Heaven's Queen

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Authors: Rachel Bach

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Heaven's Queen
Paradox [3]
Rachel Bach
Orbit (2014)

From the moment she took a job on Captain Caldswell's doomed ship, Devi Morris' life has been one disaster after another: government conspiracies, two alien races out for her blood, an incurable virus that's eating her alive.

Now, with the captain missing and everyone -- even her own government -- determined to hunt her down, things are going from bad to impossible. The sensible plan would be to hide and wait for things to blow over, but Devi's never been one to shy from a fight, and she's getting mighty sick of running.

It's time to put this crisis on her terms and do what she knows is right. But with all human life hanging on her actions, the price of taking a stand might be more than she can pay.


“You can’t tell me what I can and can’t forgive,” I snapped. “It’s my forgiveness. And anyway, it’s thanks to you that I have a rest of my life to be worried about, so you’ll just have to put up with me not hating you.”

Rupert stared at me for a long moment, and then he bowed his head, leaning down until his forehead rested against mine. “How are you like this?” he whispered. “How can you just let this go?”

Other than our foreheads and our hands, Rupert and I weren’t actually touching, but it didn’t seem to matter. I could feel his warmth across the few inches that separated us, and my whole body was twitching with the sudden urge to wrap myself around him. But then, Rupert was always like this for me. The nearness of him was so overwhelming I hadn’t even noticed that he’d trapped me against the sink until I felt the cold metal lip pressing into my lower back. Worse, I couldn’t seem to make myself care. All the smart, careful plans I’d made to keep my head on straight and not let myself get burned by him again seemed suddenly pointless. And as his fingers tightened around mine, filling my body with the memory of just how good those fingers could feel, I began to wonder, why was I holding back again?

But just as I pushed up on my toes to bring my lips to his, Rupert’s head shot up.

I jumped in surprise, knocking my back painfully against the sink. “What?”

Rupert put a finger to his lips, looking pointedly toward the living room. I nodded, holding my breath as I listened, but I didn’t hear anything except the constant rustle of the soypen outside. I was about to push out of his arms and go investigate for myself when I caught the soft but very familiar hiss of a stabilizer. A Paradoxian armor stabilizer, shifting a large amount of weight.

That was all the warning I got before the back door of the house exploded.



Fortune’s Pawn

Honour’s Knight

Heaven’s Queen


The Legend of Eli Monpress

The Spirit Thief

The Spirit Rebellion

The Spirit Eater

The Spirit War

Spirit’s End

Spirit’s Oath (ebook)

The Legend of Eli Monpress (omnibus edition)

The Revenge of Eli Monpress (omnibus edition)


Published by Orbit

ISBN: 9781405525251

All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Rachel Aaron

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.


Little, Brown Book Group

100 Victoria Embankment

London, EC4Y 0DY



Table of Contents

By Rachel Bach




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14



For my readers, the wonderful people whose support allows me to work the best job in the world. All my books are for you, but this one especially. Thank you.


ommander Brian Caldswell, head of the little-known and terribly named Joint Investigatory Spatial Anomaly Task Force, stood on the bridge of the Republic battle cruiser he’d requisitioned from fleet command an hour ago, staring through the huge observation window at the void beyond, a void that should have been a thriving planet of sixteen billion people, and wondering how everything could have gone so wrong so quickly.

Seven years now they’d been fighting the phantoms. Seven years of working constantly, of never seeing his wife, of missing his daughter grow up. But in those seven years, they’d never failed. They’d never missed an alarm or arrived too late to save whatever colony planet the phantoms had chosen to nest on. Even these last eighteen months, when the phantom attacks had grown so frequent it didn’t seem possible to catch them all in time, Caldswell’s team had always pulled it off. Always, that was, until yesterday.

“It’s pointless to feel guilty.”

Caldswell kept himself from jumping just in time, sliding his eyes over to look at his partner. John Brenton was right beside him, his arm almost brushing Caldswell’s shoulder, and Caldswell hadn’t heard a thing.
Damn creepy symbiont
, he thought with an angry breath. Dr. Strauss wanted to put one of those things in him, too, but that wasn’t happening. Caldswell had spent the first fifteen years of his career running slave-freeing missions against those damn lizards—like hell was he going to let the doctor shove one into his brain.

“Even if we’d left the second the gravity alarms went off, the planet would still have been completely destabilized by the time we’d finished the jump,” Brenton went on, staring down at the small knot of refugee ships that huddled in the battleship’s shadow, the ten thousand people who were all that remained of the Republic core world of Svenya. “The only thing we can do now is make sure it never happens again.”

“And how do you suggest we do that?” Caldswell said quietly, glancing over his shoulder.

Behind him, Maat lay on the floor, curled up in a ball under Brenton’s coat. Dr. Strauss, the universally renowned plasmex doctor who’d been assigned as Maat’s caretaker, was on his knees beside her. He was talking to her in a soft voice, trying to cajole her into getting up, but Maat didn’t even seem to hear him. She just lay there, her dark eyes glassy and empty but still afraid. The sight made Caldswell want to pull his hair out, because it meant they were probably going to have to drug her again.

As a powerful plasmex user rescued from the pits of a xith’cal lab, Maat had always been unstable, but they’d never had to drug her until this year. With the added workload from the increase in phantom attacks, though, her fits were rapidly getting out of control. They’d had to drug her nearly unconscious just two days ago, and Caldswell never would have ordered it again so soon, but the moment they’d arrived at Svenya she’d gone into hysterics, nearly killing their entire crew before Brenton managed to get her with the syringe.

She’d screamed herself into unconsciousness, babbling about a god, a monster that spanned the sky. At the time, Caldswell had dismissed it as more of Maat’s raving, but that was before he’d heard the phantom they’d come here to hunt had reduced an earth-class planet to rubble in less than a galactic standard day. Now he wasn’t so sure she was wrong.

“She’s strong,” Brenton said earnestly. “She’ll snap herself out of this.”

“And what if she can’t?” Caldswell asked. “What if this thing really is as huge as she claims? Our biggest phantom was, what, fifty feet?”

“Forty-five,” Brenton said. “But she handled it.”

“And she went to pieces at the sight of this one,” Caldswell said, nodding like Brenton had just made his point for him. “Did you see the ships it destroyed? Huge freighters crushed like tin cans. Damn thing must be miles long, and it’s
out there.”

With Maat out of commission, Caldswell had been forced to track the phantom by sending scout ships to fly until they hit the phantom’s aura and blacked out. As spotting methods went, it was only slightly less dangerous than randomly shooting the cannons until they scored a hit, but Caldswell had to know if the thing moved. Svenya had been the largest colony in this system by far, but the other planets still had populations in the millions. If the monster made a move toward one of them, Caldswell needed to know. Not that he knew what he’d do if that happened. “Maybe we should try nuking it again?”

Brenton scoffed. “The nukes don’t work on the little ones. A phantom this size wouldn’t even feel it.” He shook his head. “Maat’s power is the only thing that can touch them.”

“You tell me, then,” Caldswell snapped. “There’s a monster out there capable of destroying a planet in a day that we can’t see, can’t track, and can’t shoot. Just seeing it was enough to scare our only viable weapon into a coma, and I’m supposed to be sending a message to fleet command right now to report that we’ve got this under control. So you tell me, John, what do we do?”

“Tell the truth,” Brenton said. “Tell them we don’t have it under control because something like this
be controlled. Our best bet is to evacuate all the remaining colonies and close off the system. It’s never been proven that phantoms can travel faster than light. If we give it enough space, we might never see it again in our lifetime.”

“There’s also no proof that they
travel faster than light,” Caldswell replied. “Seven years and we still don’t know jack shit about how they move. We don’t even know if this monster is the only one of its kind. The phantom population has been increasing exponentially all year, and we can’t even say why or where they’re coming from. For all we know, this is the new normal.”

The end of humanity
, Caldswell thought with a cold clench. He’d always thought the xith’cal were the worst threat to mankind, but the lizards were nothing on this enemy, the monster they couldn’t see coming. “We have to do something,” he said, turning back to the empty window. “Find some way to wall it in or—”

He cut off as a deep groan rattled through the ship. The noise was more pressure than sound, squeezing his mind in a way Caldswell recognized too well. It was the phantom’s scream, but he’d never heard one this deep or this huge. The ship lights flickered in answer before Maat’s power neutralized the phantom’s aura, and Caldswell let out a long breath.

“It’s getting closer,” he said as the scream faded, looking back at Maat and her doctor. “Ben! How soon can you wake her up?”

Dr. Strauss looked up at his name and began to shake his head wildly, sending his wispy white-blond hair flying around his paper-pale face. “It would be unwise in the extreme to disrupt her harmony. Her mind is still in trauma from being put under and from whatever she saw. If you bring her up now, the risk of a full-scale psychotic breakdown increases exponentially.”

The lights flickered again as he spoke. This time, though, only the low-energy emergency runners came back on, and Caldswell swore under his breath. “Do it,” he ordered. “We’ll deal with the consequences later.”

“We don’t even know if she’ll be able to do anything,” Brenton said, grabbing Caldswell’s arm. “Are you really willing to risk damaging her? Our only weapon?”

“If that thing catches us while she’s asleep, we’re all dead for sure,” Caldswell said, plopping himself into the gunnery control seat. Phantoms couldn’t be killed by physical objects or energy attacks, but they didn’t like them. If he could land a big enough hit, maybe he could buy them some—

The battleship lurched beneath him as something crashed into the port side. Something enormous. Even at low power, the thrusters righted them immediately, but Caldswell had had enough.

“Wake her up!” he shouted, punching the button to authorize live fire on all guns. Before he could shoot, though, a new scream ripped through the bridge, sending a stab of pain right through his head. His first thought was that another phantom had joined the attack, a much smaller one, but then he saw Maat lurch to her feet, her mouth open as she screamed again.

“They’re coming!”

As always, Brenton got to her first. “Easy,” he whispered, pulling her into his arms. “Who’s coming?”

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