Irrepressible (56 page)

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Authors: Leslie Brody

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Abzug, Bella
Ackerberg, Peter
activism: antiauthoritariananti-HUAC Committeeby Barbara Kahn Berkeley Co-Op for civil rights, as subversive by the CRC during Debo’s visit Decca as “muckraker,”, ;
A Fine Old Conflict
on “Free Huey” campaign Greensboro lunch counter sit-in against housing segregation introductions via pee-in against police brutality SNC Vietnam War.
Vietnam War protests; for Willie McGee youth
see also
cause parties; labor activism
A Fine Old Conflict
After Long Silence
Alabama National Guard
Albert, Stew
Albion College
Alcatraz guard unionization
Alexander, Hursel
Allen, Woody
Alvarez, A.
America: Decca as citizen of Decca’s fondness for Esmond on first impressions of friendliness in playing to snobbery in shopping in social customs socialism as anti- train ride across wartime regulations in
The American Way of Birth
(Mitford): Decca on Dinky’s birth in midwifery obstetric industry abuse source material writing of
The American Way of Death
(Mitford): byline Decca on cremation difficulty publishing embalming floral industry funeral industry attacks goal of idea to write industry changes from marketing ideas publication of success of updating
Anderson, Judith
Angelou, Maya
antifascism: Decca’s support for Decca writes on of Esmond as fueled in Bob growing commitment to at Harvard May Day 1938 protests
anti-Semitism: fears, for independent Hungary of the
of Muv U.S.
Aptheker, Bettina
Arens, Richard
Arensberg, Walter
Auden, W. H.
Baker, Josephine
Ballets Russes de Monte Carlo
Barlow, Andrew and Yvonne
Battle of Britain
Battle of City Hall
Battle of Stalingrad
Bay Area Funeral Society
Bayonne, France
Belfrage, Cedric
Treuhaft, Benjamin (Benjy)
Berkeley Barb
Berkeley Co-Op
Berkeley Tribe
Bermondsey Labour Party
Bernstein, Al
Bernstein, Carl
Bernstein, Leonard and Felicia
Bernstein, Sylvia
Betts, Mrs.
Black, Hugo
Black, Josephine
Black Friday
Black Panthers: Bob’s legal defense of Decca’s support for Hampton, Fred Newton, Huey P. Seale as chairman of
Blor, Nanny
Treuhaft, Robert “Bob”
Boyle, Kay
Boynton, Robert
The Bracelet to Julia
Bridges, Harry
British Embassy
British Royal Air Force
British Union of Fascists
Browder, Earl
Brown, Archie
Buckley, William F.
Bundles for Britain
Caen, Herb
Canadian Air Force
Canwell, Albert
“Can You Afford to Die?” (Tunley)
cartoons, political
Casket and Sunnyside
Cavendish, Andrew
Cavendish, Deborah.
Mitford (Cavendish), Deborah (Dowager Duchess of Devonshire)
Cerf, Bennett
Chamberlain, Prime Minister Neville
Chancery Court
Charles, Victor
Chicago Eight
childhood: aristocratic dissatisfaction with home life frustrated intellectualism Inch Kenneth reminders of morbid curiosity nostalgia for; in a teeming household
Chizzoli family
Churchill, Winston: becomes Prime Minister; Dinky petitions; invoked as aid to travel restriction; meets Decca about Esmond’s death; open letter to; as political philosopher; radio addresses; Romilly as nephew of
citizenship application
Civil Rights Congress (CRC): in Berkeley; Decca’s work for; end of; HUAC subpoenas Decca over; struggles of; Willie McGee case
civil rights movement: Berkeley activism; Bob’s legal defense of; debate over allies; First Baptist Church riots; Freedom Rides; Greensboro lunch counter sit-in; journalism on; McGee’s statement about; Willie McGee case
class issues: aristocratic vocabulary; Bob’s exposure to Mitford lifestyle; Decca’s aristocratic backdoor; gap between Debo and Decca; ignorance of public utilities; in Julia’s upbringing; in public wards
Cleaver, Eldridge
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Coakley, J. Frank: vs. Bob Treuhaft; Decca’s dislike of; indicts Oakland Seven; Newson case
Cockburn, Alexander
Cockburn, Claud
Codornices Village
Coe, John
Cold War: domestic politics; ideological basis; spies; tensions; Truman Loyalty Order
Collins, Lucretia
Columbia Hospital
communal living: for child-care help; within the Communist Party
Communist International (Comintern)
Communist Party, England: decision not to join; Esmond advocates for; headquarters; writers
Communist Party USA: activism by; agenda at meetings; Bob joins; Bob Treuhaft on; civil rights for members; CRC defends members; Decca joins; Decca on reasons for joining; Decca’s promotion within; Decca’s subpoena regarding; donation of inheritance to; Dubinsky’s dislike for; Ethel and Julius Rosenberg as members; vs. fascist ideology; FBI trail Decca in; friends in; goes underground HUAC hearings; interest in, misunderstood; journalists within; leadership changes; McCarthy era persecution; membership for government workers; national conference; psychological requirements; publicizing membership in; social perceptions of; Supreme Court overturns convictions for; sympathizers in Petaluma; travel restriction; Treuhafts leave U.S. citizenship requirement; U.S. war on; West Coast; Women’s Commission
Communist Political Association
Congressional Dies Committee
Congress of Industrial Organizations
Congress of Racial Equality’s (CORE) Freedom Rides
Connor, Bull
conspiracy laws
Cox, Donald
Crane, Mrs. Murray
Craven A cigarettes
Crawford, Nebby Lou
Cummings, e. e.
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Telegraph
Daily Worker
Daughters and Rebels
See Hons and Rebels
death, of Decca
Mitford Cavendish, Deborah (Dowager Duchess of Devonshire)
Debussy, Claude
debutante season
Decca and the Dectones
Degnan, James P.
de la Mora, Constancia
deLappe, Pele: as artist; Berkeley Hills move; bio of; childhood; on Decca;
cover design; on jealousy; on Nicky’s funeral; romance with Randall; on the Rosenberg execution; son as schizophrenic; as a teacher; writing committee member; “Vicky Says” column
Democratic National Convention
Dempsey, Jack
Dennis, Eugene
Depression, Great
Der Stürmer
Devonshire, Duke of
DeWitt, Addison
Mitford (Mosley), Diana
Dicks, Laura
Dies Jr., Martin
Romilly, Constancia “Dinky”
Dobby (Doris Brin Marasse Walker): arrest of; citizenship application aid; in the Communist Party; on Decca’s independence; law firm work; meets Decca; at Nicky’s funeral
Don’t Tell Alfred
(Nancy Mitford)
Draheim, Sue
drinking: accidents and illness from; Decca on her; drunken actions; at the Happy Valley Bar; as infamous; with Kay Meyer; to mourn Julia; after Nicky’s death; per-day consumption; pre-interview; stopping; writing and
Dr. Strangelove
drugs: Decca’s view of; Kesey, Ken; prison trials
Drummonds account
Dubinsky, David
DuBois, W. E. B.
DuClos, Jacques
Duncan, Isadora
Durr, Ann
Durr, Clifford
Durr, Lucy
Durr, Tilla
Durr, Virginia: baby Dinky stays with; meets Bob Treuhaft; on the Cold War; Decca lives with; Decca loans money to; on Esmond’s death; family parties; friendship with Decca; on Joe Gelders; on McCarthy; meets Decca; at the Montgomery riots
Eden, Anthony
Edises, Bert
education: from brother Tom; Communist; by Decca; of Decca by Washington; Decca’s lack of formal; false college degree; Highlander Folk School in Tennessee; home schooling; of Pele deLappe; self-taught cultural
Edwards, Catherine “Katie,”
Edward VIII
Einstein, Albert
England: Bermondsey Labour Party; Decca’s reputation in; downplays German aggression; mid-1930s politics; stationing with Esmond; Treuhaft family trip to wartime rationing
Engstrom, Eleanor
Ephron, Nora
Romilly, Esmond
Evening Standard
Faces of Philip
family politics, Mitford: barred from Muv in California; Decca and Diana avoid; Decca on; Decca’s public break with; as limiting travel; schisms resulting from; Tom as supposed fascist; youthful
family relationships, Mitford: Decca and Debo; Decca and Nancy; Decca and Unity; Decca’s inheritance donation strains; at family reunion; lifestyle gaps; Nancy and Decca write on; with Nanny Blor; politics as marring; rare honesty in; and Romilly; scrapbook flap; sibling games; sisters’ personalities; tenderness in; Tom as only son; after Unity’s suicide attempt; untangling inherited mores
Famous Writers School
Farrer, Joan
fascism: vs. Communism; Decca’s fight against; of Mitford family, Decca on; Muv’s support for; of sister Diana; Tom as rumored ally to; of Unity
Faulkner, William
Mitford, David “Farve” (Lord Redesdale)
FBI: Communist Party scrutiny; HUAC partnership; Hoover as director of; response to potential probes; shoots Fred Hampton
FBI file, on Decca:
The American Way of Death
period; decision to continue; extent of; formation of; funeral research; meeting a creator of; Montgomery riots in; on petition to travel; relationship to Farve in;
SF Chronicle
firing for; on Vietnam protest
Federal Workers Union
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Fifth, pleading the
First Baptist Church, Montgomery
Fles, Barthold
Flor D’Italia
Fonda, Jane
Forest Lawn Cemetery
Forman, Chaka Esmond Fanon
Forman, James
Forman, James Robert Lumumba
Foster, William Z.
Foundry Methodist Church
Franco, General
Frantz, Laurent
Franz, Marge Gelders: on
A Fine Old Conflict
; on Bob; on Decca’s drinking; early-life bio; at HUAC hearings; on
; moves West; on Nancy; Oakland Seven trial; in writing committee
Freedom Riders
Free French government
“Free Huey” campaign
Freeman-Mitford, David,
Mitford, David “Farve” (Lord Redesdale)
Free Speech Movement
Frieden, Evie
friends: African American; Angelou, Maya; deLappe, Pele; Dobby Walker; Durr, Virginia; in England; Frantz, Marge Gelders; Kahn, Barbara; Meyer, Kay; Straight, Binnie; Toynbee, Philip; at the Treuhaft parties; writer
Friends Apart
fuel conservation
fund-raising: for Bob’s DA campaign; creative ideas; organized in 1953; Panther Defense Fund;
People’s Daily World
party; for the
SF Chronicle
; for
Tom Mooney Memorial California Labor
funeral, of Decca
funeral co-ops: Decca as advocate of; handling of union deaths
Funeral Directors of San Francisco
funeral industry: vs.
The American Way of Death
; capitalism of; changes to; invites Decca to a convention; “Mitford” coffins; ongoing investigation of; Tunley researches
Fursland, Anthea
Gach, Frederick and Anna
Galbraith, John Kenneth
gambling: by Albin Treuhaft; with Donahue in NY; of Esmond; job offered to Decca; at SF parties
Garment Workers Union
Garroway, Dave
Garry, Charles
Garry, Thomas D.
Gary, Borece
Gary, Constance
Gary, Wilbur
Gary family
Gelders, Joe
Gelders, Marge.
Franz, Marge Gelders
Genet, Jean
Germany: Bob Treuhaft’s visit to;
; rising military aggression;
see also
Hitler, Adolf

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