Invisibility Cloak (13 page)

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Authors: Jill Elaine Prim

BOOK: Invisibility Cloak
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“Me?” He said incredulously. “I don’t intimidate anyone.” Ryder stalked toward her in the kitchen. “Do I?”

As he came nearer to her, she smoothed her palms on her thighs and pivoted until her back was pressed against the counter top.

“No.” Her eyes were wide, but she held her ground against him, waving her hands in front of him. “You’re just so big.”

That made him smile slightly and damned if Amanda didn’t notice.

And then she stepped into him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Ah hell.

Well, that little gesture just melted all of his reserves. Pure putty in her petite hands―but he couldn’t let her know that.

Pushing her face into his shoulder, she confessed, “But I like your build. It makes me feel safe.” She snuggled into him more.

His callused palms slid up and down her silky robe as he rubbed her back. When he lowered his chin and looked down at her, Amanda tipped her face up to him.

She was so damn beautiful. Those green eyes blazed at him and her blond hair wildly framed her face. He lowered his head because he couldn’t wait another minute, he had to taste her.

A soft shuffling down the stairs invaded his subconscious, but he was beyond caring, his body tightened up as they deepened the kiss. Their tongues tangled and her nails dug into his waist.

“Mom?” Sammie’s soft voice penetrated his head. He unconsciously stepped back, away from Amanda out of respect, so her daughter wouldn’t see them.

A soft sigh escaped Amanda, but to her credit she turned her head toward her daughter’s voice.

“In here, honey.” After clearing her throat, she straightened her robe before her daughter walked in.

“What are you doing?” Sammie asked as she rounded the corner.

“Just got done eating some breakfast,” Ryder answered. His protective nature was horning in and taking over his thought process. “I can make you some eggs. I do scrambled or an omelet if you want.”

“Okay,” Sammie said as she smiled up at him.

Ah, hell.

She looked just like her mother, only tinier. After Sammie grinned at him like that, he felt the dam break around his heart. His chest thundered and he could actually feel the liquid sunshine of happiness flowing inside him, filling up the empty spaces. Amanda’s Mini-Me had him wrapped around her little finger as well. He smiled with that newfound realization.


“Want juice or milk, Sammie?” Amanda’s voice broke into his thoughts and he grabbed the eggs and a bowl.

“Any cranberry juice in there?” Sammie craned her head to see in the refrigerator.

“I’m sure I can find some.”

“We doing scrambled, little lady?” Ryder asked Sammie.

“Yes.” Sammie walked over to the counter where her mother left a glass of cranberry juice and snatched it up taking a big drink before saying dramatically, “

While Ryder moved the mixture of eggs, cheese, and milk around the Teflon pan, he figured he better let Sammie know they had to go to the police station in a few hours. Reaching out to the toaster he pushed the bread down.

“Sammie, did your mother have the chance to tell you that we have to make a trip into town yet? The Harbor Falls police need to get some more information from you and your brother. You all right with that?” Ryder dished out the scrambled eggs onto a clean plate and plucked out the toast and buttered it.

“Okay.” Nodding, she ducked her head, but then brought her chin up sharply. “Did something happen last night after I went back to bed? I heard a lot of noises.”

“Well, honey,” Amanda began, but when her green eyes darted over to him, her forehead crinkled. He could tell she was struggling on what to tell her daughter, so he jumped in, to help her out.

Walking over to the table, he set the plate filled with eggs and toast in front of Sammie. “I saw a prowler. But it’s taken care of. Really no big deal.” Ryder grimaced on the inside. He hated lying to Amanda’s young daughter, but he didn’t want her spooked. Shooting a helpless look back over at Amanda, he just really had no idea how to handle this situation. Give him a clear objective and target any day and he could handle that.

But little girls?
Shit, he was lost. The only thing that kept him going was Amanda’s worried look too. The need to help and re-assure Amanda’s little daughter won out.

Sammie scrunched up her forehead in thought and picked up the fork and slowly ate the eggs.

“That was the reason I ended up showing up last night, Sammie.” His gaze shot back over at Amanda and lifted his eyebrows in question to see if his explanation was on the right track with her.

“So,” Sammie looked at up at Ryder. “What happened to the burglar?”

“That’s why the police want to ask you questions about last night, sweetie,” Amanda went over to the table and sat down across from Sammie. “Sometimes you know things that will help them, but don’t remember until they ask you certain questions or things that can jar your memory.”

“But I wasn’t up later.” She puckered her brows, “Oh you mean earlier? When the telephone guy wanted to come in?”

“Yeah. I think it was the same guy, honey.” Ryder crossed over to stand next to Amanda.

“Oh, okay.” Her troubled face turned up at him. “Will you be here tonight? In case he comes back, Ryder?”

“Absolutely,” Ryder answered automatically not even worrying what Amanda would think if he stuck around some more.

“Ryder.” Amanda crossed her arms. “I’m sure you have enough to do. I really do not expect you to stay here tonight to watch over us.”

“I was planning on it anyway, Sammie.” Ryder said before he reached out and grabbed Amanda’s hand, intertwining her fingers with his. Jerking his head toward the family room, he walked her in that direction―pleasantly surprised that she followed him so easily and didn’t give him a hard time.

Guiding her out of the kitchen he looked back at her daughter. “Eat up, Sammie. I’m going to talk your mother into catching a quick shower.”


Oh, so here it comes . . .

“I really do not expect you to―” Amanda started to say as he led her out of the kitchen, but he cut her off.

He held up his hand. “Amanda, I plan on being here every damn night until we get to the bottom of this.” Pulling her to the staircase because he didn’t want her daughter over-hearing, he said in a low voice, “Last night when I talked to Trent and Bob they told me they just do not have the extra man power to stake out a cruiser at your house. So you’re stuck with me for a while, darlin’. I’m sticking to you and your kids like glue until you are safe from any more hits.”

“Well, I am going to speak to a few of Wayne’s colleagues today, I just have to.” She looked him right in the eyes with her jaw set.

Ryder tensed. “No. It’s too dangerous. We don’t know who’s involved, yet.”

“Ryder, don’t you see?” She looked at him pleadingly. “It just has to be what started this in the first place.” She placed her hand on his forearm. “I have to look at the projects he was working on. I just know it’s connected to whatever is going on.”

“Not without me you aren’t,” he growled. “Damn it, Amanda. Someone he worked with could be a major player in all of this.”

“Oh for God’s sake, Ryder!” Amanda yanked back her hand and repositioned both hands on her hips and shifted her posture. “He worked at a respected and highly regarded laboratory.” Now she angled her neck to the right side and glared at him.

Was this how she got her kids to do what she wanted them to do? Too bad it won’t work on him. It was tough having to swallow his grin.

“So?” He gave her his hard-ass Ranger’s look, the one that scared the shit out of most people. “That just doesn’t matter anymore, Amanda.” He shook his head. “Your ex was involved with dirt, honey. The lowest slime on God’s green earth killed him and I am not letting you out of my sight.”

“You are being ridiculous!” She huffed out before she turned and walked to the staircase. He noticed she was walking slower but he knew she was pissed off. He bet it really grated on her that she couldn’t stomp away like she really wanted too. She stopped and swiveled her torso around at him before she headed upstairs.

Hell, it was like she could hear my thoughts

“I am going to take a shower.” Her hands were still on her hips, but this time she narrowed her eyes at him. “Is that okay with you? Or do you want to do some surveillance? Maybe stake out the area first?”

Ryder morphed his expression so that it was unreadable because Amanda had such a fierce look on her face, just daring him to challenge her.

What a little spitfire.

“I can be in there with you to make sure you’re safe.” He took two steps toward her keeping his face looking serious. “I need to shower, too.”

Her eyebrows flew up and she opened her mouth. But nothing came out. She considered him warily for a few seconds, and then abruptly closed her mouth, her lips pressed firmly together.

“Well, darlin’?” He took another step. “What’ll it be?”

He could not smile at her little bulldog expression. But man it was tough. Ryder bit at the inside of his cheek.

He would not.
The Army ingrained that serious as hell look and he perfected it down to a science. No one messed with him when he pulled on The Look. Matter of fact, a few times it even caused some to wet their pants. But it didn’t seem to faze her.

Amanda stuck her little nose up in the air and turned her back to him. That’s when he saw it . .
. it
being her reaction to him. Little hellion flipped him the bird behind her back. Yeah, he winced at that one. With both middle fingers no less. Well, until she had to grab on to the railing with her left hand because she stumbled slightly on a step. He jumped to the balls of his feet wanting to help her up the stairs, but stayed right where he was. Her back was ramrod straight as she stalked up the stairs. It was only after he heard her bedroom door slam shut did he let a huge grin overtake his face. What he’d like to do―

“Ryder?” The thought that was moseying around in his head, just fell flat when Sammie called him from the kitchen.

What a perverted dick I am.
He slammed down his thoughts while he jogged inside to find her walking her dishes over to the sink.

“Yeah, Sammie?”

“Where’s Mom and Nick?”

“Your mother went up to shower and I think Nickel is still sleeping, but not sure.” He prompted her so it wouldn’t slip her mind, “Don’t forget, we all need to go down to the station in a little bit.”

“Okay,” Sammie said as she strolled to the stairs. “I’m going to get ready.” She stopped before she left the kitchen. “And oh yeah, I need to pack too.” Grinning she told him, “My grandparents are coming tomorrow.”

“Is that so?” Ryder turned on the water and squirted some dish soap on the sponge he found by the sink. “You sound pretty excited to see them.”

“Yeah, they are a lot of fun. They take us out to eat and to the movies.”

“Hmmm, that does sound like fun. I guess you don’t get to do that much around here, huh?” After washing up the kitchen pots he used cooking the eggs earlier, he rinsed them with hot water and turned them over in the strainer.

“Well, mom is really busy and she doesn’t like to go out to eat much. Last time we all went out to eat, mom said she could do a better job at home and for a lot less money!”

“I can definitely relate with your mother on that front.” Ryder wiped his hands on the kitchen towel. “How about the movies? You go a lot?”

“Sometimes, if mom has time, but then it is never on the weekends, because she says it is ridiculous how much the tickets cost then.”

Ryder laughed. “Yep, she got that right.”

“I’m going upstairs.” Sammie took a few steps toward the stairs, but turned back around quickly and just stood there looking at him. Ryder wasn’t sure what she was up to, so he waited to see what she wanted. She smiled and looked down at her feet. Her fingers plucked at some unseen thread on her shirt.

“I ah, I just wanted to . . .” She tipped her face up at him. “I just wanted to say thanks for the eggs, Ryder.”

Ah Shit
. “Hey, no problem, Sammie.” A lump formed in his throat and his chest knotted up. “Ah, anytime, honey.” He had to clear his throat a few times before he could talk. “Now go on and get dressed.” He listened as her feet padded up the stairs. Sniffing once―only because he thought his allergies may be acting up―he told himself. Now, he needed to go home to shower and get into some clean clothes as well.

This may be the ideal opportunity to run home, because he had a feeling that if Amanda knew he was leaving she may just try and go rogue and take off by herself. And he had another feeling that she would love to pull something like that. But what she didn’t understand was that these people wanted something from her. The Cartel wanted a letter the perp babbled on about and they were ruthless killers. These people took no prisoners. They killed to set examples to others foolish enough to become involved with them.

Time to go, before anyone knew he was gone. Their protection without him here flashed through his mind, but he’d be back in ten, fifteen minutes tops. But thinking of their safety, he pulled out his phone.

“Jeremy? Hey, buddy you got a few minutes?”

“Ry? What ya need?”

“A drive-by Amanda Harris’ house in oh―” Ryder glanced at his watch. “Five minutes?”

“Sure thing. I’m out and about anyway; just verify the address for me.”

After Ryder snapped his cell shut, he grinned at the memory of those three taking him on last night as he walked out the back door locking it behind him. His mood lightened knowing Jeremy offered to do a drive by.

Opening the garage door, he glanced around. No one would even realize he was gone.


manda reluctantly shut off the blessedly hot water and grabbed her towel. She rubbed her hair out first, then bent over to dry off the rest of her body, wondering how much time she had before they needed to get down to the station. There might be just enough time to run into the Institute of Physics to speak with Terrence Montgomery or Ginny Sullivan. Pulling on her clothes, Amanda prayed that Ginny was at the lab today. She always liked the older, straightforward woman. Just thinking Terrence Montgomery’s name, made her cringe. He always gave her the creeps, especially after he made a pass at her at a scientific symposium in Miami a few years ago.

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