InkintheBlood (3 page)

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Authors: Chandra Ryan

BOOK: InkintheBlood
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But she didn’t move. The thought of leaving his warmth was
unbearable. Her fingers played with the short hairs at the nape of his neck as
she breathed in his spicy scent. “Jacob?”


She knew she shouldn’t say the words but she couldn’t
resist. “Kiss me.”

He smiled softly before complying. The kiss started out
gentle, but months of frustration brought about by teasing innuendo and
proximity proved too much for her patience. Resting against the cold metal of
the car, she ran her fingers through his hair as he deepened the kiss.

She felt one hand slide under her skirt and up her thigh as
the other held her tightly against him. Lost in the sensation of his body on
hers, she forgot everything else. Until, suddenly, he pulled away from her,
making her acutely aware of her wobbly knees and erratic breathing.

“Would you like to come up?” Her voice was slightly husky.

“I’d love to.” He ran his fingers through his hair, visibly
trying to regain his control. “Oh you have no idea how much. But I’ve got to
check in on another case before I call it a day.”

“I see.” It was physically painful to move away from him.


“I understand, Jacob. Really, I do.”

“Can I see you again?” The question was so soft it almost
sounded vulnerable.

“You’ve got my number.” With that, she turned away from him
and began walking to her apartment. Every inch of her wanted to turn and watch
him leave, but she refused to give in to the temptation. She’d been left enough
times to know what it looked like. She didn’t need to see it one more time.

Chapter Two


It was for the best, she told herself after her apartment
door closed. It would’ve made everything more complicated.

She ran her fingertips over her lips as she thought of the
kiss. It’d been in that second that she’d finally seen what she’d been hiding
from herself all these months. She wanted him and not in a momentary kind of
way. If he were to share her bed, that’s where she’d want him to stay. But a
relationship built on lies would never work and she couldn’t tell him the

So it’s best for it to end like this.
But the words
were hollow. And even after repeating them a hundred times, they still didn’t

Tucked securely into her cozy apartment, she changed into
her favorite black silk nightgown and started brewing a cup of tea while the
melodic angst of her favorite singer filled the room. She should be in bed, but
she was still too worked up from her brief exchange with Jacob to give in to
her exhaustion.

She was just about to take a sip of her tea when the ringing
of her cell phone stopped her. At first she was irritated by the intrusion. But
Restricted Number
flashed across the screen, her stomach began to
twist nervously. There was only one restricted number that ever called her.
After answering the call, she brought the phone to her ear. “Agent Phinney.”

“I hope I’m not waking you.” Even over the phone, his deep
voice had a rough edge to it that made her breath catch.

“No, I wasn’t in bed.”

“Good. I wanted to talk to you.”

“I don’t think—” She needed to make a clean break but her
heart ached at the words she was about to say. She never got the chance to say
them though.

“I’m standing in front of your door. Please, Izzy…”

She looked up at the door as the line went dead. Her heart
raced at the thought of him being so close. Crossing the room, she practiced
her well-rehearsed speech in her head. But her carefully memorized words
disappeared as she opened the door. Her eyes swept over him hungrily, taking in
everything from his tousled hair to the black t-shirt and tight jeans he’d been
wearing earlier at the bust. He was easily the sexiest man she’d ever met.

His gaze slid over her before he picked her up by the waist
and, kissing her passionately, then walked into the apartment. He closed the
door with a quick kick once they were safely inside and then gently lowered her
until she was standing on her own once more.

Needing to feel his skin, she tore his shirt out of his
waistband and pulled it over his head. She only allowed herself a second to
appreciate his well-defined torso before reaching out to him. Her fingers
sought out and found the rapid rhythm of his heart.

“Please tell me you want this as much as I do.” His
breathing was already erratic. “You have no idea how many nights I’ve dreamt of
you—of this.”

She smiled softly as she slipped one arm out of her gown and
then the other. She let go of the material and the silk fell into a puddle at
her feet. What little control she had left evaporated as his gaze devoured her
every curve. They’d waited long enough. She didn’t want to wait a minute
longer. She pulled him to her until the warmth of his skin heated her. “Oh I
want this,” she whispered into his ear, “now.”

His mouth silenced hers. The kiss was rough and demanding as
he turned her so he could push her back against the door. She felt his hands
settle around her waist as he began to leave a leisurely trail of kisses down
her body. He paused when he reached her breasts so he could tease the sensitive
skin with the tip of his tongue. The sensation was so intense that she squirmed
under his touch.

He seemed to take that as encouragement, though, because he
then took her nipple into his mouth to suck gently on it. Need coursed through
her until it filled her and made her impatient. Before she realized what she
was doing, she scored his shoulder with her nails. She didn’t break the skin
but the action was hard enough that it got his attention. He smiled against her
skin as he cradled her other breast in his palm. “You have beautiful breasts.”
He rolled her other nipple between his thumb and finger. “Responsive too.”

“Jacob…” The man was cruel, teasing her this way. Why was he
torturing her?

“Hmm?” The gentle vibrations of the word tickled as he moved
down to her rib cage.

She was frustrated with him, but the feel of his tongue
exploring the sensitive skin just below her bellybutton made it hard for her to
focus on why. And him sliding her silk panties over her thighs chased away any
remaining thoughts she had.

Her heart racing, she ran her fingers through his hair so
she had something to hold as he kissed her inner thigh. She needed him
desperately but he didn’t seem to notice her impatience as he began the slow
trip back up to her mouth.

She wasted no time when he finally leaned against her again.
Unbuttoning his jeans, she pushed them and his boxers out of her way before
returning to his embrace. She relished the feel of his skin on hers as he held
her tightly against his body. But as his mouth captured hers and his fingertips
explored the contours of her breasts, she needed more. It was her turn to

She wrapped her hand around his erection and stroked him
slowly. His cock was hard but his skin was satiny-soft against her palm. She
enjoyed the contrast immensely as she caressed him. He appeared to enjoy it as
well as he moaned and then he dropped his forehead to her shoulder. His breath
tickled her as it flowed over her skin and made her shiver with anticipation.
“And you have a wonderful cock. It’s very responsive as well,” she teased. When
she ran her thumb over the head of his penis, he nipped her neck in what she
could only guess was impatience.

“I need to be in you,” he said.

It was nice to know they were finally on the same page.
“Please.” She wasn’t going to deny him. Not when she ached for him.

He grabbed a condom out of his pocket, tore the package open
and sheathed himself. Then strong arms lifted her and supported her weight as
she wrapped her legs around his waist. She leaned back against the door and
then he thrust into her. The sensation of his body rubbing against hers made
her gasp.

Surrendering to her desire, she savored every detail—the
warmth of his kisses, the cold wood at her back, the pressure of his fingertips
on her thighs—until all thought ceased and she could only feel. Waves of
pleasure raced through her that were so intense they bordered on pain. She
embraced the sensations though. And she cried out when the world crashed around

He thrust into her several more times before he too
climaxed, his fingers digging into her thighs as he groaned and pulled her
closer to him. He held her against his body for a moment longer as he struggled
to catch his breath and then slowly put her down, her body sliding languidly
down his until her feet touched the cold, wooden floor.

As she leaned against the door, he kissed her deeply one
last time before stepping away from her. “That’s not what I’d planned.”

Her heart stopped at the words. For one second she stood in
silence as he disposed of the condom and pulled up his boxers, wondering what
she should say. “Me neither. But I’m not sorry it happened.”

His gaze flew up to meet hers and his face appeared several
shades paler than before. “Oh God, that’s not what I meant. I just didn’t want
you to think I thought you were the kind of woman who…”

Her tension melted with his bumbling sentiment until she
couldn’t hold back a small laugh. “And what if I am? What if I wanted to be
that kind of woman? Just for tonight? Would you have a problem with it?” She
stepped away from the door seductively as she spoke. She kept her body
enticingly close to his but didn’t touch him.

She didn’t have to wait long for an answer. As soon as he’d
fastened his jeans, he wrapped an arm around her back and the other beneath her
knees, sweeping her up in a fluid motion. Cradling her body next to his chest,
he started walking through her apartment.

“Where are we going?”

“I was thinking your bedroom but I’m open to suggestions.”
His footsteps echoed softly on the hardwood floors.

Closing her eyes, she snuggled into him. “My bedroom would
be good.”

She heard the door to the room open and felt the cool, crisp
linen sheets under her skin as he laid her on the bed.

“Hmm…” She opened her eyes and grabbed his waist to pull him
down on top of her, loving the feel of his weight and the warmth of his body.
“What now, Agent Phinney?”

“Did you have something specific in mind?”

She thought of the bust and smiled. “Did you bring the

“I didn’t, but I’m sure we can come up with something.”

She laughed huskily as he nuzzled her neck.

“I don’t suppose you have any silk scarves, do you?” he

“Top drawer of my dresser.” Her heart raced with the
admission. Was she really going to let him restrain her? She never allowed it
before but she had to admit, it did sound interesting.

He kissed her briefly before he pulled away from her. “Then
I’ll be right back.” He left and then returned with two of her scarves. “Put
your hands up.”

This was it, the moment of truth. She shimmied a little as
she adjusted herself on the bed but then wrapped her hands around the slats of
her headboard. “I’m innocent, officer. I swear. I’m a good girl.” If she was
going to do this, she was going to sell the role. In for a penny, in for a
pound as far as she was concerned.

He chuckled. “I’ve heard that one before.”

She batted her eyelashes at him. “Really. You can search me
if you like.”

“I have to secure you first.” He straddled her waist so he
could lean over to tie her wrists to the headboard.

When he sat back, she pulled against the scarves to test
their hold. “I’m secured.” She hadn’t realized how vulnerable and exposed she’d
feel stretched out in front of him until she was in that position, especially
since he was still partially dressed and she was completely naked and on
display. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, just more of an unexpected one.
Knowing she was at his mercy added an intensity to the moment that hadn’t been
there before.

“I should make sure you’re not hiding any contraband.”

He started off with a pat down. His palms swept over her
breasts and to her rib cage. The rough touch of his calluses made her arch her
back in an attempt to get closer to him. But by the time he reached her hips,
he seemed to have forgotten the role he played. His touch had changed to
sweeping caresses and teasing whispers of seduction.

“Jacob…” His name was a plea.

“Yes, Izzy?” He leaned over to caress her nipple with his
tongue. It was the first time since he’d tied her to the headboard that he’d
touched her with anything other than his hands. The sensation was so intense it
caused her to break out in goose bumps and her pussy to heat with a fresh wave
of desire.

“I can’t…” She panted as she pulled against the scarves.
“It’s too intense.”

His wicked smile made her stomach cramp with expectation.
“But I haven’t even started yet,” he said as he scooted down her body. He bent
over to lick her navel before he positioned himself between her thighs. “I’ve
been dying to taste you for weeks now.”

As he ran his tongue over her sex her whole body trembled.
“You’re going to kill me.”

He chuckled and then circled her clit with his tongue. “I
highly doubt that.” He slid a finger into her channel and then sucked on her
clit gently. Under normal circumstances she had no problems getting turned-on.
She embraced her sexuality. But these weren’t normal circumstances, they were
extreme, and they made her desire extreme as well.

“Oh God,” she cried as she pulled against the scarves again.
She bucked under him as her body tensed with need.

He pushed a second finger into her and the stretching
sensation was more than she could handle. Her release slammed into her with
enough force to make her call out his name as she shook under him.

He continued to stroke and lick her until she came down from
the emotional high but then he moved off the bed. At first she was going to
complain but then she heard the telltale crinkle of a condom packet. When he
joined her back on the bed, he’d undressed and was wearing the protection.

With her hands still secured to the headboard, all she could
do was stare at his lean body. That wasn’t nearly enough though. She’d just
climaxed but already she wanted more. She wanted to touch him, kiss him and
feel his body inside hers. Before she could voice the desire, though, he
stretched out over her and then leaned down to deliver a hungry kiss.

She moaned against his lips but wasn’t about to complain
about his method of keeping her silent—or his position. Now that he was above
her, she could wrap her legs around his hips and rub her pussy against him. She
wasn’t surprised to find that she was already wet with new arousal. She needed
him desperately. “Now?” The single word was shaky and wanton as it left her

He smiled down at her as he positioned himself. And then,
with one swift movement, he entered her. “Now.”

He took her with passion. Each thrust went deeper than the
last until he filled her completely. Her heart raced and her muscles tensed in
anticipation of her next climax. She was so close that her entire body was
shaking. Just as his thrusts became erratic and he called out her name in
release, she crested and cried out at the burst of euphoria that filled her. It
was difficult not being able to wrap her arms around him and bring him closer
to her, but she refused to let that diminish any of the contentment surging
within her.

“That was amazing,” Jacob said as he nuzzled her neck.

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