Read Invidious Betrayal Online

Authors: Shea Swain

Invidious Betrayal (29 page)

BOOK: Invidious Betrayal
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Aria didn’t move. She clutched his wrist and slid his hand to the top of her head where he could grip her hair. He was strong, but blowjobs were apparently his weakness, because he was no longer trying to push her away. Instead he dug into her hair and cried out as he pulled a pillow over his face. His hips pumped in a frenzy of unbridled movements. His cock seemed to pulse and swell more, and she could actually feel the semen tunneling up his shaft. As Ian held her head in place, hot fluid shot into Aria’s waiting, wanting mouth.

Ian fell back, his body shuddering with mini-aftershocks of pleasure as Aria continued to milk him with her mouth. She’d swallowed his cum. The act was not foreign to him; lots of girls had swallowed his seed, but he had never felt a tenth of what he felt for Aria for any of them. He couldn’t say that she was better at sucking his cock, but his lust, desire, and how he saw her as the perfect angel, had to have added to his pleasure. And it was so damn pleasurable. Nothing had and may not ever compare.

He felt the urge bubbling inside, so Ian began to laugh. When he finally moved the pillow from his face, Ian saw Aria frowning at him, a look of uncertainty on her face. He couldn’t help it, he laughed even harder.
What the hell has she done to me

“Did I do it wrong?”

Ian rose and gently cupped her face in his hands. “Are you kidding? I think you broke me.” The hurt look on her face, told him that Aria had taken what he said the wrong way. “No, Aria, you were amazing. You broke me in a good way, a great way.” Ian kissed her lips, then trailed kisses down her neck. “I want to taste you, beautiful,” he told her.

Aria looked uncomfortable for a brief moment, then slowly pulled her tank top over her head. Ian sighed when he saw her lovely breasts. They were creamy, with pink nipples that were already hard. He wondered if she was wet as well. Covering one breast with his hand, Ian lightly squeezed it while he took the other in his mouth. Aria gripped his hair and moaned.

He wanted to feel her wetness. Moving so fast that she gasped, he quickly removed the rest of her clothing and maneuvered Aria into the middle of the bed, with her legs lifted. His head was soon between her legs and his fingers were separating her soaked folds, covering them with his mouth. Ian moaned when his tongue tasted her luscious sex. In no time, he was lapping and sucking on her swollen bud. Aria grabbed the pillow he’d muted his scream in, using it to cover up her own sultry moans.

It took no time for her to unravel under his attention, but he refused to stop until she came twice more. When he thought she could take no more, he kissed her thigh then rolled to his back. He lay like that, watching the ceiling for several minutes in silence.

Scooting to the edge of the bed, Ian sat up and palmed his reinvigorated erection. Just being next to Aria, hearing her breathe beside him and knowing that she was naked, kept him in constant need and he needed to relieve himself. Ian wanted to be inside her so badly, but he didn’t want to push her too soon. This was about her, not what he wanted. He would take care of himself. Planting his feet on the floor, he began jerking himself off.

“You…you don’t want me?” Her little voice was full of hurt and confusion.

Ian stopped in mid-stroke and looked over his shoulder to see her on her knees, staring at him. Her eyes were glossed over. “Aria, I have never wanted a woman more.”

“Then why would you do that instead of being with me?”

Ian sighed. “I wasn’t sure if this was what you wanted, right now. I also don’t want to hurt you.”

“I don’t disgust you then?” Aria whispered.

He frowned. “Where on earth would you get that idea?” Aria looked away. Did she think that her being raped… “Do you have any idea what you do to me? Just the scent of you gets me hard. Lying with you these past few nights have been torture because all I could think of is being inside you. I fantasize about having you under me so much that sometimes I can barely concentrate on our survival.”

Aria smiled as she wiped away a tear rolling down her cheek. She was amazingly beautiful inside and out, and it pained him to see her hurting and him being the cause. Ian reached for her and she moved toward him, raising her leg over his so she was straddling him. His cock was trapped nicely between their stomachs, bucking with expectation.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I want you,” Aria whispered. There was a little fear in her eyes, but it was a normal kind of fear, he reasoned. Her chest heaved from her panting, causing her breasts to move up and down, taunting him.

“I want to give you everything,” Ian said before kissing her. The kiss was sweet and he savored it as his hands found her braided hair. It took no time for him to free her silky damp strands so he could thread his hands through her flowing hair. Pulling back suddenly, Ian broke the kiss to look at her. Aria’s chocolate eyes were fixed on his, her swollen lips quivering. Her cheeks were a soft shade of pink. Long, wavy hair covered one breast while the other was bare for his visage. Aria was a work of art, and she was offering herself to him.

Ian gave her a questioning look

Her breathless nod was all he needed. He pulled her to him and took her mouth again. As he kissed her, he slid his hand between them and found her sweet, juicy cunt. Never breaking the kiss, his fingers found her core, drawing out more of her cream, spreading it around so she would be ready for him. Her sharp intake of breath pulled air from his lungs as he eased a finger inside her.

To his surprise, Aria began to rock back and forth. Inserting another finger, Ian relished her tight softness. She moaned, then bit his lip seductively. Undone and barely keeping himself under control, he eased her up on her knees. She placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself while Ian took her nipple in his mouth. Aria threw her head back as he moved his cock to her opening. She tensed as he spread her with his fingers and began to lower her over the thick head of his cock.

“Relax, love.” Ian placed a kiss between her breasts. He wrapped his arm around her waist and slowly pulled her down as he moved his hips upwards. “God,” he moaned, easing her further down his length. Aria’s sweet cries were constant, and they threatened to drive him over the edge, so Ian covered her mouth with his to dull the sounds she made.

She was so tight, so wet, and her pussy felt like everything a man who didn’t want to commit should stay away from. At the same time, it felt like everything a man should hold on to. It was the perfect blend of saintly sin, his death, and rebirth. Nothing had ever felt so good. Nothing had ever scared him more.

As he rhythmically slid in and out of the heaven she’d given him, Ian abandoned her lips and locked his eyes with hers. One hand gripped her ass while his other hand braced the back of her neck, helping her ride him. Their gazes locked; he increased their pace. Aria threw her head back and dug her nails into his shoulders as she came hard with a silent scream. Her core gripped his cock like a velvet fist. Ian squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip to suppress the cry he wanted to bellow out from the pleasure of that moment.

Her core was relentless as her orgasm rippled, trying hard to get what his cock had all but promised upon entry. As much as Ian wanted to last, to stay inside her until she begged for him to stop, he couldn’t hold back. Both his hands moved to her ass, holding her just a few inches above his thighs, so he could pound into her with the passion he was feeling. She sung short and long notes, completely drowning out his cries, as he pumped in and out of her slick core.

He lifted one hand to the back of her head and firmly held it, so that their eyes met once again. He was so close. Eye to eye, he wanted her to see him when he lost control. To really see him and know that she was so much more to him, much more than what Sal and those assholes at the mansion had attempted to make of her. Ian wanted her to see in his eyes what he hadn’t been able to tell her that night when he’d come to her house for dinner. That after watching her without her knowing for just a few weeks, witnessing her kindness, her beauty, her gentle spirit, he’d fallen head over heels for her. He bit down on his lip again, this time drawing blood to keep from crying out as he came.

Aria didn’t have the control he did, so as his cock swelled and rippled inside her, her inner walls squeezed as another orgasm built and exploded with a strangled cry from her. His firm hold on her head prevented her from turning away as he grunted his own orgasm. A feeling of total embarrassment came over her as he stared into her eyes, seeing her lose control as he pumped his hot semen into her.

Aria’s embarrassment faded and she began to feel sexy under his heated gaze. She felt alive, strong, and desired. Most of all she felt all her defenses burn away by the fire in his eyes. She had never in her life felt so much for someone other than her parents. She felt that Ian was a part of her. If something ever happened to him, there would be a hole so deep in her soul that nothing may ever fill it. She cared for him. No, what she felt was much more. Maybe it was the fact that she’d just had mind blowing sex, but she felt…

“I love you,” she whispered, as she stared into the gray storms that were his eyes.

Ian’s brows furrowed in confusion as the last drops of his semen drained into her. “What?” he asked.

Aria eyes widened. “Oh, shit,” she cried. She pushed off him. Ignoring the sting from his semen as it drained over her opening that suffered from his intrusion, she ran for the bathroom with her hands covering her face.

“Aria,” Ian said, just as she bumped into his solid frame. She had run, but he had moved so fast that he was inside the bathroom before she got there. With a horrified gasp, Aria jumped back, but he caught hold of her arms. “Why did you say that?” She struggled in his grasp, but it was useless because he didn’t intend on letting her go until she told him why she’d said those words. “Why?” he asked her.

“I don’t know.” She shook her head. “I guess I was caught up in the moment.”

He let her arms go. “Caught up in the moment,” he repeated slowly. He moved before she could stop him, pulling her into a deep kiss. Her hands were fisted on his chest, but relaxed and soon found his hair. She moaned into his mouth. Ian easily lifted her off the floor and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed his hardness inside her again. A surprised, satisfied moan escaped Aria’s lips as she broke the scorching kiss and peered at him.

Ian shivered from the pleasure of being inside her again. “If you said that because you were caught in the moment, then I want you caught in that moment again.” He backed her up against a wall and held her around the waist with one arm. His hand gripped the back of her neck, so she would have no choice but to look at him. “Did you mean what you said?” he gritted out as he moved inside her.

Moaning, she shook her head.

It was clear she didn’t want to admit or repeat what she’d said. “I think you did, beautiful, and I want to hear you say it again. So much so, that I will accept those words even ‘in the moment.’”

Her eyes rolled in the back of her head while she whimpered from his movements. Ian kissed her, then pulled away only to ram inside her, harder, faster. He loved how she began to move with him, rocking to his rhythm. What had encouraged her to take some control he didn’t know, but he loved it. Her head slipped from his hold and she slid her face down his neck, kissing and licking him. It felt wonderful, but Ian gently took hold of her hair and forced her to look at him again.

BOOK: Invidious Betrayal
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