Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) (15 page)

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Once up in the office, Heinous Bitch is waiting for me. She has a handsome man in a suit standing next to her, and I realize he’s the new lawyer they hired as a potential partner.

He smiles at me when I walk up, and I feel my entire body warm with lust. He’s at least six-four and towers above me. He has sandy blonde hair that’s playing with the top of his head. He looks like he walked off the cover of
magazine. Two large dimples are on each of his cheeks, and his smile is so white that it almost blinds me. Heinous Bitch obviously has already staked her claim on him, because she steps between us. I’ve never thought about visiting the copy room for a midafternoon rendezvous, until now.

“Breeanna, this is our new associate, Dane Butcher. I need you to show him around today. I’m far too busy. I want you to show him that Sullivan case I’ve had you preparing. It’s important to the firm. With Dane being an up and coming lawyer, we could use a fresh pair of eyes on this case. Do you think that you can keep it professional?”

“Of course, Georgette, I’ve learned that I need to lead by example, not by the example I’m given. My name is Breeanne by the way.” I extend a hand to Dane, which he shakes a little longer than Georgette likes.

“Like it matters. You’re not important around here. I, on the other hand, keep this office going.”

More like coming, and coming, and coming.
I think to myself. Man I wish I could give Henious Bitch a piece of my mind. The shit I know about this woman would definitely get her fired. I raise my eyebrow at her instead and keep my mouth shut.

Dane smiles at her. Poor guy. I wonder how long it will be before she gets him into the copy room alone. “Thank you so much for getting me this far, Georgette; I’m sure Breeanne can take it from here.”

I walk Dane down to where all the briefs are kept and pull out the Sullivan files, laying them on the table.

“Looks like you two don’t get along very well,” Dane comments, once we get situated.

I’m a little ashamed of my behavior. Georgette always gets to me. I hate that she pretty much holds my job in the palm of her perfectly manicured hand. The fact Dane picked up on it really makes me feel sheepish. I should strive to be more professional when in front of mixed company.

“Sorry, she and I don’t exactly see eye to eye. I’m not too fond of how she has climbed the corporate ladder.”

“Ah, she is
kind of woman. That’s a pity. She actually looks like she has a good head on her shoulders.”

I laugh. “I’m sure she does, although, I’m not sure how often she uses it. She’s in the copy room a lot. I think it’s her favorite place.” I think it’s important that my new boss knows exactly what he’s getting himself into. I’m not going to open up my black book of secrets, but I can at least hint at her indiscretions without being too much of a snitch.

“Avoid the copy room, got it.” He grins.

Wow, I can’t believe how sexy that smile of his is. I push the attraction I’m feeling for him to the back of my mind. I’m not ready for a new relationship, and besides, he’s going to be my new boss.

I spend the next hour and a half explaining the Sullivan case to Dane. Georgette was right. A fresh pair of eyes was needed for the case. He found a loophole in the file none of the other partners saw. I’m pretty sure this young lawyer is going to go far in the business. Besides being utterly good-looking, he’s also dynamic and has a way with words.

“Are you hungry?” he asks me.

“Yeah, I’m starving.”

“How about we go get some lunch? Right now you’re my best friend here. My treat.”

“Sounds great.”

We end up going to the Italian restaurant across the street. The moment we sit down, I start to feel a little uncomfortable, this sort of feels like a date, and I’m definitely not ready for one of those. I’m still looking for all the broken pieces Travis left me with after our breakup.

“Can I order for you?” He asks staring deeply into my eyes. How could I not notice his eyes before? They are like this gorgeous brown that are so light, they practically look yellow.

“Um, okay.” The waitress appears; Dane orders me exactly what I would’ve ordered for myself: a chicken Caesar salad and lemon water. He orders himself a plate of lasagna and a glass of water, as well.

“How did you know what I would want?”

“Call it a gift. I can read people pretty well. It’s part of the reason I’m so good at my job. I can tell who’s lying on the stand and who’s not.”

“That’s a pretty great gift to have as a lawyer.”

“Tell me about it. Did anyone ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes, Bree? Can I call you Bree? Your boyfriend must be a very lucky man.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend.” As if on cue, Heinous Bitch picks that exact moment to walk through the door, toting her new prey—fucking Travis. She smirks at me over his shoulder and gives me a condescending look. Travis has his arm wrapped firmly around her waist until his eyes meet mine, and his arm immediately drops. I have to fight the tears threatening my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Dane asks me as a tear drops down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and sigh.

“Georgette’s new prey is my ex-boyfriend. We only broke up a month ago.”

Dane looks over his shoulder and sees Travis glaring at the two of us.

“Well, it’s obvious he’s not over you. Here, let’s give him a show.”

“Excuse me?”

Dane takes my hand and holds it over the table. It feels so weird. I know it doesn’t mean anything, but I feel absolutely nothing when he touches me, which is totally not what I expected.

“I live with a guy!” I blurt out.

Dane looks at me in confusion.

“That’s why Travis broke up with me. He found out that my roommate’s a dude and freaked out.” I try to drop Dane’s hand, but he just smiles.

“I’m gay,” he says still grinning. “I’m pretty sure the guy I live with, trumps the one that lives with you.”

I look at him strangely. I cover my mouth with my free hand and gasp. “Oh my god, I assumed that you were hitting on me when you said I had beautiful eyes. I am so stupid.”

He laughs, “I’m gay, but I also know a pretty girl when I see one. My partner Brutus thinks I’m bi-sexual. I could be, but I don’t really think so. I like dick way too much.”

Now I’m blushing and laughing.

“Don’t look now, but I think your ex-boyfriend is on his way over here.” Dane doesn’t drop my hand. Instead, he locks eyes with me like we’re in love or something. I should’ve known from the pink on his suit that he was gay. I’m not sure why I didn’t pick up on it when we were going over the Sullivan brief.

“Bree, can I talk to you for a minute?” Travis asks, eyeing the hand hold Dane and I have going on.

“Um sure, if you would please excuse me, Dane. I’ll be right back.” I excuse myself from the table and follow Travis outside. Georgette looks pissed, but at this point, I really don’t care.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Travis yells, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side of the building.

“What are you talking about? I’m having lunch with a colleague.”

Travis rolls his eyes. “You know exactly what I mean. We’re supposed to be on a break, Bree. That doesn’t mean that you can go out with every fucking douchebag in your office.”

“Look who’s talking, Travis. You showed up here with Georgette of all people. She’s the one person I can’t stand, and you know it.”

“That’s different!” He shouts.

“Why is that different?”

“Because I’m only out with her to make you jealous! I saw you walk out with that hunk of a lawyer. Georgette said you two were dating, and I fucking panicked. Then I get here and he’s holding your hand. I’m sorry, but seeing that almost broke me in two.”

“He’s gay, Travis. The only reason he was even holding my hand was because I was on the verge of tears after seeing you walk in with her. I don’t even know why you care. You broke up with me, remember?”

“I didn’t break up with you. I asked for a break.”

“That’s the same thing,” I mumble.

“Breezy, I don’t like seeing you out with other men. It doesn’t feel right. I love you.” He cups my face and leans in like he’s going to kiss me.

“No, Travis, you can’t kiss me. I’m not going to let that happen. Want to talk about broken? How about how you turned out to be just like every other man I’ve ever dated? Or the fact you broke up with me because you can’t handle that my best friend and roommate is a guy. If it wasn’t for Max going out of his way to make me feel better, I’d still be an emotional mess over our break up.”

“We didn’t break up! I asked for a little time to sort out my head. It’s been a month. I know what I want now, and what I want is you. Move in with me, Bree. Move out of your place with Max and into my apartment.”

“Do you really think that I would move in with you after the way you left me? Travis, I’m not ready to get back together yet, let alone, move in together. You wanted time. You got it. Now I want my time. Maybe in a couple months I’ll be more inclined to accept this apology of yours, or whatever you call it, but right now I can’t even look at you. Using Georgette to make me jealous was stupid—really fucking stupid.”

With that, I turn on my heels and march back inside. He doesn’t follow me. Instead, he ends up ditching Georgette completely and leaving her alone in the restaurant to eat by herself.

“Is everything okay?” Dane asks when I take a seat. Our food is there, and I robotically start eating.

“He said he only brought her here to make me jealous. He made me mad, and then had the audacity to ask me to get back together with him and move into his apartment. He doesn’t want me living with my best friend.”

“Why not?”

“Because my best friend looks like this.” I pull out my phone and show him a picture of Max. It’s a picture of him working out with his shirt off.

Dane whistles loudly. “Fuck, he’s good-looking. No wonder your boyfriend freaked out.”

“I’ve never done anything with Max before. No kissing. We haven’t messed around—nothing. We’re just friends. Well, except this stupid bet thing we got going on right now.”


“Yeah, I got drunk and challenged Max. I told him that I could go longer without, well you know
and we can’t even talk about

“How’s that working out for you?” Dane asks laughing.

“It’s fucking torture. Max has started this game of innuendos with me. Now every time he gets a chance, he’s talking about
, but not, if you know what I mean?” My mouth moves faster than my mind.  I’m opening up to a complete stranger—one that is going to be my boss soon. This is so unlike me. Dane is incredibly easy to talk to. The fact that he’s easy on the eyes helps out as well.

“This sounds like so much fun.”

“It’s horrible. I totally suck at the game. Max is incredibly good at it. He almost made me slip up, and all he was talking about was a damn cardboard box.

“A cardboard box?” Dane giggles.

“Yeah, it’s stupid. I have to figure out a way to get him back, but I can’t even pick up on the sexual innuendos when he’s dishing them out. Granted, I was totally hung over when he started them, but still.”

Dane smiles. “Well, it seems like you need a new game plan, Beautiful. How about we throw some ideas out over this magnificent meal? Brutus says I always have my mind in the gutter.”

“Okay, at this point I’ll take all the help I can get.”

After the hour lunch was over, Dane helped me think of quite a few things I can use to my advantage when it comes to Max and the bet. I’m going to win this damn bet. If takes a little bit of cheating to do it, then so help me, I’m going to cheat my little heart out.




























Chapter Sixteen




I’m so going to win this bet! Sure, sex is on my brain 25/8. Yes, I do know how many hours and days in a week there are, but I spend one extra invisible hour and one non-existent day, thinking, talking, dreaming, and participating in sex. It’s possible, trust me. I’m just that good.

I’ve dubbed this bet
Operation: Make Breezy Horny
. It should be easy. It’s been at least a month since that Travis guy broke up with her. The only reason that I’m standing in the kitchen naked, is so that when Breezy gets home, she immediately thinks about my dick. Women love my body. Breezy says she’s immune, but I know the minute she sees me in all my awesome nakedness, one of three things will happen: she’ll get horny, get embarrassed, or laugh at me. It’s a foolproof plan that I’m more than happy to go through with—even if standing this close to a hot stove puts my junk in danger.

At five on the dot, the door opens. Breezy is humming some song to herself. I’ve been the best roommate today. Not only is the house one hundred percent clean, but I’ve also made Breezy a magnificent meal that is sure to drop her panties. The house smells like an Italian Bistro. Taking my grandma’s recipe for authentic spaghetti, I’ve spent half the afternoon slaving over the stove.

“Mmmm, smells divine,” Breezy murmurs, throwing her purse on the couch.

From this angle she can’t see my lack of clothing. For all she knows, I’m in sweat pants right now. I’m trying not to smile, which is incredibly difficult, seeing as I’m two seconds away from laughing my ass off as she makes her way into the kitchen. She smiles at me, which I return evilly. Any second now—one . . . two . . . three . . .

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