Invisibility Cloak (7 page)

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Authors: Jill Elaine Prim

BOOK: Invisibility Cloak
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Feeling totally ambushed, but realizing she was more in her comfort zone than Ryder was at the moment, she nodded and readily grasped the stick, looking at what options she had to shoot at.

Two striped balls were easily within distance for her to sink them both into the side pockets, but she missed the shot. Frowning, she said to Ryder, “See? I knew you’d be sorry having me as a partner.”

“Nah, not sorry yet.”

Nickel looked at what he had for choices.

“So,” Ryder asked as Nick aimed the cue stick, carefully balancing the pool stick on the top of his knuckles. “Why does your mother call you Nickel? I just assumed that your birth name would be Nickolas.”

After jamming the stick against the cue ball with more force than he needed to, her son shot Ryder a feral grin. “Nope.” Standing the stick straight up in his palm, he kicked it once on the floor before he explained, “My parents named me after an element. Pretty cool huh?”

Ryder nodded. “Yes, it is. Certainly more original way than most.”

“My dad made me memorize everything about Nickel when I was younger,” her son said cantankerously.

“Interesting, let me see if I remember.” Ryder closed his eyes in thought. “Been awhile, but chemical symbol Ni and atomic number, what? Twenty eight?”

Grinning, she clapped her hands together silently and walked up next to Ryder. “Well done. I’m impressed.”

“Yeah well, it has been a long time since chemistry. Hey, I’m impressed myself.” After setting his pool stick against the table he asked Sammie, “So, you named after an element, too?”

Her blond head nodded.

Ryder narrowed his eyes. “If not Samantha like I assumed it would be, then . . .” he looked across the table, angling his chin down at her daughter. “Sam . . . hmmm . . . Sam . . . huh.” He shook his head, then his eyebrows shot up and he snapped his fingers. “I got it. Samanium?”

Sammie giggled as she lined up her next shot. “It’s Samarium!”

Ryder grimaced. “I give. Not a clue as to its symbol or atomic number.” With a furrowed brow, he asked. “What is Samarium?”

Amanda joined in with her daughter’s smugness. “Well, Samarium is a hard silvery metal. Atomic number is sixty-two, and symbol is Sm.” Walking up beside him, she added, “And is a common reducing agent in chemical synthesis. Samarium has no significant biological role and is only slightly toxic.”

“Yeah.” Nickel laughed. “That fits my little sister to a T! Especially the toxic part!”

“Ooh you!” Sammie said, but laughed as well.

“So, Ryder Stevenson.” Nickel narrowed his eyes at Ryder with his lips pressed closed. “What is the name of your business and where is it located?”

“Fair enough.” Ryder nodded. “Name is Wolf Security Systems. And I have a small office downtown.”

Nickel pushed up his glasses with his index finger. “So, you deal with putting in security systems?”

Ryder grinned to himself on the inside. He had to hand it to the kid, grilling him like he was. “Absolutely, that as well as a few isolated investigative assignments.”

“And where did you get your experience?”

“United States Army, Nick.”

“How long were you in there?”

“Twenty years.”

Nickel leaned over the pool table and lined up a shot. “In what capacity?” He sunk it in the opposite pocket and looked up at Ryder.

Ryder grabbed his beer and took a swig. “Special Forces.”

Nickel’s eyes widened.

“1st Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment, Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia.”

“Whoa.” Nickel backed away from the pool table. “Take a shot dude, I owe you.”

Ryder tilted his head, not sure what Amanda’s son implied.

“You’re an Army Ranger?”

Ryder just gave him a quick nod. He didn’t like that fact advertised. After the missions in Iraqi, Africa, Afghanistan, hell he’d been all over the globe, he was just doing his job. It was an honor to serve with all those other guys in his unit.

Nickel held out his hand to him. “Your one of the bad asses, man.”

Ryder shook his hand and figured he may as well take that free shot Nick offered because all of the shots he took so far really sucked. Playing against Amanda’s kids was rougher than he thought it would be and he needed all the help he could get. So he lined up the best shot he could find.

“You’ve been on some pretty cool missions, haven’t you?” Nickel’s eyes lit up.

“Sure, but they all seem the same after a while. I wanted some roots. I was living on the fly constantly.”

Nickel leaned into him and said in a low voice, “But the women, dude?”

Ryder snorted. Women? He'd remembered the missions as well as all the shit load of antics they’d done. After the drinking, carousing, he wanted something more. He’d never actually tell anyone that because, hell, just thinking it in his head made him sound like such a pussy. So instead he said, “It wasn’t as glamorous as you think, Nick.”

Nick just kept grinning and bobbed his eyebrows up and down. “Yeah right, Ryder.” He nudged him with his elbow.

After finishing the game, Ryder went up to Nick. “Thanks man. Good game. I may need to learn a few things from you.”

Nick nodded as he headed for the stairs. “Anytime, dude.”

Amanda leaned into him and whispered, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“My kids enjoyed having you around, I can tell.” She took a small sip of beer. “I could feel Nick’s confidence shoot up when you asked him for help.” Amanda raised her beer up to his can and tapped it slightly. “So, thank you.”

Sammie ran past them to go up the stairs, but then stopped and stood before the staircase. “Bye, Ryder. Let’s do this again sometime, but maybe we can up the ante next time.”

“Ha-ha. Very funny, dear.” Amanda shooed her up the stairs after her older brother. They both stood next to each other as they listened to her soft footsteps follow the heavier clomping of Nick’s going up the landing.

“It’s late. I should head home.” Ryder tipped the can of beer up and drained it. After setting the can down on the table, he casually looped his arm around her waist as they walked to the stairs.

Standing around the corner from the stairwell, Ryder said solemnly, “Your kids whooped my ass.”

Amanda felt brave now. Alcohol was not a good thing. She grimaced, because she wanted to tear his clothes off and launch herself at this strong, handsome man. Instead, she edged closer.

“So, I suppose this means you won’t want to see me again?” She batted her eyelashes. “Because of course, my children clearly beat the pants off you.”

His brown eyes twinkled. “Hey, if they would beat the pants off you, I’d be back the next night. Hell, I don’t think I’d leave.”

Feeling giddy from his flirting, she placed her hand on his chest. This man was easily clearing a path to her heart. And she was feeling unbelievably brave right now. His tanned throat that was exposed in between the unbuttoned white shirt collar, and she leaned into him and pressed her lips to his neck.

He clutched her arms. “Amanda, what are you doing?” He jolted and sucked in a breath. “Where did your kids go?”

“I think to bed.” She leaned forward to nestle his neck again, but she never got there.

“You just can’t do that Amanda and expect me to not react.”

One minute she was leaning against him with her lips pressed to his neck and the next she was flat on her back against the wall. He held both of her arms captive above her head. His light-hearted demeanor faded and intensity flared between them. His face hardened before he leaned in for a kiss. At first his mouth touched hers softly, but as he crushed his chest against hers he demanded more.

She sighed in pleasure, because being with him like this felt so right. With their bodies still plastered against each other, he lowered his arms down and wrapped his palms around her waist. In a dreamlike state, her arms floated down and she delved her fingers into his soft hair, while he pressed his knee in between her legs.

A flame unfurled inside her womb and slowly spread to her sensitive femininity, those parts of her anatomy that had been dormant for so long. A moan softly resonated. Was that her? Farther away, another noise echoed.
Oh how embarrassing!
Was it her again?

She must be a loud kisser she thought, but it felt so good, she didn’t want to stop. Finally the haze cleared and her daughter’s voice navigated through.

“Mom!” Sammie’s voice carried down the stairs.

Ryder pulled back looking as dazed as Amanda felt. Her head even bobbed forward trying desperately to follow his mouth; like an addict who lost her fix.

He cursed under his breath.

she could relate. Amanda couldn’t remember ever being that excited with just kissing and barely touching. The desire to crawl into his big strong arms and curl up onto his chest and lap at his skin was intense. He tasted so delicious.

“Yeah, honey?” she croaked out.

“The phone!”

“Oh, okay.” She peered guiltily at Ryder while he brushed back a few stray strands of hair that had fallen over his forehead. Looking just like a little boy. Her heart flip-flopped at the thought of this large, masculine man once being a young child.

“I gotta go,” he said. Giving her a quick peck on the mouth, he turned the corner and vaulted up the stairs.

Amanda gathered her composure as he leapt up the stairs. For such a large man, he sure was light on his feet.

“Mom!” her daughter yelled more urgently. That second yell had her moving around the corner to the stairs.

Who on earth would call me this late in the evening?

“I’ll run the phone down to her, Sammie,” Ryder said when she stepped up the first stair.

“Oh, you don’t have to, Ryder,” she said as she made her way up the basement stairs. Lifting her chin when she’d almost reached him, his eyes widened.

yder was stunned. He shouldn’t have been, because in some small corner of his mind he had to have known. While Amanda steadily walked up the stairs, with her head down, hair swirling around her chin, he saw

The one he waited every other day to watch walking methodically to the gym outside his office window. Why in the hell didn’t he put two and two together? Is that what stoked this incredible attraction to her? He’d been aroused as soon as Amanda lifted her luscious legs out of her car at Sophia’s house. He’d almost lost his well-honed control he took pride in when she ran her tongue up his neck before high-tailing it up the stairs.

He ran his hand over his head.
He had her pushed up against the damn wall, ready to delve his hand up inside her skirt and . . .

Well, let’s just say kids do come in handy.
If Sammie hadn’t called down to her mother, he would have acted like a hormone-crazed teenager.

“Thanks.” Amanda pulled her cell out of his hand. Shit, he was really off kilter; he didn’t even think to walk the phone down to her. He needed some fresh air.

“I’ll talk to you soon.” Placing both hands on her elbows, he bent down and kissed her cheek and got out of there. Stepping out into the darkness he took in a deep breath.

“Damn.” Smiling, he strode to his car. Things were definitely looking up.

While he was buckling up, his cell phone rang and he glanced at the caller I.D.


,” he muttered and started up his car. He could just ignore the call. Ryder really didn’t want to pick up the damn phone, but it could be business; it was his business number.
Shit again.
He punched the answer button.

“Wolf Security Systems, Ryder Stevenson.”

After being around Amanda and her kids for a few hours playing pool and just hanging out, talking to Sophia so soon seemed almost corrupt. He didn’t want to taint his good feelings yet. What was she going to rope him into now?

“Ryder, you left too soon tonight. You didn’t even stay for dessert.” She started out in her pouty voice, but when he didn’t respond, she turned on the charm purring, “You should have stayed, it really was decadent.”

“I’m really sorry I had to leave so damn soon, Sophia. I had a meeting with a potential client.” Well, he was planning on helping Amanda step up her home security system, so that wasn’t actually straight-out bullshit and added, “Barely made it as it was.”

“Oh?” sounding surprised, Sophia hesitated. “I was hoping . . .” She stopped and waited.

Ah hell.
“What?” He knew it. ”What do you need?”

“Well, there is a Dinner Dance at the Harbor Falls Country Club, Tuesday night.” She began, until he jumped in.

“Sophia, I’m―” Ryder rolled his eyes, searching to find an excuse.

“Roger and Mimi Carlyle will be there and other potential clients, Ryder. Roger specifically asked if you would be there and I told him you would. I think he’s really interested in your company beefing up his business security. Roger is in finance, so he has a substantial amount on the line. That translates into a large contract.”

Damn woman just sounded too smug, like she knew she had him by the balls, again.

“I may have to check my calendar to make sure I don’t have anything lined up. Can I call you back?”

“Uh huh.” Sophia chuckled softly. “I know what that means. Honestly, Ryder, I’m only trying to help you and your business out. There will be a lot of influential people there. I can introduce you to so many other people and that’s just valuable for networking alone!”

“Let me check my schedule and get back to you,” he growled into the phone. He was pissed off now. The constant pressure this woman inflicted on him was off-balance and he didn’t like it. She acted like she had some claim over him. And she didn’t. He’d never let her even entertain that damn notion.

“Amanda is going to be there,” she said softly, out of the blue.

“What?” He pulled his brows together.

“Yes, she’s going with Jeffrey. He already asked her.”

Smeth had no time to be alone with her all evening―unless it was at the start of Sophia’s dinner party. Jeffrey was all over her then he’d remembered.

“Yes, it’s true Ryder. He was quite taken by her. He wants to spend as much time as he can with her, to get to know her better. I actually think they would make a striking couple.”

He sighed. “What time do you want me to pick you up?” She knew how to hook him in, that was for sure.

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