It All Started With a Lima Bean (9 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: It All Started With a Lima Bean
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Why? Of all the kids that could be placed in her classroom, why on earth was Justin Zuckerman in hers? She normally handled these situations on her own. Although it wasn’t a pleasant one, she had a personal relationship with this kid’s family. She decided this was one the principal could deal with. She pulled him into the office, and then asked Darcy the receptionist if Principal Hanson was available. She walked into his office, explained what had happened, and was on her way back to her classroom hoping Caleb was still there.

She practically ran into them as she turned the corner. “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

“She was getting embarrassed, so I figured we would wait out here.”

Abby walked behind Caleb so she could see Madison, but instead of seeking her face, Abby’s eyes landed on Caleb’s neck. He had a cute little mole that she just wanted to run her finger over then kiss.
Keep it together sister
. After taking a deep breath and shaking her head, Abby addressed the lovable face that now stared at her. “I’m so sorry that Justin was not a good friend today. Please don’t ever take something one of the kids says to heart. Especially something mean.” Abby wanted to wrap her arms around her tiny body, but that would mean she’d be hugging Caleb too. Just the thought of that made her shiver.

“It’s not your fault Miss Abby, but I wanna go home with my daddy.” Caleb moved his head and placed a kiss on her cheek. Of course, Abby’s eyes went directly to the puckered lips on the little girl’s cheek.
Oh man, he’s gorgeous. Focus Abby, focus.

Wanting to comfort her, Abby answered, “Okay Pumpkin.” Caleb spun around to face her with a stunned look. “I’m sorry, did you have another plan?” She asked timidly.

“No, it’s just that, well only two people have ever called her that before.” He pointed to himself then up. She caught what he was saying. Abby had just called his daughter a name that her dead mother used to.
Could this day get any worse?
Before she knew it, another “I’m sorry” escaped her lips.




Abby was still troubled over what had taken place with Madison earlier. She walked to the teacher’s parking lot with full arms and spotted a blonde she had never wanted to see again. Tiffany Zuckerman. Her eyes focused on Abby, and she did not have her happy face on. Abby looked around in hopes of seeing another teacher, but she knew she wouldn’t find anyone. She had stayed late after school was over to meet with Principal Hanson. He’d informed her that Justin Zuckerman’s mother Tiffany wasn’t a pleased camper, and was not the most reasonable woman. She could always turn around and go back in the school building pretending as if she’d forgotten something, but that was too obvious. She had to face this nightmare head on.

She approached her car, trying to ignore Tiffany until she saw the blonde seething while stalking up to her.
. She needed Leah here for this. Abby opened the trunk of her car and tossed everything in, keeping her cell in her front pocket and keys in her hand.

“What the hell is your problem, Bitch?” The words came slurring out of Tiffany’s mouth just as the smell of alcohol assaulted Abby’s nostrils.

“Excuse me?” She was shocked. Abby had never been called that name before.

“You heard me.” Tiffany swayed and shot daggers out of her squinting eyes.

“Maybe you need to call a cab and head home Tiffany.” Abby felt sick to her stomach watching this woman direct hateful words to her.

“Screw you. Just because my brother dumped your trampy ass, and didn’t want anything to do with your bastard kid doesn’t mean you have to take it out on my son.”

Abby literally had to take a step back to keep from falling over. “What? You don’t know what you are talking about Tiffany.” The tears stung her eyes, and she did everything in her power to keep them from dropping before the first one fell.

“Are you going to cry like the weak bitch you are?” The venom in her voice was unbelievable. Abby was beside herself. How could someone be so hateful? “Where do you keep your piece of shit spawn anyway?”

That was it. She was not going to continue this conversation any longer. Abby stormed over to the driver’s door, flung it open and heard, “Don’t you dare walk away from...,” just before she slammed the door shut, turned the car on and drove away, leaving Tiffany standing there livid. Then the waterworks started. Abby pulled into her driveway and utterly broke down, crying hysterically, before calling Leah.

“Can you please come over?” She sobbed.

“On my way.” Abby loved her best friend. Nothing else needed to be said. She would be there soon, and Abby could cry herself to sleep knowing she wouldn’t be alone.




Furious, Caleb couldn’t believe the call he’d just received from Grace. Leah had called her to warn them about that monster’s mother. She’d apparently attacked Abby the day before, and the woman that was slowly finding her way into his heart wouldn’t be at school today. It was a half-day as all Fridays were and Caleb had already planned to keep his Madison home anyway. She still hadn’t fully recovered from the torment she’d experienced the day before.




Abby peeled her crusted eyes open after stretching and felt a warm body next to her. Leah. She’d spent the night to make sure Abby was okay. There were no words to express her gratitude for this woman beside her. She thanked God every day for sending Leah into her life. Abby quietly got up, went to the bathroom, and cleaned her eyes with a washcloth. As she headed to the kitchen to make them a late breakfast, she heard a light knock at her front door. Not thinking or even caring about what she may look like, she headed to the door and opened it. There stood a crisp looking, clean-shaven Caleb in jeans, flip-flops, and a surfer t-shirt, holding a brown paper bag.

“Good morning.” His eyes scanned her body. She looked down and noted her boxers and tank top. She hid behind the door and peeked her head out. “I’m sorry to come unannounced. Grace asked me to drop these bagels and cream cheese off for you.” He handed her the brown paper bag.

“Oh, um okay?” She reached for the bag then for a throw blanket from the couch closest to her. “Would you like to come in?”

“If I’m not intruding.” His eyes wandered past her as though he was looking for someone.

“Not at all, come in.” Holding the blanket up to her braless chest, she placed the bag on the coffee table after closing the door behind him. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” She scampered off down the hallway toward her bedroom to get dressed.

“How are you feeling?” She heard a sleepy voice coming from her bed.

“I’m freaking out; that’s how I’m feeling.” Abby shook her hands up and down while pacing back and forth.

Leah shot up to a sitting position, “Why? What’s going on?”

“Caleb Hunter is sitting in my living room and I opened the door to him looking like this.” She gestured to her outfit and her ponytail that was hanging on for dear life.

“Oh no, mujer. Go into the bathroom, fix yourself up, and I’ll grab an outfit for you.” Could there actually ever be a better friend than Leah?

Abby pulled herself together, brushed her hair and teeth, and then put on the jean capris and white eyelet blouse she’d just gotten from Old Navy. Leah had laid them out on the bed as a mother would have done, before jumping into the shower herself.

Caleb stood as soon as she entered the living room. His presence enveloped the room, and Abby welcomed it. “Would you like some coffee?”


She headed to the kitchen and got the coffee going before joining him again. He seemed nervous.

Looking toward the hallway, he asked, “Uh, is your boyfriend here?”

“What boyfriend?” That was odd. Then she realized he could hear the shower in her room. “Oh no, that’s Leah.” Relief washed over his face. “She stayed with me last night.”

He opened the bag, pulled the containers of cream cheese out as well as the plastic knives that came with them before offering her the open bag to select a bagel. They were both seated on the couch with a bagel in hand before he spoke again.

“I wanted to tell you how sorry I was about what happened yesterday.” He peeked at her as if he was gauging her reaction.

“It wasn’t your fault, or Madison’s. I felt so awful for her.” Her heart truly did hurt for his daughter.

“No, I mean what happened later, with that boy’s mom.”

She jumped back in her seat, startled and confused. “How did you know about that?”

“Grace told me.”

“How did Grace know?” Abby asked just as her best friend entered the room wearing a dark red sundress with a towel on her head.

“Because I called her.” Leah had no problem admitting anything she did.

“Why would you do that?” Abby was hurt and embarrassed all over again.

“Because they are involved in this too and she might try to attack them as well.” Leah gestured wildly toward Caleb.

“She won’t. She is mad at me, not them.”

“Abby you know how she is. Don’t put anything past her.” Leah stood with her fists balled on her waist.

“Why would she be so mad at you Abby?” Caleb finally chimed in.

Turning her attention to Caleb, she opened the bag to offer Leah a bagel, and said, “We went to high school together and she never liked me. She thinks I’m taking it out on her son.”

Caleb appeared to be angry. “That is ridiculous. Her son started this. I know he’s a kid, but she needs to take responsibility for his actions. Let me know how I can help.”

“I appreciate the gesture, but really, the history we share is where the trouble lies.”

“Abby’s ex-boyfriend is Tiffany’s brother,” Leah said as she sat with crossed legs on the floor while licking the cream cheese that seeped out from the side of her bagel.

“I figured since that guy you were with by the penguins is the boy’s other uncle.”

Abby nodded with a frown on her face.

“Wait, isn’t that when Blaine asked you out?” This best friend of hers was seriously pushing it. She
that’s when he’d asked her out.

“LEAH!” Abby protested.

“You know I don’t candy coat anything or dance around the subject girlfriend. I always said your beef was with Peter, but that entire family has been a thorn in your ass for too long, and I love you far too much to let this slide.”

Abby slumped back into the couch. “I know. But Caleb doesn’t need to know all of my drama.”

“Don’t be upset that I know.” He placed his half-eaten bagel on a napkin, sitting it on the coffee table. “I appreciate being in the know. Now I understand what is involved. Besides, I already caught that he was asking you out, and you turned him down. He’s not particularly skilled at hiding his body language.” He looked her directly in the eyes and she stopped breathing. “I won’t let you deal with this alone though. I am involved regardless if you want me to be or not. The moment my little girl was hurt, it became my problem too.” Even though Abby would love him to want to be involved because of her, just knowing that he would go to the ends of the Earth to protect his daughter did something to Abby’s heart.

“I almost forgot about the coffee.” She jumped to her feet and zipped to the kitchen before she melted into a puddle at his feet.

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