Isadora (Masters Among Monsters Book 2) (32 page)

BOOK: Isadora (Masters Among Monsters Book 2)
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Leonidas Chapel was pure light. From the golden tips of his hair to the perfect skin covering his body. And Alasdair wanted nothing more than to take him to Vasilios and make him theirs.

When they stopped outside the doors to the Chamber, Leo was shuffling from one foot to the other—the man was nervous. He had reason to be. What was about to happen would forever change his life.

When he looked at him and those remarkable grey eyes found his, Alasdair swiped his thumb over his lips.

“Wait here until the doors open.”

When he released his hand and stepped away, Leo asked, “And then?”

“Then you make your final choice.”

That was all he said before he faded inside the Chamber.

AS ALASDAIR VANISHED, Leo instinctively grabbed for him.
God, why am I so nervous?
He’d been around these two before, but he had a feeling that whatever was about to take place was going to be extreme and overwhelming.

He swallowed, trying to push a gulp of air past the massive lump of nerves in his throat, as he stood silently before the lofty doors. What was behind them? Alasdair?
he figured that was where the vampire had disappeared to. And Vasilios? Would the rest of the lair be there too? All of those eyes that had been on Elias in the Assembly Hall—would they now be observing him? If yes, then what?

As questions continued to fill his head, the doors opened to the same walkway he’d dragged Elias down yesterday. At the far end, two males were up on the raised dais.

Vasilios and Alasdair.

Leo looked to the left and the right of the cavernous space, and let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was completely empty. As he waited for whatever would happen next, his palms started to sweat.

“Leonidas Chapel.” Vasilios’s powerful voice reverberated throughout the room, reaching him easily. “Come here to us. Let it be of your own accord.”

Leo gathered all the courage he possessed and put one foot in front of the other. As he walked farther into the Chamber, the doors behind him shut and he knew without a doubt that, the next time he left this place, his entire world would be irreversibly altered.

When he reached the stairs of the raised stage, Leo stared up at the two on it, awed by their grandeur. He’d believed them to be beyond anyone or anything he’d seen, but with them standing side by side and dressed as they were, Leo was rendered mute.

, you are quite the sight to behold on this night,” Vasilios said as he strolled down the stairs and then stopped opposite him.

“So are you,” he managed as Vasilios ran a finger down the diagonal line of his toga.

, Leonidas. Just when I thought I could not want you more, I am proven wrong. Does he not continue to please you, Alasdair? Every time you see him.”

As Alasdair came down to stand by Vasilios, he said, “He does. In all varieties of ways.”

Leo licked his bottom lip and lowered his lashes, suddenly feeling shy under the scrutiny of these two.
God, they are just so intense. So fucking intense.

Then Vasilios stepped off the final stair, circled around behind him, and whispered, “We haven’t even started yet,
. Raise your eyes and see what will soon be yours.”

As he lifted his gaze, Alasdair unfastened the tie at his waist and then removed the robe, letting it fall in a silky pool at his feet.

“He is beautiful, is he not? Our Alasdair.”

Fuck yes, he is,
Leo thought as the word
caused a shiver of desire to race up his spine.

Alasdair’s body was a fucking work of art. All lean and sculpted muscles, very little hair, and a hard, stiff cock that was just begging Leo’s mouth to come suck it.

He moistened his dry lips and found it difficult to talk due to the lack of blood circulating in his brain, but he tried just the same. “He’s breathtaking,” he said, giving back the compliment Alasdair had given him earlier.

“Hmm, agreed. What do you want to do to him first?”

“I want to suck his cock,” Leo said without a moment’s hesitation.

Vasilios laughed at his blunt candor. “And what do you think
should be doing as you do that?”

As a thought entered Leo’s mind, Vasilios growled and Alasdair stretched a hand out to him.

“Go to him, Leonidas. Let him get you ready for me.”

Leo didn’t dare look back at Vasilios. He’d been given his order, and half the thrill was following it. He took Alasdair’s hand, and when he tugged him up the stairs, Leo went.

He didn’t speak as he was led over towards the large slab of marble that served as an altar, and when they stopped there, he turned him around so he was facing Vasilios.
Fuck, oh fuck
. This was beyond any fantasy, beyond anything they’d ever done together.

Alasdair’s fingers slipped beneath the shoulder of his toga and drew it down his bicep. As it pooled around his waist, Alasdair clasped his arms and lowered his lips to the crook of his neck and his shoulder.

Leo angled his head to the side and allowed him all the access he desired, and as he nipped at his bared flesh, Leo’s eyes fluttered shut.

Vasilios said in a voice raspy with arousal, “Keep your eyes open, Leonidas. I want to watch them cloud over as our Alasdair builds in you a storm.”

He locked eyes with the glowing ones worshipping him, and when Alasdair reached around his waist and pressed a hand to his growing erection, Leo’s lips parted on a pleasurable cry and Vasilios’s fangs appeared.

“I wish I could sink my teeth inside and taste you again,
file mou
. You smell so fresh, so fucking pure.”

Leo’s breath caught at Alasdair’s wish, the unsatisfied desire that lay between all three of them. But, no matter how much they wanted that particular experience, they all knew they could never have it. The tease of what was so close but forever out of reach made this exchange even more thrilling.

Leo arched his pelvis against Alasdair’s hand as the tip of the vampire’s tongue traced the line of his shoulder, and when one of his fangs lightly scraped his neck, Leo’s knees shook. He was having a hard time staying on his feet.

Vasilios reached for the tie at his waist, dropped his robe to the stairs, and prowled up them, and Leo moaned. Both males were equally attractive, but Vasilios’s power was out of this world. It was exhilarating to think that this vampire’s blood now ran through his veins and he wanted

When the Ancient stopped in front of them, Alasdair raised his head. Then, inches from Leo’s face, the two of them crushed their mouths together in a savage kiss. Vasilios sank his teeth into Alasdair’s lip, and as his blood stained his flesh, the Ancient licked and sucked it from him, making a wild, untamed sound that had Leo whimpering.

Jesus, they are erotic as fuck
. And this close, where he could reach out and touch, where he was
to, Leo did just that. He speared a hand into the back of Vasilios’s hair and yanked his head away.

When the vampire looked him directly in the eye as if issuing a challenge, Leo thought,
It’s now or fucking never with this guy
, and leaned in to lick Alasdair’s blood from the corner of his mouth.

Savage growls escaped both males and made Leo’s cock weep. They were guttural, hoarse sounds of all-consuming lust, and so fucking sexy that he was close to coming right then and there. He was determined, however, to be just as forceful in this relationship as they could be, and to do that, he had to start right here.

He urged Vasilios to his knees, all the while thinking he must be crazy, and no one was more shocked than he was when the Ancient complied.

Perhaps he had been born of a god. Maybe that was his destiny. But, as he regarded Vasilios kneeling before him, he realized he was more than willing to slip over to the dark side if it involved the devil currently at his feet.

ALASDAIR’S COCK HARDENED at the sight of his sire kneeling before Leo. Then Vasilios tongued his fang, and when his eyes found his, Alasdair knew what he wanted of him.

Without a word, Alasdair took both sides of Leo’s toga and dragged it up his legs. He braced himself against the altar and drew Leo with him until his back was aligned with his front. Vasilios then raised his hands to frame Leo’s cock, and their golden-haired boy sucked in a breath.

Alasdair kissed Leo’s ear and whispered, “Relax,
file mou.
Let my blood, let our power, make you high.”

Leo craned his head back so their eyes met and groaned. Vasilios’s mouth had swallowed his straining flesh, and the glazed look in Leo’s eyes spoke of how fucking good it felt. Vasilios had a way of using both his tongue and his teeth on the sensitive nerves of one’s cock, and when Leo’s entire body trembled, Alasdair knew he was not immune to the act.

The grey eyes that had so captivated him were glued to his as he shoved his cock against Leo’s ass, urging him to move. The man soon got the message too and thrust his hips forward.

Alasdair licked the side of his neck, and Leo gripped Vasilios’s head to hold him in place as his Ancient pushed into both their minds,
Time to let me in you, my agóri

“Oh shit,” Leo shouted as he buried his cock deeper in the mouth wrapped around him.

Alasdair ripped the sash from the toga while Vasilios tore his mouth free. The garment then fell away, leaving Leo as naked as they were. Vasilios circled his fingers around the shiny length now bumping his cheek and then lowered over Leo to devour him once more.

Alasdair banded an arm around Leo’s chest and hauled him back so he could wedge his cock between the man’s cheeks. He ran his nose along Leo’s hairline, which made him gasp, and then he chuckled.

“His mouth is wicked,

“Fucking hell, he’s gonna make me come.”

“That is the goal,
file mou

“Yes, but—”

“Remember The Walk? My cousin said something very important that night,” he reminded, grinding his erection harder against Leo as he cursed.

“I don’t…I don’t remember.”

“Our scent not only has to be on you,” Alasdair said and then sucked his lobe.

Then Vasilios removed his mouth, got to his feet, and gripped Leo’s dick. “It also has to be
you,” his sire finished for him, crowding in so all three of them were pressed against one another. “The only question is: Who gets you first?”

LEO WAS SO fucking hot that he thought he might combust. Or worse, maybe he was going to have that weird thing happen where heat and sunshine burst from his hands. And, if that happened right now, he would die from the fever.

The only thing currently on his mind was the thick cock between his cheeks and the one aligned with his.

“For someone who is usually so chatty,” Vasilios mused, “your mind is so quiet right now,
. Do you not want this with us?”

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