely sure of herself.  “Which one of you is Aunt Shana?”

The white wolf snarled and tried to lunge forward, but was unable to break Sarah‘s hold.

“And which one of you is Uncle Thomas?”

Without looking at her, the black wolf barked.

Sarah‘s lips twisted into a grin as she straightened her shoulders.  “The rest of you leave and do not come back here unless my brother and I ask you to.” 

Thomas took up guard with Jason as the others filed up the stairs and out of the door.  Shana waited at the bottom of the basement stairs, still looking like she would love nothing better than to rip Sarah to shreds.


“Let me out of here!  How dare you lock me up like an animal?” Shana screamed. 

“Sounds like our
are awake,” Sarah said to Jason.

“Good.  I’m ready for some answers and this time I’m not trying to be nice.”

Sarah laughed and shook her head.  “You call how you acted yesterday, nice?”

Sarah yelled down the stairwell, “The door is unlocked doofus.  I made breakfast, cover yourselves up and join us.” 

Jason curled his lips and muttered, “Waste of good food.”

Sarah rolled her eyes at him and began putting plates laden with eggs and toast on the table for their guests. 

Thomas and Shana entered the kitchen wrapped in blankets.  Thomas smirked, but Shana…Shana was furious.  If looks could kill, they would both be dead. 

Thomas took a seat at the table and immediately started working on the abundant breakfast, smiling between bites.  Sarah sat a huge cup of coffee in front of him.  “Don’t forget to breathe.”

He nodded and continued cramming food into his mouth as fast as possible.  Shana still stood by the basement door glowering.

“Oh for Pete’s sake!  I made you breakfast--after you tried to kill me--I might add.  Doesn’t that count for something?”  

Mouth full of food, Thomas mumbled, “Food‘s good, quit moping,” and motioned for her to join them.

Shana sat, picked up a fork, and picked at the eggs on her plate.  Her eyes darted between the food in front of her and Sarah.

“It’s not poisoned.  Would I feed my brother poisoned food?”

.”  Bringing the fork to her mouth, she took a small bite.  Seemingly testing it for alternative ingredients.

Jason finished and slid his plate back.  Leaning back in his chair, he glared at Shana while drinking his coffee.

Thomas leaned back in his chair as well, patted his belly, and belched.  “That was good, Sarah, thank you.  I’m always starving after a change.  Something about the metabolism I think.  I know you two must have a ton of questions,”   Thomas glanced across the table at Shana as he sipped his coffee.  “I’m sure you didn’t hear what you wanted or needed to hear yesterday, but I wasn’t invited to your little family reunion.”

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