It All Started With a Lima Bean (10 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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Gathering her wits, she brought the coffee back in the room. She placed a mug in front of Caleb and sat down to sip on her own before realizing that she hadn’t made one for Leah. “I’m sorry Leah; you were in the shower when I set up the mugs, and I forgot to ask if you wanted a coffee too. Give me a second and I’ll make your usual poison of choice.” She knew Leah didn’t function for the day without first having a cup of coffee and couldn’t believe she’d totally forgotten about her.

Standing up, she started to make her way to the kitchen, but before she could get there, Leah stopped her. “Thanks chica, but I have to head out. I have some early deliveries today.”

Abby looked up confused. “Oh?” Well, that didn’t make any sense. She could have sworn that Leah had told her the night before that she didn’t have to make any deliveries until after lunch. And since when did Leah go anywhere without her morning coffee? If this behavior weren’t strange enough on its own, Leah took the towel off her head, and put her wet hair up in a ponytail before grabbing her purse. She never left the house with wet hair,
. There was always at least little blow drying involved.

Abby walked to the entryway with her, still dumbfounded and trying to figure out what was going on with her friend. Leah stepped through the door and turned back with a mischievous grin on her face. “I’ll see you later, girl. You call me if you need anything, anything at all.” She gave Abby a quick hug, then pulled back, and winked before striding off. Now it all made sense. It looked as if this matchmaker was giving her and Caleb time alone. She didn’t know whether to run up and hug her for being so thoughtful, or kill her because of how nervous she now was.

Unfortunately, Caleb decided to stand and also head for the door. “I really should get going too. Thanks for the coffee.” Turning toward her, he appeared as though he wanted to say something more, and then decided against it. “I hope you have a great day. See you later.” The man she couldn’t get off her mind strutted out of her front door to his waiting SUV. She could watch him swagger away any day. This was already turning into a fantastic day.



“Do you mind if we go get a mani/pedi tonight before dinner? I completely forgot that I have my yearly check up tomorrow morning.” Abby asked Leah over the phone.

“Why do you need a mani/pedi for that?” Leah’s tone was amused just waiting to hear the explanation.

“Because it’s just the proper thing to do.” Abby stated matter of factly.

“Seriously? Sweetie, you do know that the gynecologist isn’t going to be looking at your toes right?”

“Well she might. My feet will be right there by her head.” Abby huffed, knowing her best friend well enough to hear the teasing in her voice.

“I bet you hide your panties and bra under your clothes before the doctor comes in, don’t you?” Leah continued her teasing.

“Don’t you?” She thought every woman did that.

“No. Showing my panties and bra to the gynecologist is not the most humiliating part of the visit.”

“Oh be quiet. Do you want to go for a manicure/pedicure or not?” Abby wished Leah could see her irritated face.

“Of course I do. My sister keeps telling me about this new product she loves. It’s a gel polish system you put on at home. I’ll find out the name so we can just stay home and do our nails before your
gyno appointment.” Leah’s sister, Dani was a nail technician throughout college. That’s how she paid most of her tuition while the rest of the student body scrambled around looking for grants and student loans. Dani knew all of the latest and greatest products. They would be visiting Happy Nails tonight, however.




Going in for her yearly check-up was not on the top of Abby’s favorite activities but she wanted to be responsible, so she did it anyway. When she’d checked in, the receptionist told her that the regular general practitioner had the flu and wasn’t in. She was then asked if she wanted to reschedule or if she minded a nurse practitioner doing the exam. It took all her nerve to come in the first place,
she’d already gotten her nails done, so she opted for the nurse practitioner instead.

Sitting on the exam table with a paper gown on, opening in the back as instructed, and her bra and panties neatly hiding under the rest of her clothes, Abby looked down, wiggled her newly painted toes, and snickered. Leah harassed her all night about it. She heard the rustle of papers outside of the door just before a light knock sounded. That was pretty routine, so she wasn’t surprised when the door opened afterward. What shocked her was the person that appeared when it opened.
Oh hell no!
There was
no way
he would be doing the exam.

“Hey Abs, fancy seeing you here.” Blaine grabbed a rolling stool and sat down, scooting closer to the exam table. Her naked legs were just feet from him. A look of shock must have appeared on her face because he chuckled a little then started reading her medical papers; her
medical records.

She still hadn’t said a word when he asked, “You’re here for a...pap-smear?” His smile quickly disappeared. Never mind the pap smear, she was having heart palpitations at an alarming rate. He probably would need to look into that matter first; not to mention, she was starting to find it more and more difficult to breathe.

“Uh no, not anymore. I need to reschedule.” Tucking the paper gown further under her thighs, she hoped the flimsy paper didn’t rip in front of him.

“Abs, I’m a professional.” Blaine was serious. He actually thought she was going to let him proceed. Was he on crack? No way was this happening.

“Yeah, started my period and can’t do this right now.” She cringed.
Really, Abby? Is that the best you could come up with?

Looking down at her chart he said, “But you told the nurse it was two weeks ago. Is that normal? We should look into that.”

“NO! I mean, this is the first time; I’m sure it’s fine. I’ll just reschedule.” Her eyes darted around the room never once having the courage to look right at him. He kept reading her records. She just wished he would get out so she could dig her undergarments out from beneath her clothes and get dressed. Thank goodness, she did hide her underwear. She saw on his face the moment he read what she dreaded he would find in her chart.

“Oh Abs, it says here that you had a miscarriage when you were...” He calculated the date and her age. “Seventeen?” He looked perplexed, and she was mortified. “Is that why Peter left you?”

Anger was starting to rise now, and she was getting impatient. “You said you could be professional. Please don’t ask me questions like that. A professional doctor would not ask me that. I really need to go. Will you please leave the room so I can get dressed?”
Could this get any worse?

Concern replaced the confusion in his eyes, and Blaine stood. “Okay Abs, I’ll respect your privacy. I’m sorry though, for your loss.”

“Thanks but it was a long time ago.” The smile he gave her said that he felt pity. She hated that. With sagged shoulders, he exited the room.

She couldn’t high tail it out of that office fast enough. Now she was going to have to change doctors. Dr. Jenkins was her favorite doctor, but it was a large medical group. Surely she could find another reputable doctor there. This certainly wasn’t her main concern about the situation though. Now that Blaine knew the truth, he was most likely going to tell his whole family. She was so over the drama that came with that event and didn’t want to relive any of it. Maybe he would keep it professional after all. Doctor/Patient privacy and all, but she doubted it.

While taking in a deep breath and filling her lungs with air, Abby got into her car and dialed Leah’s cell number.

“Oh my gosh! The worst thing just happened.” Feeling herself freak out, she got out of her car and paced back and forth. Her footsteps echoed off the cement as she tried to calm her still racing heart.

“What’s going on?” Leah sounded busy.

“I went in for my yearly exam, and my doctor was out, so they asked if I didn’t mind having another doctor do it so naturally I was nervous but said ok anyway for some reason I pictured a burly German woman named Helga or something doing it then I was just sitting there on the table with only a paper gown covering me and...” She rambled without taking a pause or a breath.

“Abby, slow down. You are talking so fast I can barely understand you.” Leah interrupted.

“It was Peter’s brother that walked in to do my pap.” Even though she said it, she still couldn’t believe it herself.

“What? Seriously? What did you do?”

“I panicked and said I just started my period and had to reschedule.”

“You did not tell that gorgeous doctor that you started your period and had to leave.”

“Yes I did. What was I supposed to do?” She leaned her forehead onto the hand not holding her phone.

“I know it was shocking, but that’s his job. You should have been more mature about it, put your big girl panties on, and went through with the exam.”

“I did get my big girl panties on, but then I got the heck out of there. I have to face him at school a couple of days a week. I wasn’t about to let him go...

“I guess you’re right. That would be kind of awkward.”

“Kind of? I would never be able to face him knowing he’d examined my lady parts.” She puffed out a breath of air. “The worst part is that he asked me about the miscarriage. It was humiliating.”

“Abby, I’m so sorry. What do you say we hit Escalona for some yummy tapas and sangria tonight? I don’t have a wedding to do tomorrow. My treat.”

“I guess. It doesn’t have to be your treat though.” Abby sighed. “I just don’t get why things have to be so complicated with me.”

“I don’t know chica, but I’m willing to drown your sorrows in some fruity wine tonight. I’ll pick you up at 8:00. Wear something sexy. You never know whom you might run in to.”

“Um okay? I’ll see you 8:00. Thanks Leah.” Sexy? Why would she say that?

“I love ya girl.” Leah laughed as if she were up to something.

“Love you too.” She finally smiled for the briefest of moments as she got in and started her car until she saw Blaine walking out of the building, probably going to lunch. She had to make sure he wasn’t going to say anything, so she drove up just as he arrived to his truck.

“Blaine?” He glanced up toward her. “There is some kind of doctor/patient privacy law or something, isn’t there?”

“Of course, your private life is just that.”

“Okay. I just wanted to check. Thanks.” She rolled her window up and waved goodbye as she drove away. Well at least there was that.




Leah arrived a little early, which was odd. She was always just barely on time. She took one look at Abby and shook her head, “Uh uh, no way, my friend. You have to change. You look like a school teacher in that outfit and not even a naughty one.”

“Leah, I am a school teacher. What is your deal about my outfit tonight?”

“You have accused us of being old ladies, and you had a rough day. You are only twenty-five, and need to dress more flirty and sexy.”

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