Invitation to Love (9 page)

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Authors: Groovy Lee

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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is your room, Remi,” he opened it for her.

is?” She edged her way in, gasped, then turned a full circle to admire the
lavender walls and matching carpet. The comforter and pillows on her full-size
bed were covered with her favorite anime character, Sailor Moon. “I love it.”

along,” he signaled for them to follow him out to the room directly across
hers. “Ready?” he asked an eager Rachel.

couldn’t believe her eyes when they stepped into a world of powder pink walls,
and white furniture trimmed in gold.

Sheer batiste hung from the
curtains and bedspread. To Taryn, their old rooms back home were dungeons compared
to the ones they have now.

threw her arms around his waist. “Thank you. I love it.”

glad,” he cupped her face in his hands. “You girls look over your rooms while I
show your mother hers.”

the girls playfully tested the firmness of Rachel’s bed, he put a hand to her
elbow and escorted her away. But, Taryn was more than content with staying and
inspecting her daughters’ rooms. That way, she wouldn’t have to face that
unavoidable trip down the end of the hallway where she knew that behind those
double-doors was the master bedroom. As they neared it, she began the mental
image of drawing a line right down the middle of what she suspects is a
king-sized bed—his bed. But, her steps were diverted to the right where he
opened a door, then stood back and waited for her to enter. Her mind exhaled
the biggest sigh of relief as she stepped into the cozy room of blond-oak
furniture, with its egg-shell walls and mint-green carpet.

lovely, Michael,” she went over and ran her hand along the thick, pale-green
comforter of Egyptian cotton lying neatly on her bed. She looked over and
noticed a couple of packing boxes marked ‘clothes’ by the floor-to-ceiling
window to the far side. “All of the rooms are. I can tell you went to a lot of

have to admit, the decorator I hired had to call in a lot of favors to get
finished in time.”

shouldn’t have done all of this for us.”

straightened from the doorjamb and strolled over to her. “Actually, it was the
girls’ room I had redecorated. The only thing I did to this one was spruce it

curious. How did you know what their particular tastes are?”

we were in Florida, I learned from Rachel that she likes dainty, feminine
things; While Remi, on the other hand, is a big anime fan.”

was moved that he put forth such effort just to make them feel at home. “I
can’t thank you enough.”

I don’t know what you prefer when it comes to decorating. That’s why I didn’t
bother with this room. I’m waiting for you to use your talents to decorate the master
bedroom, instead.” He reached out and took her hand in his, causing her entire
body to stiffen. He then leaned forward and touched his cheek to hers, whispering,
“I’m counting on the fact that you won’t be in here too long.”

aroma of him had her eyes closing, but she quickly broke that spell by easing
back. “Michael, Remi and Rachel could come running in here at any moment.”

heard a mild sigh as he released her and stepped back.

Remi ran in, followed by Rachel.

I-told-you-so glance went unnoticed by him.

we change outta these clothes and go outside?”

but stay away from the pool,” she tried to finish that sentence before they
completely disappeared.

you want to eat out for dinner? Or would you rather I order in?” he asked.

we order in? I’m too tired to go anywhere.”


though those last questions were asked with all the warmth of a glacier, an
indication he was a bit annoyed, she summoned up the courage to call out to him
before he left the room. “Do you have a regular house staff?”

really. I’m rarely home. A maid service comes in once a week. I usually eat out.
So, when I am home, I either eat what’s in the refrigerator, or bring it with
me. Since I’m a family man now, I’ll be spending more time here. If you want, I
can hire a staff.”

there’s no need. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take care of the house myself
when the maid service isn’t here. I wouldn’t feel very comfortable with
strangers around.”

fine with me, Taryn, if you think this place isn’t too big for you to handle.
We’ll give it a trial run. Now, it you’ll excuse me, I’m going to change. I
want to show the girls around outside.”

kept her eyes on him as he walked out. When he turned the corner, a huge smile
eased across her face. However small it was, they just had their first contest
of wills—already. Men like Michel aren’t used to being rebuffed. But, it was a
necessary move on her part, and she feels good about the fact that she has some

plush carpet felt so good to her tired feet as she slid them out of her flats.
She headed for the boxes with her clothes inside, all the while thinking if
maybe the courtroom would have been an easier battle to face.



of sunlight filtering through Taryn’s curtains, gradually brightened the room,
pulling her from a deep sleep. She stirred, wrestling with her pillow as she
always does. But, when she finally opened her eyes, the old familiarity of home
had been replaced by a white ceiling and mint-green walls. It took only a few
seconds for the shock to wear off, and for her to remember that she’s married,
and living in California of all places. The weight of it all had her sitting
up. And, as she studied her new surroundings, she kept telling herself to take
it one day at a time; Get used to her new surroundings. The rhythm of life will
fall into place.

scooted to the side of the bed. The first thing she needs to do is see about
the girls, and getting their breakfast started—don’t forget Michael.  After a
shower and change, she stepped outside her doorway. (Now, her life begins) The
girls’ rooms were empty. She knew they must be downstairs, and hopefully, out
of trouble. She glanced toward Michael’s room and surprisingly found the doors
wide open. The new colors and elegant décor of her new home captured her
attention as she made her way down the stairs and toward the kitchen. Just as
she thought, Michael and the girls were already at the circular kitchen table
of four chairs consuming a hearty breakfast of eggs and strawberry marmalade on
golden toast.

she tried to hide her nerves behind her ordinary, everyday manner.

cooked us breakfast,” Remi’s mouth as usual was crammed with toast.

see,” she took the empty seat at the other end of the table.

a moment there, we thought you were going to sleep the entire day,” he said
just before he tilted his coffee cup to his lips and sipped.

sorry I overslept. I meant to be up in time to cook for everyone.”

was no need. We did pretty well for ourselves, didn’t we, girls?”


picked up the decanter sitting in the middle of the red-speckled table, and
poured herself a cup of the steaming elixir.

thought we could go for a drive today to get you familiar with the area. Afterwards,
we could go to the beach for a picnic—unless you’re still recovering from the
busy day you had yesterday, and would rather stay in.”

glanced up from spreading marmalade across her toast. “No, I’m fine,” she
couldn’t help smiling at eyes so warm and alluring. “I’d love to see

the girls wriggled in their seats.

breakfast, they all piled into his silver Explorer and was piloted out of the
driveway, through the neighborhood, and onto winding roads embellished by
opulent mountains thick with trees and foliage. Their first stop was the ultra,
shopping mall where every department store imaginable waited to fulfill your
needs. (Taryn was instantly hooked) They picked up some picnic items from the
super grocery store connected at the end of it. Afterwards, he took them to an
isolated beach for lunch. Remi and Rachel stripped to their bathing suits and
waded in the ocean, screaming each time a wave touched their thighs. Michael
sat with his arms coiled around his legs, a can of soda dangling from one hand
and watched. Taryn was reminded of the first time she laid eyes on him in St.
Petersburg; He was sitting that exact same way with the sun glistening on his
black hair.

realized she’d been staring at his physique longer than intended, so she
switched her attention to the thick sand around her and began making patterns
with her finger. The basis of their conversation mostly revolved around: “Do
you want diet or regular soda? Did you sleep well last night?”, followed by
stretches of silence. She exhaled her disappointment. They’re married, for
heaven’s sake; They should be able to converse like adults minus the clumsy

do you go back to work, Michael?”

peered around at her, half-smiling. “Monday morning. I told my staff that since
there’s so many projects to finish, we plan to honeymoon later in the year.
That way, they won’t get too curious as to why I’m back so soon.”


the way. Do you remember me mentioning my cousin Chris?”


wants to meet you. Are you ready to entertain company for dinner? Say tomorrow
night? If that’s too soon, we can plan for later.”

good. Can’t wait to meet him.”

probably bring an escort.”


hush fell again where they eyes held for a moment, then he smiled and looked
away to the girls. Taryn was giving it her all, but it seems that a natural
rhythm between them will take time. Still, a comment he made once has been
nagging at her. And, she feels she should broach the subject and get it out of
the way now that they’re married.

I ask you something?”

shifted around on the blanket to face her, his legs stretched out as he leaned
back on his hands. “What?”

day you offered marriage, I said you deserved to share your life with someone
you loved. But, you said that chance walked out on you a long time ago.”

way his brows lifted, and the turn his mouth made, alerted her to the fact that
she’d found his thorn. But still, she has to know the truth.

he pressed.

were you engaged once? I think I have a right to know.”

looked passed her to the rocky cliffs in the far distance for a few seconds
then sighed. “You’re right. And yes, I was engaged once. A lifetime, ago.”

it to that model I saw you with on TV? Raven?”

no. Her name was Karen Knoxford.”

fell into an uneasy silence that lasted too long for her comfort. “I see,” she
said and looked back to her traces in the sand.

was ambitious, and wanted to make her mark on the world before she committed
herself to anyone. Her career meant more to her than I did. We didn’t see eye
to eye on what was more important and what wasn’t. There was a big argument. We
broke off our engagement. She went her way, and I went mine.” He was looking at
her now, clearly bothered. “She’s not here in California,” he answered the
other question she thought best to drop. “The last I heard, she was in England

if she comes back?”

shrugged. “I doubt it. But, what if she does?”

he can get the sense of what she’s asking. Maybe, he does and just doesn’t want
to answer that loaded question.

she replied, and looked over to see Remi running toward them.

come and help us build a castle. Please?”

another word, he got up and went off with her. Taryn’s eyes wandered over his physique
as he walked away. (Karen Oxford) Sounds Ivy League. So, she’s off to make a
mark on the world. Does she expect Michael to be waiting until she returns to mend
things? So what if she does, he had answered. Taryn blew out her frustration.
After all, she has a right to know the extent of his feelings for his
ex-fiancee. Would he take her back in a second if she reappeared? That would
certainly end their deal, wouldn’t it? She brushed irritably at her designs in
the sand. Whatever he decides is more than fine with her. She could walk away
right now and only feel it for a little while. He did her a favor, and she did
him one. That’s it.

the picnic utensils were packed away, and swimsuits were covered over with
street clothes, he drove them to the edge of the city and pointed out a few of
the sights along the horizon. Then he took the girls to their favorite
fast-food place to let them order dinner to their hearts’ content.

upstairs and get ready for your baths”, Taryn said to them when they arrived
home an hour later. “I’ll be up as soon as I put these things away.”

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