Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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She looked down at her feet, and then wiggled her red heart shaped slippers in the air, leaning back and exposing her snatch. Wow fuckin wee! I thought to myself as I watched her stand up on the bed and begin to jump up and down on top of it. “Wholly shit!” I whispered as I watched her jump up and down on the bed. It was like a scene from Spice t.v. or something. I swear it seemed like every moveable part on her body, moved ensync with every other moveable part of her body. I couldn’t help but stare at her gorgeousness as she jumped on the bed. Sinnimin? I must be hallucinating or something. She looked like Sinnamin real quick just now. Now either I’m trippin’, or Lourna just changed into Sinnimin right before my eyes. I began to extend my blinks and shook my head.

“What’s wrong Korey, why you lookin’ like that?” She asked me. I looked up at Lourna again. She was still jumping on the bed, but suddenly stopped. “What’s the matter, you o.k? You look like you just saw a ghost or something, you ain’t scared of me are you?” She asked concernedly. “What? Scared? Hell no I ain’t scared.” I answered confidently. “Good.” Lourna replied then jumped into my arms and began to kiss me passionately on my neck and face. I slowly walked her back over to the bed and gently placed her on top of it. She eased over to me quickly, and began to slowly take off my shirt. “You’re cute Korey, I was hoping that Mike would bring you home one day.” She said softly and began to cuddle up on me and kiss me on my cheek and neck, slowly easing down to my chest.

I couldn’t believe this was happening, I just broke up with my girl just a little while ago, and I’m already in bed with another woman. I’m about to anyway. It’s Sinnimin’s fault this shit is happening to me right now. Sounds like she’s happy with that nigga Jamar, so why shouldn’t I be happy? Should I stop her? Damn, this feels good. Maybe Sinnimin and I might get back together. Oh shit, she’s loosening my pants. I thought as my penis began to enlarge quickly. “Mmm, what’s this? What you got a snake hiding in you pants or something?” She asked as she grabbed my swollen member gently and then pulled it out of my jeans. “Show me what you got if you the Mann they say you are.” She provoked.

Shorty got game too, oh well guess it’s all the same. I thought to myself as I let the thought of my now ex-girlfriend slip to the back of my mind and gently grabbed a handful of Lourna’s hair. “Oh, I am The Mann they say I am.” I said confidently as Lourna began to swallow down on my hard manhood. “Oh my Go, oooouuuuu.” I moaned as she swallowed every inch of my meat over and over again. I let my pants drop to my boots while she devoured my manrock. Felt like she was sucking all the air in the room along with me as she sucked me off. I could tell she knew what she was doing because my stiff pole responded to her every touch and suck. Lourna was in control of my body right now and her mouth spoke without words. Damn this feeeeels goooood!

I thought as I carefully slipped out of my boots and jeans, and slowly led Lourna to the middle of the bed head first(get it?) as she skillfully gave me some dynamite head. It was like my rock was the perfect fit for her mouth. I began to pump deeper down her throat while she stroked my balls with her fingertips. My body was on fire as I fucked her mouth gracefully. She welcomed my strokes and began to play with her pussy with her freehand. She let out a big gulp as she released my rod from her throat. “Fuck me, Now.” She panted and lay down on the bed with her legs spread wide apart. “You got a condom?” I groaned. “Yeah, they’re in that drawer right over there.” She pointed towards the nightstand near her bed. I reached over, opened the small drawer, and grabbed a stack of condoms. A few fell on the bed as well as the floor. “I’m sorr..” “Don’t worry about it just come on.” She interrupted, and grabbed one of the condoms and opened it. “Here you go, I hope It’s big enough.” She smirked and held it out towards me.

I grabbed the condom out of her hand and carefully rolled it onto my manhood. I cradled over her and eased myself into her wet snatch. She let out a moan as I shoved myself deep into her tightness. “OOhhh yeah, fuck me Korey.” She panted as she held me close to her. So fuck her I did. For about two hours straight. I rocked her boat, worked her middle, and we changed positions numerous times. At the end of our sex session, I would say it was a draw, she got off three, and I got off two, it was fun and good as hell too. I guess I did get my reward for my battle victory last night after all, just not from Sinnimin. I thought as I rolled over to one side of the bed, and fell asleep.






I’M A GHOST NOW!                                                                

I woke up a few hours later feeling tired and drained, and looked over to the other side of the bed where Lourna was sleeping. I got up slowly and went into the bathroom to take a piss. I had to admit that Mike had a beautiful home. I thought as I looked around the big spacious bathroom. He told me that he would take me for a grand tour of his house when we got back from wherever from doin’ whatever.

Whatever he does, he must make a lot of money doing it, ‘cause his house was laced with some of the hottest furniture and works of art that I’ve seen in my life. I walked over to the sink, turned on the water and began to rinse off my face. I stared at my reflection in the mirror as the water dripped down off of my face, and wondered about what my next move might be. I felt like a man without a plan. I wasn’t drunk anymore and I couldn’t find my cell phone. I know Jay was probably calling me off the hook.

Damn, I think I left my home telephone off the hook too. I was beginning to remember the last twenty-four hours. I was talking to Jay. He was ready to make me a star and Mike was a Ghostryder. My head was pounding. “What the fuck am I doing here?” I asked myself as I stared into the mirror. “You tryina get paid my nigga that’s what.” I heard someone say from behind me. I looked into the mirror to see it was Mike. He was standing behind me in the bathroom doorway smiling. “Yo Lourna, she right right? Do she really taste like those Lourna Doone cookies?” He whispered. “Hell yeah.” I smiled then asked. “But Mike, how did you get all of this?” I asked puzzled. “All of what?” He asked. I couldn’t even come up with a solid question to ask him because I was still feeling a little fucked up.

“It’s a long story Kore, all I can say right now is that i’m down with these really big time cats and it took me a while and I had to make a lotta moves to get where I’m at right now. I can fill you in on everything later. I’m not gonna leave you blinded though. You’ll know everything you need to know in time. The most important thing to me right now is your secretcy. This can’t be talked about with nobody Kore. No matter what kinda questions might pop in your head.” He explained as I looked at him through the bathroom mirror, then turned around and walked towards him.

“What about all these girls, you a pimp yo?” I asked. “Ha ha ha ha, na Korey, I met most of those chicks at the stripclubs, and we all got cool, so I put ‘em down with me. Most of them taking some college courses but they like to get they strip tease thang on you know?” To help out with the bills nameen? I figured bitches like to shack up together if they get along and I had convinced some of them to come stay here with me. I don’t charge them anything so now me being the playa that I am---I let ‘em shack up with me, and now we all take care of each other, no questions asked. Shiit I got enough rooms in this mafucka so hey why not but check this out there are terms and conditions to fuckin’ with a nigga like Mike too. So I let them know that they can do whatever they wanna do, see whoever they wanna see, just as long as they don’t bring
up here in this mafuckin’ house right here, and the last thing is that
name and
business stay the fuck out of their mouths.”

You see Kore we Ghosts gotta stay invisible. That’s how shit gets done the right way. It’s about four, five more chicks you haven’t even seen yet, that stay down the hall. I got a few phone sex lines set up back there and in a couple of the other rooms and I got a video thang set up where customers can go online and see the girls go wild, they can download all the fantasies they want.I got that set up down that way. For a small fee of course, and you know what? All the chicks that you gonna see up in here are all Ghost too, but they not gonna talk to you about that either. You my man so I can tell you, you see we all know who we are so we don’t have to talk about it, but yo, Nikki and Naomi’s back so we gettin’ ready to roll out in a few hours. My man got a big deal waitin’ for us out west. I promise we won’t be gone long, about a day and a half.”

“Out west where?” I asked. “That’s not important right now, you just relax a little then you can come downstairs and get something to eat whenever you want but we gotta be out of here in a little while. Mike explained. I turned around and looked back into the mirror again. I wondered what Sinnamin was doing right now, I thought of all my struggles, my parents’ struggles. How I wanted my mom’s out of the pj’s. Times were rough and they don’t look like they’ll be getting better for me no time soon either. Then I thought about the stack of money that I had in my pocket. I thought about Mike and how he never sweated the money issue at work and how the hell did he get this big ass house. I’ve known Mike since we were kids.

Mike was a foster kid whose mom left him in the hospital when he was a baby. He grew up with several different families while he fought hard as a kid to try to stay near his hometown and near a few of his mom’s relatives. Most of his family was either on drugs, locked up or running the streets. Sometimes he had to leave school early at times because things would go wrong at his foster family’s home.

One time he had to move to five different homes in five months. Now that was a lot of moving for a kid to do but luckily for him when he was about thirteen years old one of his aunts cleaned herself up from drugs, found the Lord and adopted him. Despite him hanging out with the wrong crowds at times, Mike did fortunately get to grow up in his hometown and around some of his family after all. “Kore, you heard me?” Mike asked. “Yeah, Iight, I’m good to go whenever you’re ready.” I said.  

After I finished eating, Mike gave Nikki my house keys and address and told her to go back to my place, grab my cellphone and straighten up a little bit. I was very impressed how Mike kept things in order and how smoothly the girls cooperated with him. It was like they were working as a team and Mike was like a player and the coach. It was about 3 a.m. when Nikki got back with my stuff and we pulled out in a brand new Porshe truck that Nikki drove. Mike slept in the front passenger seat while I rode in the back all rolled up with Lourna and Naomi. It was like my wildest fantasy coming true as the ladies hugged all over me while they slept. I didn’t mind being sandwiched between two of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen as they both lay sound asleep across my lap and shoulder.

We stopped a few times to use the bathroom and pick up a few snacks as we journeyed westward. When we finally arrived out west it was nightfall. We dropped the girls off at a motel then rode to another motel, parked outside and waited. “What’s the deal here?” I asked. “We waitin’ for a drop off, my boss said that they should be droppin’ the shit off around now.” He answered as he checked his watch. “What shit yo, what are we waitin’ for, what are they droppin’ off?” I asked. “Cocaine Kore. We waitin’ for my man to drop off some coke.” He answered finally.

“Cocaine? I thought we was gonna sell some weed or something like that! Look, I don’t wanna go to jail Mike!” I argued as I looked around the area. “Yo, don’t worry about nothin’. My boss got the police on smash out here son, and as long as I’ve been making these runs, I ain’t never been pulled over, stopped or barely even seen any of police around here, my mans an nem got this thing all mapped out out here you’ll see.” He replied confidently. “I hope so ‘cause I ain’t tryin’ to go to jail.” I added.

“Ha ha haa, don’t worry about that, I wouldn’t even put your head in the chopping block like that son, just be cool, trust me.” Mike said sincerely. After hearing that, I felt like I had no reason not to trust Mike. I know that he wouldn’t put me in harms way. We waited and watched on for about five minutes, when a man suddenly exited out of one of the motel’s rooms. We were parked a few yards away facing the motel as we watched the unknown man walk over towards us. He walked over to the driver’s side window where Mike was sitting and tapped on the window. Mike cracked his window slightly to hear what the man had to say.

“Pardon me sir, but you left your lights on.” He informed Mike. Mike nodded his head at the unknown man then rolled his window back up. The man quickly walked away, got into his car that was parked across from Mike’s car and drove away. “Come on let’s go.” Mike ordered and got out of the car. I followed him towards the motel, looking around cautiously as we walked up to the room where the unknown man came out of.

“Iight iight, that’s what I’m talkin’ about.” Mike smirked, and pointed to the door’s knob. I looked at the doorknob. It already had the key inside of it. Mike opened the door and we went inside. The room was very big and had two beds and a couch inside of it. Mike walked over to one of the beds, got on his knees, reached under it and pulled a briefcase out from under it. Now I’m startin’ to see that Mike really is down with some type of organization after all. I thought to myself as I watched him open the briefcase. “What the fuck!?” I yelled as I saw him grab a couple kilos of cocaine out of the briefcase. “Sssshhhh, keep it down, we don’t wanna disturb the neighbors now ha haa haa.” Mike joked. “Yo Mike, where the hell you get all that shit from!?” I yelled quietly. “I told you this shit was big time Kore. I been doin’ this shit for a while now and these cats I’m fuckin’ with? Them niggas is bigger than big time son, no bullshittin’.” He explained. “Who are they? Where they from, you mean to tell me that you just be sellin’ they shit for them, you can trust them like that?”

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