Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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“I said what’s up honey dip!?                                                                      I like the way you lick your top lip when you sip                                 and the way you shake them hips                                                    in da club make me wanna leave you tips                                                         the way you make it whip got me doin’ back flips!                      Sassy! Shake dat asss, Nasty! Shake dem tits!                                 now break it down into a split to dis hot shit!                            and now I got a roc-ket n my poc-ket                                               whoever tryina cock block shit betta stop it!                             Hey love! I ain’t no playa hater!                                                                         I bring the goods everyday love!                                                             Just like a cater! That’s what I’m made of!                                                    Now ready set, turn them lights down to a minimum                     
(I slowly dimmed the lights & lowered my voice.)                      
Guaranteed satisfaction’s, what I’m givin’ ya                                   make ya body shiver, shake, earthquake                                             or we can get nasty, and pick up the pace                                          cause the way you make that ass move see                                      really grooves me, Sassy! When you get, Nassty!                         (
That’s riiight!)
                                                                                              I like your groove, and I love the way your body muve                              Sassy, when you get….Nasty uh huh.                                                  You’re so coool, and I love the way your body muve,                      Sassy, when you get…Nasty that’s right!”

I stopped and waited for a response. They both were watching me. I guess they was waiting for me to say some more or something. I thought as I looked back at them. “Oh, you finished?” Nikki asked me as she began to smile. “Yeah, I mean, I got more but..”
“Kick that shit again.” Nikki interrupted. “I like that shit right there boyh! He said guaranteed satisfaction! That’s that shit I’m talkin bout! That sassy nasty girl shit huh? I like that, that was real good Da Mann, I like it.” “So what’s up Lourna, can he fuck like that shit he was just sayin’ huh? Cause you know I’ll fuck him.” Nikki said.

“Hey, he ain’t my man he can fuck whoever he wanna fuck.” Lourna said, but I could sense by the look in her eyes that she didn’t want me to mess with Nikki. “Let me see what you workin’ with Korey, Mr. Mann? That’s how you like ‘em sassy and nasty huh?” Nikki asked as she strutted over to me and began to kiss me on my neck and rub on my crotch. “A little, but not
much though.” I replied as I glanced over at Lourna. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Nikki jumped off of me quickly then walked over to the door and opened it. It was Mike.

Mike came into the room. “What’s up y’all? Iight listen, I got the shit set up at the club tonight this time. “I got Jimmy and his boys on their way over there now. So what’s up with y’all, y’all ready to shake some ass tonite or what?” Mike asked as he gave me a pound. “What’s up Kore? My peoples been treatin’ you iight ova here?” He asked. “Helll yeah, I’m skrait.” I joked. “Iight, I see yall got the mad drinkey drinks goin’ on up in here.” Mike joked as he took off his jacket and threw it on the bed. He walked over to dresser where the liquor was.

“What y’all drinkin’ over here?” He said as he grabbed the opened bottle of Remy. “Na, I ain’t fuckin’ wit none of that.” He growled as he placed the bottled back down on the dresser. “Ah yeah, now I fucks with the Henny all day.” He said as he opened the bottle of Hennesey and poured some in a cup. “Now this shit right here, this shit keeps the dick rock hard all night long. Mike joked as he took a big swallow of the liquor.

“Wheeew! Damn, this shit right here nikka, this shit’ll put a mafuckin’ hole in your chest!” Mike yelled as his face frowned up from the liquor’s strength. “You betta go easy on that shit there maaan.” I joked. “Yeah I know, I ain’t tryin’ to get drunk tonight, I know that stampede gonna be comin’ through tonite.” Mike confirmed. “What’s this stampede shit I keep hearin’ yall talkin’ about?” I asked them all. “Oh, that’s my bad Kore. It’s like so much goin’ on right now, that I forgot to fill you on exactly what we do. You see, we Ghostrydrz sell just about every drug that’s out there on the streets now. My man I was tellin’ you about earlier, well he got more connections than the phone company for real son. He gonna be flyin’ in in a few hours so we gonna chill for a minute and then head over to The Sparrow and clean up shop!” Mike said excitedly as he grabbed his drink then walked over to me.

“Let me holla at you over here for a minute Kore.” He said as he led me over towards the other side of the room and sat down on a couch. I pulled up one of the lounge chairs and sat down. Mike drank some of his liquor then said. “Yo, now I know everything might be movin’ kinda’ too fast for you right now but trust me, my peoples that you gonna meet tonight. He got mad crazy connects in his pockets like politicians, judges, government officials ‘n mafuckas like that.” He explained. “Government officials?” I asked. “Yo, straight up submarines and aircraft carriers and what not dog, real talk.” Mike confirmed. “But how you know that your man ain’t really no tic toc on some deep cover shit.” I asked. Mike looked at me and frowned.

“Yo check it out, I knew this cat damn near all my life. I’ve watched him in action I mean my man be movin’ crazy weight, iight, iight listen.” “What I’m tryin’ to tell you is that we, meaning us the Ghostridrz or Ghost or whatever the fuck you wanna call us, we sell shit for the government is what I’m tryin’ to tell you Kore.” Mike said seriously. “The Government? You mean, the United States Government, are you for real?” I asked. It was kinda hard to believe what Mike was tellin’ me, but the way he was looking at me told me that he wasn’t kidding.

“Hell yeah I’m serious son, but not the actual Barak Obama government, but we got some people up that high that fucks with us, but you’ll never know who they are because that’s how we move, but believe me they know who you are, they know who we all are, somehow they just know and that’s why I told you that this gotta be on some down low shit. Just think about this, these cats been doin’ this shit long before I or my mans and them came along. I used to hear some big time dudes on the phone talkin’ some serious shit to some other mafuckas about some top secret mission impossible shit. Check this out you see that house I got? That’s my house, and I got two more, fully furnished, swimming pools, jacuzzis, mad cars and all that good shit. The crazy thing about that is is that it’s all mine, in my name, I pay taxes on it and the whole nine. Now you think I got that workin’ at Frankie’s Auto Repair Shop?” He asked and smiled.

Helll no! I smirked to myself while thinking if Mike was telling the truth or not. “Come on Mike, how the hell you gonna get something like that off?” I asked. “Get it off on who, the government? Yo those mafuckas can do WHATever the fuck they want to WHOever the fuck they want. Alls I know is that they got me down as some type of doctor’s assistant making over 200 grand a year. Kore, you’ve known me for mad years, and we’ve worked together for about what, 3½, 4 years?”

“About 4 years.” I answered. “And you used to wonder why I used to just shove my check into my pocket like I didn’t really need it. That’s because I didn’t need it. Not makin’ the kinda’ money that I’m makin’ now. Yo you only live once Kore, so why struggle if you don’t have to? Check this out.” He added as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. “Look at this.” He said, as he dug into it, pulled out and handed me two social security cards. I looked at them. They both had Mike’s name on them, but the social security numbers were different.

“Yo how the fuck did you get two of these?” I asked him.

“Hey, if you gonna be a Ghost, you gotta move like one. Sometimes I’m him, and sometimes I’m him.” He joked as he held up both of the cards. “This guy works, or should I say WORKED with you at the shop, and this a doctor and works in a hospital makin’ over two hundred thousand a year.” He bragged as he held up the cards. “Word? But why would the Government need some street cash?” I asked. They probably get the shit for nothin’ why not just sell it all to y’all and be on their way. I don’t know about that Mike, you can’t trust the government yo, them cats don’t play fair at all.” I said.

“I know, he replied but don’t them mafuckas got just as much to lose as we do. Shit if they fuck with us, we just start naming some names ‘n shit, create a mafuckin’ government conspiracy up in this mafucka, but on the real, I don’t know why them mafuckas want their hands on some of this street cash, but It’s not like were the only ones working for them either. Bottom line, it’s all about money, power and respect feel me?” He confirmed and then continued on to say, “There’s thousands of Ghosts out there Kore, maybe even millions, and right now they doin’ the same shit we doin. I’m movin’ up in the ranks and I wanna bring you up with me. You know how bad I wanted to tell you what I did but I couldn’t.

So now you here, you got mad cake in your pocket right now and you got the opportunity of a lifetime to become richer than your wildest dreams. I ain’t tryin’ to cross these mafuckas Kore, look at all the shit I got, you should see my other cribs too son.” Mike smirked.

“I’m happy as hell. I probably wouldn’t be shit without this Ghost shit Kore.” Mike looked at me seriously. “You saw how I grew up. In all those mafuckin’ foster homes. I was livin’ with people that took me in and then ain’t give not a bit of a fuck about me, beatin me up in shit like that. Them motherfuckas got money for me from them foster care mafuckas to take care of me. Most of the time I ain’t get shit.

Some of them used to take that money and buy their
kids shit.” Mike said, and then paused and smiled. “Yo Kore this is a dog eat dog world man. Tell me somethin, what’s the one thing that everybody in this world is tryin’ to do?” He asked. I was thrown kinda off by his question. I thought about it for a second. “Get money?” I said. “You mafuckin’ right get money!” Mike yelled. “I got money right now and still makin’ mad money. This is the easiest country in the world to get rich in, legal or unlegal. If you play by the rules, you reap the rewards nameen? And as fast as we’re growin’ I wouldn’t be surprised if damn near the whole fuckin’ world was Ghosts.” He said seriously as he kept takin shots of liquor.

“Yeah but who rules you playin’ by, theirs?” I asked.

“It’s their laws that run this country, so ask yourself, do you really have a choice? It shouldn’t matter anyways as long as you do what you’re supposed to do you won’t have a problem.” He answered. “And what if I fuck up?” I asked. Mike paused for a second. “What do you mean, like if something goes wrong, or do you mean if
fuck up?” He asked. “Whatever?” I said. “Whatever? Iight, I’ma put it to you like this. The only way something can go wrong is if
fuck up, and if you doin’ what you’re supposed to be doin’ then that should never happen.” He said. I was stuck. It felt like I got sucked into some type of twilight zone or mission impossible movie or something. I couldn’t come up with anymore questions to ask him.

“Well, are y’all gonna sit over there talkin’ all night, or are we gonna get our drink on?” Nikki asked. Mike took another long gulp of his liquor. “Ahhhh, we gonna get our drink on, we’ll talk later Kore come on.” Mike said as he got up and walked over to Nikki who was sitting on the bed. “Yo look.” Mike said as he walked over to Nikki and Lourna. “We got some of the beautifullest women in the world down with us. I’m talkin’ about some reeeal valueable assets nameen?” He said as he pulled Nikki off of the bed and began grabbing on her ass. “It don’t get no better than this Kore.” He added, and began kissing her on the neck while me and Lourna watched on.

“You know what? I think I’m gonna take me a shower. Nikki I want you to wash my back for me?” He whispered loudly into her ear. Nikki smiled. “Only if you gonna wash mine first.” She said as she hugged onto Mike. “Come on let’s go.” He said and then grabbed the bottle of Henny and escorted Nikki towards the bathroom. “Yo Kore, we gonna be leavin’ in about an hour and a half so y’all find something to do until then.” He winked and smirked at me and Lourna as they went into the bathroom and closed the door. Lourna got up off of the bed, walked over to the dresser and poured us both a drink. “So what were you and Mike talkin’ about over there?” She asked.

“Nothin’ really, he was tellin’ me about the ins and outs of this Ghost thing.” “So how do you feel about this Ghost thing?” She asked. I had to pause for a second to think about that question. “I don’t know, this shit sounds like it might be over my head, but at the same time I know I need the money and the way he was tellin’ me it’s like I can make a lot of it.” I explained. “Yeah he was right about that, but are you sure you cut out for this kinda shit?” She said concernedly. “I don’t know, how did you know you was cut out for this kinda work?” She asked. “I didn’t know I just jumped into it too. Something like how you’re doin’ now, but if I had the chance to do it all over again, then I probably wouldn’t be right here right now.” She said. “Why not? I thought that you was happy. Yo make it seem like you don’t wanna be here”. I said.

Lourna looked at me and sighed. “It’s not that I don’t wanna be here or I that I’m not making enough money, It’s just that someti...” Lourna’s cell phone rang. “Hold on for one second.” She said as she walked away while grabbing her phone and answering it. “Hello? Oh yeah... Alright... O.k. put her on... heyy babyy what’s wrong honey? Oh you had a bad dream? That’s o.k. mommy’s gonna be home soon honey o.k? Yeah, tell auntie to leave the light on o.k? Okay…mommy loves you too.. bye bye.” She said looinkg sadly and hung up the phone.

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