Initiation (Master Class Book 1) (13 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Initiation (Master Class Book 1)
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He cleaned up the area, turned off the music, then gathered the bag and told her to head to the bedroom.

“Are we done?”

“We’re only beginning. After you.”

She walked up the stairs ahead of him, aware of his heated gaze on her. At one time, it might have made her nervous. Now she pulled back her shoulders and lightly gripped the handrail on the way up.

Once they were in the bedroom, he put a bottle of lube on the nightstand and instructed, “Undress me.”

“My pleasure, Sir.”

Something hot flared in his eyes.

She started with his shirt, baring his strong, broad chest. After folding his shirt, she unbuckled his belt and pulled the leather from the loops, remembering how sexy it had felt on her backside yesterday. And if he were serious about them having a future together, maybe she’d feel it again.

The thought gave her goosebumps.

She looked up at him to see him staring at her, noting her every movement.

Moving faster, wanting connection, she bent to help him remove his boots and socks then knelt to unzip his jeans. He plucked a condom from his pocket and tossed it on the bed.

Her mouth dried.

Even though she’d known he’d be commando, seeing his cock, so thick and erect just inches from her face turned her on. Wanting him, she leaned toward him and took him in her mouth.

“Jennifer…” He dug his hands into her hair and held her firm as she sucked and licked him. “Yeah,” he approved, the word mostly a guttural groan.

She adored having this kind of power to please him. And it seemed fair after everything he’d done for her.

With his grip, he guided her, and she took him deeper. Until now, she’d never enjoyed giving head, but she’d never been with a man this appreciative.

“Enough,” he said a few seconds later, and he cupped her jaw to force her to stop.


“I’m setting the scene,” he reminded her.

She knelt back. After wrinkling her nose, she said, “Yes, Sir.”

“At some point, I’ll come down the back of your throat,” he promised.

The naughty image thrilled her.

“But I want you to put the condom on my dick.”

She fumbled more than she would have liked, but he didn’t seem to object. Realizing that, she took a little more time than she needed to.

“Well done,” he said, as if she’d done it perfectly. “Now bend over the bed.”

He offered a hand to help her stand, and she glanced at his cock, unable to look away. No matter that he’d had fingers up her, she doubted she could take his entire length and girth up her tightest hole. “I’m more than a little nervous.”

“You’ll be okay. You’ve been stretched out.”

“Your fingers are nowhere near the size of your magnificence.”

“Magnificence?” he repeated, a smile toying around the corners of his mouth, making him seem more approachable, less formidable.

“I mean penis.”

“Magnificence is better.”

“I can’t believe that came out of my mouth. I may regret it forever.” She rolled her eyes.

“Over the bed.”

Tension knotted in her shoulders. “What if I’m not okay?” she asked.

“Your safe word works here, too. Promise.”

Grateful his grin had faded, showing that he’d recognized her sudden nervousness, she said, “Thank you.” She got into position, her torso on the bed. He moved the lube onto the mattress then played with her clit, and he pressed the tip of his cock into her pussy.

She looked back over her shoulder at him. “Sir?”

He pressed his dick all the way into her pussy before leaning over to open the lube. She watched him put a generous dollop on his fingers.

She expelled a jagged little breath, knowing he was going to suggest she relax.

Logan began to fill her pussy with long, slow strokes. Trustingly, she closed her eyes, then concentrated on not tensing her body when she felt a cool, wet finger against her ass.

He eased in, but he didn’t stop fucking her, keeping her aroused.

Like earlier, she was able to release enough tension that the anal part became pleasurable, even when he inserted a second finger.

Then, before she was mentally ready, she felt his gigantic cockhead pressing against her sphincter. “It’s a lot bigger than your fingers,” she protested through gritted teeth.

With his other hand, he toyed with her pussy.

“So good,” he said. “Bear down. It’s really not more than you took earlier.”

Was that true? Tightening her muscles would make this more difficult, so she allowed the mattress to absorb more of her body weight.

“You’re a quick study,” he said.

She gently closed her eyes and surrendered.

“Yes. Exactly right.” Logan stoked in deeper, a little at a time, pulling back, then easing forward. “Almost there.”

He gave a short, final thrust, sinking in all the way. She gasped, partly from the shock, partly from the pain, and mostly from the realization that he had her thoroughly claimed. Sensation and emotion overwhelmed her.

“Balls deep,” he said, tone both graveled and triumphant. “Told you I keep my promises.”

He tucked one arm beneath her to hold her tight, and he caressed and fondled with the other as he began to move deep in her ass.

“So damn tight. Hot.”

She balled the bedding in her fists as he fucked her hard. Her whole body felt as if she were on fire, alive. Wanting everything he had to offer.

Stunning her, an orgasm began to unfurl.

She moved, grinding herself against his hand, creating even more friction between them.

“What you do to me,” he said, pulling her tighter.

“My God. I can’t…” Her thoughts fractured. She couldn’t take much more.

“You can.”

His cock thickened, grew harder. His breathing was labored, and he held her tighter. She was completely captivated by him…her Dom.

“Now. Come for me now, Jennifer.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

He eased two fingers inside her pussy.

Combined with the sensation of having her ass full, she shattered, losing her grip.

Her face buried in the mattress, she screamed from the power of the release.

“Damn.” The word was somewhere between a groan and a demand. Logan adjusted his arm, lifting her hips a fraction of an inch higher.

“Mmm.” Even though she was satiated, she wanted to feel the force of his orgasm.

His strokes were shorter and faster, and he held her prisoner, nearly splitting her in two as he came, his body hot and pulsing.

He remained inside her for a seemingly impossible amount of time, his body protectively covering hers.

She wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, bound together, hot and sweaty. But when reality returned, she noticed that the fingers of their right hands were entwined. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to sit comfortably for a week.”

He dropped a kiss on her shoulder blade. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

Eventually, he helped her up.

They showered together, and when they were back in bed, he wrapped an arm around her waist, his dick shockingly semi-hard against her butt cheeks.

“You can’t possibly…”

“Depends on how still you are.”

Brazenly, she flexed her hips.

“You sure you want to do that?”

If she weren’t so exhausted and warm, she might explore further. Instead, she heeded the warning, settling against him, enjoying the sensation of being protected, not on guard, maybe for the first time in her life.

Tonight was better than last night. Familiarity was its own form of comfort.

But she came to awareness in the middle of the night, beneath him, her hands pinned above her head. His breath was warm on her face, and even in the darkness of night, she read desire in his eyes and intent in the tilt of his chin.

“You can wake me like this any time,” she said sleepily.

Where their earlier couplings had been intense, this was sweet. He gave, she accepted.

He made sure she was taken care of before he came in the condom.

Without ever waking up fully, she drifted back to sleep, hazily aware of the way he snuggled up to her and covered her shoulders with a blanket.

The next thing she knew, daylight had crept into the room, and she was alone in the bed, just like she had been the previous morning.

As was becoming a habit, she wrapped herself in a sheet and went into the living room.

Logan stood in the kitchen, hips propped against the countertop, cup of coffee in hand, looking devastating with the shadow of a beard. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“Not at all.”

“Coffee? With five sugars?”


“The storm has eased off,” he said as the machine brewed her cup. “Snowplows should be out soon.”

Outside, only a few gentle flakes drifted down. The sun had burst through, and the sky dazzled in its stark blue color.

“I received a phone call around four,” he told her. “Potential break in the case I’m working on.”

She shouldn’t have been surprised. The whole weekend had been borrowed time. Jennifer told herself she should have been grateful for what they’d had.

“We’ve been monitoring a house to see if our guy would show up. Someone potentially matching his description arrived in the middle of the night. He’s been holed up.”

“So you need to leave?”

“Soon.” He nodded. “I need to take over for Jeremy.”

Her stomach plummeted.

“I’m not letting you get away,” he said, promised. “I want your phone number.” He dug his cellular out of his pocket.

Jennifer gave him her information, and he programmed it in before saying, “I cleaned the snow off both of our cars and scraped the ice from your windows, but I suggest you wait until the sun is up before leaving. The longer you wait, the safer your drive will be.” He pulled out her cup and stirred in five packages of sugar, wincing the whole time.

“Thank you. Not just for the shoveling, the cleaning up and the coffee…” She accepted the cup, added a dollop of cream then took an unsteady drink.

As if he had all the time in the world, he waited for her to continue.

“But also for this weekend experience.”

“It’s only the beginning.”

After she had a second sip, he took the cup from her and slid it onto the countertop. His hands firm on her shoulders, Logan tugged her close. “I’ll be in touch.”

She tried for a casual, ‘I’m unaffected by what happened and don’t care whether you do or don’t’ smile. “That would be nice.”
wasn’t the word.
was closer.

He fisted one hand into her hair and tugged back her head.

She met his gaze. His eyes were the color of frost. But his lips were heated, his tongue demanding.

He ripped the sheet from her body, leaving her naked, her nipples peaked, her thighs parted, her pussy wanting.

He toyed with her nipples, then slid his hand between her legs. Even with their mouths joined, she moaned and rocked toward him, hungrily seeking release.

Just moments before she came, he pulled his hand away.

“What?” Confused, she blinked when he took a step back.

“I want you to think of me.”

Is he serious?
He intended to leave her unfulfilled? Goosebumps raced up her arms.

Without another word, he turned and headed toward the home’s entryway. He shrugged into his jacket, gave her instructions on locking up then picked up his bag.

After he opened the front door, he looked over his shoulder. “Oh, and, Jennifer?”

She met his gaze.

“I meant that I want you to think of me. So don’t masturbate.” With that, he left. The door closed behind him with a resounding shudder.

Chapter Nine




On autopilot, she went through the motions of getting ready to leave, applying a little makeup, ensuring her flogger was in her bag. She took one last trip through the guest room and tried not to remember the way Logan had fucked her, then in the middle of the night, had made love to her.

Before leaving, she locked up and hid the key where Logan had instructed.

As he’d said, her car had been scraped, and he’d also cleared the driveway and sidewalk. Not only that but he’d sprinkled salt so it hadn’t iced over again.

The drive home was slow, but not treacherous.

Her house, though, was freezing cold, and not just from the temperature.

Midmorning, Logan sent a text, asking if she had made it home okay.

She grinned, feeling suddenly warmer.

Around noon, he sent a second message, letting her know it might be a while before he contacted her again. He’d followed mid-afternoon with a third.


Be patient?


She’d replied that she would.

And then…nothing.

Noelle called around four. “Well?”

“I have no idea where to begin.”

“Since you stayed two nights, it can’t have been terrible?”

“It was amazing.”

“So tell me about it.”

“Honestly, I’m still processing.”

“Let’s have drinks with the Divas on Wednesday.”

By then, she might have heard from him. Or realized he wasn’t going to call. “Perfect.”

For the rest of the afternoon and way too late into the night, she checked her phone before giving in to frustration and turning it off altogether.

Not that it mattered. When she woke up, she saw there had been no notifications.

At work on Monday, she placed her phone on her desk and waited for it to ring or signal a text from him. Although she received half a dozen messages from Noelle, Jennifer didn’t hear from Logan.

She finally told her friend that she hadn’t heard from him.

Noelle advised her to give him time. After all, he was a busy man.

Which was true. But that didn’t help.

By Tuesday, Jennifer’s frustration made her irritable at the office. It wasn’t just because she hadn’t heard from him, but also because she’d been stupid enough to follow his dictate not to masturbate despite being desperate for an orgasm.

She asked herself why she was obeying him. They didn’t have a relationship. It wasn’t as if she were his sub. She didn’t know whether he actually would call again. How the hell long was she supposed to wait?

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