Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (28 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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“Ha ha hellll yeah, I knew my man since I was like fifteen, he like a father to me. Yo, I can’t tell you too much right now, but you’ll meet him. I told him about you, because he be handlin’ all the new recruits, but on the strength of me he said that it was ok to let you in. Look Kore, just yesterday your shit was all fucked up, now look today, you still got that money in your pocket right?” He asked me. I reached into my pocket and felt that it was still there. “Yeah, I still got it.” I confirmed.

“How much was that I gave you?” He asked. “I don’t know, I never got the chance to count it all”. “That was about ten thousand dollars I gave you last night, and most likely you probably won’t even get the chance to spend all that money real fast, but yo, you can make at least ten times that in only a couple of weeks if you rock with me on this and that’s my word son.” He said.

I thought hard about what I might be getting myself into, and then about all the money that Mike just said I could probably make. I thought about Jay and what he might have to say about all this. I know he was probably calling me off the hook, but my cell phone battery was dead, and that chick forgot to bring my charger and I didn’t have any with me. Besides, I need a little break anyway and Mike said that we gonna be right back. I thought as I looked at Mike. “Iight, what do you want me to do?” I asked. “For now just chill out, kick back and enjoy the ride ‘cause you might be doin’ this same shit one day so pay attention.” Mike said as he picked up his cell phone and dialed a telephone number. He put the phone to his ear and sat down on the bed.

“Yeah, Knight two, I got it...uh huh...yeah I know what to do...yeah he’s here too...uh huh....may the force be with you.” Mike said and then hung up the phone. Iight iight, now let me show you how you gonna get rich. Mike said smiling, and got up off of the bed. I sat down in the chair as I watched Mike reach under the bed and pulled out a box. As he was opening the box, someone knocked on the door. “Yo get that door, that’s Lourna and Nikki. He stated.” I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Lourna and Nikki. “I hope we ain’t gonna be down here for a long time like the last time.” Nikki complained. “Hey listen Nikki, why don’t yall go to the liquor store and get somethin to drink while I break down some this shit.” Mike said, as he pulled out a scale and some empty plastic sandwich bags from out of the box.

“How we gonna get there?” Lourna asked. “Oh, my bad.” Mike answered as he dug into his pants pockets and pulled out some keys and threw them towards Nikki who caught them. “Go ahead Kore take a ride with them they ain’t gonna hurt you, besides it’s gonna take me a while to finish breakin’ some of this shit down.” Mike said as he began inspecting some of the equipment. “Come on Korey.” Lourna ordered, so I got up and followed them out of the motel. Now, I thought that we were gonna go in the truck that we came down here in, but instead we climbed into another older model type Cadillac convertible.

Nikki drove as Lourna and I sat in the back seat listening to some music and talking. “So, what’s the part you play in all this?” I asked her. “Play in all of what?” She answered. “In all of this Ghostrydr drama that’s goin’ on?” I said. “Ghostrydr drama, what are you talking about?” She asked. “So you’re not a Ghostrydr?” I asked her. “A what?” She asked seriously. “Oh, I thought that you..” “Ssshhhh.” She interrupted as she secretly covered her lips with her finger. “We don’t talk about stuff like that.” She added. “Ohhh o.k. ssshhh, O.K. I got it.” I whispered. “So, Lourna, how long you know Mike?” “About, I don’t know maybe six or seven years.” She replied. Six or seven years!? I thought to myself as I frowned. “Why you look like that?” She asked. “I’ve known him for longer than that and he never mentioned you.” I said. “No? Well he sure mentioned you, and all the time too. Shit I probably know more about you than you know about you.” She added jokingly.

“Oh is that so, well tell me a little somethin’ about me then?” I questioned. “Well, I know that you live, or should I say
with your girlfriend, or should I say ex girlfriend Sinnamin, and you work, I mean
at the same place where Mike worked, Sal’s no, Frankie’s auto repair shop, with Sal, he was y’alls supervisor. Your momma lives in the projects, and you have a little brother named Kevin. Your cousin Jay is always trying to get you to do some rap music, and sometimes you like to play some football with your friends Ivan and Raheem. Mike says that you can rap really good, and that one day you might be like the next big rap star or somethin’ like that” She said. I was kinda taken back at how much she knew about me, but I knew absoloutely nothing about this woman that I already had sex with.

“Damn, Mike told you all that about me? Well, I don’t know about being the next big rap star but I can hold my own on the mic. “I don’t know Korey, but it just seems to me that you’re not the type to be movin’ like this, seems like you’re a mama’s boy type, like you come from a well together family, did you?” She asked sweetly. “Well kinda, my mom raised us, and my dad, well he popped up from time to time with a few dollars here and there.” I explained. “I mean, I know I just met you and we already had sex, but the way Mike used to talk about you all of the time, it made me want to meet you and now that I’ve finally met you. Listen, I’m gonna tell you something but promise me you won’t say anything to Mike.” She whispered. “I promise.” I answered.

“I used to see you all of the time when I used to ride around with Mike in one of his GCs.” She whispered. “GCs? What’s that?” I asked. “Oh, that’s his Ghost Cars.” She explained. “Oh, o.k.” I said. “I used to see you with your girl and it seemed like you really loved her. I used to see her too, and to keep it real with you she’s not good enough for a man like you Korey. I know that she’s pretty and sexy and all, but you deserve someone a little more...loveworthy.” She whispered over the music. “Wow, you really do know me huh?” I asked softly. “Yep, I’ve had my eye on you for a minute now, a long minute.” She replied.

“Whoa..that’s deep, so why you ain’t never try to holla at me if you knew how I was and how she was?” I asked. “I couldn’t because of…this.” She said hesitantly. “Of what?” I questioned. “Of
” She said as she made hand motions. I guess she was talking about her becoming a Ghostrydr. “And besides, I’m a stripper so I’m not really your type either.” She said. “It’s not that I have anything against strippers, It’s just that, I don’t...I ain’t never really…” I didn’t know how to say it without hurting her feelings “I know what it is Korey. You know how sometimes you can look at a person and tell what type of person they are?” She interruptedly asked.

“Yeah, sometimes.” I answered. “I mean, I know you should never judge a book by its cover. Sometimes when you meet someone, and your instinct tells you that something ain’t right about that person. Your instinct is usually right. It’s like when I first saw you, I didn’t think that you would get down with something like this. Just like me I don’t dance as much as I used to because Mike leaves me in charge of the girls and the other businesses at the house.” She explained. “Word? Yeah,well my cousin Jay was tellin’ me about the Ghostrydrz, and how they, I mean how y’all be gettin’ mad money all over the place.”

“Hey, that’s cool Korey, and yeah you gonna make lots of money, and I mean
lots of it
. It’s just that...” Lourna paused to think for a second. “It’s just that what?” I asked. “Were here? Liquor store up!” Nikki yelled from the front as she pulled up to the store. “Come on let’s go get some drinks.” Lourna said, and then exited the car as I followed. When we got into the liquor store Lourna and Nikki got a shopping cart and began to grab the biggest bottles of liquors they could find. “Hey Korey, should I get one bottle of Henny or two!?” She yelled from a short distance as she held them up in the air. “Shit, get three!” I joked.

“Iight three it is!” She replied as she put the three bottles into the cart. I thought that she was joking and that she was gonna see how far I’d go before she put some of them back. But by the time we were finished and all the liquors totaled up, the total was $736.79. “Seven thirty six seventy nine” The cashier said. “Damn, seven hundred thirty six dollars!” I said loudly. “Yep, and that’s about two fifty each.” Nikki said. “Two what, hundred!? I ain’t got no two hudred fifty dollars.” I complained. “Come on now Korey, you wouldn’t be down here with us if you ain’t have no pocket money.” Nikki said. “I’m tellin’ you I ain’t got no two.....” I reached down into my pockets thinking that I was gonna show them that I didn’t have that much money, but I felt that big bump of what felt like a stack of money instead. Ohhh, this is the money that Mike gave me when we was in his car. I thought to myself as I remembered.

“Hey listen y’all, I got this, y’all go head, put y’all money away. The Mann is pickin’ up the tab, we gonna have us some fun tonight.” I bragged as I paid for the liquor. Suddenly Lourna’s cell phone rang. “Hello? uh huh.. o.k... uh huh...alright bye”. She said, and then hung up. “Hey y’all, Mike said that we should go to the other room until he comes and gets us, because he has a couple of things to set up before we go to the stampede.” Lourna said. “What’s the stampede?” I asked. “Ha ha, you’ll see.” Nikki answered as we walked out of the store and drove back towards the hotel.









JUST CHILLIN                                                                           


When we got to the motel room there was another guy standing outside of our room. “Who is that?” I asked. “Oh, that’s just simple ass Jimmy, Mike probably sent him down here. They’ll probably be about four or five more just like him coming soon. Uh Ohhh here he comes.” Nikki panted. “Well looka herre looka herre, my darlin’ Nikki.” Jimmy said as he walked behind us. “Hey Jimmy, how you been?” Nikki said. “Well, I been alright, but now that yu’rre back in toun, I’m sure thangs gonn git a lotta mo’ betta.” He stated. “Not too much better cause I’m not stayin’ long.” Nikki snapped back at him as we walked up to the room. “Hey maen, how yu doin’ cuz?” He said to me and held out his hand for a greeting.

I shook his hand. “I’m iight, how you fam?” I replied. “Hay yu kno, culd be betta, culd be wurse.” He smirked. “Well you can wait out here but over there for Mike he should be comin’ here in a few minutes.” Nikki said as she opened the door. “Hold on Nikki, I jus’ wanna ask yu sumthin’ befure yu leeve.” He pleaded. Nikki stopped by the door as me and Lourna went inside. “What? Hurry up cause I gotta go.” Nikki argued. “Now yu wouldn’t by any chanse be goin over to The Sparrow tonight is yu? Cause I got a lotta homies comin’ thru an they gonn be spendin’ a lotta cash tanite, if yu see what I mean.” He said.

“I don’t know I’ll see.” Nikki said quickly and then slammed the door in Jimmy’s face. “Psss, I tired of these tired ass motherfuckas always tryin’ to smell up on this.” Nikki complained as she grabbed the remote control, then turned on the t.v. “Sounds like It’s gonna be a lotta money flyin’ around up in The Sparrow tonight.” Lourna said. “Hell yeah, as a matter of fact I might just fly up in that spot and make me a few thousands. Shoot, when them niggas see all this, they can’t help but put a ten or twenty dollar bill up in this g string hmm.” Nikki bragged as she strutted her well shaped body across the room.

“Man these niggas out here don’t be spending tens and twentys n’ shit like that. They fuck with them dollar bills just like everywhere else.” Lourna said as she poured a few cups of liquor. “C’mon yall, come have a drink with me.” She added. We all grabbed a cup of liquor. “I’d like to propose a toast, to all my beautiful new friends.” I said as I held my cup into the air. We all touched cups and then drank our liquor. “Augh! ungh! aakkh!” We all sqauked. “Whew! That Remy Ma is a motherfucka ain’t it!?” Nikki yelled. We took a few more shots of liquor and joked around as we waited for Mike to arrive.

“So Korey, they say you can rap now here you are alone with two beautiful and sexy women. If you were gonna make a rap about us, how would it go?” Nikki asked. “Come on y’all I don’t feel like...” “You scared? If you scared just admit it, you scared.” Nikki interrupted, as Lourna watched and listened on. “O.k. aight, give me a minute, and another shot of that Remy first, and don’t think you soupin’ me up or no bullshit like that either.” I said as I tried to get my mind ready for a rhyme. “You know cause we females listen to rap music too, and I don’t like all of that gangsta, I’ll kill ya ma ma and bust ya daddy in the head stuff. I like niggas like 50 Cent that old Ja Rule stuff, L.L, you know? That smooth cool shit that Nas and them Cash Money and Drake and nem boys be spittin, G Unit, Lil Wayne, and some motherfuckin Jay to tha motherfuckin Z! You feel me?”

“They make songs for bitches like me. That typea shit I can shake all this ass to. Can you kick some shit like that Korey, hmm?” Nikki asked. “I don’t know if I can touch them niggas, but I can say a little somethin’ about yall. Yo, it ain’t even no music up in here.” I said. “That’s o.k., just pretend you can hear some.” Lourna said. “If you the Maaaan like they say you are then you should be able to kick a rhyme anytime, on the drop of a dime, they call me Lourna Doone cause I look so fine, I don’t need a beat, all I need is a rhyme, and I can’t even rhyyme, but I’m sure gonna shiine!” Lourna rapped.

“Awwww shit, you hear my girl over there! Sounds like she callin’ you out Maaan! Now I wanna see, what you gonna say about that.” Nikki instigated. I had to admit that what she said was kinda cute. “Ha ha, that was, that was hot.” I joked. “Four bars? Wow that’s it?” I asked calmly. “Yeah well, I ain’t no rapper like you Mr. The Mann, or should I say, like they say you are, cause I ain’t never hearda’ ya.” She smirked. “Iight iight, I’ma give yall a little taste of what’s to come.” I bragged as I thought hard for a beat. Fuck it! “Iight, check it.”

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