Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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“Are you okay!?” She asked from the window. No, I’m waiting for a friend, I mean my boss. “Mrs. Parr is napping now.” Carmen told me. “I finally managed to calm her down. You want some company out there?” I nodded back sadly. Carmen disappeared from the window and a few minutes later she was on the front stoop with me. “What you gonna do? Did you call that detective?” She asked. “I’m afraid to. I never felt so confused in my life. For the first time in a long time I really don’t know what to do.” Before I could say another word, Rome pulled up to the curb like a bat out of hell. “Damn hommie, what you trying to do? Slow your roll my man!” One of the young thugs yelled out from across the street. Rome looked over at them but ignored them as he got out of his car and started walking towards me quickly. “You better keep on going!” Another yelled. “You motherfuckers need to just keep it moving!” Carmen called out. “Under the circumstances, I’ll keep my mouth shut, so how bad is it?” Rome said as he gave me a hug. “Tray, do you know those guys?”

“Just some neighborhood punks, they be selling drugs around the corner.” Carmen interrupted. “Those motherfuckers got some nerve.” She mumbled. I began to cry. “What happened to Sadique?” Rome asked Carmen. “His mother said that some detectives came by earlier. She seemed a bit incoherent but we think she was saying that they wanted her to call them. They left a card with her.” Carmen answered. Rome looked at me sadly now. “Did you call, did they confirm if it was him or not?” He asked. “No not yet, im too afraid to call Rome, I’m praying it isn’t, but I haven’t been able to reach him for almost 2 days now and my gut is telling me something.” I confessed. “I pray not Tray". Rome said sadly he as gave me another embrace. “Uhmm Uhmm.” Carmen interrupted. “Oh, I’m sorry Carmen, I don’t mean to be rude. This is my good friend and boss Jerome Mathis.” “Nice to meet you Carmen,” Rome said sadly as he reached out and shook her hand.

“The pleasure’s all mine.” Carmen replied. It was obvious that Carmen found Rome attractive, like most women did, but I don’t think he even noticed she was there more or less flirting with her looks. “Rome, can you go with me to the hospital.” I said. “Okay, you want me to call Jackie? He asked. “No I’ll call her later. I want to be sure first.”I said. “Can I ride with you?” Carmen asked. “Thanks Carmen, I could use all the support I can get right now.” “I’ll go let Ms. Staten know where we’re going. She’s a friend of Mrs. Parr. I’ll have her watch her until we get back.” Carmen said as she rushed back into the building.

“We’ll wait for you in the car.” Rome stated as he opened the door for me. “You sure you don’t want to call first? I wish I could say or do something to make you feel better.” Rome stated. “I don’t want to call. I want to just go down there and see what’s going on. Why would they come by here and give her their card after I just spoke to this detective Johnson about my dog earlier and he didn’t mention anything about Sadique, and I’m sure he knew that was him because his name was also on the lease there, and they asked me did I think that he was involved.” I said as my mind raced with many questions. I glanced over at Rome. “Oh, you’re doing what a best friend could ever do Rome, you’re here that’s all that matters, thanks for coming.”

“That’s what friends are for and besides, I always got your back, and I always will. Maybe it just slipped his mind Tray. Sometimes those detectives might get busy with other cases, especially with all the homicides happening in this God forsaken city. ” Rome stated. “Yes I know, maybe you’re right, thanks again.” I said and smiled. Carmen was back outside minutes later and climbed into his car. “This is a nice ride you have.” “Thank you Carmen.” He replied as he pulled off slowly. Rome held my hand the whole ride to the morgue and that didn’t seem to go unnoticed by Carmen as we rode in silence to the hospital. Thoughts of Sadique began to run through my mind, his smile, his touch, his presence, his everything. I started feeling bad that I thought he was off somewhere cheating on me, but I couldn’t bring myself to believe that he could be dead. I just couldn’t.

Knowing now that he might have been fighting for his life somewhere or even thinking of me before he died brought me to more tears. Maybe Freeway and Sadique were connected some kind of way. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the headrest. I didn’t notice we had pulled into the hospital’s parking lot when we finally did. I called an old friend of mine Dr. Bobby Dodson, he’s the chief coroner. He said he’d have someone meet us at the front desk.” Rome said.

“When did you call do that?” I asked. “I called when I was on my way over to you guys.” He replied as he parked and we exited his car.We all walked into the hospital, feeling as if we were at a funeral. I had only visited this place a few times covering stories but this trip was very different. It felt cold, empty and a little scary this time. An older, but rather attractive white woman met us at the front desk. “Good to see you again Mr. Mathis.” She said before we even reached her. “Hey Bobby, thanks for your time. This is my friend Tracy Truesdale and her friend Carmen.” He introduced. “Hi Tracy, Mr. Mathis has briefly explained to me why you’re here, my heart goes out to you, you know? Not knowing can be just as bad.” She explained. “Let’s go to my office, it’s down the hall this way.”Bobby and Rome made small talk while Carmen and I held hands and walked in silence. She led us to a well furnished office. Not the kind of office one would expect a coroner to have. Her office looked like it may have belonged in a board room. No mess, well organized, and she even had a candle lit.   

Dr. Bobby spoke once we stepped in her office. “The John Doe we have down stairs is not a pretty picture. He has major blunt trauma to the face and body. Would you prefer to identify the body through pictures.” She asked. I stated no, and at the same time Carmen said yes. “I need to see if it’s him in person.” Carmen said, and began to cry. “Ok, we can go and view the body.” I said. I don’t know what made me change my mind. “Are you sure Tray? Rome asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” I said as I shook my head. “What was the cause of death?” I asked. “I think it would be best to make a positive identification first before answering any question. I can’t speak about this case until after the identification process is concluded, and we wouldn’t want to unnecessarily upset anyone.” The doctor said. We all followed Dr. Bobby out of her office and took the elevator to the basement. Rome held both mine and Carmen’s hands.

“I can’t believe this.” Carmen said lowly to herself. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought.” She whispered. Dr. Bobby stopped in front of a mirrored wall and the closed curtains. “You guys ready? She asked, but she was only looking at me. I never did answer. She tapped on the glass, the curtains slowly opened and there he was. Sadique was lying on a gourney, looking still and motionless.

“Oh God!” Carmen cried as she fell to her knees. Rome and Dr. Bobby comforted Carmen. I walked closer to the glass. My heavy panting began to fog the glass. “This can’t be!” I screamed out. “How, who could have done this to him?” I asked myself as the room began to spin and I began to cry. I opened the door to the room where he was. “Tray, don’t do this to yourself! Rome called out as he tried to comfort Carmen. Carmen was loosing it. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that he was her man. I walked inside and up to his body and just stood there. The way his head looked almost made it not look like him. I walked around to the other side of the table.

Oh my God! The right side of Sadique’s head was beaten in very badly. He had a small hole in his forehead and what appeared to be an even bigger hole in the back of his head which made his head appear smaller than it really is, like maybe some of his brain was missing too. There were cigarette burns on his chest, his eyes were closed, bloodied and swollen shut. He looked like he suffered a slow and very painful death. I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing right now. The man that I love is laying here dead on this gurney almost unrecognizable. My heart felt as if it had fallen into my feet. “I can’t believe this is happening, this can’t be happening, God no tell me this isn’t him?” I whispered aloud. Rome walked into the room and touched my shoulder from behind. “Sorry Tray, you don’t deserve this and neither did he.” Rome said sadly. I’m so sorry Ms. Truesdale, but I have to ask you. Is this him? The doctor asked softly. “Yes, yes it’s him. I have to get out of here, I need to go home.” My mouth said, but my mind was nowhere near anyone else’s right now. Everything and nothing seemed to be running through my mind. The words that Rome are about to say to me right now will probably not even register in my brain, but I was listening to him as he voiced his concerns.

“I don’t think you should go home alone Tray. I don’t think you should even consider even going home at all just yet. Suppose the same people that killed him and Freeway are looking for you right now too? You’ve covered a lot of crazy stories over the years and there are a lot of crazy people out there that know or heard of you. There could be a crazed killer stalker after you or something. I’m not taking any chances you’re not staying at your place right now. I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Rome said seriously. “Rome I’m scared, I can’t think about any of those things right now. I need to tell Sadique’s mom. Where’s Carmen? “She’ll be ok you’re my main concern now Tray.” Rome stated. “Rome can you find out who’s going to be working this case? I need some answers, and fast.”

“I’ll get on that asap Tray, but let’s get you out of here first. Bobby said she would have a full report in a few hours, she’ll give me a call first thing.” Rome said. “Right now this isn’t a good place for you to be.” Rome stated. Whoever did this was going to pay, I promise. I thought to myself, but how am I gonna’ tell Sadique’s mama that she was right and that her only child is dead. I thought as I stared down on my fiancees’ still, cold, colorless and dead face and began to sob deeply, but quietly as we left the hospital. We pulled in front of the senior citizens building where Sadique’s mom was staying, of course the whole building knew where we were coming from because Ms. Staten couldn’t hold water if she were drowning. A group of young women were standing on the porch, and there faces seemed to light up when we got out of the car. “Carmen!” Some of the women called out as they all ran over to her. “We’re so sorry to hear about Sadique, do they know who did it?” One of the women asked, but Carmen was silent. I would have ignored them as we walked past, until I thought I heard one of them mention how Carmen's baby was not going to have a father. I think Rome heard it too. I stopped in my tracks. “Hold up, what did she just say?” I asked surprisingly.

“What, who the fuck is she and who the fuck is she talking to like that.” One of her friend’s said angrily. “Carmen, who is this bitch and somebody betta check her before she get fucked up” said another.  Did she just say what I thought I heard her say Carmen? Her baby just lost his daddy? And this bitch, I blacked. I reached over and grabbed a fist full of Carmen’s hair and pulled her out into the street. “So you were playing me out bitch?” I said as I began swinging at her face. Carmen tried to run, but I wouldn’t let her loose. Her face caught every punch I threw. I beat that bitch like the sneaky bitch that I just discovered she was. “Tracy I’m sorry!” She began to weep. “You wasn’t supposed to find out this way!” She added as I flung her to the ground. I was too hurt and way too angry, but more angry than hurt right now as I lodged straight for Carmen’s face.

“You’re sorry, all this time you’re smiling in my face and you were secretly fucking my man, bitch and you got a baby by him?!” I screamed as I tried to attack her again.  Rome grabbed me, and a few of Carmen’s friends grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. I felt sick and my knees grew weak. “Now tell me she didn’t just say Sadique was her baby‘s father?” I asked aloud. “Tracy let’s go.” Rome said as he pulled me back towards his car. “Yeah take that crazy bitch home!” A girl called out. “I don’t know what he saw in your bougie ass anyway, fake bitch! Now go and write about that in your newspaper bitch!” Someone also screamed at me. I was more shocked now than anything. I felt like I was just hit by a truck. Carmen didn’t even look at me.

“So it’s like that huh Carmen?” I called back. “We could’ve handled this like women bitch, but you wanna try and be on some sneaky hoe shit. I guess Sadique didn’t tell you that I’m from the hood too! And I’ll fuck all you bitches up! Don’t get it twisted bitches!” I wanted to fight her again, but I should be fighting Sadique ass right now. Where is he? I thought, and then it hit me that I couldn’t fight with him because he‘s dead. “She’s probably hurting too Tray, let it go please, now is not the time. Besides you’re making yourself look bad out here fighting in these streets, you’re so much bigger than this. You know this already Tray.” Rome assured me. “But why should I.” I couldn’t even find the next words to say. I began crying hysterically into his chest. ‘The man that I love and meant the most to me in the world is gone, and to top it off is a cheater, with a baby! How can I grieve for him now?” I sobbed. He gave Carmen something he never gave me.”

“They have a baby Rome, how could I not know? I feel so stupid.” I cried as Rome escorted me over to my car. “Ssshh, it’s gonna be alright Tray. Let’s get you out of here.” Rome comforted me as I sat down into my car. I glanced over quickly and noticed that a car that looked exactly like Sadique’s car was parked across the street, when I knew for sure that it wasn’t there earlier when we was here. My head was spinning even faster now.

“I’ll follow you Tray, is that ok with you?” I got in and started the car. I didn’t even know where I wanted to go, but home wasn’t where I wanted to be. Not right now. I needed a drink. I rode for a few blocks and pulled in front of the Candlelite Lounge, a local bar. “You wanna go in there?” Rome pulled up beside my car and asked looking confused and puzzled. “No not really, I don’t know, you got any other ideas?” I confusedly said and asked. “We can go to my place I have a spare room. You need a little space to sort all this out in your head right now.” Rome offered. “Ok I’ll follow you, but we’re going to have to come back here tomorrow so I can see Mrs. Parr!” I called out. I really didn’t want to be alone right now. My mind flashed back to Sadique’s body in the morgue. As much as I wanted to hate him right now, I couldn’t find myself to do that because I still loved him, and he’s gone now, so I forgave him.

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