Invitation to Love (3 page)

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Authors: Groovy Lee

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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had to admit she was excited, also. It will be good to dine with another adult,
exchanging mature conversation for once, instead of the usual interchange of:
“Yes, that’s the shape of my head.”— “I’m sure that marble statue did not wink
at you.”—and—“No, you can’t ask him if he has a glass eye.”

can I wash my hair before we go out? I got a lotta sand in it.”

all getting in the shower when we get back to the hotel.”

look what you did,” Remi glared at her sister.

Rachel retorted with her own scowl.

had to go and open your big mouth. Now, I gotta take a shower.”

You want Michael to see ya all sweaty and dirty?”

ain’t dirty.”


not,” Remi tried to grab one of her legs.

flailed her legs around to dodge her hand.

girls,” Taryn cut into the flow of are-too’s and am-not’s. At once the yelling
halted and two pairs of eyes focused on her. “It’s too hot for this. Sit still,
will you? Look,” she indicated to the front of them. “The bridge is letting
down. We’ll be on our way soon.”

their cries lessened a few tired degrees.


very pretty tonight, Rachel,” Michael said from his seat across the white linen

you,” her face lit with pride toward her mother.

was very grateful he complimented her. After all, Rachel picked that yellow dress
just for him.

so are you, Remi,” he added.

her heart-shaped face didn’t light up the way her sister’s did. “Thank you.
But, I don’t feel pretty. Momma made me wear this thing,” she made a fretful
tug at the collar of the identical blue dress.

hid her smile at the thought that she had to practically hold her down and
wrestle a good ten minutes to get her into it.

I’m glad she did. I’m the envy of every male here for being in the company of
such beautiful ladies.”

gaze switched to Taryn, who instantly lowered her eyes to her clean plate with
the glazed pansy décor. The warmth he ignited covered her like a blanket; Add
to that, him sitting across the table in his black suit, and perfect hairstyle.
And the way his eyes seem to just reach out and evoke a soulful response from
her is destroying her proper resolve.

can I go to the salad bar now?”


for me,” Remi hopped down from her chair and scurried after her.

you think they like it here?” he asked, watching as they stood deciding what to
put on their plates.

yes,” she inspected the impressive room with its beige colors. Glass
chandeliers emitted soft, yellow lighting, while eager-to-please waiters
dressed in crisp, white shirts, and black trousers tended to their customers’

A hush of conversation
clothed the atmosphere. “Thank you for inviting us. I think they were getting
tired of Happy Meals and pizza in the hotel room.”

you I should be thanking. You saved me from a lonely dinner with nothing but cable
for company.”

hard to believe—You sitting alone in your hotel room without a girlfriend
accompanying you.”

but true,” he threw her a beguiling smile. “I’m so single, I don’t even have a
shadow following me.”

couldn’t help laughing at that. “That’s a good one. But seriously, a fi…somewhat
attractive man as yourself surely has no trouble in that area.”

you,” he inclined his head slightly. “But, I’m a serious sort of fellow. You
know, meaningful relationships and all that. I’ve settled down quite a bit from
my much younger days. Hopefully, the right one will cross my path—soon.”

way those words trailed away, and his eyes glistened across her face, made it
difficult to breathe. She wanted to say something encouraging, even
complimentary, but her throat was tight, and the words wouldn’t form. All she
could think to say after a nervous silence was ask something silly like, “So,
do you have any brothers or sisters?”

I’m an only child. My parents live in Switzerland. But, I have a cousin, who in
all respects, is like a brother. He’s my corporate lawyer, and a very good one,
too. Quite the lady’s man; Sly, charming, a devout bachelor. He can smooth-talk
a ninety year old woman out of her wheelchair if he wanted,” he chuckled

like a character,” she picked up her water glass beaded with cold droplets and
sipped from it.

bears watching. What about you?”

have a younger sister. Our parents are dead.”

did you come to Florida this time of the year? Aren’t the girls supposed to be
in school?”

was only a week left. It’s just that, when I got laid off, among other things,
I wanted to celebrate. Collen and I brought the girls here when they were five
to see Disney World. They wanted to see Universal Studios so much. So, I
thought while I still have the funds I’d bring them. There might not be another
chance to.”

mean because of your situation?”

so. Collen had life insurance, but I want most of it to go to their education.”

will you do when you get back?”

for another job. I’m really looking forward to that,” she grimaced.

offering words of support, he went on to tell her of his favorite places in
Florida. Taryn lost count of how many times her heart missed a beat whenever
his mouth formed certain words; Or the way those eyes lighted seductively when
he laughed—or when they lingered on her. It’s been a long time since she’s felt
any stimulation of attraction. Those comatose urgings are definitely spiraling
to life.

But, she just passed it off
as something that comes natural when in the company of a healthy man.

about you, Taryn?”

she sat up straight. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

important. But, why the faraway look? Does Florida bring back special memories
for you? Are you thinking about your husband?”

question smacked her so hard, that the sting had her fingers wounding tightly
around the napkin lying in her lap. “I…no.”

sorry. I didn’t mean to get personal.”

not you, Michael. It’s me,” she forced a smile to her face.

then, and much to her relief, she heard the thump of glassware and turned to
see Remi sliding in her seat, her salad plate brimming with plump strawberries,
orange cantaloupe,  and a big bunch of  green grapes threatening to fall over
the edge. Rachel’s plate was more modestly decorated. Taryn glanced once more
at Michael. Their eyes briefly touched as the waiter wheeled over a cart of
shrimp and salmon dinners, and began placing them in front of the correct





pulled his rental into a parking space of the hotel lot and clicked the engine
off. As Taryn emerged from the interior, she glanced up at the twin-engine
plane blinking its way across the full moon. A mellow breeze streamed from the
bay next door where boats of all sizes bobbed silently in their private slips.
Remi and Rachel skipped across the parking lot, leaving Michael and her to walk

are you going to say to Michael, you two?” Taryn asked when they reached the
steps leading up to their room.

you for dinner, Michael,” was their sweet response.

more than welcomed,” he bowed his head playfully.

wish you weren’t leaving,” Remi added, her head strained back as she looked up
at him, her small eyes drawn sadly. “I like you. And, I wish you could go with
us to Universal.”

knelt down and caressed her hands in his. “I like you too, Remi. And, I’ll
never forget you; Nor you, Rachel.”

was rewarded with arms being thrown around his neck in secure hugs. Reluctant
as she was to admit, Taryn enjoyed his company and was going to miss him even

girls,” she took the hotel key out of her purse and held it out. “Go up to the
room and get ready for bed. I’ll be up in a minute.”

got it,” Remi seized the key from her mother’s hand then bolted.

always get the key. Hey, wait for me.”

race you.”

better get up there,” Taryn turned to Michael. “Before they wake the entire

moon cast a faint light across his face, revealing his own pleasant smile.
Suddenly, she was aware of his overwhelming attraction, and her body
reacted—again. Their night has ended, and she wondered what he had in mind as
they stood there in watchful silence. (Kiss her?) Deep inside she felt a need
for him to, but her level head reminded her of the futility of such a move.

Taryn,” he offered his hand.

once relaxed, she extended hers. “Good-bye, Michael. And thanks again.”

safely tomorrow.”


she mounted the steps, that same nagging feeling from earlier on the beach
pricked at her, the feeling that she couldn’t leave it like this—just walk
away. He’s a stranger. You don’t just outright trust someone you’ve met hours
ago. But, there’s something about him that puts her at such ease. Something she
can’t turn away from. She looked back down to see him still standing
there—watching. Especially, when he looks like that. It was then she made her

would you care to join us for the next few days? The girls would love it.” The
thought that she would absolutely love it sailed through her mind, and it
almost shamed her.

eyes widened for a quick second before exhaling a thank you.

have to warn you,” she came back down a few steps. “Remi and Rachel can be a
handful. They’ll be dragging you from one end of those parks to the other.”

look forward to it.

I’ll see you early tomorrow morning. Say around eight?”

a minute later.”

said good-night once more and walked up toward her room. When she got to the
top of the landing, she dared to glance back to see him still standing there
observing her with the most pleasant look dawning his handsome face as she
disappeared around the breezeway.



say that Remi and Rachel were thrilled to have Michael accompanying them to one
of their favorite places in the world, was an understatement to the highest
degree. Taryn had to beg them repeatedly to stop jumping on the beds and help
her pack before he arrived. The car ride to Orlando was a delight. And for the
first time since arriving in Florida, she could lock her troubles away from
thought, and enjoy the vacation she came here for.

week at Universal Studios was more fun than Taryn could have imagined, all
thanks to Michael. And was she ever thankful for his patient help with the
girls, especially after that fiasco on the Jurassic Park River Adventure, which
included a towering T-Rex, topped off with an 85 foot plunge into total
darkness. (The high-pitched screams of two terrified eight-year olds can
definitely attract a crowd) After the girls calmed down enough to walk on their
own, they kept to the more kid-friendly parks of Dr. Seuss World and Woody
Woodpecker’s Nuthouse Coaster.

day would begin with high-energy and excitement. And, each night would end the
same: After the late-night fireworks, a worn Taryn and Michael would lift an
exhausted child out of the car and deposit them on the bed in their room. As
the end of the week drew near, Taryn realized their fun together was also coming
to an end, and  dreaded the moment when they would part ways. She had found a
good friend; A friend she enjoyed being around and could talk freely with. She
learned some impressive things about him. Like the pride he has in his work;
The trip to Haiti with his cousin where they helped design and build a school
for the children—And a few peculiarities. He seemed rather amused as she
related her own quirks. But, one question in particular opened a door from within
to reveal the scars left there by her life with Collen.

had no idea of the extent of his violence until he slapped me the first week we
were married,” she said as they stood leaning against the car in the parking
lot one night after putting the girls to bed. “After that, there’d be this
pattern of his abuse followed by swearing he’d never do it again. And of
course, I’d forgive him. Still, it just seemed to get worse. It came to the
point that whenever we heard his truck pull up in the driveway, the girls would
fall into a fearful silence, and I’d keep them occupied in their room away from
him as much as I could. I felt obligated to keep the marriage together—until
the evening he went into one of his tirades. That’s when I decided it was
enough. So, while he was working late one night, I packed all of our clothes to
leave. As I was writing the letter telling him to talk to my lawyer, two
policemen came to the door and announced he had been killed in an automobile
accident. I couldn’t even cry. I’d cried enough when were married, I just
couldn’t anymore. I know it’s a terrible thing to say, Michael,” she turned to
look into eyes so filled with compassion,

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