It All Started With a Lima Bean (5 page)

Read It All Started With a Lima Bean Online

Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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Abby loved her weekends. Waking up late, staying in her jammies while she drank her coffee, and reading was her idea of rest and relaxation. She thoroughly enjoyed reading. Staying up all hours of the night to finish whatever book she was enjoying at the time was a particularly common occurrence for her. The fun part was attempting to function successfully at work the next day, so she tried to wait until it was the weekend to do her reading marathons. Abby adored any romance or young adult novel but occasionally read suspense and mysteries also. Her favorite books were normally written by independently published authors. There was just something special about reading books from people who weren’t mainstream yet. Fans of independent authors were a supportive group, and Abby made a few close online friends as a result of liking the same books. Currently reading the paranormal romance, Inescapable by Amy A. Bartol, Abby was on the edge of her seat waiting to see if Reed was finally going to profess his love to Evie. The buzz of her phone grabbed her attention from the story before she could get her answer.

“Hi Sweetheart, what are you up to?” Abby didn’t know another person more chipper than her mom in the morning.

“Nothing much mom. Just reading and drinking my coffee.” She put her sock covered feet up on the chair next to her at the dining table.

“Some things never change. You have enjoyed your Saturday morning ritual for as long as I can remember.” They both laughed, before Abby’s mom Sarah added, “Grace just invited all of us over for lunch today. I would love to spend some time with you. Can you tear yourself away from your book and join us?”

“Of course, mom. That sounds like fun. Let me jump in the shower and get ready. Text me their address.” She turned her e-book reader off so she wouldn’t be tempted to continue reading once she got off the phone.

“Will do. We’ll be there around 11:30. Love you.”

“Okay. See you then mom. Love you too.” Even though she was going to hang out with people older than herself, at least it was something different for the day.




Abby pulled up to the curb and parked behind a silver Range Rover with black trim. That was her dream vehicle. She’d wanted one ever since she learned how to drive.
she thought to herself.
Yeah, when I win the lottery
. Getting out of her car, she fixed the skirt of her dress then picked up the Trader Joes market bag from her trunk. She had stopped and gotten a couple of prepared foods to contribute to lunch. Abby always did this because not only was it just simply good manners, but she was a vegetarian and there wasn’t normally too many food choices available for her at gatherings.

After spotting her mother’s car in the driveway, she walked up the stone path that led to the front door. The yard was immaculate and beautifully landscaped with pink hollyhocks, California lilacs, and gerbera daisies scattered throughout and giving off the most delightful scent. She’d heard her mother talk about how lovely Grace and Robert’s home was, but it was more awe-inspiring than she’d imagined. It almost resembled a life-sized child’s Victorian playhouse. The features were breathtaking as if taken out of the late 1800’s and placed here as new. It displayed strong octagon towers throughout the structure and shutters accentuated the large bay windows. The roofs were on a steep slope with the eaves over hanging, giving the house a sense of grandeur but still homey at the same time. The oversized, wide steps welcomed her onto a porch that spanned the front of the house. She knocked on the large white door then rang the doorbell, but nobody answered, so she called her mom’s cell.

“Mom, I’m at the front door, but I don’t think anyone can hear me knocking.” She explained.

“Oh, sorry hun, we are all in the backyard. I’ll go let you in.” She pressed the end button then waited. A few moments later the front door opened, and there stood Madison’s daddy with a grin from ear to ear, wearing an apron that said ‘kiss the cook’ on it. Abby felt her cheeks flush. Caleb’s eyes looked down to the apron where hers were focused, then let out a deep chuckle. His eyes went from her pretty pink polished toes slowly gliding up her body until they landed back to her face. She was glad that she had made the extra effort to paint her toes this morning and put on a cute sundress.

Just as Caleb opened his mouth to say something they heard, “Miss Abby! Miss Abby!” Madison almost jumped into her arms, nearly knocking the bag out of her hand.

“Now that’s a wonderful greeting Madison.” Abby hugged the child back still trying not to drop the bag.

Madison stepped closer to Caleb, and squealed, “Grammy said that you were coming, and I was so asited. Do you go to all of the kid’s houses for lunch?” Her face brightened while waiting for Abby’s answer.

Trying not to giggle about the ‘asited’ pronunciation, Abby answered. “No, not usually, but my Mommy is friends with your Grammy, so here I am.” The little girl looked at the porch floor, disappointed.

Abby bent down carefully tucking her dress between her thighs and calves, got closer to Madison and said, “Of course when I heard that you were going to be here, I just had to come.” The bright smile was back. Abby looked up at Caleb as he mouthed ‘thank you’ to her.
, she hadn’t actually taken a close look at his lips before.
Oh man
, he had a nice pair. Realizing she was embarrassing herself once more in front of this beautiful man, she stood to break the trance he had over her.

Grace walked up to ask, “Well, what’s taking you so long? Those burgers aren’t going to cook themselves Mister.” She motioned to Caleb to return to the backyard, and then grabbed the bag from Abby. “Come on in. I know you don’t eat meat, so we have the veggie burgers your mom said that you liked.”

“Thanks Grace, that was very thoughtful of you.” Caleb walked through the sliding glass doors that led to the backyard and Abby’s eyes never left him. She was going to have a difficult time not staring at him all afternoon.

“Actually Caleb overheard us talking on the phone this morning and offered to go get them for you.” Grace had a sinister smile on her face.

“I’ll have to thank him too then.” Trying not to focus on the fact that she was most likely going to humiliate herself in front of him again, Abby wondered what Grace’s smile was all about.

Caleb had already made it out to the grill in the backyard. She and Grace stepped off the back porch, and Abby reached out to hug her mom and step-dad, Dave. She hadn’t actually seen them too much lately because of school starting, and it was always hectic in the beginning of the year. Her mother and Dave were also on a cruise binge. It seemed as if they were going on a new one as soon as they unpacked their bags from their previous voyage. Abby noticed that Robert stood next to Caleb at the grill, so she strolled over to greet him, hoping she didn’t trip on the grass along the way.

“Hi Robert, how are you doing?” She gave a small friendly wave before swinging her arms behind her back and clasping her hands together. She snuck a peek at Caleb whose wide eyes were directly on her ample chest.
, having her arms fixed like that only pushed her boobs out further. She looked like a total hussy standing this way. Quickly, she moved her arms in front, somewhat covering herself. Caleb swiftly turned back to the grill.

“Fantastic, Abby. How are things with you?” Robert inquisitively looked back and forth between the back of Caleb’s head and her face. She wanted to crawl under a rock.

What she actually wanted to say was, ‘I’m dying right now because this hot guy I can’t keep my eyes off of was just staring at my boobs’. At times, Abby could be a master at hiding her true feelings though. Thank goodness, this was one of those occasions. She was able to get out, “Pretty darn good to be honest.”

“That’s wonderful to hear. I’m going to head over to see why Grace is trying to get my attention. Caleb you’ve got the grill covered, right son?” Robert placed his palm on Caleb’s shoulder.

“Sure do dad.” He still hadn’t looked back up, and Abby thought she saw his cheeks as red as hers.

“Good boy. I’ll be back if I see smoke.” They all laughed as Robert walked away.

“Thanks for the veggie burgers. I truly appreciate it.” Abby nervously giggled. She hated that this man made her so nervous and giggly like a fifteen year old.

“No problem. It was my pleasure. I actually understand because I don’t eat a lot of meat myself. Just a little chicken, turkey or fish here and there but I enjoy veggie burgers too.” He finally looked at her.

“I noticed that you called Robert, dad.” Was that too personal to ask a guy she had only recently met? Oh well it was already out there.

“Honestly, I’m a lot closer to him and Grace than I am to my parents. I’ve called them mom and dad for years now, and we haven’t seen a reason for me to stop.”

“That’s really sweet.” Her heart warmed, and a smile was plastered to her face. She realized that she was totally flirting with her student’s daddy and tried changing the subject.

“So Caleb, what do you do for a living?” Okay, so maybe that still sounded a little flirty.

“I’m an author.” He flashed his beautifully blinding teeth before flipping a set of burgers. Although Abby was not a meat eater, the smell of those grilled patties made her mouth water.

“You’re kidding. I’m one of those crazy readers. What do you write?” Now this excited her. She started to bite her nail.

He looked uncomfortable for a moment. “Ummm. I write mysteries, criminal justice novels, that sort of genre.”

Something suddenly made sense. “Wait a minute. Caleb Hunter? Oh my goodness. I’ve read a few of your books. You are
talented and kind of famous.” She was totally fan-girling over this hot daddy author, but in a civilized adult-like manner, sort of.

“Thanks. I enjoy what I do, and it allows me to set my own schedule so I can spend time with Madison.” She noticed his unease.

“What a great perk. Are you working on something new?” She felt how close she was standing to him and hung on his every word. She seriously needed to get some help with this whole book obsession thing. To top it off, not only was he drop dead gorgeous, but he currently smelled like the most delicious mixture of sweet smoke and spices.

“I’m pretty much always working on something new.” He gave an uncomfortable laugh. “But I am currently on a deadline with one. It’s coming along though.” He backed away a little. He must have noticed the distance between them shrink.
How embarrassing.

“I’m going to head back to the house and see if there is anything I can help with. It was nice chatting with you, Caleb.” Abby couldn’t get away fast enough now. She knew her face was crimson and was well aware of how funny her quick walking probably looked.

“You too Abby.” She heard from behind her but didn’t dare look.

I wonder if he knows how hot he is
Abby thought to herself. She couldn’t believe her reaction to him. A guy like this hadn’t affected her for, well actually never before.




As they sat at the large picnic tables eating and enjoying each other’s conversation, Grace interrupted. “Oh Abby, I just remembered that I can’t chaperone the field trip to the zoo this week. I completely forgot that I have a doctor’s appointment, and can’t reschedule it. I am so sorry.”

Abby was visually bothered but said, “It’s okay. I’ll see if I can get another parent to help.”

Grace took a glance at her son-in-law and asked, “Hey Caleb, can you step in for me? They are going to the zoo on Thursday.” She couldn’t hide her smirk.

“Funny, Robert just asked me last night if I would go golfing with him even though he knows I don’t like to golf.” Turning to Robert, Caleb asked, “You wouldn’t mind if I cancel would you?”

Robert looked away from Grace’s scowling face. “I have a feeling I’m supposed to say that I don’t mind.”

“Great, it’s settled then. Abby, do you mind giving Caleb all of the information he needs?”

Abby had a very strange feeling that she missed something but shrugged it off. “Sure. I’ll send the info home with Madison on Monday. Oh and don’t forget about Back to School night on Tuesday.”

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