Read Invincible Online

Authors: London Casey,Karolyn James,Ana W Fawkes

Invincible (18 page)

BOOK: Invincible
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Luke managed to get me out of there,

Rose said.

He saved me after setting me up.

So you

d be locked to him forever,

I said.

Yes. If I did anything, he

d go to the police. Or he

d go to Roc

s crew. That was worse. The police eventually didn

t care. They had other things. But Roc

s guys

Now I saw the pain flooding Rose

s body. That and fear. Intense, cold fear. She started shivering.

I stepped toward her.

She threw a hand out at me, damn near punching me in the chest.




Why do you even want it?

she asked.

Because I

m pretty?


I said.


re the most beautiful woman I

ve ever met.

You know how many people have said that to me?

I don

t give a shit. I

m saying it.

Everyone says it. Luke forced me into professional modeling contracts. Easy money for him. My father made me walk around and collect bets. I had offers from every businessman and politician in the state. You know what that feels like?

I don

t. I

m not beautiful.

Yeah, you kind of are, Wes.

So what do you want me to do right now?

I asked.


re fucking terrified and I

m trying to help you. I

m putting my life on the line for you. So, fine, you

re ugly. You

re a disgusting, ugly woman.



Yeah, you are. Absolutely ugly. The ugliest


Rose laughed. She covered her mouth and laughed at me.

I tried to hold back but I couldn

t help but laugh either. Christ, we were in such hell. Death waiting around the corner. A bullet could fly at any second and tear my brain to pieces.

So we stood there and laughed.

It felt good.

Rose had me at arms length.

She caught her breath and said,

I didn

t mean anything against you, okay? It

s just that my entire life

Shut up, Rose,

I said.

Excuse me?

I was done talking about being beautiful. She wanted to feel ugly? Fine. I could make that happen. There was one logical thing to do.

I reached down and scooped up a handful of mud and dirt and wiped it across her face.






Wes threw mud at me.

I stood there, shocked, as I tried to actually believe it happened.

He threw mud at me? What are we

like, seven? Like he

s some punk on the playground who likes me and throws dirt at me?

Wes then shrugged his shoulders and said,

There, now you

re ugly for real.

I hated to admit it, but I liked it a lot. I stepped forward at Wes and tried to kiss him. He darted out of the way and I chased after him. There was freaking dirt on my face. It was gross. I wanted to give it back to Wes.

He lured me to the edge of the lake and then grabbed my waist and tossed me. I screamed but he didn

t let me go, letting me crash into the water. Instead, he spun me and put me down.

I came at him with a big, dirty kiss.

Great, I

m ugly now,

Wes said.


I whispered.

Our bodies were tight together.


s go for a swim,

Wes suggested.


You heard me. You need to clean up.

In the lake?

Why not?

No. No way in hell

Wes grabbed me and turned. I screamed again, but there was no stopping it this time. Wes lunged forward into the water. My arms were tight around his neck. We crashed into the chilly water and I didn

t know what to do.

Slap Wes? Punch Wes? Knee him in the balls? Or just scream from the icy

When we popped out of the water, he was still holding me. We were only waist deep. My legs were tight around Wes

s body. I instantly started to shiver. I blinked the water away.

Wes reached up and wiped my face.

There. No more dirt and mud. You

re fucking beautiful again, sweetie.

I hate when you say it,

I blurted out.


That I

m beautiful.


Because of the way it makes me feel.


This is
My hands dug against his wet shirt to his hard muscle.

This is real for me, Wes. You and me. My car was supposed to explode and then you came to check on me. I think you got my heart in all this.

Ah, shit. I didn

t ask for that.


I said. That really wasn

t the reaction I was hoping for.


s okay, sweetie. We

re going to get through this. I

ll go down for you.

I believed him.

I shivered again.

One of his hands held my ass, the other hand at my back. He held me with ease, as though I was as light as a feather. Our lips touched, pulled back, flirted, pulled back again. Wes was fucking with me and it was getting to me bad. There I was, standing in damn cold lake water, and all I wanted was to kiss him. Or have him kiss me.



I was falling in love with Wes.


~ ~ ~


Our tongues ravaged one another as Wes walked from the water. It sloshed around and the air felt colder as it attacked my wet clothes and body. But I knew it was going to be worth it. He walked to the back door of the cabin and opened it. He walked right to the bathroom and he stepped right into the shower. He turned on the water, hit the shower, and after a few cold seconds of water, it was warm. Then hot.

So comfortable.

So amazing.

Wes pinned me against the back wall of the shower as everything heated up. So fast. So good. He grabbed my legs and made me stand there. His hands ripped at my soaking wet shirt and forced it off. He tore at my bra, tossing it out of the shower. My breasts hung there, my nipples painfully hard. His hands cupped me and when I looked into his eyes, it was intense. Maybe the most intense look I

d ever seen from another man in my life.

When Wes

s mouth and tongue touched my chest, my body ignited with a deep fire. Hotter than the water rushing from the shower, attacking my body. He kissed down to my breasts and comforted me with his tongue. Circling my nipples one at a time, bringing me to a torturous level of pleasure. My knees bent and my hips quivered. My panties were soaked from the water, but they would have been soaked no matter what. I ached for Wes. I craved him. I demanded him. It felt good to be greedy.

So greedy that I put a hand to Wes

s head and pushed.


I whispered.

Wes. Now. Right now.

He slithered down my belly and then looked up at me.

Tell me. I want to fucking hear you say it.

My lips trembled.

I want to feel you

No, sweetie. That

s not good enough.

His hands opened my jeans. His strong fingers curled around and ripped, forcing my jeans and panties down my body, fighting as they clung to my skin.

I groaned and put my hands to shower wall.

Holy fuck



m so turned on

Say it,

Wes growled.

Right fucking now.

Taste me,

I whimpered.

I want you to taste me. Make me come with your tongue.

Ah, you wild beautiful woman,

Wes whispered.

His breath trailed down my lower belly and I watched him move between my legs. I put my left leg up on the edge of the bathtub and leaned my lower half forward. His hands cupped my ass tight and his mouth went right to work. His razor tongue cut bottom to top, slicing me open. I felt myself pulsing with desire and Wes was there to savor it. His mouth slipped over my clit and he stayed right there. His tongue moved in every direction possible as he suckled at me. It was gentle enough that the mounting pleasure rolled on top of itself but hard enough that I was on the brink of climax. What others could do in minutes Wes did in seconds. He was that good and that intense.

That fucking perfect.

His hands moved from my ass to my sides. Holding me at my ribs, at such a non-sexual place, it was the hottest thing he could have done right then. His thumbs moved in between my ribs as I rocked my body against Wes

s eager mouth. As I wanted him to do, he took me to the edge and off. As soon as I started to come, I put my head back and lost all control of my body. I was warm, shivering, moaning his name. Wes

s mouth opened and his tongue then flickered against my entire pussy. Up and down, back and forth, making sure he took care of me the entire time my body quivered with melting pleasure.

Then Wes kissed up my body. Soft kiss after soft kiss, making a line to my breasts. His body touched mine. The water ran hot, pounding against our bodies. There was maybe an inch between us and I used that inch to fall to my knees before Wes. I couldn

t contain myself as my hand grabbed his cock. I squeezed tight and stroked, pulling against his steel skin. My tongue quickly came forward and I swirled around the tip of his dick, needing him. Now it was my turn to fucking taste him. To savor him.

I took him into my mouth with a groan.

Wes hissed. He put a fist to the wall and his other hand to the back of my head. I felt him throb in my mouth as he slowly pushed forward, testing me. I could handle him though. I demanded myself to handle him. I trusted him in a way I never trusted anyone else in my entire life.

I pulled back and closed my mouth as tight as I could around his full tip. I moved back and forth against him, knowing it would drive him crazy. My hand inched up and back on his shaft. Pumping him, tasting him, waiting for him to give it up to me. The hunger was like nothing I ever experienced before. It didn

t make sense, but I wanted it.

I strained to look up at him as he looked down at me. His wet hair hung there. The look of his rippling stomach as he breathed heavier by the second. He gritted his teeth and growled.

His dick got harder, thicker, fuller.

I moved faster at him. My hand eased down to the root of his cock, holding right there. My mouth was going to do the rest. I moved as he thrust at me, letting him have me  in whatever way he wanted. He took his hand from my head and now had two fists against the wall. As he pulled back, his knees bent a little. Thrusting forward, Wes groaned.

He was so close. Right there.

Ah, fuck, sweetie,

he whispered.

I put my hands to his legs and dug my nails, pulling at him. I wanted him deeper. I wanted him to

I groaned and nodded, my mouth so desperate.

Wes growled again and jumped. He sank deep and let go. He started to pull back but I quickly grabbed him. My hand wrapped around his pulsing shaft as he spilled into my mouth over and over.

I thought I had Wes all under control.

But those wild fighter eyes burned down at me. He pulled back in a hurry and reached down for me. Before I knew it, he had me standing back up. He turned me and we were then against the side wall of the shower, Wes pinning me against the wall again. One of his hands slipped between my legs, touching my soft core.

I jumped and groaned.


s right,

he whispered.


m not fucking done with you yet, sweetie.

I felt his cock touch me and I cried out.

How the hell was he still hard? He just came

Wes thrust forward and entered me.

My breath was stolen. My heart was stolen.

And when our eyes met, Wes curled his lip.

Then he whispered something that changed my life forever.

This is real for me too.


BOOK: Invincible
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