Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2) (43 page)

BOOK: Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2)
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There was no need to even count, the guy was out. And I was on my feet, stomach tightening. I knew what was coming and so did the others. Cameras had already found my seat.

The last two fights, Gage had repeated that kiss from Atlantic City, and now it was expected. Even knowing it was coming, I still pulsed, body still lit, as he climbed out of the ring.

This time though, he paused by Dexter who cut his gloves off of him, only making the adrenaline in me build. I couldn’t wait at my seat and started the path towards him as he pushed through others to get to me.

My shaky arms immediately found his face as he approached, lifting me into his arms.

“You did it,” I breathed, lips tingling with expectation, heart exploding with pride.

“No, I didn’t. Not yet.” He put me down, shaking his head, stepping back from my kiss with his arms still around my waist. “This was my dream, but…” He sunk to his knees.

I would have collapsed then and there if his hands weren’t still on my hips, making me stand. I was trapped in his blue eyes, his words the only thing I heard.

“None of this matters without you. You’re my life. My future. I fucking need you by my side through it all, the good and bad. You saved me and gave me a life worth living. I fucking love you.” Somehow there was a ring in his hand. I don’t even know when he pulled it out or when he grabbed my hand. “Stay with me forever. Be mine forever. Marry me.”

I was shaking and I couldn’t breathe, but I had no hesitation. I just couldn’t form the words.

Sliding down to his level, I fell into him, lips crashing into his as my arms wrapped around him. We burst like a firework, the kiss exploding all my emotions, our love sizzling around us. His hands slid to my face, pulling back slightly, stilling the kiss.

“You need this.” He held up the ring, a shiny thing that I could barely look at, not when his eyes shone brighter, unshed emotions sparking in them.

But the feel of it sliding onto my finger was more than I expected. I hadn’t thought it would matter, I knew we had already made this commitment, but that ring felt like safety.


“Dude,” Dexter began, pointing at Gage. “You said fuck”—he paused a moment, thinking—“lots of times. You’re not supposed to say fuck when you propose.” He turned to me with that grin I loved. “Rea, make him do it again.”

I grabbed Gage’s hand next to me, leaning into him as I shook my head.

“Was it okay?” He asked softly, too low for the others around the table to hear.

“Better than okay,” I assured him, raising my head to meet his lips briefly.

“You’re crazy.” Aliya pushed Dexter. “That was great. I swear you two are too hot, I can’t even handle it.” She slid into an open seat next to me.

“All right, well let’s celebrate.” Dexter grabbed the tray of shots from Jace.

When I waved away the shot he handed to me, he coaxed, “Come on, you just got engaged, one drink, you’ve got to celebrate.”

“Nope.” I shook my head sliding my hand a little further up Gage’s thigh under the table.

His breath hitched and his fingers grazed the skin under my skirt, but he looked towards Dexter. “She’s got her fight next week, she can’t drink tonight.”

My heart was already speeding up as his fingers glided up my thigh, but his mention of my fight made it trip. It would be my first time back in the ring.

“All right,” he let it go and everyone else took a shot to our engagement.

“Did you ever agree on a name yet?” Aliya asked with a strained voice from the liquor.

Dexter took his seat, wrapping his arm around Leona. “I’m trying to convince her to be Regan Raging Sommers”

“What about Regan Lawson?” Gage squeezed my thigh, sitting up to face me.

“What?” The intense look on his face left me breathless, I couldn’t even focus on what Dexter was saying about it.

“Let everyone know that you’re mine, and I’m yours. That we’re a team. Fight with my name next week. Marry me tonight, here in Vegas.”

I’m sure I had the same spark in my eyes. The idea excited me.

“Hell yeah!” Dexter shot up. “That would be a fucking epic night. And everyone’s here. We could even go get Felix and Mom to come.”

Gage tensed at that and Dexter realized his mistake. “Or not, I just thought you two were doing better.” He waved away his words. “Never mind. Felix can stay with her, they don’t need to come.”

I pulled on Gage’s shirt, bringing his attention back to me and his tight expression eased into a smile. Dexter moving to the city their mom lived was a sore subject that I never pushed. Even if she had been in recovery for years, Gage couldn’t forgive her yet.

He searched my face. “What are you thinking?”

“Let’s do it.” I couldn’t contain my smile, didn’t even try to. “It doesn’t matter if we get married tonight, or tomorrow, or a year from now.” His hand tightened on my waist with that. “All that matters is we’re together and I fucking love you too.”


Continued in book three:
OtherSide Of Fear

(First chapter excerpt is included at the end of this eBook)


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Fun Stuff

A few fun extra’s to take you Inside The Book


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About The Author

Ashley Claudy is a mother, wife, teacher, proud UMD Terp, and perpetual Learner with a wild imagination fueled by coffee. She’s also an occasional runner, a late night book junkie, and a daytime dreamer.


She loves to interact with her readers and can be contacted/ found here:







OtherSide Of Fear

Book Three of
Outside The Ropes


Copyright© 2015 Ashley Claudy

This preview for OtherSide Of Fear is still in editing and may be changed or modified before publication.



1: Almost

MY STOMACH ROLLED AND SKIN WAS CLAMMY. Hot and cold warred inside me, erupting in beads of sweat on my skin. Bright orbs danced in my vision, blocking the small audience from view.

Closing my eyes, I swallowed hard, forcing saliva down my dry throat and replayed my conversation with Gage in my head.


“You don’t have to do this if you’re not ready, but I know you can.”

“I feel like I’m going to throw up. What if I throw up?” Panic had already taken up residence in me, a strong vine twisting and choking out everything else.

“Then you throw up.” He lifted his shoulders easily, a beautiful smile on those full lips. His hands circled around me, pulling me into his body and I was able to relax slightly.


I opened my eyes, the spots gone, the ring clear. Coach was behind me, removing my silk robe. Sylvie next to him, encouraging me.

“You’ve got this Regan. You’re ready, more than ready. That girl doesn’t stand a chance.” She squeezed my shoulders with her strong hands. “Loosen up some.”


“Babe, look at me.” Even with the dim lighting of the changing room his blue eyes were bright. But all amusement was gone, his tone serious. “You’ve been training. You’re prepared. You know physically you’re the better boxer. The only thing that can get in the way is your fear.” His hands slid over my shoulders, down my arms. “If you’re not ready for this, we can leave right now.” His grip tightened, keeping me from pulling away. “You can do whatever you want and I’ll be right there. Go out there and try, but if it’s too much, walk out.”

I shook my head, dropping my eyes from his. I couldn’t allow myself to think of an escape. “I can’t do that. The team is counting on me. If I don’t do this, they’ll probably kick me off the team.”

He lifted my chin with his fingers, making me meet his eyes, a cocky glint sparking in them. “Do you know who your husband is? You don’t need that damn college team, you could throw up all over that ring and I’d still have you boxing next week if that’s what you wanted to do.”


Rolling my shoulders and shaking my arms, I turned around, facing the audience. I found Gage in the front row and my nerves slowed their rapid-fire assault. He inclined his head towards me and I could see the question in his eyes. Was I all right, could I go through with this?

I nodded and gave a tight smile in reassurance. Just knowing he was there was enough. Turning back towards the ring, I stretched my neck as I faced my opponent and waited for the announcer to finish.

The bell cut through my anxiety, my body propelling me forward without thought. I stepped towards the girl. She was tall and thin, and held her body awkwardly, like she didn’t fit her long legs.

I leaned, dodging her glove as she jabbed towards me with her right, and blocked a left jab with my arm. She quickly pulled her arms back to cover her face. Her reach was long, but punches sloppy. I almost felt bad for what I was about to do. Almost.

Her attack, no matter how weak was enough to spark my adrenaline. No longer fear and anxiety, but excitement, pumping through me, energizing me.

I jabbed her stomach and followed with a wide hook to the side of her head. She crumpled forward, but stayed on her feet, her eyes wide. I swung again connecting with the opposite side of her head and she dropped to the canvas with a thud.

Stepping back, I didn’t take my eyes off her. She wasn’t knocked out, but she was curled up on the mat. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish, no air reaching her lungs. I kept anticipating her pushing herself up, returning to the fight, but she didn’t. The ref reached ten and declared me the winner and I was almost disappointed that it all ended so quickly, just as I was getting into it.

For a second, I wished Dexter had been there, to shake me out of my thoughts and pump me up about my win. But the rush soon came on its own, flooding me with excitement. I did it. And it had been easy. I could keep doing this.

Sylvie was in my corner, rubbing her hands together. “Ragin’ Regan, this might be our year. With you, we might have a chance of making it regionally.”

Coach slid between the ropes, smile bright as he smoothed his grey hair back on the sides. “Hell, even maybe nationally.” His face lit up with his dream, but I’d be lying if the idea wasn’t enticing. I wanted it too.

But I looked past them as Gage pulled himself up onto the canvas. Everything else faded away and only then did I feel breathless. The match hadn’t touched me, not like his presence did. His lips curled and he extended one arm to me.

My body was already there, gravitating towards him.

“I told you—” He started but I gripped his collar, pulling him towards me, silencing him with my lips.

For once, I was able to kiss him after my fight, and I wasn’t going to waste the moment. I could feel his laughter bubbling out of him, his breath bouncing over my lips. So I slid my hands around his neck, pulling him in closer, sliding my tongue in his mouth.

That stopped his laughter, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me to him, off of my feet. The ropes pressed into my stomach, wedged uncomfortably between us, but I didn’t care about that, only that it was a barrier from his body. He lowered me down until my feet were firmly back on the mat, reluctantly returning me to the ground and letting the outside world back into our bubble.


“Lawson, hold up.” A voice cut through the buzz of the gym, just as I exited the locker room.

Gage pushed off the wall he had been waiting on, saying a quick goodbye to the group of people he had been talking too. He grabbed my hand as he turned to the caller. “Yeah?”

At the same time, I turned towards the voice with a raised eyebrow.

Coach pushed through the concession line, stopping in front of Gage and I.

“Lawson,” He paused looking between us with a small laugh and shrugged. “Both of you. You leaving already? Not going to stick around for the next fight?”

“Not tonight.”

“Hey, Lightning. Good fight last week.” Someone yelled as they passed by.

Gage nodded to the person and then continued, “We’ve got plans.”

I didn’t know about that, I hope it was a lie. I wanted nothing more than to get him alone and work out this adrenaline and energy coursing through me. Gripping Gage’s hand tighter and stepping closer to his body, I smiled politely at Coach Finnegan.

“Well, I’ll see you at practice Sunday then?” At my nod he continued. “Hell of a job tonight girly. Hell of a job.”

Gage dropped my hand and slid his arm around me, turning me away from the old man and towards the door.

“Thanks, see you Sunday,” I called over my shoulder with a giggle as Gage whispered in my ear.

“I need you alone, now.” His voice was low and heated, breath sending chills down my skin.

Escaping out of the side door we made our way to the deserted parking garage. Even with the crazy city traffic, Gage insisted on us driving. The garage was filled with cars, but empty of people. Our whispered teasing echoing in the concrete space, our steps even louder, bouncing off the walls around us.

He laughed into my neck, swinging me in front of him so I was forced to walk backwards as he dragged his nose over my skin.

“Babe, I knew you could do it.” He growled as his lips reached my ear. “You were hot as hell in that ring. That girl didn’t stand a chance.” His lips claimed mine, hands sliding to my ass, easily lifting me onto him in an instant.

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