Inseparable Strangers (9 page)

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Authors: Jill Patten

BOOK: Inseparable Strangers
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I became mute.


Chapter 9


gawked at me as if I had three heads growing out of my neck when I told her she
could take the next week off.

you feeling okay, Lennox?” Her eyes raced over me from head to toe as if she
was looking for some other kind of growth to come sprouting from my body.

yeah. Do I look sick?” I know it was out of character for me to give her time
off with zero explanation, but she didn’t have to act like I was a complete
bitch all the time.

quickly jumped in to recover her steps. “No, no, no,” she exclaimed
frantically. “I didn’t mean it that way at all. You look beautiful as usual.
I—uh—I just wasn’t expecting it.” Poor thing was a nervous Nelly. Normally, I
found pleasure in watching her squirm, but today, I wasn’t getting off on it
like I usually did.

caught the corner of my eye as he walked from the spare room to the bathroom.
My heart kick-started from zero to sixty.
Oh shit!
I wasn’t ready for
this. I didn’t want Zoila knowing he was still here.
Fuck a pig wearing a
I needed to avert her attention to someplace else. Grabbing her harder
than necessary, I jerked her arm and pulled her behind the wall, blocking her
view to the hallway.

She shouted massaging the thick meat of her upper arm. “What is going on with

do you mean? Nothing is going on.”

other week you texted me about some strange man in the house, but I never saw
anyone. Then you give me a week off for no reason, and now you’re jerking me
around as if you’re hiding something from me,” she said, eyeing me curiously.
“Something is going on and you don’t want me or your daddy to know about it.”

grew a set of balls and a spine right before my eyes.
Talk about growing
extra body parts…
If I hadn’t been caught off guard, I’d probably fired her
on the spot for talking down to me. Instead, I almost wanted to applaud her.

Back up a second. Did I hear her clearly? Did she just tell me she never saw
Aaron the other day?
Oh hell, I can’t even think of where he
went while I was gone. If my neighbors saw him roaming around the neighborhood,
I would have a lot of explaining to do. Or, maybe nobody saw him since I
haven’t heard anything.

put on my game face. She was reading my weak signals too well.

I told you about the guy here, I didn’t know for sure if he would be here when
you showed up or not. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you ran into
him. Next time I won’t give you a heads up, and you can die of a sudden heart
attack from the shock. And the vacation…I’m having one of my rare giving days,
so shut your mouth before I change my mind. As for me pulling you just a minute
ago,” I said, gesturing toward the hallway, “that’s just a little paranoia I’ve
got going on lately and I don’t want to talk about it so don’t ask,” I told her
sternly. Zoila curled in like a meek little mouse and just like that, her spine
and balls disintegrated as fast as they’d formed.

I was a tad harsh, but it was necessary. Her snooping into my business was the
last thing I needed on my hands. Aaron was a full-time job, and I didn’t need
someone else to worry about. Besides, she was used to my hateful antics so this
was nothing new to her.

let her know she was dismissed, I waved my hand to her and told her goodbye.
“Enjoy your time off,” I said as I walked up the stairs. When I reached the top
of the steps, I peeked over the banister to make sure she’d left. For
reassurance, I watched her back out of the driveway from the half-moon window
in the foyer.

she was out of sight, I marched downstairs to the bathroom. That crazy bastard
had a lot of explaining to do. I barged through the door, but was stopped dead
in my tracks when I found a half-naked Aaron standing in front of the mirror
brushing his teeth. His eyes widened in surprise, but I sensed a touch of worry
in them too. He spit toothpaste in the sink, then observed me from the mirror.
“Can I help you?” He asked, cramming the toothbrush back into his mouth to get
back to business.

skin was perfect. Neither a mole nor freckle marred his upper body. Not even a
Hmm…no scars. That’s interesting.
No bruises either?
me, I made sure to inspect thoroughly. For a short second, I glanced up at him.
He wasn’t looking straight at me, but I could tell he was watching me in the
mirror; waiting for me to answer. I couldn’t find my voice. It was lost in my
dreams—the dreams I had of him. The dreams where he devoured my body with lust
and love. The dreams where I saw every inch of his naked body and it looked
exactly like what was standing in front of me. A small gasp slipped from my
mouth. That familiar warm and fuzzy feeling in my lady parts started to tingle.
What the hell is going on?

making this uncomfortable. Could you please stop staring?” he said from the
mirror while he rinsed out his toothbrush. Was it easier for him to talk to me
without actually facing me? Had his balls disintegrated too? Wait, I was making
him uncomfortable?

had no clue just how uncomfortable he was making me. At least his sweatpants
weren’t poking out in the front. Thank God he couldn’t see the wetness pooling
in my panties. With a hard swallow, I pushed the dreams away and focused on the
reason I came in here to start with. “Where did you go that first week you were
here?” I asked, tapping my fingers against my cheek.

nowhere,” he replied, his eyebrows furrowed. “How could I go anywhere? It’s not
like I was in the best shape to be walking around.” He inspected his teeth
closely in the toothpaste-splattered mirror. They were quite nice to be in the
mouth of a homeless man. I wondered how long it had been since he’d seen a
dentist, or if he had ever visited one in his life. Either way, he had some
damn good genes to have enamel that tough.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Every time he asks me a question, I get so caught up in his beauty, I can’t
comprehend what he’s saying long enough to answer.

first week you were here and I had some errands to run, I texted Zoila about
you so she wouldn’t freak out when she saw a strange guy,” I explained, eyeing
him up and down, “looking like you did. Well, in the shape you were in,” I
said, trying to cover my tracks.

chewed on the inside of his cheek as if he were trying to stop from smiling. He
was onto me. My gawking was too obvious. “I don’t know what to tell you.” He
shrugged me off. “I was here. I haven’t gone anywhere. I haven’t even been
outside. You restricted me to a specific area downstairs and I’ve followed your
orders. You’ve been nice enough to take me in, care for me, and befriend me. I
wouldn’t dare take you for granted. I’m not that kind of person.”

me? Were we friends? Did he consider me a friend? Did he not realize I didn’t
do the friends thing. Had it not occurred to him I didn’t have friends? My
cranium hurt. I hate fucking headaches. Aaron was giving me a headache. Zoila
started the headache. I needed a nap. I needed to shut the brain down
temporarily. This was becoming too much. Aaron was becoming too much. He needed
to leave but I didn’t want him too.

the hell am I saying, and what is happening to my life?

of staying here, how are your ribs healing?” I wanted to test him, especially
now that I saw his bruises and scars had miraculously disappeared. Get a feel
to see if he was milking his injury. I couldn’t fathom him faking an injury as
extreme as his was, but everything had healed so quickly, or so it seemed.
Maybe he was using me. Maybe he’d grown accustomed to living in an actual home
and eating a real meal. Sleeping in a cardboard box had to suck. And who wanted
to eat at a soup kitchen? Surely not me.

twisted his torso back and forth with caution which brought my attention back
to his naked abs…and back…and pecs…and arms. He didn’t have the structure of a
body builder. His muscles were sleek and trim. Perfection at its finest.
“There’s still a little discomfort but it’s nothing like it was.” He admired
himself in the mirror as he talked. I think he was doing it purposely to get a
reaction out of me. “It looks like all the bruising has completely healed, and
that massive gash I had on my shin is a small scab now.” Funny how he was
hiding the alleged “scab” from my view.

he turned around to examine his back in the mirror, I took advantage of the
situation and drank him in. All of him. Like a 7-Eleven Big Gulp.

peered up at me through his rich, brown eyelashes. The animated smile faltered
and the corners of his mouth tugged downward. “I guess the time for me to leave
is right around the corner.”

he asking me or telling me? His carefree voice told me he didn’t want to leave
any more than I wanted him to. How would I bring up the subject of him staying?
I couldn’t just come out and ask him. That wasn’t my nature. I had to figure
out a way to keep him here without looking like I wanted it. Somehow, I was
going to have to give him a reason to stay.

my hand on his shoulder, I nonchalantly brushed my fingertips across his silken
skin. “Stop worrying about it. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Right
now we need to focus on getting your health back to one hundred percent.” I
dropped my hand when I saw him watching it in the mirror. His face was
stagnant, but his body tensed. I didn’t know whether he liked or disliked me
touching him. If I looked at his dick I would know. A guy’s cock never lies.

alluring shade of green greeted my eyes but then quickly disappeared. “You’ve
been way too kind to me. How will I ever be able to repay you,” he said with
complete sincerity. “I have nothing to offer unless you want to hire me as your
housekeeper and I worked for free,” he smiled.

shook my head. “And what am I supposed to do with Zoila?”

don’t know. Give her a long vacation or something. I would only stay long
enough to repay my debt,” he laughed, clearly making a joke of it. I honestly
thought he was being serious.

was a homeless genius. This could be my ticket to keep him around longer. I
could learn more about him. Get a better feel of who he was. Make him
comfortable enough to finally open up to me completely.

a clicking sound with my tongue, I pondered as if I was considering his offer.
But I had to play a little hard to get first. “Like I said already, you owe me
nothing, but I have a sneaky suspicion you’re the type of person that doesn’t
take no for an answer,” I said, using his exact words he’d said to me earlier.

he laughed. And what a sexy sound it was. If I didn’t know any better I would
swear he was casting a spell on me. I was breaking all my rules with him. “No,
seriously. If I’d only spent a couple of days here I wouldn’t think twice about
accepting your hospitality, but it’s now going on two weeks. C’mon, that’s
beyond wearing out my welcome. You’ve got to let me do something or I’m going
to leave here feeling like shit.”

up my hands in surrender, I reluctantly agreed. “Okay, okay. Let me think about
it then sleep on it, and I’ll have an answer for you by tomorrow.”
Lord, please let Aaron visit me in my dreams so I can confirm my decision.

nodded with a victorious smile.

get the hell out of this bathroom before I ravish that luscious body,” I said
to myself.

As I walked up to my bedroom, I sent Zoila a text and
told her her vacation was indefinite with pay until further notice.

Chapter 10


know that feeling you get when someone is watching you? Chill bumps cover your
body followed by the hair on your arms standing up as if an electric current
buzzed by, and the hairs on your legs growing half an inch? Yeah, well that’s
what I was experiencing while lying in bed sleeping. Or, at least I had been. I
wanted to peek through the slits of my eyelids, but I was worried I’d get

about the moment I mustered up enough nerve to sneak a peek, a hand touched my
shoulder. Fright pierced my heart, and I could’ve sworn it stopped beating for
five seconds. With a nimble movement, my shoulder was shaken. “Lennox, wake
up.” His voice was no more than a whisper in the dark. He shook my shoulder
again. “Lennox, we need to talk.” One more shake; this time harder, but his
voice was still soft. “Lennox, I need to talk to you. It’s important.” This was
serious. His urgent tone told me so.

sleep, I rubbed my eyes, acting like he’d woke me from a deep sleep. “Aaron? Is
that you?” I asked groggily. I scooted up on my pillow to give myself better
leverage. “Is something wrong?”
Other than freaking me the fuck out in the
middle of the night
? I looked over at my clock and saw it was two in the
morning. How long was he sitting here before I felt his presence? I swear,
sometimes he could be one creepy dude.

exhaled loudly through his nostrils. “Yes and no.” Uh oh. This didn’t sound

sounded serious. I sat up, resting my back against the headboard. This deserved
my complete attention.  Silently, I waited for him to explain his impromptu
wake up call.

earlier today when we discussed my payment for your hospitality?”

nodded, “Yes.”

dropped his head and hesitated before talking again. “Well…” He threw his head
back and blew out an exasperated breath. “God, this was a mistake,” he said,
bending his head down and running a hand through his hair.

I’m confused

up straighter in the bed, I pulled the comforter over my thin nightgown. “What
was a mistake? Me helping you? Me bringing you here? You staying here instead
of going to the hospital? I’m confused right now. You’re going to have to
explain yourself a little better.”

nervously shuffled his feet back and forth then stopped to look at me. “No,
none of those. Listen you have to hear me out and promise not to freak out or
call the cops on me. Deal?” His forehead was etched with worry lines.

if you’re worried about me calling the cops on you then we have no deal. If
anything, I think I need my phone in hand with 911 already dialed. All I’ll
need to do is tap send.”
Remember the chill bumps I had earlier?
Well, I was so freaked out now, my skin was buzzing underneath with frayed
nerve endings. Was he planning to kill me? 

shook his head,” It’s nothing bad, I promise. It’s just… well… you’ve grown on
me over the short time I’ve been here,” he looked up at me and although I
couldn’t make out the details of his eyes, it was obvious he was being sincere.
“And even though I want to repay you by helping around the house, I also don’t
want to leave.” He laid his hand over mine. “Because I really like you.”

Are we in first grade?

well, I like you too,” I smiled. Actually, it was more like a lopsided grin. I
hoped he couldn’t see me well enough to notice.

light chuckle filled the dark room. The sound was soothing…comforting, and it
made me feel good. He made me feel good. He made me feel a lot of things I
normally didn’t feel. Happy? No, I was always happy. I loved myself, and I loved
the life I’d always had, minus Pam. If you love who you are and what you
represent then you’re happy. Maybe the word I was looking for was warmth. Yes.
He made me feel warm inside. Kind of like a freshly baked chocolate chip
cookie—delightful all around with pieces of sweet, melted goodness. “You don’t
sound very convincing and that’s okay. I don’t expect you to return the
feelings. I probably shouldn’t have said anything, but I couldn’t hold it in
any longer.” He scooted my legs back before sitting down on the edge of my bed.
“I know you don’t know me from Adam, and I unexpectedly imposed myself on you,
so if I make you uncomfortable in any way, I’ll leave tomorrow. I think my ribs
are healed well enough,” he said, lifting his shirt up just enough to give me a
dark glimpse of the ripped abs I knew were hiding underneath. He rubbed his
hand over his side as if checking to make sure they were still there.
worry, buddy, they’re there screaming for me to touch them.

scooted further onto the bed with one leg bent at the knee while the other leg
grounded him to the floor. I swear he got pleasure from teasing me. “You’re not
going to hurt my feelings if you tell me to go. Promise.” His eyes were begging
me to let him stay.

I was not prepared for this. I thought we’d had everything worked out. I wanted
him to stay, but I couldn’t exactly come out and tell him that.
on the inside of my lip, I peered at him through my makeup free lashes. I
wanted to kiss him.
My head dropped back against the headboard a
little harder than I’d intended. “Ouch.”

the back of my head, I took a deep breath, readying myself to spit a lie out
about how I didn’t think he was ready to go yet. How he should give it at least
two more weeks to make sure the bones were completely fused back together. But
he was tired of waiting. He stood up, and my mattress formed back to its
original form.

you, Lennox. I’ll never forget this. I owe you.”

Where are you going?”

time is up. I’ve been a burden on you long enough,” he said mournfully.

you’re not going anywhere except back downstairs to your bed. WebMD says up to
six weeks and that’s what we’re going to go by. Unless you want to see a
doctor?” I threw that in purposely to see his reaction.

tucked his chin down into his chest, glowered at me behind lowered eyelids, and
gave me a ‘get real’ stare.

laughed, “I was waiting for that.”

two weeks and you already know how to push my buttons,” he chuckled.

my shoulders as if it was no big deal, I told him the truth. “What can I say,
I’m a bitch.”

not a bitch,” he said quickly, cutting me off.

time I was giving him the ‘get real’ look. “Aaron, I’m not oblivious. I know
I’m not the kindest person. Actually, I’m not nice at all. Ever. Until you,” I
whispered, not meaning for him to hear the last part. That part was meant to
stay silent in my head.

walked up to the bed and stood over me like a giant statue. An Adonis statue.

shrugged my shoulders again. I didn’t have an answer. There was no reason. “I
don’t know. I honestly don’t,” I kept my head down. To look at him now would be
too revealing. He would see what’s inside of me. “I’ve never helped anyone
before, you know. Maybe you give me a sense of clarity about life. If you
haven’t noticed, I’m selfish. I’m number one in my life. But since you’ve come
into my home, I don’t always think that way anymore. I mean, damn, I’ve
actually worried about you. I’ve been nice to Zoila. I even bought a crying
little boy a lollipop at the store the other day because his mom didn’t have
enough money to buy one.” Closing my eyes because I didn’t have the balls to
face him, my head banged against the headboard, but this time it was protected
by his hand. Aaron cradled the back of my head, pulled me to him and kissed me
with intense disparity. I melted. My insides turned into that gooey goodness
again. His tongue lapped over my lips as if he was ready to devour me. My mouth
parted and the satisfying taste of him burst over my tongue. We continued to
kiss passionately, afraid to break free. Afraid we would sever the invisible
cord that intertwined us together.

singed between my thighs and I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to put the
fire out he’d started. Other than my dreams lately, I hadn’t had a man to touch
me in over a year. I was a greedy bitch, and I wanted more. Still standing
beside my bed, bent over kissing me, the bottom of his shirt gaped open. With
wandering hands, I reached underneath his t-shirt and skimmed my fingers over
the silky skin I remembered touching in my dreams. The taut muscles quickly
tightened, then eagerly relaxed. With urgency, I explored every groove of his
chest. He moaned in my mouth when I pinched his tiny nipple, and I nearly
creamed all over my sheets.
Oh shit!
It occurred to me I wasn’t wearing
any panties. Usually, I just wear a short nightgown to bed unless it’s shark
week. I was completely exposed to him. There was nothing underneath my short
nightgown separating us.

climbed up over me, never breaking our kiss. Not only did I want him, I needed
him. I needed to feel him on me, in me, through me.

I murmured against his lips, hoping he knew what I was asking for.

stood on his knees, reached behind his back, and pulled his t-shirt over his
head with one clean swipe. Normally I loved intimacy in the dark, but he was
too beautiful to hide behind shadows.
Damn you, new moon.

forward, I dragged my tongue over his belly button then trailed tender kisses
down his perfect treasure trail in search of what I desired. My fingers curled
around the edges of his sweat pants, and I tugged them down followed by more

placed his hands on top of my head and his fingers massaged my scalp with
encouragement. Aaron sucked air through his teeth when I gripped his hardened
length in my hand. When I licked the tiny bead of moisture from the tip of his
cock, an intoxicating groan pierced my ears. God, I loved the way he sounded.
My egotistical-self wanted to hear more. I need the instant gratification, so I
pushed him further into my mouth. A brazen exhale told me he was thoroughly
enjoying my service. I smiled around him. This. This was what I wanted to hear.
This was what I craved. Next would be the mind-blowing grunts when he spewed
his release on me.

gentle massages switched over to hair pulling. He now had my hair twisted
around his hands, fucking my mouth with an unforgiving force. He reached the
back of my throat and I opened up, taking him all in. Quickly, he vacated my
mouth and with a few steady pumps, he spilled his seeds all over his t-shirt.
“Guh! Ahhhhh! Oh my God! You’re fucking mouth is like a temple for my cock,” he
breathed heavily. “That was… incredible.”

sat there with my eyes closed, drinking in my victory. When I opened them he
was gone. Vanished.

I looked around the room frantically. Again, I was cursing the dark. There was
no light shining through tonight.

I called a little louder.



heart hastened with fear. I jumped off my bed and inspected the room. Who was I
fooling? He wasn’t going to magically appear in front of me.

I screamed out this time. My voice cracked. I was in sheer panic mode.

you’re scaring me!”

here. It’s okay. I’m here,” he said soothingly behind me as he brushed my hair
from my face.

eyes opened and Aaron was repeating his words in a calm voice. “It was just a
nightmare. It wasn’t real. I’m here. Everything is okay now.” His voice was
clear and sounded heartfelt.

it wasn’t a nightmare,” I cried.

brows knitted together. “It was, Lennox. You were screaming my name. Look at
you. You’re sitting in the middle of your floor rocking back and forth.” I
glanced around and saw he was right.

it wasn’t a nightmare. It was a wonderful dream that I wished was real.

scooped me up and carried me over to my bed. “Here, let’s get you back in your
bed,” he said, pulling the comforter over me. “Do you want me to stay in here
for a little bit?”

nodded. “Please,” I replied, patting the empty spot beside of me.

raised his eyebrows, silently asking if I was sure. When I patted the spot
again he climbed in beside of me, but laid down on top of the covers. I wanted
to wrap myself around him, but I knew he wouldn’t understand so I scooted as
close to him as possible without making it awkward. Feeling secure with him by
my side, I easily drifted back to sleep.

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