Isadora (Masters Among Monsters Book 2) (35 page)

BOOK: Isadora (Masters Among Monsters Book 2)
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“Continue,” the vampire told him.

So Elias shut his eyes and devoured Isadora as he used to years ago. He slid his tongue deep inside her, and as her fingers twisted in his hair and she arched against his mouth, he licked her folds and teased her clit before plunging back inside again.

When her needy cries turned to a breathy, “Diomêdês,” Elias lifted his head and knelt. The male had removed his jacket and was climbing on the bed to be near her head, his black pants now unfastened.

Isadora sat up slightly as Diomêdês’s eyes met his from behind her. Then he lowered his lips to her ear and whispered, “Straddle his lap.”

Elias looked down to his erect cock, and when Isadora crawled to him and placed her knees on either side of his lap, Elias shut his eyes from the pleasure her hot, wet cunt caused his engorged dick.

It throbbed as she rubbed herself over him. Then the mattress shifted—Diomêdês was now kneeling behind her to brush her hair aside. What the fuck was about to happen?

Isadora raised her head and knelt. Then she reached down and lined his cock up before she slowly impaled herself. Her lips tightened, her fangs gleamed at him, and Elias couldn’t help the raw sound of satisfaction that came from him as her hands found his shoulders and she took him all the way to his balls.

Once she was seated, her eyes flashed open and found his. Then she gave an indecent smile as Diomêdês skimmed his lips over her jaw and said, “Now, fuck her while I feed.”

Elias groaned as he remembered the way the vampire had bitten the prince in his vision. When he sank his teeth into Isadora’s neck and her inner muscles clenched, though, Elias knew that this was completely different. What he had assumed would be painful was obviously very pleasurable as she writhed on top of his cock.

Elias gripped her hips and let her move as she needed, all the while Diomêdês pinned him with a look full of sex and lust as he greedily drank from Isadora’s vein. It was the most fucked-up encounter he’d ever been in, but as the stunning woman fucking his dick like she would never get enough arched her neck farther to the side and reached back to fist her sire’s hair, Elias thought he’d never seen something so breathtaking than the two of them.

Breathtaking and hot as hell.

His fingers flexed into her hips as she continued to writhe over him, and his mind began to spin. He felt as though he were having an out-of-body experience, and when a scream ripped from her lips and her body tensed, heat flooded his cock and he squeezed his eyes shut at the intensity of her orgasm.

As his heart thudded uncontrollably, he opened his eyes, and Diomêdês raised his head. With her blood staining his lips, he gave Elias a look of such erotic satisfaction that he found himself chasing that same high they’d both had.

It wasn’t until the vampire said, “Come,” however, that Elias’s climax raced down to his balls and took a tight fucking hold of them.

He emptied himself deep inside the only woman he’d ever loved and realized that she wasn’t the one who’d given him his final release. Her sire had, and that made things a whole fuck of a lot more complicated.

ETON WALKED DOWN the east corridor like a gun was to his back and he was being made to walk the plank. He knew he looked like shit. When Alasdair had come to see if he’d check on the man in the holding cell after visiting Thanos, he’d suggested that he should perhaps change his clothes. But what was the point? The only one he cared to see him no longer wanted anything to do with him.

So yeah, what’s the fucking point?

The mortal wounds of the flesh, the ones that jeopardized his and Thanos’s existences, had healed enough that there was no immediate threat to their lives. His soul and peace of mind, however, was in grave danger. And death by rejection seemed like a much crueler fate than dying of a flesh wound.

These last several days had been the worst kind of torture. In the two thousand years he’d been bound to Thanos, they had not been separated for longer than a day. Even then, his first-sired would seek out his location and come to him just to be close.

But this separation, this complete dismissal from his life, had Eton floundering. Had Thanos really meant what he’d said? That he wanted nothing more to do with him—ever? He couldn’t fathom it.

If he would just listen. Try to understand why he’d done what he had. To do that, though, the stubborn ass would have to let him in to see him. Thanos would have to allow him in his bedchambers for longer than the few minutes he’d granted him thus far.

As he came to a standstill in front of Thanos’s chambers, he ran a trembling hand through his hair and then froze. Because just beyond that door, the door of his first-sired, was the sound of another’s voice.

* * *

PARIS WAS DRUNK. There was no other word for it. He’d been sitting and drinking with the mysterious Thanos all night, and every time he’d tried to stop, the male had told him that he better not quit on him and poured him another glass.

As it was, he was pretty sure he was about to slide off the chair he was sitting in and pass out, but he was determined to hold his own. Well, as much as he could against a vampire who he was almost positive
get drunk.

“You know, for a human, you are quite entertaining, Mr. Antoniou.”

“Lucky me, I suppose,” he joked. “Otherwise, you’d eat me. And drinking with you seems much more pleasurable from my point of view.”

The vampire laughed, and the sound was so genuine that Paris couldn’t help his smile.

“You would be surprised. We can make it rather…pleasurable.”

Paris’s mouth fell open. “To be eaten? I think I’ll pass.”

“Your loss,” he flippantly replied.

And then, for some insane reason, Paris heard himself say, “Or yours.”

The silence that met his ears made him think he might have gone too far with the flirty words, and just when he was about to try to change the subject, the voice from the corner sobered.

“There was once a time I would’ve taken you up on that.”

The words had been so faint that Paris wasn’t certain he’d heard them.

“But, fortunately for you, that time has passed.”

With the alcohol running through his veins, Paris’s mouth was blurting out words before his brain had checked and approved of them, because he asked, “Why does that make me fortunate? It actually makes me rather sad.”

When no answer came, he stood to go to the bathroom he’d been shown earlier in the night. As he took two steps in that direction,
was there. Paris wasn’t sure how he knew it, but as if he sensed him, he reached out and his fingers touched the material of a shirt.

“You are far too curious, Paris Antoniou.”

He could only blame it on the alcohol, but he found himself drifting closer to the male he’d spent the night talking to. “And you are far too interesting to hide away in a room full of darkness and shadows,” he whispered.

Blood rushed around his head, pounding in his ears, and he was unprepared for the sudden urge to touch the male. As the impulse hit, he boldly raised his hand, wanting that connection. Before he could make contact, though, his wrist was taken in a grip so firm that he winced in pain. He was hauled in so close that every muscle of the vampire’s body pressed against his.

“Do not touch me. Not ever,” he growled.

When his hand had been discarded like a piece of garbage, Paris held it to his chest. What had happened to this male? He had no idea, but as surely as he’d known he was standing in front of him, he knew that the vampire was gone. So Paris continued to the bathroom.

He shut the door, and as he leaned against it, he closed his eyes and promised himself that, before he left this hellish place or died, he would get through to that vampire. He would know why he hid himself away.

ETON HADN’T KNOWN that it was possible for heartache to exist when one didn’t possess a beating heart. But, as he stood outside Thanos’s bedchambers, his lifeless heart physically ached within his chest.

He brought a hand to where the useless organ resided as the conversation inside ran on repeat in his head.

“You are far too curious.”

“And you are far too interesting to hide away in a room full of darkness and shadows.”

He’d know that interested tone in Thanos’s voice anywhere. Just as he’d heard the stirrings of affection in every word from the human’s mouth.

Eton took an unsteady step away and dropped his hand to his side. Although only a door stood between him and the male he needed to survive, it felt as though it were the greatest barrier of all.

He turned on the heel of his boot, and as he walked back down the corridor the same way in which he’d come, he let the bond between them finally break free.

What they’d had was over—that much he understood.

It was time to grant Thanos his wish.

It was time to set him free.


Masters Among Monsters #3

March 15
, 2016

Sometimes, it takes a leap of faith to make you really dig deep and push yourself in your career, and Isadora was it for me. I thought this story would be a difficult one to write. But, when I sat down at my computer and opened the first page, the characters of this world took ahold of me and helped me craft a tale that I hope was both interesting and entertaining for you, the reader.

As authors, every book we write, we try our hardest to make it the best it can be before we deliver it to the world. But it isn’t just the tireless work of the person whose name is on the front.

No, books evolve through the hard work and hours of many, and below is a group of people who never let me give up, never stopped showing me ways to improve, and are always there for me when I need them.

Candace Wood.
I’m pretty sure you gave me more pep talks, pats on the back, and kicks in the ass for this story than ever before. And, in the end, I think Isadora turned out just right. So thank you for your encouragement and support in all that I do. My writing is only enhanced by your hours of dedication to it. Oh, and thank you for the beautiful choice of color on the front of this book. It is perfect. You know me so well.

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