Intimate Equations (7 page)

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Authors: Emily Caro

BOOK: Intimate Equations
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Oh, these are jewels without a doubt.
Gorgeous, wonderful pearls.” He tipped his tongue to each nipple one at a time,
lingering like a man thirsty at a well. Kicking off his jeans he came to her

Jules held him, stroked his cock, wet at the tip. She
required him to wait a long moment or two while she admired him extended in her
hand. She held him with both hands in mid air, fingering the head and kissing
it again before allowing him to enter her. He trembled a little as she kissed
him, his composure was waning... a secret smile formed on her face.

Her legs spread, her lips and center exposed to him he
knelt towards her and pushed himself inside; they both released a cry.

“Jules, oh god...” his words trailed off.

Sam found her at last and slid forward with a groan. He
was engorged with waiting desire and panted hard while Jules received him. Sam
closed his eyes; his lips were parted and the muscles of his jaw were rigid.
Jules watched his face and placed her hand on the side of his forehead where
small beads of sweat had begun to form. He opened his eyes and smiled at Jules;
he pulled out a little then pushed forward into her again searching her face
for a reaction. She moaned with pleasure, received and fell around his erection
arching her back, gasping as she yielded to his rhythms.

Jules cried out in sweet agony and opened to this dark,
strong man without fear.

His motions were measured at first; he wanted to be
certain she felt no pain but his desire overcame him and his thrusts became
faster. She folded in and around him. Jules pulled Sam into her fire, her
internal heat intensifying his anguish. He held her hips and she widened her
legs for him grasping at the smooth skin on his back. Her fingernails gently
skimmed him; she felt the defined muscles straining in his back. Jules made an
effort to ground herself; she trembled again, consumed by her emotions.

She gasped with intensifying urgency and spoke his
name: “Sam. How did you find me? Where did you come from?”

He rose up to look at her face, questioning. She held
his gaze and their lips found each other again. She kissed his mouth hard and
felt his lips with her tongue. Sam tasted good and his breath came fast while
his movements became more fevered and intense as he pushed in and out of her.
He held her right hip and hastened his rhythms. His cock in her felt hot and
hard inside her wetness – a river of sensation pulled at her mind. Jules lifted
her head to watch him moving in and out of her. He was smooth and beautiful.
She moistened her lips with her tongue and cried out as he tightened his arms
around her.

She rose to meet him each time he descended into her,
not wanting to let it end, not wanting to let him go but desperate for relief.
Her vulva ached; her lips swollen and wet. She couldn't tell what part of her
was Jules and what part of him was separate from her; he was deep inside her -

“Don't hold back, Sam. I'm with you; come with me. Let
me feel you; fill me.”

It was in a moment that they both came together in one
synchronous wave. They both shuddered and held onto each other. Sam pulsed
within her calling out her name, his head buried in her hair. Jules saw flashes
of color; the world around her turn into one intense, bright light as she
stepped out into blazing sunshine.

Six: Sunlight & Lace

Sam lay on his back with his arm behind his head
waiting for Jules to finish her shower. He took mental note of her space;
observing with interest this woman's bedroom to remember later when they were
not together. The curtains rustled at the half-open window. He wanted to learn
as much as could about her; what kind of art she liked, what kind of music she
listened to. He noticed that she had a lot of good photography on her walls.
Some of them were photos of sea stacks along the Pacific coast.

He glanced to the nightstand at his right where a book
was lying. He picked it up and opened it casually.
The Golden Orb
by Flora
Post. He opened to the first pages just as Jules emerged from the bathroom. She
stepped out and snatched the book from his hand before he could react.

 “I'll have that!” she said with a playful grin on her

Hey, I was just going to start reading;
what's it about? It looks good.” Sam sat up on the bed and grabbed her around
the waist to pull her towards him.

“The Golden Orb; that sounds a little spicy! Or is it
about the new twist in String Theory? I have never heard of Flora Post; who is

Never mind. It's chick kitsch; nothing you
would be interested in.” she bantered back, sliding the book into the drawer of
the nightstand, closing it firmly out of sight.

You have a lot of books. There's at least
two stacks next to your couch in the living room; maybe what...“ he leaned over
the side of the bed, “... probably eight on the floor here, and all your
bookshelves are crammed. You have books on top of books.” He straightened back
up with a grin on his face. Jules manufactured a frown which didn't look
convincing at all.

You're not counting my E-books.”

Sam hooted. “You have a Nook?”

Jules sparred with him, grinning.

“Now that is a highly personal question you already
know the answer to, Sam.”

“Ha ha, that's terrible.”

Jules ignored the comment and turned towards the mirror
on the wall brushing her hair. She continued to play back at him with her reflection.

Come clean, Sam. Are you concerned about
me? Maybe the next book I buy will be the final one that turns me into a book
hoarder. Perhaps I need one of those police ankle bracelets on me every time I
go out shopping? I might become a menace to society, haunting the bookstores –
unable to control myself with all these books.” Jules turned toward the bed
again and leaned over to nuzzled his neck and fell in beside him, laughing.

“Is that your inference? Do I require immediate

Sam was laughing. “Oh yes, you certainly have a big
problem Professor but I think I can help you.” He pulled her up squarely until
she was sitting astride; his cock now erect again. “I'd say you need major,
major treatment.”

He positioned himself underneath her, his thick erection
upright and hard. Jules spread herself over Sam; sliding him into her from
above. Intense electrical currents began to run through her. “Sam, you are
doing this to me again? Don't you want dinner?” Sam was breathing hard already.
He grabbed her pelvis and pulled her down on top of himself, groaning with
pleasure. He thrust himself upwards, deep inside of her. His expression was
intense and his eyes burned again.

Jules, you make me so excited. I want you
so much. Oh God you are so good.” He stretched out on the bed to his full
length with his arms over his head and Jules rode him slow yet hard. She bent
over and held his head in her hands and kissed him with an open mouth. Her
desire grew as his tongue entwined with hers. His two hands moved down to fee
her breasts; clutched one in either hand and massaged them gently. He squeezed
her nipples his thumb and forefinger which sent her down on him harder. Her
breath came in gasps as the fire from within grew exponentially each time she
rose and fell; straddling him with herself, pursued by her own fire yet feeding
off of his.

His intensity excited her each time he rose to meet her
as she descended on him, bearing down on her center of pleasure. Sam's finger
moved to stroke her as moved and watched her face. Jules groaned with wanting.
She sought relief from the intensity yet never wanted to let it go. The room
outside her head buzzed as if from a distance. There was little else in her
existence at this moment but the two of them fused together in this place.

Jules don't stop; you are making me crazy.
Oh you feel amazing.” Sam was panting now; his desire rising more with each
movement again.

He grabbed her hips and fell into a rhythm with her.
His knees were spread and up as to give him more leverage. This turned up the
volume for Jules as she bent over him and groaned, her breath coming in gasps.
The pleasure she felt in having him in her sent her head reeling. She couldn't
speak. She just wanted to breathe and feel everything all at once. She loved being
in control of their movements. She loved being on top of Sam. He felt so good
inside her and she was very wet. The first orgasm with him was incredible but
she couldn't even remember it now. Everything that came before was a blur, a
wisp of a thought.

I’m hungry for you. Don't stop, please Sam.
Just don't stop. Don't let me fall; hold on to me.” Jules had the acute
sensation of being spun off her center and Sam was the only one grounding her.
He held her tightly, rising to kiss her nipples and pulled her to him.

You are so beautiful Jules. Your skin is so
soft. You don't know what you do to me. You make me ache for you. The first
time I saw you I knew I had to have you.”

He moved with her in unison the muscles on his chest
extended and flexed with his effort. He was looking straight at her, into her
eyes. His hands ran up and down her arms from her shoulders to her wrists.

He pulled out of her; his cock wet with her desire. “I
want to take you from behind.”

Jules nodded and turned around on her elbows and knees
so he could enter her. He was so hard that he slid into her, but he was careful
in doing so. Whatever he was, Sam was respectful of her softness and
vulnerability. She felt him enter her. The velvet around her lips was swollen
and large. Jules let out a cry and bent over for him even more; exposing
herself. Sam ran his hands up and down her back, easing into her. He began gently
but his excitement increased with this new position and soon he grew lost in
the moment. He held her hips again and she could feel his tight balls against
her as he moved faster within her.

Sam was breathing in brief bursts, as if he held his
breath when he thrust himself into her. He bent over her back, plunging into
her. He left nothing untouched. Everything inside of her was full of him and
charged with his desire. He moaned, “I burn up inside but I can't stay away; I
can't leave you until I become ashes.”

His rhythm became nearly frantic as he towered over
her, holding her, bringing her to him. Jules was driven to clutching the edge
of the bed, bracing the two of them with her hands as he slid in and out of her.
She groaned with his length and width inside her.
I don't want this to end;
it must end
. She panted hard as her climax became imminent. Her ears rang
with the intake of her own breath.

Oh God I'm going to come now. Come with me,
Jules, come with me, please.” His spasms began and Jules was overtaken by them.
She felt herself tipping the edge and then fall with him into that deep narrow
canyon of bright light.

After the second time of making love they both were
asleep in an instant. Exhausted they lay with arms and legs entwined, wet and
blissful, warm and content. The early evening rays streamed in her bedroom
window through the lace curtains sending delicate shadows dancing across their

When Jules awoke she heard the shower running in the
bathroom. It was nearly dark. She glanced at the clock; it was already 9 pm. She
got up, found her light, cotton bathrobe and ambled into the kitchen to warm up
the soup she had made earlier. She was starving. She turned on the light and
set the pot of soup on the stove. As she prepared the food and set out the
bowls for the soup she could hear Sam, now finished with his shower, moving
about in the bedroom. She turned the soup to low, stirring it a little. Vegetable
beef with barley soup, what would go with that? She leaned over the counter and
lifted a bottle out of the wine rack. A nice, sturdy Cab-Shiraz would do just

Sam walked out into the kitchen. She turned to smile at
him and burst out laughing. He was wearing the flowery, little terry cloth
bathrobe her mother had sent for Christmas; his frame busting out of it and the
sleeves much too short on his dark arms. “What are you doing?” She could barely
contain her giggles and he smiled back broadly, laughing with her.

I couldn't find anything to wear. My
clothes are covered with dust and grass. I found this in your closet; I hope
you don't mind. Don't you think it looks divine?” He twirled around on his
tip-toes and attempted a fake pirouette with his arms outstretched, palms
facing upwards. Jules doubled over laughing.

Oh, stop. Please stop; I'm dying here. You
look...” Jules was laughing so hard she couldn't finish the sentence. “Oh, you
look hysterically awkward.”

Sam seemed pleased that he could make her laugh. He
stepped over and pulled her to him, kissing her strongly on the mouth. They
stayed like this for a minute just taking each other in. He smelled of soap,
the stubble on his cheek was rough against her neck as he put his face down to
kiss her bare shoulder.

Are you hungry, Sam? I have some soup here
and a fairly decent bottle of wine. I'm going to toast the loaf of French bread
first.” She pulled away from his arms reluctantly and placed the foil-covered
bread in the oven on 275.

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