Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3)
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Nathan hadn't come yet, but stilled his movements and stood allowing me to recover, cradling me against his body and stroking my hair as his raging hard on still throbbed and twitched inside me.

‘Sorry … that one sort of took me by surprise.’ I murmured apologetically. Nathan didn’t verbally reply, but he placed one short kiss on my neck which I took as acceptance. Then supporting my weight by sliding his hands under my bum Nathan gently slid out of me and exited the cubicle with me still wrapped around him panting.

Placing me on the sink unit his hands twisted in my hair, pulling me forwards where he kissed me deeply and thoroughly and much more sensually than before, lapping his tongue against mine, sucking my lower lip into his mouth, and gently nibbling on the already swollen flesh as he took his time exploring. Hmmm, he was such a good kisser. Perhaps this part was the ‘apology’ sex he'd been taking about.

Finally lifting his head he dropped his gaze, ‘Turn around’ he instructed me in a low and promising tone, ‘I want to take you from behind while you watch in the mirror.’ Crikey, again? But even as tired – and frankly well used – as I now was, I still followed his instructions immediately and turned to face the large, illuminated mirrors. A gentle hand between my shoulder blades told me he expected me to lay forwards, so I did, my chest pressing against the cool marble and my arms spread either side of me. Once he was happy with my position Nathan's eyes flicked to mine in the mirror for a split second and then after flipping my dress up over my back he gave me a sharp, ringing slap on my right buttock, pushed my thong to the side, and plunged into me again.

I gasped at the slap, then closed my eyes in pleasure at his swift entry. It was all so overwhelming that I tipped my head down to rest my forehead on the cool marble of the sink unit, but I had only been there a second before suddenly feeling Nathan's grip on my hips tighten. ‘No. Open your eyes, watch as I take you, Stella. Watch as I claim you and make you come again,’ he demanded. Which seeing as I wasn't allowed to look him in the eye was a bit of an odd comment really – not that I voiced this out loud. Instead I peeled my eyes open, tipped my neck up, and watched as his powerful body repeatedly thrust into me and retreated at a steady but firm rate. He looked so sexy still half dressed in his impeccable suit jacket, shirt and tie as his hands gripped my hips and yanked me backwards to allow him maximum depth. God, it was so erotic to watch this beautiful, neurotic man controlling both me and his powerful body as he had his way with me.

Fuck, this was good. The tilted angle of my hips over the sink edge meant that his hot length was rubbing against my front wall with every single mind-numbing thrust, charging me straight towards yet another orgasm, not to mention the idea that he was apparently ‘claiming me’ – which had me far more excited than it ever really should. Apparently noting my oncoming climax Nathan gripped my hips harder, ‘You will wait for me Stella, control it, don’t you dare come until I say.’ His words were ground out between clenched teeth, an expression that I was mirroring myself as I desperately tried to follow his demand, but it was becoming too much, his contact was too perfect, hitting me in just the right spot with every thrust. ‘Oh God … Sir … I don't think I can hold on …’

Deviously I used the last of my energy to squeeze my inner muscles around him as tight as possible, hoping to finish him off, and, thank God, it worked. Nathan let out a low bark of approval before thrusting in deep and grinding a hard circle once, ‘Now,’ he growled, before he exploded his climax inside of me. It couldn't have come at a better time, and as he ground himself down against me I clamped around him in ecstasy, milking every last drop from him as I screamed my release into my own forearm to dull the sound.

My body was awash with sensations but somehow also seemed numb from that fierce coupling. I was aware of the cold marble beneath me, the heavy weight of Nathan collapsed on my back and his hot panted breaths in my hair, but everything else was fuzzy and unfocused.

Holy fuck, that had been intense. If that was apology sex then maybe I needed to catch Nathan doing things wrong more often.

Chapter Two - Nathan

The relationship between myself and Stella was certainly keeping me on my toes as I had first predicted, and wasn't that just the understatement of the fucking year? I had no idea where I was with her; one minute I was in control, the next minute I was completely freaking out and dragging her into a cupboard in Claridges. ‘Claim-fucking’ her, as Stella had so accurately termed it. Regardless of my loss of control that night, I still couldn’t help the smirk that curved my lips as I replayed our illicit trysts in my head again. My hands tightened on the steering wheel as I recalled just how receptive she’d been to my furious advances. The woman was fucking perfection.

Pulling into a parking space I switched off the car and remained in my seat as I took several deep cleansing breaths to clear my head and rid me of the arousal that was lingering after my daydreams of Stella.

Calm and stable again I climbed from my car, locked the door, and then paused to run a hand across my hair to smooth it down before I walked the last part of my journey whilst continuing my pondering. My time together with Stella was undoubtedly satisfying my sexual needs, there was no doubt about that. Stella was an almost exact match for my tastes in the bedroom, but I had definitely underestimated the power of the physical draw between the two of us. In fact there was such a spark that as soon as Stella arrived on Friday nights I had trouble keeping my hands off of her. That thought made me smirk again. I might have trouble keeping my hands to myself, but Stella didn’t seem to object in the slightest.

As well as this, in her own way Stella was somehow moulding our time together into something different to the usual relationships I had experienced with my previous submissives. Somehow we had slipped into an easier companionship than I was used to; Stella was still compliant, subservient, and obedient as I expected, averting her eyes at all times and following my instructions to the letter, but on occasions she would completely surprise me with sweet gestures like bringing me a coffee when I hadn't asked for it, or preparing a snack for herself and making a portion for me too, which she either delivered to me with a shy, sexy smile or left wrapped in the fridge for me to find later.

It was a strange, perplexing balance we had come to. Stella always referred to me as Sir when we were in the bedroom, or if I was in a particularly bad mood, but she rarely used it outside of these times, something I thought would have annoyed me, but for some reason didn’t. When we'd agreed our contract I'd thought the ‘Sir’ issue might be a deal-breaker for me, but truthfully I didn't mind as much as I thought I would, but I put my leniency down to the fact that Stella satisfied my needs so well in every other way that I would allow her this little indulgence.

No matter how off-kilter or unbalanced Stella might have me I would never show it though, which was one of the reasons for today’s little excursion. It was always good to keep Stella on her toes, show her who was boss, I decided with a dark smile as I strode towards the offices of Markis Interiors – otherwise known as Stella's office. It was the Wednesday morning following our interlude at the bar in Claridges, so only two days since I'd last seen her, but I couldn't avoid one simple fact: I wanted to see her again, perhaps even have a sneaky mid-week tryst to slake the lust I could feel bubbling away in my veins. Stubbornly I was avoiding thinking about the reasons behind my new and unfamiliar need for Stella, and instead breaking all my own rules by indulging it and surprising her with a visit. A cruel smirk curled my lip at this thought – seeing as I'd never set foot in the Markis offices before today it should be a really bloody big surprise for her.

Just before I entered her building my phone vibrated in my pocket. Digging into my jacket I pulled it out, and as I glanced at the screen I scowled when I saw Gregory's number flashing up at me. Talk about shitty timing. ‘Greg, give me some fucking good news.’ I demanded as I strode in a tight circle on the pavement, silently praying that he'd found whoever it was that was sneaking my company’s financial data out to my main competitor and allowing them to undercut my bids and steal business away from me.

‘I'm afraid not, Nathan. I've run background checks on all staff members with office access and they've all come up clean. Is there anyone else you want me to check? Family members? Or is there anyone at your personal residence with access to your home office? A girlfriend? A cleaner?’

Both, I thought, then scowled at my slip of labelling Stella as a girlfriend. What the fuck had gotten into me lately? Shaking that off I frowned at the idea of Stella going behind my back. She would never do that, it was ridiculous, and I couldn't imagine Miranda my unassuming, 56-year-old cleaner doing anything like that either. ‘Both, but I trust them explicitly, and it's not a family member. I only have my brother and there's no way he would do this to me.’

‘OK, Nathan, whatever you say. I'll run some deeper checks then, see what I can dredge up.’ Gregory heavily sighed.

Snapping my phone shut I shoved it violently into my pocket before cursing viciously under my breath. This issue with my business was starting to become a real fucking problem now. Spinning around in aggravation I let out a further growl of annoyance that drew the attention of several passers-by on the pavement, but they soon scampered away when I threw them by best snarled glare.

Shaking my head I cleared the rising anger that was threatening to engulf me and did a quick, much-needed countdown in my head,
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.
Then, taking a deep breath in through my nose I calmed myself and looked up at the impressive glass frontage of the Markis building. My visit to Stella couldn't have been better timed; I needed a distraction and right now and I couldn't think of any better distraction than five foot seven inches of toned, blonde, fuckable woman.


Stifling an enormous yawn with the back of my hand, I pushed through the glass doors to my offices as I returned from yet another dull meeting. I was exhausted, my feet hurt from these stupidly high heels, and my diary this week was just chock-a-block with hideously boring meetings. Trying to balance my hectic schedule with my brother being in town had just about tipped the scale on my exhaustion levels; I'd been out Monday and Tuesday evenings with Simon, both late nights, and now I was seriously struggling to stay awake. Caffeine was the only thing getting me through the days, but my last coffee had been over 2 hours ago and was seriously wearing off now.

It was crazy really, my job used to be everything to me, literally my entire world had revolved around the office, and I’d found it anything but boring, but recently it had taken a back seat, what with Simon’s visit and not to mention since starting my relationship with Nathan – if you could call it that – I'd increasingly found myself distracted, but certainly a good deal more sexed and less stressed, which was a positive, I thought with a small giggle.

Thinking of Nathan, which I did frequently and far more often than was healthy, I smiled indulgently to myself. My concerns about him wanting to finish things with me had been soothed by his actions and possessive statements in Claridge’s on Monday night. He might be completely mercurial and an expert at driving me totally nuts, but I was drawn to him like a magnet and regardless of his recent slip ups I just couldn't stay away. My smile turned to a grin as a cheeky idea came to my mind that I simply couldn’t resist.

We never communicated between our weekend sessions, so this was a serious breach of the norm, but I just couldn't help myself. Perhaps it was my exhaustion making me act impulsively, but I grabbed my phone, typed out a quick text to Nathan, and pressed send before I could change my mind.

From: Stella Marsden

Time: 13:08

Due to your love bite I've had to wear my hair down to work for the last two days. I've had 17 compliments on my new hair style. All from men. Thanks, Sir xx

It was so naughty, not to mention way too casual. No doubt he would probably go berserk, but I just couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face as I popped my phone back into my bag. It was a total load of rubbish of course. Natalie, my assistant, had mentioned my change in hair style and one or two of my other colleagues had made passing comments, but certainly not seventeen, and certainly not all men. Ah well, it'd keep Nathan on his toes and a little white lie here and there couldn't do any harm could it?

As I got to the end of my corridor I was surprised to see Natalie's desk empty, but then seconds later she dashed from the direction of the conference room and practically knocked down the water machine and a potted plant in her rush to get to me. My eyes widened; blimey, my usually ultra-cool and calm assistant was barrelling towards me wobbling precariously on her ‘too-high-high-heels’ in her haste and looked decidedly flushed.

‘Oh my God, Stella, thank God you're back!’ Her red face and high tone was anything but cool and calm, what the heck was wrong? ‘We have an important visitor and he wants a tour of the offices. I've put him in the conference room for now.’

Puffing out my cheeks I groaned out a sigh, ‘Oh God, it's not the Mayor again is it?’ I grimaced as I thought back to a couple of years ago when the Mayor of London had appeared in the office unannounced and randomly begun handing out free doughnuts and coffee. It had all been a bit strange really, but had conveniently – and suspiciously – happened just a few days before mayoral elections were due. I doubted he'd ever be back, we ate his doughnuts, but we didn’t vote for him.

Natalie joined me and together we continued down the corridor until we reached the door to my office, ‘No, someone much more exciting.’ Natalie gushed as I dropped off my handbag and briefcase on my desk, desperately wishing I could just kick off my high heels and crawl under the desk to sleep. ‘Nathaniel Jackson, you know, as in
Nathaniel Jackson, our biggest client.’

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