Irrepressible (58 page)

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Authors: Leslie Brody

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Office of Price Administration
Officers’ Training Corps (OTC)
Orwell, Sonia
Out of Bounds: The Education of Giles and Esmond Romilly
Pacific Internment Society
Palewski, Gaston
Mitford, Pam “Woman”
Panther Defense Fund
Paris Review
The Parliament of Roses to Julia
passports, issuing of
Patchen, Miriam
Patterson, Governor John
Pearl Harbor bombing
People’s Daily World
: on
The American Way of Death
; Decca’s lifetime subscription; fundraising for; goes underground; Green, Buddy; Hungary article for; job application; reports on McGee in, 1731
Play It Again, Sam
Poison Penmanship: The Gentle Art of Muckraking
political climate, U.S.: apathy over Japanese internment; Communism as viable party option; First Baptist Church riots; McCarthy era; McCarthy era end; Rosenberg execution; surrounding
The American Way of Death
publicity; UN formation; U.S. appeasement
politics, Decca’s: Communism; Dinky’s exposure to; “fortress mentality” to protect; HUAC subpoena for; honing understanding of U.S.; of housework; as inspiring; interest in collectivization; as “last thoughts,” ; of medical coverage; Nanny Blor as influencing; New Deal; opposing Unity; as restricting travel; as shared with Esmond; as shared with Kay; surveillance for;
see also
antifascism; Communist Party USA
Pollard, Lisa
poll tax campaign: as cause of Virginia Durr; defeat of; at the Democratic Convention; stalled
Popular Front
Portrait of a Muckraker: The Stories of Jessica Mitford
Potter, Stephen
pregnancies: abortion; birth of Benjy; birth of Dinky; birth of Nicky; Decca discusses with Dinky; Dinky’s; first (Julia); miscarriage of third; second to-term
Profiles in Courage
The American Way of Death
as; Berkeley student; Freedom Rides; French student; ingredients for successful; motorcade; race riots
Pryce-Jones, David
publicity: for
The American Way of Death
; among OPA workers; as attention; on birth of her second child; Clinton internship with Treuhaft; on Decca’s disinheritance; on Diana’s release; Dobby as unfazed by; fizzle of;
Grace Had an English Heart
; for her memoir; from
; on passport withholding; in Rotherhithe; as a soldier’s wife; Treuhaft marriage as without; as undercurrent in her writing; Unity’s suicide attempt; as used to denounce Mosleys; used to promote civil causes
The Pursuit of Love
(Nancy Mitford)
Rabinowitz, Victor
Radical Chic
racism: of DA Coakley; Decca on Miamian; of Oakland PD; segregation
Raether, Howard C.
Raleigh, N.C.
Randall, Byron
Random House
rape, attempted
Rebel: The Short Life of Esmond Romilly
“The Red Flag”
refugees: Decca takes in; Durr family takes in; Jewish, from Germany; Mitfords take in; Spanish Civil War
Rexroth, Kenneth
Richardson, Tony
Richmond, Al
Rivera, Frank
Robbins, Cynthia
Robeson, Paul
Rockefeller grant
Rodd, Peter
Rodman, Selden and Hilda
Rollingwood Improvement Association
Roma Italian Restaurant
Romilly, Constancia (Dinky): activism in Oakland; attends Decca’s HUAC hearing; Betts boys as playmates; birth of; Bob meets; on Bob’s affair; civil rights activism; at college; at death of Nicky; first son’s birth; first trip to England; helps Decca stop drinking; as housekeeper; life crisis; marriage to Terry Weber; meets her grandmother; move to NYC; naming; nursing work; relationship with Decca; relationship with Forman; second son’s birth; as a star student
Romilly, Bertram
Romilly, Esmond: on animal cruelty; Bob as compared to; death of; Decca’s first impression of; as Decca’s first love; early-life bio; fighter pilot training; gambling; Graham and Gillies work; Ingram writes on; learns of Decca’s abortion; marriage to; Miami barman job; militaristic education; military service; mood swings; Nancy’s dislike for; personality of; politics of; relationship with Giles; relationship with Straight; runs away; as a Silkform salesman; similarities with Virginia Durr;
see also
marriage, to Esmond
Romilly, Giles: looks; post-war life; as a POW; reunion with; at Wellington College; as a writer
Romilly, Julia
Romilly, Nellie: death of; Decca’s inheritance from; Decca’s relationship to; at Rotherhithe; wartime loneliness of
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosenberg, Ethel
Rosenberg, Julius
Ross, Alan S. C.
Ross, Herbert
Rotherhithe period: adapting to family life; electrical bill; friends’ response to Julia’s death; intellectual discussions; secret family visits; theft to make ends meet
Roughton, Roger
Rubin, Jerry
running away: accounts; Decca’s need to; of Dinky, from college; of Esmond; family reaction to; to the Montgomery bus boycott; to the Spanish Civil War
Runyon, Damon
Rushdie, Salman
Russian River
Sandburg, Carl
San Francisco: apartment near Mrs. Betts; cultural scene; Decca’s enjoyment of; OPA job transfer to; train ride to; underground press
San Francisco Chronicle
: on Decca in Montgomery riots; Decca in society column; hires Decca; Kay’s work at; offers Decca a column; open letter to Winston Churchill in
San Francisco College of Mortuary Science
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Film Festival
San Francisco Funeral Directors Association
San Jose State College
Sarah Lawrence College
The Satanic Verses
Saturday Evening Post
Sayre, Murray
Scherr, Max
Scottsboro case
Seale, Bobby
Seeger, Pete
segregation: Decca’s activism against; Freedom Rides protest; lunch counter, activism against; protesting housing; Southern champions of
Send a Piana to Havana campaign
Service Corporation International (SCI)
Sexual Freedom League
Shelton Hotel
Sigal, Clancy
Silkform stockings
Simon and Schuster
Smith, Doug
Smith, Harold
Smith Act of 1940
smoking habit
snobbery: of American Southerners; Decca feigns; Ivy League; as trope of Decca’s writing
Sobol, Morton
social equality
socialism: attempts to mainstream U.S.; Bob defends loyalty cases; financial ideology of; in Hungary; McCarthy era investigation; reputation of U.S.;
see also
Communist Party USA
Socialist Workers Party
Society of Hons
Sonoma County
Soul on Ice
Southern Conference for Human Welfare
Soviet Union: Battle of Stalingrad; crush Hungarian uprising; display Lenin’s corpse; Gulag; Nazi invasion of; second Great Purge; Stalin as leader of; WWII alliance with
Spanish Civil War: Decca runs away to; as discussed in Corsica; Esmond as veteran of; loss of
Spock, Dr. Benjamin
Stalingrad, siege of
Stander, Lionel
Stansky, Peter
Starkie, Walter
Starobin, Joe
Starr, Kevin
Steinbeck, John
Stone, I. F.
Stop the Draft
“St. Peter, Don’t You Call Me” (Mitford)
Straight, Belinda “Binnie”: clothes budget of; on Decca’s meeting with Churchill; as friend to Decca; husband as a spy; on jiggery-pokery; offers housing to Decca
Straight, Michael
Strayer Business School
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
suffrage, women’s
Sussman, Peter
Swinbrook House
Taft-Hartley Act of 1947
Temple de la Gloire
Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co.
Tenny, John B.
theft (“jiggery-pokery”): of cafeteria lunch; to make ends meet; of rich excess
Thompson, Lowell
Thurber, James
The Time of the Toad
Tolkein, J. R. R.
Mitford, Tom
Tomalin, Nicholas
Tom Mooney Memorial California Labor School
Toynbee, Philip: bids Romillys goodbye; death of; on Decca; Decca’s memoir of; early life politics; on editors; Esmond’s reunion with; in lecture tour idea; on the mothering of Julia; reunion with; reviews Unity Mitford book; Rotherhithe days friendship; as a writer
travel: alone, to Inch Kenneth; to Mexico; to Mississippi, for McGee activism; to Montgomery; Treuhaft family trip to England; passport restrictions; to promote memoir in England; South of France writing sojourn; by train across U.S.
Treuhaft, Albin
Treuhaft, Aranka: aids European getaway; on black maids; death of; donates to Decca’s causes; financial advice; first visit to California; Kliot’s death; marriage to Al Kliot; meets Muv; Nicky and; relationship with Decca; as single wage-earner; as Treuhaft’s mother
Treuhaft, Benjamin “Benjy”: birth of; in college; favorite snack; illness following Nicky’s death; manic depression of; marriages of; piano tuner apprenticeship; Send a Piana to Havana campaign; on Treuhaft’s view of Forman
Treuhaft, Nicholas “Nicky”: arrest of; avoiding writing about; birth of; death of; personality
Treuhaft, Robert “Bob”: biography of; as a Communist; dates Jewish girls; eligibility of; epilepsy of; flirtatiousness of; funereal activism; Gladstein work; help with
The American Way of Death
; Hillary Clinton interns for; labor activism; law firm of; meets Decca; meets the Mitfords; on Muv; vs. the Oakland PD, 194; OPA work; poetry; romance with Joanne Grant; runs for D.A.; statement to the HUAC; on Washington politics;
see also
marriage, to Bob
The Trial of Dr. Spock
Tru-Lanol Arterial Fluid
Truman, Harry S.
Trumbo, Dalton
Tunley, Roul
Turner, William
Tyler, Ralph
“U and Non-U Language” (Nancy Mitford)
United Federal Workers
“United Front Against Fascism”
United Nations
Mitford, Unity “Boud”
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
University of California at Berkeley
U.S. Department of State
U.S. embargo, on Cuba
U.S. Justice Department
Utt, James
“Vicky Says” column
Vidal, Gore
Vietnam War protests: Chicago Eight trial; debated at Spock trial; in San Francisco; youth tactics
Vile Bodies
Viorst, Judith
Wachter, Douglas
Wachter, Billie
Walker, Dee Dee
Walker, James Dean
Wallace, Henry
Walker, Doris Brin Marasse.
Walter, Francis
Waltrip, Robert
War Labor Board
Washington, D.C.: Christmas with Esmond; Decca’s shared housing in; as educational; Esmond on; Esmond’s sales job in; New Dealers of; race riots; Romillys return to; Vidal on 69
Washington D.C.
Washington Post
The Water Beetle
(Nancy Mitford)
Waugh, Evelyn
Weber, Ben
Weber, Terry
Weinglass, Leonard
Weissmuller, Johnny
Wellington College
Weston, Edward
White, Edmond
Whitman, Walt
“Whut They’re Thanking Down There” (Mitford)
Williams, Esther
Willis, Edwin
Wilson, Mrs. Woodrow
Winter, Ella
Wolfe, Tom
Women for Peace
Women’s Commission
women’s issues: burden of housework; gender discrimination; in the
People’s Daily World
Works Progress Administration
World’s Fair, 1939
World War I
Wright, Margaret
Wright, Richard
writing: Bay Area writers; copy editing help; Decca’s advice on; as Decca’s panacea; Decca’s style of;
Faces of Philip
; fact and fiction in;
A Fine Old Conflict
; as honed in letters to Esmond;
Kind and Usual Punishment
; muckraker; publicity for; second memoir; at the Villa Bellagio; vocabulary;
see also Hons and Rebels
; journalism;
The American Way of Birth
The American Way of Death

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