Invidious Betrayal (50 page)

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Authors: Shea Swain

BOOK: Invidious Betrayal
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Reece was hot as Hell. A good guy with the right amount of bad boy mixed in. Yes. But to Lilly, Reece was just Reece. To see him as anything else was silly. That was until the day Reece had carried her to her room, lost his balance, and his fingers had slipped into her panties. For Lilly, it had awakened her dormant desires. She wanted more.

When Lilly was left in his care Reece had no intentions of breaking her trust. For Reece, the slipup had changed everything. Lilly had already been skating on the edge of his self control, wearing little to nothing around the house. One little touch and Reece couldn’t release unless he conjured an image of Lilly naked and beneath him. How in the hell was he going to resist little Lilly when he wanted inside her so badly.




By: Shea Swain

Lilly Miles barreled down the hallway at full speed, slowing only when she turned the corner that led to the kitchen. The ripped v-neck of her loose fitting half shirt hung low in the front, exposing one perfect mound of her firm breasts.

“Don’t press play yet,” she called as she grabbed the popcorn from the breakfast bar and the chilled bottle of water next to it. Her run became a fast walk when she entered the living room; she set the large metal bowl and bottled water on the table in front of the sofa, then flopped down next to Reece. He sighed but scooted over, giving her ample room on the sofa to sit comfortably. “I’m sorry,” she winced, “Brenda saw Heath with Cindy Middleton and she wanted to tell me.”

“I don’t like that boy, Lilly. He’s probably banging that chick,” Reece said as he pushed play on the remote.

Lilly ignored the space he offered her and sat Indian style so close to him that her long smooth leg rubbed up against his knee. “Heath and I aren’t exclusive Reece. He can bang who he wants. If you give him a chance,” she said scooting back on the sofa, “I’ll promise to never be late for movie night again.”

Reece settled back on the sofa. He was in a foul mood and it wasn’t about that little punk Heath, although the little bastard did grind his fucking gears. Reece’s problem was Lilly. She was an eighteen year old fucking wet dream walking and she didn’t have a clue because if she did she wouldn’t be parading around the house in those barely-there gym shorts. Shorts like those should be outlawed. If he had practiced law instead of becoming a cop those damn shorts would be first on his list of things to get rid of. The way they rode up her toned tanned thighs was going to be the death of him.

He’d asked her a hundred times to wear clothing more suitable around the house but, as usual, Lilly ignored him. If her parents hadn’t passed away when she was just thirteen years old maybe she would know better than to prance around like this.

Reece glanced over at his ward. Her long dark hair was pulled into a loose knot at the top of her head. Several shorter strands fell from the mass, making it look sort of messy yet sexy. Her youthful skin was surprisingly clear and soft as if puberty had no adverse effects on her. Her hazel eyes were a gift from her mother and so were her extra long dark lashes, full pouty lips, and her shapely body. Reece had never seen her breasts uncovered but he was certain that they were perfect.

“Fuck”, he thought as he shifted. Just before he looked away, Lilly smiled at him. God, her smile was going to be his undoing. Reece threw his head back and silently prayed, asking God to forgive his thoughts. What the hell was wrong with him? In his defense, he’d never imagined having Lilly under him but looking at her and cataloguing her attributes was dangerously close to a sin.

Reece reached forward and grabbed a handful of popcorn. He munched as he tried to focus on the movie and shut down his thoughts about Lilly. He made a mental note to talk with her about her clothing again.

After the movie was over Reece stretched his legs and tried to move his arms but Lilly’s head and upper body were resting on his side. She had fallen asleep. So much for movie night, he thought as he slowly slid from under her and stood.

For a few seconds Reece just watched her. Lilly was so beautiful, and the way she was laid out on the couch made her so tempting. His eyes moved over her lovely face, her lips, and down her neck. He tensed when he saw that her shirt had fallen open.

Reece had full view of one of Lilly’s perfectly round—what looked to be a B cup—breasts. Her dark nipple looked firm and the image of sucking it into his mouth flashed in his mind. He tried to shake the thought from his head.

Oh shit! Reece almost came undone when he looked away from her breasts to find her trimmed pubic hair and the smooth pink lips of her sprawled out pussy staring up at him. The shorts she wore were loose around her thighs, and with no panties on, Lilly’s sweetness was fully exposed. She was still sitting Indian style but her upper body had fallen over when he moved, causing the striking scene before him.

Shit, shit, shit…his cock was as hard as granite. “Shit,” he whispered. He was hard because Lilly’s perfect little pink pussy was winking at him. Reece turned away and paced the length of the sofa a few times. He couldn’t stop the thoughts that ran through his head. His cock flexed when the image of him on his knees, licking her cunt dry, popped into his head.

Fuck! Reece backed away nervously. His breathing grew ragged as he rubbed his wet palms over his thighs. This was stupid. “Just pick her up and put her in her bed like usual”, he told himself but didn’t move.

“Move asshole,” he whispered to himself, after turning around to see her pussy winking at him again. Reece sucked in his bottom lip and bit down hard enough to taste his own blood. God, he wanted to taste her. “You’re fucking sick,” he whispered to himself. “Fucking sick,” he said again. “Move!” he urged himself again. The sooner she was in her bed, the sooner he could get the images out of his head.

Reece bent over and place one arm under her upper back and other under her legs then lifted her up in his arms. Walking down the hall as fast as he could, he pushed open her bedroom door and hurried to her bed.

The grey and white room didn’t scream eighteen year old teenager. It kind of whispered it. There were no posters of shirtless teen boys or music stars. No brightly colored patterns or art work tacked to walls. Clean lines, framed art, and a neatly arranged closet greeted him as he entered and gently started to place her on the bed.

He froze as Lilly shifted in his arms when he attempted to lay her down. She rolled and he fumbled to catch her legs as her lower body hit the bed. And that’s when he felt it. Warm moisture covered his two fingers that had slipped between her thighs. Reece kept his hand and fingers perfectly still as he lowered her upper body onto the bed.

He kept his hand in place as he slowly dropped to his knees. Reece looked at his fingers that were in the folds of Lilly’s slick hot pussy. He didn’t want to remove them. He wanted to play, taste, and suck on her core until she screamed with delight but he told himself that it wasn’t right.

Yet when he attempted to pull his fingers free, Lilly moved. Reece stilled again, determined not to wake her. No way was he going to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Her movement caused his fingers to slide over her little nub and she moaned. Reece’s cock throbbed and jerked so hard he felt it was going to burst.

She moved her hips again and more of her wetness coated his fingers. Reece wasn’t sure what made him do it but he slid his fingers slowly around her slit, crossing over her clit twice. His actions didn’t wake her but he couldn’t keep silent. Reece moaned softly and his cock jerked several more times. When he realized what he had done, he abruptly pulled his fingers free.


Reece pulled the sheet that sat at the foot of the bed over her with his clean hand then hurried to his room. He closed his bedroom door and went straight to his bathroom. Instinctively, he went to the other bathroom door that led into the hallway and locked it. Reece went to the sink and turned on the hot water to wash his hands. He reached for the soap but stopped before he pressed the pump.

It dawned on Reece that he wasn’t breathing so he took a deep breath. He closed the toilet seat and sat down then scrubbed his hand over his face but froze again. Fuck…this was the hand that had been in Lilly’s sweet pussy. He could smell her innocence on them and she smelled so good he almost came in his shorts.

He moved his fingers under his nose and took a deep sniff. Her pussy smelled so good that his cock jumped repeatedly like a bird pecking at corn. Without thinking about what he was doing, Reece placed the two fingers on the tip of his tongue.

He moaned as he pulled his aching cock free of his shorts. While he kept his coated fingers on the tip of his tongue he let his hardness go long enough to pump some lotion that sat on the bathroom sink into his palm.

He smoothed the lotion over his cock and started jerking off. A guttural rumble rose from his chest and came out as a heady moan when he allowed his lips to close over his fragrant fingers. Reece pumped his hardness with more vigor. Her taste was blinding and his head spun as he savored it. Moaning over his fingers again, he savored her alluring smell that was under his nose and in his mouth…and he loved it.

Reece growled and pumped faster. Her taste was almost gone from his fingers so he started to lick them greedily, wanting—needing more. He wished his face was buried between her thighs and that he was licking her sweet twat. He panted. He was close, so close…. God, he was so damn close! His head fell back and he growled as he squirted stream after stream of cum in the air. His hand continued to pump until he was drained completely.

Excerpt from
Chained To Devil Son





Summer, mid 1970’s

Eve 9

The sound of the gun shot was deafening as it shattered the calm night. Aside from the piercing ringing in her ears, every sound Eve heard was muffled. She prayed that what she was witnessing was a dream. It had to be a dream, a nightmare. She had been asleep in her father’s car, heading for Montgomery, Alabama but she was wide awake now.

Eve knew she had to be dreaming because the nightmare that had just unfolded in front of her was not happening. She wasn’t sitting in her family’s car watching as the stranger who had shot her father seconds ago stood over her mother. Wide eyed with fear, her young mind tried to process how they had gotten to this point.

They’d been driving. Had been driving for a long time when her mother asked her father to stop at a motel they were approaching. Only her father hadn’t stopped. He continued driving for so long after her mother’s request that even the signs to direct them to food and fuel had grown scarce. With nothing to occupy her mind, Eve had fallen asleep. When she woke, her mother was urging her dad not to pull onto a dirt road that looked deserted but for the beat-up mailbox that sat like a beacon.

They were just going to ask for directions or maybe use the phone; at least that was what her father had said. Eve had listened quietly as her parents debated what to do; whether to knock at the rundown farmhouse door or to chance driving further away from their destination, because they were clearly lost. Her mother had spoken of her unease; having been raised in the Deep South, Pearl Jones often warned them that they needed to be ever cautious.

But Eve’s father, Harland, was a different breed. He was raised among gentler folk who were more apt to spear you with words rather than cut you with a sharp knife, or hang you with a thick rope. He believed in words and their power wholeheartedly. Harland Jones also believed that most people are sane, thinking organisms who when given the facts were reprogrammable. At least that was how her mother described the way her father thought about people, and she often reminded him when she thought Eve was out of ear shot.

Her father had won the debate and Eve had to fight a grin when she thought of the handsome smile he always flashed her mother when he won one of their debates. He had offered Eve a wink as he gracefully slid from their vehicle, and he’d climbed the cracked stairs with that same grace before knocking on the tattered screen door.

Eve could barely see the girl who had opened the door. It seemed as if she was going to allow him to use their phone but then Eve heard someone yelling from inside the house. She tensed when an angry looking man with long stringy dark hair pulled the screen door open wider and shoved the girl out of the way. Suddenly the man began yelling at her father who held up his hands in defense and spoke calmly.

Eve couldn’t make out what was being said so she rolled down her window. The word ‘nigger’ was said a number of times by the man. She had heard that word before but it didn’t have the sting it had on this man’s lips. Her father must have felt so too because instead of arguing with the crazy-eyed man, he just shook his head and turned around. He stepped down the porch stairs and towards the car while the angry man disappeared back into his house.

Eve settled back in her seat but kept her eyes on the dark house. She wanted her father to move faster. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and wanted her family to get away from this house as fast as they could. Her heart sped up as she silently willed him to run if possible. Her father hadn’t seen the angry man stepping back into the doorway with the long gun in his hands.

Eve screamed for him to turn around. She screamed for him to run but there was no time to react before the man took aim. Eve jumped at the sound of the shot and watched as her father’s chest exploded outward; and then her wide eyes followed the motion of him falling. She saw the shock on his face and the sorrow in his gaze as he locked eyes with her briefly before he hit the ground. Eve panicked, immediately seeking out her mother.

Pearl had gotten out of the car at some point. The walkway wasn’t paved and her mother was wearing heels so she hadn’t been able to maneuver over the pebbles and had fallen to her knees. Pearl crawled the rest of the way to her husband, frantically trying to stop the bleeding from his chest wound. Eve watched through teary eyes as the girl from the house came to the doorway again. She was screaming at a boy who ran past her then paused to stare at the spectacle, as the man towered over her mother with the gun still in his hands.

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