Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3)
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Then, with no more words, not even a goodbye, he was gone, leaving no evidence of his visit except my exposed arse and a waft of his gorgeous scent hanging in the air. I still didn’t know if it was aftershave or shower gel that I liked so much, but whichever it was I would happily have my office smelling of it on a daily basis. Picking up a client folder I wafted my heated face and blew the errant hair from my eyes. Crikey, that had been a crazy hour, that was for sure. And now I was sat in my office unable to focus on anything other than my huge state of arousal, my heavy breathing, and my very knickerless bottom.

Chapter Three - Stella

This may well go down as my stupidest idea ever. Chewing on my lip and nervously spinning my thumb ring I briefly considered forgetting it and making a run for home, but unfortunately just then I heard a key in the front door and knew that my time to escape had well and truly passed. With a loud swallow I tried to bolster my failing confidence, here we go then.

Adjusting my teeny tiny blouse – one I'd accidentally shrunk in the wash months ago – I checked my cleavage in the wall mirror one more time. Pronounced and perky, with plenty of flesh on display, it was quite impressive tonight, if I do say so myself. Although if I'm being honest that probably had a lot to do with the magic balcony bra I was wearing and not a lot to do with my actual breasts.

Once I was happy that my boobs would have the desired effect I took a seat on the large leather office chair and began to wait. Crikey, my heart was beating so fast I actually felt light headed. Lifting a hand to smooth my hair I realised my hands were also shaking uncontrollably. I was a complete mess. How I expected to carry off my plan in this state I had no idea. Shaking my head I lowered my trembling fingers and gripped the book on the desk to distract me. There really was no two ways about it – this had definitely been a bad idea.

Just then I heard footsteps in the hall and then the next second Nathan was standing in the door to his home office staring at me sitting in
office chair. After today's run in at the Markis office I'd had second thoughts about the ‘switch’ thing and decided to make use of my spare key to come to his house early and surprise him, but the thunderous look of annoyance on his face was drastically making me re-think my choice.

‘Stella? What the hell are you doing in my office?’ He demanded in a gritty tone. He sounded particularly angry and clearly not pleased to see me which was rather disappointing, but after a deep breath I summoned my inner confidence and decided to stick to my original plan and plough on regardless. This might backfire completely and leave me looking like a total idiot, but I'd spent all afternoon rehearsing it and getting ready so I may as well give it a try.

Straightening my back I tried to think like I did at work. I was a powerful career woman and I needed to act like one now, so arching my eyebrow I narrowed my eyes in disdain and sat back in the chair behind Nathan's desk trying to look like I owned the place.

‘Your office?’ I asked incredulously, remarkably proud that my voice sounded as calm, aloof and professional as it did, especially seeing as my heart was rampaging in my chest like a herd of wild buffalo. ‘I think you're getting a little above yourself Mr Jackson, this is
company and
office.’ God I was good. Nathan's expression was absolutely priceless, his mouth was practically hanging open as he tried to comprehend what the hell was going on. ‘… and whilst we're on the subject of our working environment I expect you to call me Ms Marsden when you're in
office, do you understand?’ With a dramatic flick of my hand I removed the glasses I had been wearing to give the effect of professionalism and placed them on the desk, and then proceeded to unclip and shake out my long, loose hair like I was in a shampoo advert so it fell in waves across my shoulders.

Blinking several times Nathan still stood frozen in the doorway apparently at a complete loss for what to say or do, but judging from the twitching muscle in his jaw he looked like his brain might be about to short circuit at any moment. Slamming down the book I had been holding in my other hand – my props were almost as impressive as my acting – I stood up and leaned forwards on the desk giving him a great view of my cleavage whilst flashing him my best attempt at a menacing look. ‘I said,
do you understand

There was a lengthy pause where I began to panic, but finally Nathan’s face quirked to the side as recognition flashed in his eyes, his bewildered expression clearing as he finally realised what I was doing. I have to say, he was a lot slower on the uptake than I'd expected, so I gave an almost imperceptible nod and then watched as Nathan's eyes lit with excitement.

‘Mr Jackson, I asked you a question, do
keep me waiting for an answer,’ I stated firmly. God this was fun! Just then I noticed the aquamarine lace of my ripped panties still sticking out from his suit pocket and nearly ruined my acting by bursting into a grin – he'd kept them there all day! On show for all and sundry to see!

‘Yes I understand, I apologise for not using your correct title, Ms Marsden,’ Nathan finally replied in a low, contrite tone. Oh goody, he was getting straight into his role and apparently quite keen to join in with the fun.

‘Good, come in and close the door.’ With deliberate slowness I walked around to the front of the desk so Nathan would get a complete look at my ‘office’ outfit. Not that I would ever be seen dead at work in these clothes; beneath my incredibly skimpy skirt – an old netball skirt of mine which made it both short and floaty – I was wearing stockings and suspenders and I had made sure the bottom of the suspender belt was clearly visible alongside the exposed flesh at the top of my thighs. I was also wearing a pair of killer six-inch heels and the whole outfit was topped off with my flimsy shrunken blouse, pushed-up tits, and my hair curled and flowing loose. I wasn't big into ego, but even I knew that I looked like an image from most guys’ office porn fantasies tonight.

Propping my bum on the front of the desk I crossed my arms under my breasts, forcing my bosom to almost burst from my low cut shirt and glared at him. Nathan's obvious appreciation of my outfit was clear in his blazing eyes and I allowed myself a second of internal celebration. Licking his lips Nathan’s gaze travelled the full length of me twice, and I watched in amusement as he shoved his hands in his pockets, shifted on the spot, and awkwardly adjusted his groin area which seemed to be expanding by the second.

Yes! My plan was working! As much as I loved Nathan dominating me, the realisation that I also had power over him was quite a thrill and I couldn’t help a small smile breaking on my lips.

‘Would you like to explain why you're late?’ I demanded after quickly clearing my throat and realising that with my little daydream I’d paused the whole role play thing for a bit too long.

Smiling to myself I saw that Nathan actually looked like he might burst a blood vessel as he continued to stare at my exposed cleavage and thighs, but after another few moments he gathered his wits, rolled off his shoulders, and answered me. ‘I got stuck in a meeting, Ms Marsden.’ he answered softly, linking his hands in front of himself.

My eyebrows rose as I noticed this action with interest; linked hands was the pose that signalled my submission. Was that why he was doing it? Was he submitting to me? Giving himself over to the game? Strangely the idea excited me more than I had expected it to.

‘I don't tolerate lateness, Mr Jackson.’ I snapped, throwing his own words of a few weeks ago back at him before teasing him by slowly uncrossing and re-crossing my legs just like the scene in
Fatal Attraction
. This simple action caused Nathan to noticeably redden and his eyes to widen even further. Gosh, this really was rather good fun!

‘I'm sorry, Ms Marsden.’ Nathan murmured contritely. It suddenly struck me that his eyes were firmly fixed on mine now, how odd, it seemed that this little role play had made him forget all about his dislike for eye contact. Perhaps it was because he was playing a role and not being himself? Whatever the cause, I liked it. Nathan's eyes were piercingly blue and a glance from him always made my insides tremble in a delicious way. Right now my insides were like a big bowl of squirmy, aroused deliciousness.

‘Apart from my timekeeping, can I ask why I'm here, Ms Marsden?’ Nathan asked, astonishing me completely. Bugger, I hadn't thought this far ahead. When I'd planned this little surprise for Nathan I'd only considered his reaction to me pretending to be his boss … after that I'd just kind of assumed that we'd have sex. Preferably on his desk, and hopefully after he’d done something dramatic like sweep the contents off with his forearm and thrown me across it in a fit of passion.

Noticing that he was still staring at me awaiting my reply I winced. Oh God, I was going to have to think on my feet and make something up quickly, ‘I wanted to discuss your inadequacies,’ I said, saying the first thing that sprung to my mind. Well, that was the type of thing a boss would call you into their office to discuss wasn't it?

‘My inadequacies?’ Nathan's voice dipped and his eyes narrowed significantly as I watched a muscle flick to life in his jaw line. Uh-oh, this was control freak Nathaniel Jackson I was dealing with – perhaps pretending that he had inadequacies hadn’t been the best option. His face was hardening by the second and his body tensing as the control of the situation quickly shifted over to him. I wasn't willing to give in so easily though, and quickly did my best to dig myself out of the hole that I was on the verge of falling into.

‘Yes, Mr Jackson, it's come to my notice that your stamp-licking skills are atrocious.’ I tried to sound haughty and keep a straight face as I spoke, but stamp licking? Where the hell had I conjured that up from? Oh well, I'd said it now, please let something light-hearted and ridiculous like ‘stamp licking’ soothe his impending bad mood.

Thankfully I saw the tension leave his body as Nathan's shoulders relaxed and he nearly,
very nearly
, smiled. ‘My stamp-licking skills … I see.’ Nathan took a step towards me, his blue eyes still intently focused on mine, but stopped just a few feet in front of me.

‘Have I done anything else wrong, Ms Marsden?’ Nathan asked, his tone lower and sending a delicious shiver down my spine that was making role playing more and more difficult by the second. In fact it was currently difficult enough just leaning on the desk without sliding off into a molten pool of arousal at his feet.

‘Umm …’ I was getting quite hot under the collar now, my very small, shrunken collar. His looks alone were enough to get me frantically turned on, but as if sensing my struggle for what to say next Nathan stepped in to assist me in prolonging our role play.

‘I should probably admit that I broke your stapler last week.’ A small smile was tugging at the corner of his mouth now, clearly Nathan was loving every minute of this little fantasy. ‘Oh yes, and I killed the pot plant in the staffroom.’ he admitted with a solemn nod of his head. ‘Your favourite one.’

Sucking in a cleansing breath I found my voice again. ‘Well Mr Jackson, these indiscretions simply can't go unnoticed, you will have to be dealt with.’ I stated clearly, suddenly becoming incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of actually punishing him. I quite liked it when he had spanked me in the past, but spanking him? I didn’t think I could do it, it just wouldn’t feel right.

‘I understand, Ms Marsden, once again I apologise, is there perhaps something I can do to make it up to you?’ he added salaciously, his eyes dancing. Ah, maybe Nathan had picked up on my hesitancy with the whole punishment thing and was happy to take on a different type of punishment for me.

‘Oh Mr Jackson, I can think of several things.’ I replied as I pushed myself further back on the desk so I was actually sat on it with my legs dangling over the side.

Smiling darkly Nathan stepped forwards and leant in to kiss me, but feeling ridiculously brave and slightly power-crazy I placed a firm hand on his chest to stop him. ‘I don't think so, Mr Jackson. You made me wait so I think you owe me a little pleasure to make up for your lateness.’ Oh my God, did I really just say that?

The look of absolute shock on Nathan’s face told me I did. Yes! I was getting to pay him back for the torturous night several weeks ago when he'd made me wait and wait for my orgasm because I’d been late arriving at his apartment. Jeez, the rush of adrenaline from the power of this situation was actually making me dizzy, not to mention unbelievably horny.

The look of utter astonishment on Nathan's face had held and almost caused a bubble of insane laughter to escape from my throat, but thankfully I swallowed it down and raised a stern eyebrow at him just like my witch of a head teacher used to do in high school.

After blinking in shock at my apparent transformation into some power-crazy dominatrix, Nathan straightened his back and linked his hands again, ‘Of course, Ms Marsden, what would you suggest I do?’

‘Hmmm, why don't we start by practising your stamp-licking skills?’ I suggested helpfully, improvising wildly as I did so. A confused look settled on Nathan's features so I shrugged casually, ‘Unfortunately, I don’t have stamps handy … I wonder what else you could lick?’ I felt quite ridiculous being as blatantly sexual as this, but luckily I was with Nathan who happened to be one of the world’s kinkiest men and who clearly didn’t mind my little tease at all.

A pleased humming sound resonated from the back of his throat and seemed to travel directly to my groin, making me shiver with delicious anticipation and squirm on the surface of the desk. ‘Why don't you let me worry about that?’ Nathan suggested, placing his hands on my thighs and slowly sliding them up under the hem of my skirt until it was bunched around my waist. Nathan’s eyes lowered to my groin, then he gasped and looked up with a wicked glint in his eye that made me suddenly remember that I'd gone commando to add some extra excitement to the afternoon’s proceedings. Well, he'd ripped my panties off and left me knickerless and horny in the office all afternoon, so I had merely decided to maintain the trend.

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