Insatiable (23 page)

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Authors: Ursula Dukes

BOOK: Insatiable
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"I only came thinking that I was going to be able to hide out for a while. You don’t know me Martin."

"I'll know you when you're ready for me to know you." He let go of one of her hands and brushed a finger over the now faded bruise on her jawline. He could feel her go very still, she watched as he traced his finger to the marks above and below her eye. "I want to know everything about you Rosie, but not until you're ready."

"Why Martin?"

He had such a soft twinkle in his eye that it stirred her heart. "Because you are so soft and gentle. You ask me about my day each and every time that I call."

Rosie blushed. Never had she met a man who was so attentive and patient. She supposed it had to do with the fact that his sister had been a victim of domestic violence and had lost her life to it. She liked getting to know someone like Martin, she'd never been more grateful to the man upstairs for sending Martin her way. It's my time now; she thought to herself and smiled. It's my time.

It was the middle of the night and the wind had picked up. Liam could hear the waves crashing violently against the surf. He'd woken up on his own and now he couldn’t take his eyes of Aurora. She was sleeping soundly but when he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, her skin felt as if it were on fire. She was burning up with fever. He tried gently coaxing her awake, but her eyes fluttered and it looked as if she were in the middle of a dream.

She was dreaming about Randy, his body was swinging from the rafters of her home and there was blood dripping down his neck. It had formed a large pool underneath him and bloody hands balled up into fists forced their way out of the puddle. She tried to run but found herself restrained. When the fists slithered across the floor and made their way towards her she broke out in bitter, shrieking sobs. Liam held her as she wept; he knew that when a strong woman like Aurora wept like that, it was coming from a very deep and dark place. He had to shake her awake; the nightmare must have been horrible. Sweat poured down her face and she felt incredibly dizzy.

"Baby wake up it's me. You had a nightmare and you're burning up with fever."

It took her a minute to register where she was. Her head was pounding and she was so thirsty. "Can you please get me a glass of water?"

"I'll be right back," he said and rushed out of the room. He came back a minute later with four water bottles and a bottle of Tylenol. After downing the capsules with the water she rested her head against his chest.

"Baby, you okay?"

She nodded her head, it was still throbbing, but being next to Liam and knowing that he was alright was making her feel better.

"How long was I out?" Her eyes were groggy and her throat was dry. She took another sip of water before settling back down against him.

"We both slept all day. We needed it, especially you. And now you're sick, I'm sorry Aurora."

"It's not your fault Liam, I was just overtired and I caught a bug that's all," she grinned.

"Enough about me how are you? Do you want to talk about what happened?"

Liam ran a hand through his hair. "I'm not sure where to begin. I mean one minute I was talking to you on the phone, and the next I'm diving on the ground looking for cover. There was so much going on; I mean it was total chaos. The noise and people were running, and screaming.  I saw the guy Aurora," he said and anxiously ran his fingers through his hair.

"I saw him and the look in his eyes showed no remorse. The guy was on a mission and there was no way anyone was going to stop him. All I could think of was how many people had he gunned down to get that far into the airport. Then when things quieted down a bit and I couldn’t find Gary, I just figured that he had somehow escaped and was safe. God Aurora, I didn’t know what to do," he said and held her close. 

"There was so much glass and debris in the restaurant and I was on the ground searching for my phone when the police came in and told everyone to get behind the bar area and to stay down. Once they cleared the airport and found the suspect dead, we were led out of the restaurant into different parts of the airport.

They called them command posts, every single one of us was questioned by either an FBI agent or detective or some other kind of government agent and then depending on what kind of information you gave them, you were allowed to leave. And when I asked, they wouldn’t tell me anything about Gary. Before they escorted me out of the airport, they told me that it would be in my best interest not to talk to the media and that if I couldn’t find a way to get home that they would drop me at the bus station.

A fucking bus station, can you believe that? Anyway, I was allowed to use the phone but there was a long line; it looked like I wasn’t the only one who had dropped everything to take cover. I told them that I could find my own way home. I thought about heading to JFK to take another flight, but to be honest I was a bit leery about doing that, and I had no idea of what the situation
over there anyway. So I found the business card of the driver who'd picked us up from the airport, gave him a call and offered him a large amount of money to drive me back to Newport."

Liam then realized that she still didn’t know that Gary was home safe. 

"Oh and while you were sleeping I got in touch with Gary. He made it home safe and sound. When the shooting happened he, along with several other patrons took cover in one of the restrooms. And like me, was taken to a different command post. We got lost in the shuffle so to speak. But I'm glad that he's okay." 

"Oh thank god. I got in touch with Melissa shortly after I lost contact with you. She didn’t even know what was going on but she told me that she would let me know the minute she heard anything. As the day went on and I didn’t hear from her, I grew even more panicky." 

Liam gave her a funny look. 


"It's nothing, it's just that when I talked to Gary earlier he said that he called Melissa and asked her to get in touch with you. He knew that you'd be worried and he wanted her to let you know that he was going to do everything he could to find me." 

"I got no such call from Melissa Liam, but I don’t care about her. All I care about is that you're back home and that you're safe. I was worried sick, literally," she smirked. Her fever was going down and her head had stopped throbbing. 

"I didn’t think you'd be worried," he said, his expression grim. 

"Why wouldn’t I be?" 

"I'm not sure how you feel about me Aurora."' 

She pulled herself up and straddled him. "I want you Liam Hunt. I wasn’t so sure that I could say that before, but I am positive that I can say it now. I want you, all of you. And I'm willing to give myself to you, open up to you and tell you anything that you want to know. I want you in my life for a very long time," she said and leaned forward to kiss him. 



The rain fell hard and vicious against his windowpane and he lay smiling in his bed. He couldn’t help but relive every second of his last kill. Each thought brought on an exhilarating thrill. He felt as if he were someone else when he was killing. His vision was so clear,  and vivid, there were no unsteady nerves. He felt like a fierce animal, one in which killing was nothing more than second nature. He really didn’t know that he would like it so much.

Poor Ken and Ronnie. But they'd been mean to their bitches and their bitches had been taken in by another bitch, Aurora Collins. So that meant that they had to go. He wondered how she reacted to the surprise that he'd left in her mailbox. Would she run screaming for the hills or would she put on her false bravado and pretend like nothing was out of the ordinary. The newspaper said that they had no suspects as of yet, but that the State Police had been called in to help with the investigation. He covered his mouth with his hands to stop from giggling. 
All this publicity because of little old me? Someone who's


told him that he'd never amount to anything.

If they could see me now
, he thought to himself. 

He couldn’t wait for the next time. Of course there would be a next time; Landon Conde was still alive and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on him. And once he was finished with Landon, he would do a woman. But not just any woman, he'd do Aurora Collins. Since it looked like incriminating her wasn’t going to work, he'd come up with a better plan. One that far outdid the previous one. 
Maybe I'll take her out to the woods, and cut her into tiny little pieces after I've had my way with her
. Just thinking about it made his cock hard. He'd hog tie her like the pig that she is, she'd no doubt resist and put up a fight, but that was okay because he liked a woman with fight. He would have to plan these next two murders to a tee. He'd had enough practice. 
Hell; maybe I'll combine the two and kill 'em
both at the same time.
 He thought dreamily. 


"You must be starving," she said and struggled to get out of bed. Her feet felt like lead and all of a sudden she felt light headed again. "Missing you has quite the effect on me." 

"Here let me," he said and hopped out of bed. I'll go make us something to eat. You just relax Aurora; let me take care of you." 

"If you just give me a minute I'm sure that…" 

He silenced her with his mouth. "I said relax." 

"Fine," she said and plopped back against the pillows. 

"That a girl. Be back in a few." 

Before Liam stepped onto the staircase, Aurora swung her legs over the bed. She wiggled her toes for a bit and shook the cobwebs out of her head. She needed a long, hot shower and if she could just make it to the bathroom, life would be good. A few minutes later she'd managed to make it. She thought about telling Liam that she was taking a shower but shouting the words out to him seemed like it would require too much energy, energy that she did not have.

After taking a quick look in the mirror and frowning, she stripped off her clothes and got into the shower. Twenty minutes later, Liam headed up the stairs holding a tray with two steaming bowls of soup. He thought the soup would help Aurora feel better, plus it was the only thing he had left in the house. When he opened the bedroom door and saw that she was in the shower, he set the tray down and gently tapped on the door. When she didn’t answer he slowly opened it. A light cloud of steam swirled from the bathroom into the bedroom. There were four vanilla scented candles lined up along the vanity and he lit them one at a time. With one hand he closed the door and with the other he reached into the waist band of his sweat pants and shrugged them off. 

"Hey," he said as he moved the shower curtain back and climbed in beside her. Her heart leaped, but she quickly recovered when she saw that it was Liam. He stood back for a moment and marveled at how voluptuous her body was. With his lips close to her ear he whispered, "Your skin is obviously wet, but what about your pussy?" 

She shivered slightly and laughed seductively. Using his knee, he forced his leg between hers and she felt the hardness of his cock against her inner thigh. He kissed her on the lips pressing his tongue further inside of her mouth. Soon their tongues were twisting and turning. He took the shower gel from her and worked it into a thick later. The scent of citrus filled the room.

When he moved to her back and began massaging it as he washed, she couldn’t help but coo with delight. He turned her around and held her close to his chest before kneeling down to kiss her soft belly. He rubbed the thick lather onto her curvaceous legs making sure to take his time when he got in between them. His hands were slow and deliberate as he began caressing her pussy, pulling her even closer. She groaned when he parted her lips with his fingers. "You're so wet." Liam let out a masculine groan while he played with her. His cock was incredibly hard and it was as if it was aiming for her. 

"Yes, put your fingers in me," she panted. His fingers moved faster at her request. Aurora then hooked her leg around him and began to grind against him. His cock was trapped, pressed against her belly. While looking into his eyes, she tugged gently on his cock and began rubbing the tip in the middle of her legs. She then took his hand and brought it down between her legs. He could feel the fullness of her lips, hot to the touch even under the water and swollen from his enticing fingers. "Do you want to taste my cunt Liam?" She said and spread her legs. Liam went down on his knees like a man begging. The hot water caressed his back as he dove into her pussy. He unleashed his shameless yearnings that he'd been holding in these past few days and licked and sucked her like he just couldn’t get enough. "Liam," she moaned and rocked and bucked her hips against his mouth. "You make me feel so good." 

She began to caress and tug at her erect nipples. "Lick my cunt Liam, yes!" 

The smell and taste and feel of her made him rock hard. He then stood up and yanked her close to him, kissing her with desperation. He quickly turned off the shower, scooped her up and made a beeline for the bed. She opened her legs wide as he pushed inside of her. With each thrust of his cock he came closer to exploding. "That's it," she said raising her legs and putting them up over his shoulders. Liam watched as his cock disappeared into her hot flesh over and over again. She was biting her lip and her eyes were closed. 

He leaned down and kissed her, sucking at her lips and tongue, and kissed her until her lips were swollen and tender. Then, like an incredible tidal wave rushing towards shore, she exploded. Hearing her call out his name sent him over the edge and he gave a low grunt while he pumped in and out of her. Catching wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. 

They lay together for a while, drained. He propped himself up against the pillows and looked at her, his eyes were bright and thoughtful. "You know I won't let anything happen to you, right?" 

Before she could respond he leaned over and claimed her mouth once again. She could no longer resist the way he made her feel. Liam Hunt was the only man whom she wanted to feed her insatiable appetite. 

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