Irreversible Damage (Irreparable) (8 page)

BOOK: Irreversible Damage (Irreparable)
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I push against his chest with my palm. “You’re crazy. You know that, right?”

He releases my face and chuckles. “I’m crazy about you.” It’s a cheesy line but thrills me nonetheless. “And I want you to be my wife.”

How can I possibly deny him when he’s so exuberant in his request?

“You do realize it’s late. If I agree, we’ll have to wait until the morning.”

That’s when I notice his overly smug grin.

“Not if we drive to Vegas!”

Oh, my God! He is

“You’re serious? You want to drive to Vegas, right now?

“Dead serious,” he confirms without a hint of a smile.

“Brady…I…don’t know.” My mind races as I watch his lips curl into a smile.

“It’s only you. Forever.”




Roughly five hours later, we’re sitting in Brady’s truck in a drive-through wedding chapel staring at an Elvis impersonator who asks us if “we do,” and as impulsive as the whole thing is…“we do.”

After a few signatures, a long kiss, and a bad rendition of “Love Me Tender,” it’s official. I’m Mrs. Brady Hunter. I’m suddenly terrified. Brady is riding an emotional high right now. I’ve seen it before. I’ve also seen him crash and burn afterward. What if he decides this was a mistake? We didn’t think it through. We didn’t discuss a pre-nup. What if people think I’m after his money? I don’t want anyone to think that I got knocked up and took advantage of Brady. More than that, I don’t want Brady to think it.

I twist the flimsy metal band around my ring finger. I laugh silently, remembering the fake Elvis’s face when Brady asked if he had anything we could use for rings. The man provided us with toys. They’re what you would see attached to a favor at a wedding reception.  Brady promised me a huge diamond when we get back, but I’m not sure I want one. My toy is perfect. I don’t need material things from him to know he loves me.

Brady’s hand rests on my inner thigh as we drive the Strip. After a couple of blocks, he squeezes. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, Sunshine?”

I turn my head to look at him. The colorful lights of the casinos are a blur behind him. “What if this was a mistake?”

I watch his jaw tighten. His eyes stay on the road, and even though I can’t see it, I know his brow just creased. “It wasn’t.”


“You don’t want to be my wife?” He looks over quickly. Just as I suspected, his worry line is firmly intact.

“No. Of course I want to be your wife, but I’m concerned with what people will think.” When his hand pulls on my thigh, I slide closer to him.

“I don’t give a shit what people think. I love you, Mrs. Hunter.”

I sigh. This is it. Time to put it out there. “We didn’t sign a pre-nup. We didn’t even discuss it.”

“There was nothing to discuss.” He presses a kiss to the side of my head. “Everything I have is already yours. Only you.”

I put my head on his shoulder, feeling rather defeated. “That’s not the assumption people will make.”

“I told you.” His hand leaves my thigh, reaching up to caress my cheek. “I don’t give a fuck what people think, and neither should you.”

He’s right. I shouldn’t care, but a small part of me does. At twenty-one, I haven’t finished school. I’m still unsure of who I am, or what I want to do with my life. My entire world revolves around Brady.  More than that, I don’t have an income of my own. He pays for everything. It’s not right. I should contribute somehow. Have some independence.

“After Mona is born, I should get a job.” I throw it out flippantly.

“You’ll have a job.” He pulls back, looking at me scornfully. “Being a mom is a full-time job.”

I huff a laugh. “I mean a job where I can contribute my share.”

“You’re not getting a job. That’s the end of it, Tori.”

He called me “Tori,” which means this conversation is over. I decide to revisit the topic later rather than ruin our wedding night.



Tonight might have been completely impulsive, but this is the best night of my life.  By the time we drive into the hotel parking lot, Tori is sound asleep. I carry her from the car into the hotel and set her down on the sofa in the lobby while I check in. She stirs, but falls right back to sleep. When I’m done, I pick her back up and carry her through the hotel and up to our room before laying her on the bed and carefully removing her shoes.  God, she’s beautiful. I leave her to sleep while I shower and grab something to eat.



Chapter 10


I awake with something scratching my face, only to find Brady brushing his lips along my cheek. I smile, breathing him in and relishing his delightful smile.

“Good morning, Mrs. Hunter.”

I’m not sure which shocks me more — the fact that it’s morning, or that I’m Mrs. Hunter. It sounds so wrong. Sheila was Mrs. Hunter. I should have thought about it more when I agreed he shouldn’t change his last name to Gibson.

“I so sorry I fell asleep on you.” I lift my head to kiss him. “Some wedding night.”

“It was perfect. I love watching you sleep.”

“I’m awake now.” I smile suggestively, squirming underneath him.

“As tempting as that is, the guys are coming to the house soon. Jesse called. We got another gig at the Marble Room in a couple of days.”

“That’s awesome, Brady.” I can’t even be upset that we have to leave. I’m so excited for him. “Any word from Davey?”


I can’t bear how hurt he looks. “Are you okay?”

He rolls over on his back, plopping his hand over his forehead. “I want the best for my friend. He’s been through a lot.”

He really is loyal to a fault. Here this guy has completely flaked out on him, and yet he’s still concerned.

I rest my head on his chest, nestling in close to him. His hand immediately starts to skim my arm. “Will you let him back in the band?” I already know the answer, but I ask anyway.

“I would. Jesse and Chad won’t allow it. Mercedes and Chad have a friend who plays guitar. He’ll be there today.”

“I’m sorry, Brady. I know this is hard for you.”

“It is what it is. I took a chance with Davey. I guess I always knew it would come to this.”




When we get home, the guys are already there. As we enter the studio, Jesse and Chad are missing. I spot the new guy adjusting the strings on his guitar. His head spins in our direction, and he smiles cordially. I already like him more than Davey. He’s all scruff, with long dark hair and a friendly demeanor. He sets the guitar against the stand and walks right up to Brady with his hand extended. “You must be Brady. I’m Gabe.”

Brady accepts his hand. “What’s up, man? It’s nice having you.”

“Thanks,” Gabe responds, his head turning in my direction. I take my cue and reach out to shake his hand. “And you must be Tori. Chad has told me all about you.”

I smile. God only knows what Chad has shared about me. “He has, has he?”

“Oh, nothing bad.” He shakes his head reassuringly. “Just that you’re a cool chick. I have to agree. My girlfriend would never let me practice in the house.”

“Oh, well, this is Brady’s house.”

Brady leans in to speak in my ear. “
house, Mrs. Hunter.”

Gabe shrugs. “Still, it’s cool.”

Jesse and Chad come into the room. “I see you’ve met,” Jesse says. “Shall we get started? We’ve got a lot to do in two days.”

I laugh silently as I look at Jesse’s newly shaven face. “And that means I should be going.” I kiss Brady goodbye, leaving them to it.

  Liv is in the kitchen, mowing down a giant bowl of Captain Crunch. The girl could live on cereal.

“Slow down. It’s not going to run away,” I tease as I take the seat next to her. She laughs with a mouth full as milk runs down her chin. I toss a paper towel at her. “What happened to you last night?” I ask her while she cleans her chin.

Her chewing comes to an abrupt halt as her spoon falls to the bowl, clanking against the side. She starts to speak, but then stops and swallows what’s in her mouth. Her expression worries me.

After she swallows, she looks at me but doesn’t say anything.

“What?” I shout, unable to take it any longer.

She sighs before picking up the spoon and circling it around the inside of the bowl. “Harrison and I had a fight.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” My hand brushes her long dark hair back, tucking it behind her ears so it doesn’t end up in the bowl. “What happened?”

“I happened.” She sucks in a ragged breath. “I’m seriously messed up.”

“You’re not messed up.”

“I hate her.” I don’t have to ask to know she’s talking about her mother.

“Oh, Liv.” My heart breaks for her. She kept her mother on a pedestal. The truth and watching her mother kill herself continue to take a toll on her relationship with Harrison.

“I do. I hate her,” she cries, tears cascading down her cheeks. “How am I ever supposed to trust another person when the person I trusted the most deceived me my entire life?”

I can feel her pain as it pours out of her. “Slowly, my friend.” I rub the side of her head. “Do you want to talk about it?”

She pushes the bowl away and folds her hands in front of her on the table.  “I accused him of cheating on me.”

“What?” I can’t conceal my shock. Harrison would never cheat on her. It’s just not the type of person he is. We constantly tease Harrison about his moral high horse. “Why?”

“I went to the Center to pick him up so we could ride to the show together. Tara was there. Have you met her?” She stops and waits for me to answer. I nod. “Anyway, Harrison was with her. They were cleaning up, but they looked…I don’t know…cozy. So I went off.”

“You know she has a boyfriend.” I hope that fact will ease her concern.

She nods slowly. “She told me.”

My eyes go wide. “You said something in front of her?”

“Yeah, it was something like ‘get your fucking hands off my boyfriend, tramp.’ I feel horrible. I know it was innocent, but I couldn’t stop myself.”

As much as I want to lecture about her actions, I don’t. It’s not what she needs to feel better. “It’ll work itself out.”

“I don’t think so. You know we’ve never had a fight.”

I nod. It’s one of the things I admire about their relationship.

“He left.”

“What?” I can’t hide my shock.

She nods as a tear slides down her cheek. “He packed a bag and went to stay at his parents’. I think I’ve lost him.”

“Oh, honey.” My hand reaches up and wipes away her tears. “You haven’t lost him. He probably just needs to calm down.”

“I’ve never felt like this before. I’m not used to caring.”

I know she’s not. Liv’s never had a serious relationship. In the past, if a guy brushed her off, she dismissed him without a second thought and moved on. She’s at a loss as to how to deal with her feelings now that she’s found the one she wants to hold on to.

“You picked the right guy to care about. He loves you. I promise he’ll come around.”

“I hope so.” She offers a small smile and pats my hand.  “So, tell me about your night. How was the show?”

I clap my hands together, smiling. “The show was amazing. Brady sang.”

“I know.” She returns my smile. “Tug sent me a text. I wish I was there.”

“He’s really talented, Liv.”

She nods. “I’m so excited for them. I heard they have another show lined up already.”

I nod, feeling nervous about filling her in on the rest of the night. “I have some other news, though.” I pause and swallow hard. “Brady and I got married.”

“Holy shit!” Her palm smacks in the table. “You bitch. How could you?”

“I’m sorry.” I feel bad, knowing Liv had plans for our wedding. “After the show, he asked, and we drove to Vegas.”

She crosses her arms over her chest, pouting. “I hate you, and your mother is going to kill you.”

“Relax — we’re still going to have a big wedding. You don’t have to tear up your five-page list. You and my mom can have fun then.”

“It’s ten pages.” She laughs. “And your mother is still going to kill you.”

“No, because she’s not going to find out. You can’t tell her.”

Liv reluctantly agrees to my request by sticking her tongue at me, to which I respond by wiping my palm down it. She grimaces and runs to the sink, splashing water into her mouth.



Chapter 11


Over the next couple of days, Brady spends close to 24/7 with the band. I hang out with Liv and Harrison at the Center most of the time, although it’s awkward, because they’re still not speaking to each other. This morning I go to my prenatal checkup alone. I have a minor panic attack in front of poor Dr. Anderson, going over my fears related to the actual birth. She reassures me that women give birth every day and I’ll be fine. After the appointment, I schedule future visits for once a week until my delivery. I can’t believe how close it is.

When I get home, there’s a note on the counter from Liv.

T&B, I’ll pick up Tug on the way in and meet you there. Liv

I go upstairs and find my husband in the shower. We have to leave soon, but my body aches for him to touch me. I miss him.

I undress and step in behind him. He’s facing the shower and doesn’t turn around. His heavy breathing tells me he knows I’m here. My eyes travel over the perfectly defined muscles of his back, following a drop of water to the curve of his ass before it drops to the tiled floor. I want to touch, lick, and taste every inch of his bare flesh.

I slide my hands around his waist to his stomach, running them up and down over each ripple of muscle. My tongue draws circles on his back as my hands continue downward until I reach his long, hard length. His back straightens as a groan escapes his throat. My chest presses into his slippery back.

He turns toward me, rubbing his soapy body all over me. I laugh and stretch up to kiss him. His hands push into my hips as he gently shoves me back. “I’m going to be late.” He turns and starts to step out of the shower.

I grab a handful of his hair and yank him back. “No way, Hunter. We’re not finished.”

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