Invitation to Love (12 page)

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Authors: Groovy Lee

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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Momma, I got a lot to say.”

Chris has heard enough. Now, say good-night and go to sleep.”

are you holding up?” he asked as they strolled down the hallway for the stairs.

I still have my sanity.”

a rare one. Most women would be pulling their hair out by now; Or better yet,
her extensions.”

me time.”

was grateful for the new friend and ally she found in Chris. His support was
just what she needed as the evening wore on. It was midnight when he and Raven
were ready to leave. She quietly exhaled a moment of relief. Of course, when
they stood at the door to see them off, Raven just glided passed her with a
curt good-bye, kissed Michael on the cheek, and disappeared into the night.
Chris kissed Taryn’s hand, then leaned close to her ear and whispered that he
plan on taking a detour and discreetly toss Raven over the nearest cliff.

so bad,” she stifled the urge to laugh out.

go and turn out the lights in the back. Would you mind taking care of the ones
up here?” Michael asked after locking the door.

went about clicking out the lamps in all the front rooms. Tight nerves made a
minute seem like an hour as she stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for
his return. Should she go on up alone? Or cope with the awkwardness of waiting
for him. Before she could mount the first step, he was back.

was great,” he said as they climbed the stairs together.


see you’ve won my cousin over. He’s really taken with you.”

is sweet. I can’t get over how much alike the two of you are.”

Raven?” He barely got the question out before he started laughing. “Sorry,
couldn’t help that.”

honestly, we connected. I think I made a new best friend.”

really. I’ll believe that when I see it.”

were at her bedroom door, and the humorous air dissipated to an anxious moment
of civil smiling, and efforts to seem at ease. But, there was no mistaking the
drawing power in the eyes regarding her now. She swallowed and glanced back at
the door she wished was between them now.

don’t you bring the girls into the city tomorrow? I’d like to show them around
the office, introduce them to the staff. Then we can have lunch afterwards—if
that’s okay with you.”

adventurous. They’d love it.”

I’ll send the car to pick you up.”

suddenly felt the air between them change, that familiar pull she’s constantly
fighting to control. Just go into the bedroom and close the door. Say
good-night, Taryn. But, she stood rooted, unable to. In her heart what she wanted
more than anything for him to repeat that first kiss between them. That kiss
she still hasn’t forgotten. Does he feel the same? Would she run scared if he
tried? She felt like an idiot when, instead of the intense kiss she was
expecting, he just touched his mouth to her cheek.




girls’ excitement at visiting Michael’s office did nothing to curb Taryn’s
apprehension. A nervous wreck doesn’t even begin to describe her state of mind.
It’s time to play the crowning role of the loving wife in front of his
employees, clients, and associates. This is the moment, her big test, so to
speak, that will determine whether or not she can do her part and help save his

The smooth
limousine pulled off the busy city street and stopped in front of a mirrored
building. They exited the interior and instantly their heads arched back to
scan all the way to the top of the blue tinted windows. They pushed through the
glass door and walked across the cool lobby of the Ritz Plaza office building.
A boulder of a security guard at the information desk directed them to the top
floor. The girls’ hands were like valium to Taryn as the numbers of the floors
continued to count up all the way to the top.

felt as if they were being deposited in a foreign country when the elevator
doors slid open and they stepped out to strange surroundings.

A few people smiled politely
as they exited the elevators across from them and proceeded on their way. The
gold and black logo of Michael’s company was proudly etched into the marble
floor along their path. To the left, behind the plate-glass doors, were
draftsmen busy at their desks working to meet the latest deadline. The pert
red-headed receptionist greeted them with an eager smile as she hurried from
behind her station toward them.

You must be Mrs. Vande-xx,” she crooned.

Taryn felt a little at ease now that help had arrived.

was told to recognize you by the twins. He’s not in his office at the moment,
but I’ll take you in.”

followed her through the pristine office. Remi and Rachel slipped from her
hold, and hop-scotched on each giant V they came to. When they arrived at the
double doors that opened to Michael’s office, she stood back for them to enter.

Remi and Rachel said as they tipped into the room.

black lacquered desk, neatly organized with a large calendar that also
protected it from scuffs and spills, stood against one side; Across the room
was a wall of glass towering over the working city below; The V-shaped emblems
of Michael’s success dotted the entire floor. Taryn motioned for the girls to
follow her over to the gray sectioned sofa to sit down.

I get you anything to drink? Coffee?  Juice for the girls?”

thank you. We’re fine.”

Vande-xx will be here in a moment. If you need anything, just press the blue
button on the phone, and I’ll be right in.”

and Rachel waited until she left before scurrying off the sofa toward the

come look at this. We’re in the sky.”

obliged them and mimicked their excitement. As they continued to point out
interesting shapes and wow, she turned to inspect the office more thoroughly.
(So, this is where Michael runs his empire) The rich details of everything
spoke well of his accomplishments. Her eyes scanned the reading lamp clamped on
top of the drafting table overlooking the latest job in progress; to the rolls
of diagrams and sketches scattered around it on the floor, to the high-tech
computer on his desk.

now and then, murmuring could be heard outside the door, and a few curious
people would look their way as they passed by. The news of her arrival must
have made the rounds, and the inclination to verify had workers promenading by
to see what the new Mrs. Vande-xx looked like. After another minute of being
the object of wonder, she decided to return to the sofa out of view.

someone, who looked to be in his late twenties, with very short black hair
walked in. “You must be Mrs. Vande-xx,” he spoke with a deep Australian accent.
“I’m David Holster.”

she shook the hand he offered.

seemed so intrigued by what was standing before him, that he barely glanced
around the office when he said, “I’m looking for the boss. I guess he’s not

We’re waiting, too.”

peered at the girls standing at the window still enchanted by the view and
smiled. “I see. Well, you don’t mind if I wait with you?”

she indicated to a spot on the sofa.

sat down, propping one, long leg over the other, and straightening at his black
jacket covering a navy-blue shirt. Taryn couldn’t help noticing the
snake-skinned boots before meeting the vivid blue eyes still studying her.

Mrs. Vande-xx, how are you settling into life here so far?”

me Taryn. And, I love it; Thanks for asking.”

Michael shown you the sights, yet?”

couldn’t help being entertained by that accent, and pictured him having lived
on the wide open range, herding cattle high on top of a restless Mustang; The
tiny scar on the left side of his chin could be from a roping accident.

little. He promised to take us on a full tour soon.”

eyes made a brief journey down her legs. “I have to tell you, it was quite a
surprise when Michael returned from Nashville with a new bride and ready-made
family. The office still hasn’t quit buzzing.”

sure the girls and I caused the antennas of curiosity to rise. People have been
peeking in at us ever since we arrived.”

you do know he was engaged once before.”


leaned forward and lowered his tone. “Don’t tell Michael, but there was a pool
floating around that after Karen, he would never marry again. Three of our
secretaries just hit the jackpot.”

see. And how much did you lose?” was her light-hearted question.

much, I’m ashamed to say,” he chuckled.

girls came over to investigate the merriment; Each scooted beside their mother,
solemnly checking out the stranger across from them.

David said.

is Remi and Rachel,” Taryn added after their timorous responses.

that moment, Michael walked in and they sparked to life by vaulting off the
sofa to meet him; David got up and followed, Taryn remained in her seat.

transferred those outlines you needed in a hurry to your computer.”


thought I’d keep the Mrs. company for you. Now, I must go,” he bowed his head
to her. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Taryn, and welcome.”

sorry I kept you waiting,” Michael said to her after David exited. “Give me a moment
then we can leave.”

administering a few instructions to his assistant, and signing some documents
that needed to be expressed out that day, he escorted them down the hall and
introduced them to a few of the chief draftsmen and women. Afterwards, he took
them to the boardroom to meet a couple of his associates. One of his clients,
who just happened to be visiting from the Far East, stood from his important
seat at the end of the long conference table and bowed to her. Taryn endeavored
to exhibit what little poise she possessed while Michael presented his new
family to Mr. Kimoko. She bowed gracefully, adding what an honor it was to meet
him. To her surprise, he was delighted when Remi and Rachel attempted his
custom of bowing. She complimented his beautiful country, endeavoring to make
him feel welcomed. Although, his Japanese accent was sometimes hard to follow,
she understood the part where he invited her and her lovely girls to come and
visit soon.

you alright?” Michael asked in the elevator as it sailed them down to the

fine,” she replied after a deep breath. “I’m still a bit overwhelmed from
meeting Mr. Kimoko. I hope I did all the right things, and didn’t insult him in
any way.”

laugher was soft and engaging. “You were perfect. I couldn’t be more proud of
you.” He reached over and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. That small gesture
and the word, proud, inspired the confidence she needed; So far, she’s doing
her part.

finally made it through the lunch traffic to their destination, Michael’s
favorite Jamaican seafood restaurant, JAMIMAS. The hostess seated them, handed
out the menus then excused herself.

swallowed a huge gulp of water, then, “Michael, when can we visit you again?”

you want,” he answered before thanking the waitress for the bread sticks.

now it was Rachel’s turn. “Are we going to Japan one day to visit Mr. Kimo?”

Rachel,” he touched her soft cheek. But, before he could answer her, Remi cut

where’s Uncle Chris?”

girls,” Taryn shushed. “Here, eat some bread sticks until your food arrives.”

see you met David,” he said after her whispered apology.

seems nice.”

think so? He was obviously dazzled by you.”

it was a simple, pleasant statement, there was caution in his tone. But, that
didn’t garner as much of her attention as the sight of him sitting there in his
dark suit, playing havoc with her insides. It’s getting harder and harder
trying to deal with the pull he has on her on a daily basis.

client, Mr. Kimoko—do you think he was convinced?’

of what?”

the rumors about you are untrue. Do you think we passed?”

sure he was.”

good,” she was at once comforted. “I just hope everyone else at the office was,

inhaled sharply, grasped the napkin from the table and laid it across his lap.
“You don’t need to worry about who is or who isn’t convinced. But, since we’re
on the subject, it’s like I said, David is smitten. And, by the time his office
blog makes its way through the entire complex, you’ll be more popular than

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