It All Started With a Lima Bean (24 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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“So what sounds good for the day?” He started the car and drove out to the main street.

Snapping out of her daze, Abby finally spoke. “I’m actually up for anything, but wouldn’t mind seeing the observatory. I was a kid the last time I went, and it’s been redone since then.” She really hoped they could visit.

“To the observatory we go then. I know of a great restaurant in that area where we can eat lunch. Do you like Mediterranean food?” He peeked at her while driving.

“Humus, flatbread and feta; what’s not to like?” She smiled and looked at him, catching the same expression beaming across his face.

“Since I’m not a big meat eater either, that sounds good to me.” He continued driving in the direction of the restaurant he’d mentioned eating at on several occasions.

“How did your meeting go?” She bit her lip, waiting to hear his response then noticed his eyes linger on her mouth before turning to look out of the windshield once more. She liked when he did that.

“Really good. We’re moving forward with this. We just need to work on the details of the contract, but it looks like I will have all creative control. I expect some things to change from the books, but it’s essential that it has the same feel.”

“That is fantastic, Caleb. You really have to make sure that Jake’s character is just like the book. I couldn’t imagine one thing changing about him.”

“So you remember the character’s name?” He joked with her.

Embarrassed that he just caught her by her own admission, she just nodded. “Yeah I was re-reading the first book this morning while you were at your meeting.” She looked at him through her long mascara covered eyelashes.

“So what do you think?”

“Well I’ve only read the first two books, but I honestly like them. I can see why the studio approached you, and I think they will make great action packed movies.” She gazed over to the breathtaking man beside her. “I’m very happy for you.” She thought about this new road he would be traveling down, and hoped she would be a part of his new future.




After eating an amazing vegetarian feast, they traveled up the mountain to the Planetarium. As they drove up the windy road, Abby was reminded about the last time she’d come up this hill. It was one of the last pleasant memories she had of her father. He’d taken time off work during her spring break from school, and spent the week taking her to Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Griffith Park, then to Sea World in San Diego. She was only nine at the time, and didn’t pay much attention to the fact that her mom hadn’t joined them on the trip. He left their family a week later. For the next several years, she’d thought she had done something wrong during the trip that made him want to leave. Once she was old enough to understand, her mom explained that her father had fallen in love with a woman overseas when he traveled for business. He left them to start a new family, and it had nothing to do with Abby.

“A penny for your thoughts.” Taken out of her daydream, she swished her head in Caleb’s direction.

“I was just thinking about my dad, and the last time he brought me here.”

“Good memories I hope?”

“Yeah, this place is very special to me.” She still didn’t understand what would make a man take such actions, but she couldn’t help but hold that trip near to her heart.

After claiming a parking space, they got out of the car, and she took a deep breath.

Clean, crisp November air hit her lungs as she looked out into the horizon. “I forgot how beautiful it is up here.”

“Look over there.” Caleb pointed toward the hills in the background. “You can see the Hollywood sign.”

“I don’t remember that from the last time I was here.”

“There are hiking trails that take you fairly close. Maybe we can do that next time.”
He was talking about a next time, too.

“I would love to do that. I’m not prepared for a hike today though.” She pointed to her flip-flop covered feet.

“Come on, let’s walk over.” He grabbed her hand and continued to hold it as they strolled toward the building. She wondered what they looked like to other people passing by. Did others wonder if Caleb and she were a couple? How long they’d been together? Why he was with her?
Okay stop
No negative thoughts.
She breathed in and out, slowly closing her eyes then opening them again. Caleb had taken notice.

“Everything good?”

“Yes. I’m just taking it all in.” She lied, but only a small white lie. They passed by the famous concrete sculptured monument with carved figures of the six greatest astronomers Hipparchus, Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, and William Herschel. A couple, having pictures taken were just beside the monument. They sat on a blanket with a picnic basket and a bunch of balloons. The photographer had an assistant, so this was obviously a planned photo shoot. The woman held one side of a small framed chalkboard that read, “Save the Date”, and the man held the other side as they kissed, and the photographer took the shots. Abby shyly looked at Caleb who was also smiling. They continued to walk hand in hand until they got to the entrance. Caleb held the door open with one hand while the other he placed on her lower back and led her inside. “What would you like to see first?”

“I have no idea. Although that pendulum is the same, I’m not sure how much has changed.”

“How about–” He moved his index finger from side to side. “-that way.” He pointed left before grabbing her hand again and pulling her in that direction.





After looking through all of the indoor as well as the outdoor exhibits, they decided to head to the cafe for a drink, then down and around the bottom side of the building. Abby was so happy that the observatory sold her favorite soft drink, and sipped from it as they walked down the curved pathway.

After finding and sitting on a small wall, Caleb started to speak. “Abby, I wanted to talk to you about something, but I don’t want to come off too strong.” She looked at him wondering what on earth he was going to say to her.

“I genuinely like you. Well more than that. I’m falling pretty hard for you, but I can’t afford to play any games. I have Madison to consider. It’s difficult for me to be so vulnerable with you because I haven’t opened my heart to anyone or even dated once since Rene died. I need you to understand that I’m not looking for someone just to have fun with. Of course, I want to enjoy our time together, but you have to know that I will only take this chance for the promise of a serious relationship that would hopefully lead to marriage someday.” He paused, and she wasn’t sure if she was supposed to say something yet until he spoke again. “If you are only interested in being friends, I will respect that, but I wanted you to know that ultimately I would love to be more than friends.” He must have wanted to make sure she got his point because he added, “If we were to get involved, I’d be looking toward the future. I long for a life partner, not just someone to date.”

Abby stared at him with wide eyes, completely stunned. She’d already admitted to herself and Leah that she was falling in love with him, but still didn’t know where to go with those feelings. This was also difficult for her as well because she hadn’t opened herself up to anyone since she and Peter broke up. There were dates here and there, but never more than once with the same guy. Her heart had been too damaged. Could she open herself up entirely to this man? He seemed too good to be real. Was he really saying that not only does he have strong feelings for her, but was also looking for a wife?

“Wow.” That was all she could muster up with a shocked look in her eyes.

Caleb let out a nervous snicker and said, “I know it’s a lot, but like I said, I just can’t play any games. Please take some time before letting me know what your thoughts are.” He held her hand, rubbing his thumb on the top of hers.

He looked so vulnerable in that moment that she felt as though she had to explain her reaction. “I’m sorry that was my first response,” she managed to say with a shy smile, “but you caught me off guard. I’ve also fallen for you, and love the thought of being more than friends. I wouldn’t want to do casual either, but Caleb, I don’t know if I can give you what you are looking for. There is so much hurt in my past that I wouldn’t want you to have to deal with, and I honestly don’t know that I’m good enough for you.” She looked down at their connected hands.

“What? Are you kidding me?” He moved his legs over the wall so that he was now straddling it, and scooted closer to her so he could reach her other hand. “Where did that come from? Why would you think you aren’t good enough for me? You are an amazing woman, and I am in awe every time I’m around you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I practically trip on my words whenever you are near because I feel like I’m a nervous high school nerd talking to the head cheerleader.”

“Now who is kidding who? You are very smooth Mr. Hunter.” She said as she blushed. This made him smile and chuckle.

“Leah told me you like to switch subjects when uncomfortable conversations arise, but thank you for the compliment. I would still like to know why you think you aren’t good enough.” He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her delicate skin. How was she expected to concentrate on an answer when he did that?

“Oh Caleb, I have some serious yuck in my past, and I’m afraid after I share it with you, you’ll never want to see me again, which means I won’t see Madison anymore either, and that will truly destroy me. I have fallen head over heels in love with her, too.”

“Too?” He asked. Realizing what she said, Abby tried not to make eye contact right away. “Why don’t you try me? Start at the beginning.” Now he pulled his legs up until they crossed a bit on top of the wall. He was getting comfortable for her story, and she imagined the other position might be painful for a man.

Seeing that she was going to have to break down and tell him at some point, she gathered up her courage and began to share her awful story. “Peter and I dated for two years in high school. All of our friends were having sex already, and we were the last virgins we knew, so we made the decision to take our physical relationship to the next step. We’d only had sex a couple of times when I found out I was pregnant.” She looked up at him to check his expression. She didn’t see judgment so far. He was just listening. She took a deep breath and continued. “I was shocked because we had taken precautions, and we had only done it two times. I’ll never forget the day I found out. I’d taken the test at home on a Friday after school. We were supposed to attend a school dance that night, but instead, I was in the garage of my mother’s house telling my seventeen-year-old boyfriend that we were going to be parents. Peter’s reaction was something I hadn’t expected. It was as if he wasn’t totally surprised, but he also wasn’t happy about it. It was as though his fears had come to reality. He told me we would figure something out together, and we had a little time to make decisions. He left that night with me thinking I had the best boyfriend in the world, and that he would stand by me no matter what. I tried calling him all weekend, and he wouldn’t come to the phone. I only called a handful of times because Tiffany kept answering, and she said he didn’t have time for me or my childish games. I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she’d always been rude and mean to me, so I tried not to read into what she’d said.”

This was so hard for her to share. She felt as if she were reliving the nightmare all over again. Taking a calming breath, she continued. “When I showed up for school on Monday, I looked everywhere for Peter, and found him in front of my locker with the one girl he knew I was downright jealous of. The only girl that we ever fought about and they were full-on making out. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I was beside myself, and knew at that moment that I was all alone.” The pain in her chest started to constrict. This was more difficult to talk about than she thought it was going to be.

“That day after school, I was walking to my car trying to formulate a plan when Peter ran up behind me, caging me in his arms with my back to my driver’s door. He told me that we needed to be clear. He knew the baby wasn’t his, and he’d heard that I’d been screwing around on him. I swore I hadn’t because I would never do that, but he insisted that a reliable source told him that I’d be caught having sex with someone else.” She was trying to catch her breath in-between her hysterics. “He poked my stomach, and said he didn’t know who the father of my bastard child was, but he knew it wasn’t him. Then he turned and walked away. Just like that. No further discussion.” She had become so distraught telling her story that she hadn’t realized it, but Caleb had her hands in his while he rubbed circles on top.

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