Invincible (14 page)

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Authors: London Casey,Karolyn James,Ana W Fawkes

BOOK: Invincible
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The fire raged with snaps and pops. The flames licked to the top of the fireplace. The cabin was flooded with a comfortable heat. I rested on the arm of the couch, my legs across Wes

s legs. I had two glasses of some kind of whiskey and my world was rocked. Wes sat there, staring into the fire, the bottle in his hand.

I had to trust him.


What, sweetie?

Have you ever killed someone?


Wes said. He looked at me.



re not going to get out of this, are we?


re going to fight until there

s no more fight left in us. That

s the only way I know how to live.


re going to have to kill someone probably.

Wes drank from the whiskey bottle.

Yeah, I know.


The fire popped again.


tell me about your first fight.

My first fight?

Wes asked with a grin.

Oh, I

m not sure, sweetie. Probably with a kid named Billy in second grade. He had flunked second grade twice. He was a giant. This massive kid would pound the shit out of everyone. Take their pencils. Their change. Anything. He one time stuck a frog in my pocket and punched my leg so hard he killed the frog and bruised my leg for a week.

You stood up to him?

No. Not quite. He cornered me once after school. I had two bucks in my pocket. I knew it was all me and Shane had. Christ, Rose, I stole the two bucks from my teacher

s purse. I wanted to show Shane, and then he and I would hit up the penny candy store and stock up. Shane loved the gum cigarettes. Remember those? He

d puff on them and shoot out that little cloud of sugar.

I watched Wes smile. He was so beautifully handsome. So rugged yet he had a heart buried under all that muscle and scar.

But Billy wanted the money. He forced his hands in my pockets and just grabbed. I

ll never forget that feeling. His fucking chubby hands touching me. I felt like

I don

t know. Something then gave way. I threw my head forward and smashed my face against his. Both of our noses exploded. Then Billy let out a scream, touching his face. He turned his head and started to throw up. Turns out Billy didn

t like the sight of his own blood. I stood there, frozen, not sure what was going to happen. Then two kids showed up. Then two more. Then ten more. Next thing I knew half the school stood there and put two and two together. I became a hero. Then the teachers showed up.

Billy was a pudgy kid with no parents. His uncle abused him in the worst ways possible. All of this I didn

t know as a kid, but the teachers knew. It

s why people put up with him. They felt bad. So I took the brunt of it. I was told that Billy was very poor and he didn

t know any better than to try and get money.

No way,

I whispered.


s terrible.

Well, Billy

s family

whatever. There was only room for one broken family in town. For me and Shane, we were outcasts. So that was my first fight.

What happened to Billy?

I asked.

He brought a gun to school. Was caught, taken away. Last I heard, he was murdered.



Wes said. He rubbed his face.

Any other life questions?

Sorry I asked.

Wes looked at me.


t be, sweetie. It

s good to be distracted a little.

Silence fell again between us. The fire burned. Something between me and Wes burned too. My body hungered for him and I couldn

t deny it. It started the first time I saw him. That night at the fight. Him facing the wall, his back rippling with muscle. His emotions right there.

Yet I had been at the fight with Luke, the man who killed Wes

s brother.

What are we going to do?

I asked.

Right now? You

re going to shut your pretty eyes and sleep. I

ll take care of everything else.

No, Wes. This isn

t a joke.

I know.

My brother is crazy. He killed my father.

The Dragman


I admitted.

He killed him. I know it. I don

t remember much of anything. But he did it. He killed him. And he used me because

I couldn

t talk about it now. Another confession to Wes. I had already told him I was a murderer

in the sense that because of my family his brother was dead. But what I didn

t get to finish was the actual story.

Of how I was wanted for murder.


~ ~ ~


I opened my eyes a little. There was a figure in front of the fireplace. My heart tried to jump, but I reminded myself it was just Wes. He was doing what he said he would do - protect me. I had no idea how late it was. My eyes were still heavy. The blanket on my body was accompanied by the blanket of warmth from the fire.

But it was Wes who provided the ultimate warmth.

He stood at the fireplace, his hands in fists. Touching the mantle. His head hanging down.

Just like the first time I saw him.

I wanted to sit up. Stand up. Walk to him. Comfort him.

He was in so much pain.

My eyes grew heavier and sleep wanted to fight. I let sleep win the battle.

That was fine with me - Wes and I had a much bigger war to fight together.






I couldn

t wait any longer. I grabbed my cell and made a call to Tommy.

He didn

t answer.

I stood on the porch of the cabin, swallowed up by the darkest night I

d ever seen. Not that I was used to being out in the fucking woods or anything. Even in the middle of the night, there was always a pale light from buildings or a broken streetlight or something. That

s where I did my best thinking in my life. Walking the streets with my hands in my pockets, begging for a clear thought or for someone to fuck with me.

Out here, the only thing that would fuck with me would be a bear. Christ, I would have probably fought a bear. Why the hell not?

Have you ever killed someone?

What a question to be asked, right? In my mind I had taken out half the world, but that was just my own personal anger. But to actually end someone

s life. What a sense of power that must give. It also came with a responsibility that I

m not sure any decent person could handle. That

s why people either lost their minds or just kept killing, trying to clean up the regret over and over.

No, I had never killed someone. I had come close with that guy out back before. My mind wondered just who in the hell he had been. Who had hired him to track me and Rose down. It was probably a bad idea to still be in the cabin, but I didn

t know where else to go. At least here, I had a sense of my surroundings. I had to lay low and wait for news on Aton.

There was only one other person I could call.

When Danny picked up, he sounded groggy.

What the fuck is this?

Danny, it

s Wes.

Wes? Where are you right now?


s Aton?


Aton. How is he?


re calling to check on Aton?

Yeah, why?

Heard you groped a nurse and then took off.


s not exactly what happened. I

m trying to piece this together, Danny. So I can help.

Danny groaned.

Come on, Wes. You

re a fighter, not a detective. Okay? This is a family thing. This is a family war. It

s going to get deeper and bloodier. Just come back to town and go back to fighting, where you belong.

Hey, what happened at the hospital

between us

Water under the bridge,

Danny said.

Emotions are high. Whoever hurt Aton


re all targets.

I thought about telling Danny what happened at the cabin. Or that I was at the cabin. But I didn

t trust him. I didn

t trust anyone.

Give me an update on Aton,

I said.


s the same, okay? A couple scary moments after you left. He was having trouble breathing. The docs kicked us all out for the night.




s the chances of him living?

I don

t know, Wes. You saw him. That

s all I can say. You believe in God or anything? Then pray. If not, then rub some sticks together and hope for the best.

I remembered why I hated Danny. He was a big goon and a fucking loser.


I said.

I ended the call.

Back inside, I looked to the couch. There was beautiful Rose. Cuddled up tight with a blanket. None of it made sense to me yet. Maybe none of it would.

As comfortable as she looked, I didn

t want her sleeping in the open like she was. If someone kicked open the front door, she was an easy target.

I walked to the couch and reached down for her. I slipped a hand behind her neck and my other hand to her legs. I lifted her body and cradled her against my chest. Her hands reached up and touched my neck. She pulled her face to my neck and nestled there. I gritted my teeth, trying to make it so my heart wouldn

t race

but there was no stopping it. That

s what she fucking did to me. Yet it was her family that destroyed my life. Her family that attacked Aton. Her family that was going to end up getting me and her killed. Of all people to feel this way around

As I moved her to the bedroom she let out little purring moans.

It was driving me mad.

I was hard as fuck by the time I got her to the bed. My dick pressed to my jeans, like it was time to come out and play. This feeling was going beyond attraction and teetering on some kind of weird addiction.

I placed Rose down to the bed but her hands didn

t slip away. She held there and her eyes fluttered a little.


s okay, sweetie.

Thank you, Wes,

she whispered.

For saving me.

I gritted my teeth even harder and nodded, even though she couldn

t really see me.

Get sleep.


One of her hands grabbed for mine. She placed it to her breast, thrusting her chest up, moaning with her eyes shut. She bit her bottom lip, making my cock swell even more. Her hand tugged at mine, guiding right down between her legs. There both our hands rested for a few seconds before she took her hand from mine. Her fingers grabbed at the top of her pants and she pushed.


I whispered.

Yes, Wes. I need


My hand came up and touched her lower belly. I slid down into her pants and felt the smooth curve of her body. It gave way to her soft and wet folds. The second I touched her she cried out. Her legs bent and her heels dug into the bed. She rocked her hips, demanding me.

Two fingers explored the silky feel of her body. Bottom to top, opening her gently before plunging two fingers into her. I dug deep, hard, twisting my fingers as I felt her throb against my touch. When I pulled my fingers out she moved with me, breathing heavier.

There was no talking. There were no sounds other than her labored breathing. Her hands grabbed at the sheets, white knuckled. Her lower half lifted a few inches off the bed. She suppressed her cries by biting her lip harder. It was like we were supposed to be quiet so we didn

t get caught. It made it even sexier

watching Rose

s beautiful body twist and writhe with pleasure. Her curvy hips rocking left to right. Her powerful legs kicking and thrusting her pussy against my touch. A woman that knew how she wanted it

and me, the man who knew how to fucking give it to her.

I slid my fingers along her pussy, way down on her, touching anything I wanted. My thumb came forward and I pressed the nub of her clit. Making circles sent Rose into overdrive. Her stomach lifted and lowered faster by the second. One of her hands released its fierce hold on the sheets and she grabbed my wrist.

I grinned, watching her try to control me. Her hand unable to wrap around my wrist. Her strength there but nowhere near enough to stop me or move me. Not that she wanted me to move; she wanted my thumb right there.

I gently brought my fingers up and slipped back inside her. The warmth of her sheathing my fingers left me sucking in a deep breath. Goddamn, it took all my will not to rip my cock out of my jeans and fuck her right there. But the sight was too good. Far too beautiful. Like I was being let to see something I wasn

t supposed to. A split second of happiness and a sense of being lucky.

Me. Lucky.

I was invincible, not lucky. I took my hits, loved my scars, and always won my battles.

The thing was, even with my fingers fucking Rose

s sweet pussy into an explosive orgasm that had her hands above her head, gripping the sides of the pillow to her face, she was the one winning the battle here. With her body, her beauty, and what she was showing me of her pretty heart.

I leaned against the bed and slid my thumb up from her clit. I rested it against her soft skin as she continued to rock her hips. Her insides were throbbing, aching for more attention. The scent of her body rose up to me, leaving my lips thirsty and my mouth bone dry. I wanted to fucking devour her.

But Rose

s head was to the side. Her eyes shut and then closed. Pieces of her hair fell across her face, so random, yet painting a scene that would forever be etched into my heart like two lover

s carving their initials into a tree. Her hands rested above her head. Her shirt up above her belly button. Her bottom half completely exposed.

I took my hand away from her body. I stood tall, balling my hands into fists. My cock throbbed in my jeans. This was unheard of. Me


pleasuring some fucking woman and just letting it end right there? Not a chance in hell.

Tonight was a night of some serious firsts.

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up over Rose

s body. I leaned down and smelled her hair, but didn

t kiss her. I couldn

t let shit get too serious. I couldn

t mislead her. Maybe she felt something for me - maybe the same thing I felt for her - but she couldn

t love me. I wasn

t meant to be loved.

Plus, she said it herself

there was a lot more bloodshed and death to come.

And that

s what I thought about with a gun on my lap as I sat against the bedroom door, guarding the cabin.

Guarding the most beautiful woman I had ever met.



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