Inside the Kingdom (73 page)

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Authors: Robert Lacey

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Far are the shades of Arabia,
Where the Princes ride at noon
’Mid the verduous vales and thickets
Under the ghost of the moon . . .
They haunt me—her lutes and her forests;
No beauty on earth I see
But shadowed with that dream recalls
Her loveliness to me;
Still cold eyes look coldly upon me,
Cold voices whisper and say—
“He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia,
They have stolen his wits away.”
—Walter de la Mare
write this after an evening driving around the laid-back northern town of Ar’Ar on the Saudi border with Iraq, where I have been greeted with a mountain of rice and sheep and the warm Saudi welcome to which, over the years, I have grown accustomed. We are talking now of more than thirty years, and my debt to those who have helped me in that time is immeasurable—starting in 1978, when my beautiful and intrepid wife, Sandi, gamely agreed to pack up our home in London and brave the hazards of life in oil-boom Jeddah. The friends I made back then are friends to this day, chief among them being Khalid Ahmed Youssuf Zainal Alireza and his wife, Ghada Abduljawad, the staunchest of allies and battlers on behalf of an inquisitive
whose curiosity has not always brought them popularity.
Looking through the acknowledgments to
The Kingdom,
published in 1981, I see that I thanked no less than 380 people, with Sandi at the head of the list. She and I have since separated, but my admiration and thanks to her remain boundless. This sequel has run up a comparable debt of gratitude to the family, friends, colleagues, and total strangers an author exploits ruthlessly as he seeks out secrets, contacts, perspective, correction, encouragement, reliable facts—along with the occasional cup of tea, of which there is no shortage in the Kingdom. The following have helped me in one or more of those varied departments, starting with those who agreed to be interviewed on the record.
Raja and Shadia Aalim; Dr. Abdul Khalik Abdul Haq; Kamal Ali Abdel Qader; Abdullah Abu Al-Samh; Rasheed Abou Al-Samh; Abdul Rahman Abuhaimid; Muna Abu Sulayman; Dr. Hamoud Abutalib; Ali Al-Ahmed; Ahmad Al-Ajaji; Yussuf Al-Ajaji; Madeha Al-Ajroush; Ahmad Ali Al-Qaisi; Dr. Abdul Muhsin Al-Akkass; Amb. James Akins; Bassim A. Alim; Sheikh Ahmad Yussuf Zainal Alireza; Hamida Alireza; Tareq Alireza; Al-Johara Al-Angary; Dr. Sami Angawi; Dr. Issa Al-Ansari; Mahdi Al-Asfour; Colonel Adel Al-Sheikh; Asya Al-Asheikh; Dr. Abdullah Al-Askar; Husayn Al-Sayed Ali Al-Awwami; Sheikh Salman Al-Awdah; Abdullah Al-Ayyaf; Ahmad Badeeb; Dr. Lamia Al-Baeshen; Dr. Abu Bakr Bagadr; Dr. Khalid Bahaziq; Douglas Baldwin and Judy Baldwin; Dr. Fawzia Al-Bakr; Alan Barton; Dr. Fawzia Ba Shattah; Dr. Khaled Batarfi; Shaid Al-Bayat; Saud Al-Behari; Ahmad Bin Baz; Abdullah Bin Laden; Sam Blatteis; Brad Bourland; Marian Bukhari; Ibrahim Al-Bulayhid; Dan P. Cagle; Brigadier Nick Cocking; Sir Sherard Cooper-Coles; Dr. Paul Thomas Cox; Amb. Walter Cutler and Didi Cutler; Amr Dabbagh; Yusuf Al-Dainy; Turki Al-Dakheel; Ali Domaini; Nancy Dut ton; Nicholas Egon; Dr. Horst Ertl; Sheikh Abdullah Faddaq; Abdul Aziz H. Fahad; Ahmad Al-Abbadi; Dr. Matrook Al-Faleh; Farida Farsi; Dr. Hatoon Al-Fassi; Samar Fattany; Sheikh Hadi Mattar Al-Fayfi; Maha Fitaihi; Dr. Walid Fitaihi; Amb. Wyche Fowler; Amb. Chas W. Freeman, Jr.; Dr. Ahmad Gabbani; Frank Gardner OBE; Sheikh Abdullah Al-Garni; Gus Gennrich; Tatian C. Gfoeller; Hayat Al-Ghamdi; Qenan Al-Ghamdi; Khalid Al-Ghannami; Dr. Enaam Ghazi; Richard Goffin; Dr. Ghazi Algosaibi; Armond Habiby; Dr. Ali Al-Haji; Turki Al-Hamad; Mohammed Salama Al-Harbi; Bandar Al-Hasan; Dr. Sulayman Al-Hatlan; Hassan Hatrash; Dr. Gene W. Heck; Dr. Thomas Hegghammer; Dr. Steffen Hertog; Abbas Hidawi; Al-Anoud Al-Houti; Khaled Al-Hubayshi; Sheikh Saleh Al-Humaid; Saleh Al-Humaidan; Lubna Hussain; Hassan Al-Husseini; Dr. Sadad Al-Husseini; Wajeeha Al-Huwaider; Fouad Ibrahim; Sheikh Khalid Al-Ibrahim; Nisreen Al-Idrisi; Soheir Al-Idrisi; Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu; Dr. Samira I. Islam; Majdi Islami; Somayya A. Jabarti; Mustafa Jalali; Matouq H. Jannah; Shireen Jawa; Mohammed Al-Jazary; Mohammed Jazzar; Salman Al-Jishi; Dr. Yahya M. Ibn Junaid and the staff of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh; Dr. Ali Al-Johani; Amb. Robert Jordan; Adel Al-Jubeir; Dr. Sadeeq Al-Jubran; Abdullah Saleh Jum’ah; Major Omar Al-Kahtani; Eng. Tariq Al-Kasabi; Sean Keeling; Hasna Al-Keneyeer; Dr. Khalil Al-Khalil; Seema Khan; Adnan Khashoggi; Jamal Khashoggi; Ghassan Al-khunaizi; Najeeb Al-khunaizi; Dr. Hind Al-Khutailah; Nabil Al-Khuwaiter; John S. Kincannon; Usamah Al-Kurdi; Zuhair Kutbi; Abdul-Rahman Al-Lahem; Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail; Sheikh Hattim Lut fallah; Eyad Madani; Dr. Ghazzi Madani; Khaled Al-Maeena; Mohammed Mahfoodh; Abdullah Al-Majdouie; Hassan Farhan Al-Malki; Dr. Sadiq A. Malki; Dr. Aisha Al-Mana; Dr. Hamed Al-Mana; Haifa Al-Mansour; Ali Al-Marzouq; Isa Al-Marzouq; Suzanne Al-Mashhadi; Dr. Abdullah H. Masri; Samar Al-Migrin; Fouad Al-Moushaikhis; Dr. Ali Saad Al-Mosa; Dr. Abdul Elah Al-Moayyad; Dr. Hamza Al-Mozainy; Abdullah Al-Muallimi; Faisal Al-Muammar and the King Abdul Aziz Center for National Dialogue; Ebtihal Mubarak; Ibrahim Muftar; Ibrahim Al-Mugaiteeb; Dr. Ibrahim A. Al-Muhanna; Dr. Majid Al-Munif; Dr. Wafa Al-Munif; Mustapha I. Mutabaqani; Hassan Al-Nakhali; Sheikh Nimr Al-Nimr; Mansour Al-Nogaidan; Dr. Zakir Naik; Dr. Saleh Al-Namlah; Sheikh Abdullah Naseef; Professor Tim Niblock; Fouad Nihad; Dr. Abdullah S. Obaid; Ahmad Al-Omran (
); Abdul Wahhab Al-Oraid; Dr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen; Sir William Patey; Dr. Abdullah A. Al-Rabeah; Lawrence M. Randolph; Turki Faisal Al-Rasheed; Dr. Madawi Rasheed; Dr. Mohammed Rasheed; Owain Raw-Rees; Dr. Hamid Al-Rifaei; Cecile F. Roushdie; David H. Rundell; Ahmad Mustafa Sabri; Sheikh Hassan Al-Saffar; Dr. Abdul Aziz O. Sager; Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Said; Dr. Tawfiq Al-Saif; Adnan K. Salah; Sami Salman; General Norman Schwarzkopf; Dr. Fahd A. Al-Semmari and the King Abdul Aziz Foundation for Research and Archives; Ian Seymour and the staff of MEES, the
Middle East Economic Survey;
Dr. Jameel Shami; Jafar M. Al-Shayeb; Husain Shobokshi; Dr. Mohammed S. Al-Showayer; Ahmad Al-Shogairy; Dr. Kamal Shukri; Dr. Naila Al-Sowayel; Jawaher Al-Sudairi; Turki K. Al-Sudairi; Mohammed Al-Suhaimi; Dr. Said Al-Surehi; Dr. Faleh Al-Sulaiman; Lama Suleyman; Dr. Fahd Al-Sultan; Zahir Tahlawi; Dr. Abass Tashkandi Leila Tayba; Mohammed Sayed Tayyib; Abdullah Thabit; Peter Theroux; Nada Al-Tobaishi; Dr. Abdullah Turki; Khalid Ali Al-Turki and Sally Al-Turki; General Mansour Al-Turki; Abdul-Aziz Al-Tuwayjri; Dr. Ahmad Al-Tuwayjri; Sheikh Abdul Muhsin Al-Ubaiqan; Graham Wisner; Dr. Adnan A. Al-Yafi; Dr. Mohammed Abdo Yamani; Faisal Yamani; Hani Yamani; Dr. Mai Yamani; Ali Al-Yami; Manea bin Saleh Al-Yami; Hassan Yassin; Sabbah Yassin; Sheikh Sahal Yassin; Fawwaz Al-Zahrani; Colonel Talal Al-Zahrani; Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Zamil; Mahdi Zawawi; Dr. Mohammed Al-Zulfa.

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