Into the Shadows (9 page)

Read Into the Shadows Online

Authors: Karly Kirkpatrick

Tags: #paranormal, #magic, #secrets, #ya, #special powers

BOOK: Into the Shadows
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Paivi took her time walking to the edge of the
Montoya’s backyard. It took her down a slight hill and ended at the
edge of the woods. Off to the left was a small lake. In the
distance she could see the lights of the other large houses that
surrounded it. The moonlight left a thin silver path across the

Paivi could see two figures walking back towards the
house from a path that wound around the lake. She could make out
someone dressed as the Grim Reaper, carrying a large scythe and
wearing a flowing black robe with a hood. A girl walking along side
the Reaper wore her hair in a ponytail, a pink poodle skirt, and a
letter jacket.

Interesting, she thought. Death and a bobby

She laughed silently to herself and pulled the hood
of her cloak up around her head. She didn’t really feel like
talking to anyone. She turned back towards the trees, moving a
little closer to them. In the shadows, she tried to spy some proper
marshmallow-roasting sticks.

Paivi turned back towards the house to see how
Michaela was getting on and found herself face to face with the
Grim Reaper. She jumped slightly at the sight of the dark cloak
with no face. The bobby soxer was gone. She could see her walking
across the yard, back toward the group around the fire.

“Sorry, Grimmy,” she chuckled, her hand pressed to
her heart. “It’s not my time yet!”

“I wasn’t aware you were such a comedian,” retorted
a voice behind the black fabric that she didn’t recognize. A black
gloved hand pulled off the hood.

“You!” Paivi said, shocked to see the face of
Christian Nelson. “What do you want?”

She took a step back towards the trees. She could
see the house and bonfire in front of her, and wanted nothing more
than to take off and head back to Michaela.

“Tsk, tsk,” clucked Christian. “Why so

She looked into his eyes. They shined brightly in
the moonlight. She decided they weren’t as scary up close. She
didn’t feel so much afraid as she did annoyed.

“Look, I just need to find a couple sticks and then
I am going back to the fire.” She turned back towards the trees.
She noticed some sticks on the ground and could see her name
spelled out in them.


Christian laughed.

She whipped back around.

“I knew it was you! Why? Why are you doing this?
What do you want from me?” she demanded. She could feel the energy
building up in her, but fought it. A scene in front of a group was
something she couldn’t risk.

“I have my reasons.” He smirked and Paivi
contemplated slapping it clean off his face.

I could get away with it here, she thought, we
aren’t at school.

“Anyways, I’ve been trying to get your attention for
awhile,” he added.

“If you wanted to meet to me so badly, why didn’t
you just come up and talk to me like a normal person? That would
have worked better than staring me down with the evil eye and
leaving creepy messages in my food,” she retorted.

He turned toward the pond, looking out at the
sparkling water.

“I have a reputation to uphold. Christian Nelson
wouldn’t just go up and talk to someone, especially a freshman,” he
said smugly. “They all come to him.”

“Well I am glad you think enough about yourself to
refer to yourself in the third person. However, I could care less
about you and your reputation. So if you don’t mind, I’d like you
to just leave me alone and forget whatever it is you think you know
about me.” She grabbed two sticks out of the piles that had spelled
her name and turned to head back to the party.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She tried to
pull away, but he only pulled her closer.

“I don’t think that’s possible. You see, I know
things that I just really can’t forget.” His face was so close to
hers she could feel his breath.

Her eyes flashed with anger. Unable to hold back
this time, she felt the energy rush out through her fingertips. A
strong wind rushed around them causing the twigs and leaves at
their feet to dance, some clinging to the bottom of their cloaks.
In an instant the air was calm once again. Christian seemed

“Oh yeah, like what,” she spat, holding her

“Well,” he looked into her eyes and smiled, “you’re
quite cute when you’re mad. Has anyone ever told you that?”

She didn’t answer.

“I know about you, Paivi; that you can see things.
But I didn’t know about this,” he waved his arm at the mess of
leaves and twigs that clung to him and began to pick them off.
“You’re more powerful than I thought. I also know about your
parents, John and Maria. I know that your brother, Torsten, is not
‘gifted,’ as you might say, like you and your parents.”

“So what, what can you do about it? Are you going to
tell people? Do you really think anyone would believe it?” she

His eyes narrowed.

“Are you really willing to find out? Do you want to
be labeled as a freak?” he hissed.

She wavered a little, but continued to hold his

“You wouldn’t.” She wasn’t so sure of that. “How did
you find out? All I know is if you know about me and you can send
those messages, then you are just as ‘gifted.’ Why couldn’t I just
tell people about you?”

“Well, you could try, but no one at school wouldn’t
listen. Let’s just say they all owe me something. Plus, they love
me,” he said, flashing a gleaming white smile. “They would never
believe you, you’re a nobody. And I can’t tell you how I know,
that’s a secret, I’m afraid.”

“So what is this all about then? What do you want?”
she demanded, her voice rising.

“Look, you need to understand, right now — I own
that school. I’m offering you an opportunity here to join me.
Together we can have complete control of that place and everyone in
it. Just think, you could be the most popular girl in school.” He
studied her face closely and released his grip.

“I don’t care about that. I don’t need to be
popular. I don’t want to have to manipulate people just to be cool.
What if I say no? You’ll tell everyone about my parents and me?
Basically, you want to blackmail me to be your friend?” Paivi said,
rubbing her arm.

“Ooo, blackmail is such an ugly word. Let’s say
encourage. Look, do you know anyone else who is special like

“No.” She took a step back.

“Well, there are a few others at our school, but
they aren’t even aware of what they have. They would think I was
crazy if I tried to talk to them. They wouldn’t understand. But
haven’t you ever just wanted to talk to someone about it, to not
have to hide what you can do?” He moved closer to her. “Haven’t you
ever wanted a friend that you could be yourself around? Paivi, if
those people knew about you, about us, we would be totally on our
own. Outcasts. This way, at least we have some protection. Think of
it this way, we’d be in this together.”

“Well, I think you’re nuts, but it’s not like you’re
giving me any choices here.” She thought about it, looking back at
the bonfire, back at the others. They were all so normal.

“Fine, Christian, fine. Whatever it takes to protect
my family. But you have to give me some time. It’s not like I am
going to be your best friend overnight. And I am not going to
manipulate people. I’ll leave that to you.”

“Okay, okay, you’ve got a deal. I knew you would
come around!” he smiled and clapped his hands together.

“Can I go back to the party now?” The crisp air
crept up her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. She pulled her
cloak closer. It was colder than she thought.

Christian pulled his mask back down, concealing his

“Here, I’ll walk with you.”

“Gee, thanks,” Paivi retorted sarcastically.

They quickly made their way across the yard, neither
of them saying a word. Images swam before her eyes. Friends. Her
parents. Jason. Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach. There
was no way out of this.

The group on the patio had grown since Paivi had
left to gather the sticks. Michaela was still in deep conversation
with Dave the pirate. They were sitting on a bench together, close
to the fire.

“Bye Paivi, I’ll talk to you on Monday at lunch,”
said Christian quietly from behind his mask. He squeezed her arm
and headed back into the house.

Paivi pulled her arm back, as if his touch burned
her. She said nothing and turned her back to him. Excusing herself
and squeezing through the crowd, she tapped Michaela on the
shoulder with a stick.

“Oh, thanks P!” was all Paivi got out of her.

Great. Now she was on her own and there was still
nowhere to sit.

“Paivi?” asked a familiar voice.

She turned around to find herself looking at a more
pleasant view this time. Jason stood before her, dressed as a
Chicago Cubs baseball player. Paivi smiled.

“Hi! What happened to the lederhosen, Hansel? I
thought you’d look so cute! Think of how much leg you could show
with those shorts!” she teased. “Where’s Melissa?”

“Um,” he looked down, fiddling with the leather mitt
he was carrying, “we broke up.”

She stared at him for a moment and hid her smile
behind her hand. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”

Maybe this wouldn’t be such an awful night after
all, she thought.




Chapter Eight
The Debate


Paivi Anderson

Current Events p.6

Dr. Hasenpfeffer

This week I read another article in the
St. Andrew Herald
by Jerome Knowles.
It was called “The Final Debate: It’s too late for Senator
Stevens.” He writes that Moira Kelly has already won the election.
According to the polls, Kelly leads Stevens 64% to 46%. Knowles
says it means Kelly will definitely win because in history very few
candidates come back from that kind of margin. Kelly also has bonus
points with voters because she got the head of the Righteous Front,
Malcolm Davis, to agree to talks after the election. Knowles thinks
only a miracle will save Senator Stevens and his campaign at this
point. I am planning to watch the debate on Sunday because I think
it will be interesting and because it is a class


Senator Stevens sat in a chair in his
dressing room. It was quiet. The hair and make-up people had just
left, and none of his staff had returned from their tasks. There
was still some time before the debate was to begin. He sat back in
his chair and looked at his clean, smiling reflection in the
mirror. He had never really been handsome as a young man, but now
he at least looked distinguished. He looked like a…

A President, he finished the thought, taking a sip
of water from a glass on the counter.

He adjusted his tie, which was unnecessary, as it
was already perfect. He polished the American flag pin on his lapel
and smiled.

This is it, he thought.

He got up from his chair and retrieved a small flash
drive from his briefcase, tucking it into the pocket of his suit

The door to his dressing room opened and his
assistant Martin appeared.

“They’re ready for you, Senator,” said Martin,
holding the door.

Senator Stevens followed Martin down a hallway,
which led to the large Auditorium Theater where the debate was to
take place.

Chicago — middle America, where all of the average
voters live, he thought.

The theater’s large, lighted arches, painted a
stunning gold, soared overhead. Colorful frescoes decorated the
walls and ceiling.

A fitting place for my victory, he thought as they
entered the stage. Though the election wasn’t until Tuesday, he
knew it might as well be today.

“Senator.” Jeff Clancy, one of America’s most well
known and respected newsmen walked up, extending his hand.

Senator Stevens reached out, shaking it

“Good to see you Clancy. How’s the wife?”

“She’s well, Senator. Truly, it is an honor to be
working with you tonight! I think they are just giving us a chance
to check out the surroundings,” Clancy said, waving a hand at the
expansive theater.

Stevens nodded.

“Well, I better be on my way, good to see you sir,”
he paused, looking back at the Senator, “good luck tonight!”

“Thanks.” He didn’t need luck. He had something

After visiting his podium and checking his
microphone with the sound booth, Senator Stevens was led back to
his dressing room to await the beginning of the debate. The next
hour raced by, filled with last minute briefings and hair and
make-up touch-ups.

And then it was time.

The Senator stood in the wings, listening to the
cheers of the audience as Jeff Clancy was introduced. Jeff
addressed the crowd briefly, and then they turned their attention
to the stage. It was decked with bright red curtains against which
hung long blue banners. Lines of white stars ran along the banners
from floor to ceiling. Two podiums on the stage were decorated in a
similar motif.

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