IslandAffair (3 page)

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Authors: Cait Miller

BOOK: IslandAffair
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“What are you thinking about?”

Robin looked into John’s eyes and forgot his momentary
discomfort. “Nothing.”

“Really?” He raised his brows in disbelief. “Well then,
let’s see what I can do to change that.”

John drew him into his arms and Rob tipped his face to up in
anticipation of his kiss. But instead of meeting John’s lips with his own, John
bent his head and pressed a butterfly-soft kiss to his collarbone. He followed
it with another and another, working his way along its length until he reached
the sensitive hollow at the base of Rob’s throat. He nipped him gently and
Robin gasped and tilted his chin to give him better access. John ran his tongue
along the outer edge of his ear and whispered something Gaelic in that gravelly
voice. Rob’s fingers tightened on his shoulders and John continued his gentle
exploration. Nuzzling Robin’s hair before kissing his way along his jaw and
finally, finally his lips.

“This is crazy. I don’t even know your last name.”

“MacAllister.” He pulled him closer, gripping his buttocks
and rubbing the heat of his erection against Robin’s own hardened shaft.

Rob gasped. “
, pleased to meet you.” Helplessly
Rob rocked his hips against the other man’s and opened his mouth to allow him
entry. John’s tongue slipped along the length of his, Robin sucked him deeper
and they both moaned. He withdrew and Robin followed, exploring his mouth.
Savoring the intimacy of being inside someone else’s body before drawing him
back into his own. They parted reluctantly, both breathing heavily, both


“Aye.” John stroked his hand down Rob’s back and shifted his
body away slightly.

Robin fought the urge to press himself back up against him.

“So…now what?”

John chuckled wryly. “Now you go inside before I forget I’m
not that kind of guy.”

“And what if I
that kind of guy?”

“Then I’m definitely lookin’ forward to tomorrow.”

Robin frowned at him. “Sure I can’t convince you?”

“Oh, I’m sure you could. Which is why I’m leaving now.”

John kissed him again, soft and quick, and stepped away,
waiting for him to go into the cottage before waving and turning to walk away.
Robin closed the door behind him and leaned back against it, the surface cool
against his heated skin. He kicked off his shoes, hoping the cold floor against
his feet would help. His body was alive with sexual excitement, throbbing with
the need for release.
And you let him walk away.
He scowled. So much for
experiencing the forbidden.
Come on, Robin, for once in your damn life do
something you shouldn’t!
Excitement and nerves sparkling through his veins,
he turned back to open the door.

Chapter Three


John cursed under his breath and forced himself to keep
walking away. Every inch of his body was screaming at him to run back to
Robin’s door and follow him inside. He knew he would be welcome. The man made
him feel things he had never felt before, things John was afraid to put a name
to. For once in his life he would do it right.

Just that thought alone told him Robin could be his
downfall. He shouldn’t be pursuing Robin in the first place, had told himself
again and again not to go to the bar tonight. But the thought of never seeing
him again, or having to watch from a distance… His guardians didn’t want John
to see him either, preferring John not to make any unnecessary contacts in case
they proved to be a danger to him. But the background check they had done
turned up nothing suspicious and John had been insistent. He already knew Robin
was going to mean more to him than a one-night stand.

He watched Dan step from the trees ahead of him and anger
surged. Anger at his parents, at Dan and anger at himself for getting into this
position. When he stumbled over two men being held at gunpoint in the stairwell
that night he should never have interfered. Especially when he had heard the
thug with his back to him say that Mr. Armstrong wanted them dead. Hearing a
threat like that, any sane person would have stepped back through the door and
called the police. But then he had seen the gunman shoot one of the men and
turn his gun on the other and he had just reacted. Forcing the hand holding the
gun up so that the bullet slammed harmlessly into the ceiling.

That had been his first mistake. It had been harder than he
had expected to disarm the guy. The movies always made it look so easy. He was
smaller than John but he was desperate. They had wrestled in the stairway for a
few terrifying moments until he had managed to get the upper hand. By the time
he had him on the ground and restrained, John was shaking from fear and
adrenaline while his prisoner kicked and swore beneath him. The surviving
victim was standing with his back against the wall staring in frozen horror at
his dead friend. It had taken John an eternity to convince him to call the
emergency services.

He spent the rest of that night at the police station
repeating the events over and over again until they were satisfied. Apparently,
Mr. Frank Armstrong was a very dangerous man, running a major criminal organization.
He had been using two of the junior employees of MacAllister Accounting to help
him hide money. He was now under arrest and, thanks to his lawyer, he was aware
of John’s involvement in the night’s events.

Which apparently put John on the endangered list.

Since he owned the company, John’s father had inevitably
been informed and through him, his mother. When she had decided her only son
was at risk she had wanted him to move back to their palatial home immediately.
John hadn’t lived with his parents since before they had moved to the United
States and there was no way he was changing that now, security or not. But he
loved his mother and she was worried so he agreed to a compromise.

That was his second mistake.

So here he was on a small island resort near Hawaii with a
team of bodyguards, pretending he had no place better to be.

Behind him John heard Robin call out his name and his body
reacted instantly, causing his recently calmed heart rate to soar. Why now? Why
this man? He saw Dan move back into the shadows as he turned to face his date.
Robin had stepped down off the porch and stood barefoot in the sand,
uncertainty warring with arousal on his face. Fingers toying with the top
button of his jeans, making John’s mouth water in anticipation of the hard
bulge straining against the zipper. Helplessly John walked back to stand in
front of him and with Robin’s three softly spoken words his resolve was broken.

“Stay with me.”

Robin took his hand and he followed him into the cool
darkness of the cottage before pulling him into his arms. John buried his face
in Rob’s hair, breathing the clean scent of him. His fingers itched to touch
him, uncover his body and feel Robin hard and naked against him. John’s cock
pressed against his fly, pulsing with the need to be gripped inside the other
man. On a shuddering breath, he met Robin’s gaze and spoke.

“I wanted to do this right, treat you the way you deserve.”

“This is what I deserve.” Robin nipped his ear, a quick
sharp pain. He pulled off his shirt and let it drop to the ground. “You.”

Rob kissed him, thrusting his tongue into John’s mouth with
a slow, languorous carnality. John’s pulse pounded in his ears when Robin’s
hand moved down his body to cup his balls and squeeze gently.

“Make love to me.
Fuck me.

John kicked the door shut behind them. Clutching Robin’s
firm ass in his hands, he brought their bodies together. Robin’s hard cock
pulsed against his own straining erection and he rocked his hips. John groaned
at the delicious friction and took them the few steps into the bedroom. Rob lay
down, hair tousled, the golden skin of his muscled torso glowing against the
white sheets. Desire warred with uncertainty in his eyes and John knew he
wasn’t anywhere near as confident as he pretended to be.

“Are you sure this is what you want,

Their eyes met and Robin nodded and pointed at John’s jeans.
A mischievous smile quirked his lips, all traces of uncertainty hidden.

“Take them off.”

John grinned and did as he asked, easing the zipper over the
taut bulge of his hard-on, hissing in relief as it sprang free of his
underwear. He stepped out of the jeans and briefs and closer to the bed, only
to be stopped by Rob’s foot on his thigh.

“Not yet. Show me how you like to be touched.”

Had he really thought Rob was unsure of himself? Right now
he looked anything but. Robin slid his bare foot along his thigh until his toes
were perilously close to John’s balls. John swallowed, throat suddenly dry. He
could easily develop a foot fetish in the next few minutes if Robin would only
move another inch. Shutting his eyes briefly, John gathered the ragged threads
of his control and shook his head.

“You first.”

Robin frowned at him and withdrew his foot and he thought he
had blown it. He opened his mouth to take it back. Tell Rob he would do
whatever he asked as long as he let him inside his body. But Robin’s hands
moved to his jeans and he began to slowly unfasten them. John almost whimpered
when the material parted to reveal white briefs. The tight fabric did nothing
to conceal the hard shaft pushing against it.

After a few seconds hesitation, Robin trailed his fingers
back up the smooth skin of his abdomen. Watching John carefully, he caressed
his nipples, stimulating them, then rolled the hard peaks between his

“Your turn.”

Almost against his will John’s hand went to his balls to cup
the sensitive flesh, to roll and massage gently. He parted his legs and stroked
the skin behind with a featherlight touch that sent a hard tremor through his
body. Robin stared at him with rapt attention as John grasped his cock,
smoothing his thumb over the head. Spreading glistening pre-cum over the
dark-red flesh. Rob looked like every fantasy he’d ever had, a centerfold
spread come to life. A hectic flush of arousal colored the other man’s
cheekbones and he ran the tip of his tongue along his lips.

John groaned, imagining those moist lips parting over him
and slowly pumped his fist from root to tip. Once…twice…three times. He gritted
his teeth against the need to come, his knees shook. Robin’s chest rose and
fell in agitated breaths, his hand drifted toward his own arousal.

“Enough!” John growled. “No more games,
. I
hope you meant it when you said you wanted to be fucked.” He crawled onto the
bed, following Robin as he retreated against the cane headboard. With a low
growl he claimed Robin’s mouth, plunging his tongue into its warm depths.
Nearly blind with the need to be inside him, he tore the jeans and cotton
briefs down and off. Grasping Robin’s cock, he gave it two hard strokes causing
the other man’s hips to thrust off the bed. John let go, his fingers straying
down to cup Rob’s sac before trailing lightly over his perineum and the
entrance to his body.

“Wait,” Robin growled against his lips.

John froze, shaking, and pulled back enough to look into his
eyes. “Ahh, jeezus. Have you ever seen a grown man weep?” Rob laughed
breathlessly and fumbled one-handedly on the bedside cabinet, uncaring when the
bedside lamp crashed to the floor. With a triumphant cry, he grasped a condom
and a tube of lubricant.

Relief flooded him. John laid his forehead on Rob’s in
silent apology and took them from him, smoothing the latex sheath on with quick

“Come inside me, John.”

John popped the cap on the tube and coated his fingers and
cock in the slick liquid. He nudged Robin’s legs apart and knelt between his
raised knees, leaning forward to kiss him again. His heart pounded at the trust
shining in the man’s eyes as John’s fingers once again smoothed over his hole.
Robin moaned and sucked his tongue into the warm cavern of his mouth as John’s
finger slipped past the taut ring of muscle. Moving slowly, he waited ‘til the
muscles loosened a little then added another finger, then a third, probing
gently until he located Robin’s prostate. Robin cried out, hands clutching at
John’s shoulders, eyes tightly closed as he fought not to come.

John’s cock throbbed. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, god, yes. Do it,” Robin hissed. “I want your dick
inside me when I come.”

John eased his fingers free and worked the head of his cock
into the warm clasp of Robin’s body, teeth gritted against the tight fit.

“God, you feel so good, Rob!”

John forced himself to move slowly, rocking, impaling Robin
an inch at a time until his full length was inside him. Rob wrapped his legs around
John’s thighs and his internal muscles tightened around him, making John’s head
spin. He pulled out almost all the way and thrust back inside, wringing a moan
from them both. John buried his face in his lover’s neck.

“Again,” Robin ground out.

John reached between them, gripping Robin’s cock, stroking
it in rhythm with their bodies. Spreading the sticky wetness of pre-cum down
the length of his shaft. Slowly and then with increasing urgency the rhythm
built. The room around them vibrated with energy, an almost palpable tension.
Robin began rocking his hips, meeting John’s thrusts with his own. Each time
John’s cock filled him, he cried out in ecstasy. Until suddenly his cock pulsed
in John’s hand and he came, silently. As though orgasm had stolen his breath.
Robin’s body clenched around John, milking John’s climax from him in a powerful
rush. John shouted, his whole body stiffening from the force of it before he
collapsed into Robin’s arms, spent.


John summoned enough strength to shift to one side so that
he didn’t crush his partner. Robin lay silent, stroking John’s back with his
fingertips. The room was hot and they were both gleaming with sweat. A welcome
breeze blew through the open shutters, cooling their bodies. He rolled to his
back, taking Robin with him so that the other man lay along his side, head on
John’s shoulder, leg hooked over his thighs. John glanced down at Robin’s warm,
golden skin against the paler tones of his. He loved the contrast. Impossible
though it may seem John might even love

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