It Was Always You

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

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It Was Always You

Aliyah Burke


When it’s right, it’s right…


Zane Kendrick returns home after being in the Army for twenty-two years empty and unsure what his future holds for him. Then he runs into Zoe Duncan working in her father’s shop. When Zane sees Zoe again he realizes she’s no longer the little girl who followed her brothers and his around. This Zoe is all woman.


Zoe Duncan has loved Zane forever. For years he’s been the object of all her fantasies. So when the opportunity arrives for her to be with him for real, she can’t refuse. But the one-night stand doesn’t change anything. When all is said and done, Zane is still off limits, and Zoe’s not about to risk the relationship between their families just to satisfy her own desires.


Fortunately for her, Zane isn’t the kind of man to easily let go of what he wants, and what he wants is Zoe. When trouble arrives at her door he’s there, promising to be the kind of steadfast hero Zoe can count on. Will that be enough to convince Zoe to let him in and give their relationship a shot?

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Alpha Series

Copyright © 2015 ALIYAH BURKE

ISBN: 978-1-936387-80-9

All Romance eBooks, LLC Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events, or locales is coincidental.

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever with out written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

First All Romance eBooks publication: February 2015

Chapter One

Springwood, Colorado

Zane Kendrick stopped his full-size truck at the crest of the final hill leading into his hometown. Eight years was a long time to be away without a single time back yet during his last stint of being gone the place hadn’t changed much. Springwood was a ranching community and he could hear the lowing cattle and smell their pungent scent on the air.

He’d missed it. The picturesque setting, friendly neighbors. More important than that even, he missed his family. The last time he’d been home was for a brief time when he and his brothers buried their father. A car accident took him way too soon. They’d lost their mother when they were just boys.

The eldest Kendrick brother, Nate, had taken over the ranch with the help of their youngest brother, Cade. Zane had been the only one not able to return full-time. Now he had. Cool autumn air flowed through the open windows of his three-quarter ton dually.

He needed to drop it off at the shop since it was running with some hesitations.
Hopefully, Duncan’s Garage is still in business.
He didn’t know of a better place to leave his vehicle. Having been sitting for the past two years while he’d been fighting over in The Sandbox, he could accept its necessity for a tune-up. But, it had gotten him home.

He was looking forward to nights in a real bed without worrying about poisonous creatures climbing in on him, the enemy, and all the other crap that came with returning home from being over there. Bad enough to be there for a short time but he’d pulled many duties and had seen more than he cared to recall as well as too much for him to ever forget.

Shifting into gear, he worked the pedals and rolled down the road. The afternoon sun bathed the town in a golden glow. Maybe, just maybe, he could get over the nightmares.

As he progressed through town he noticed the differences—a few new stores—and the familiar—brick storefronts in the shadows of the tree-lined sidewalks. Outside on the other side of town, fences replaced stores, restraining large herds of cattle. A grin lifted one corner of his mouth as he spied the old sign across the driveway of his destination, wooden and scarred with age. The Rocking K Ranch. Their brand had rocking chair skids on the feet of the capital letter K, and was ensconced by a circle. His truck rattled over the cattle guard and on up the long, winding drive.

He passed the barns and the cattle staging area. The large house filled his vision as he steered around the final corner. He parked before the garage and killed the engine.

Zane climbed out and snagged the olive green duffel carrying his worldly possessions. Slinging it over one shoulder, he strode to the front door, paused, then depressed the handle and entered his home.

“Nate? Cade? Anyone here?”

“Holy fucking hell, is that you, Zane?”

His brother Cade strode into view. Zane dropped the bag and hugged him. He smiled, grateful, once more, to be home.

“Thought you weren’t arriving until tomorrow.” Cade pounded him on the back. “Damn, it’s good to see you.”

He returned the gesture before stepping away from the embrace. “Good to be seen. Where’s Nate?”

“Town, picking up some things. Although if you ask me he’s just wanting to catch some time with Angela Cricton.”

The name was familiar. “Didn’t her family used to run the drugstore?”

“They still do. Angela is no longer redheaded and freckle-faced, however.” Cade wiggled his eyebrows.

He snapped his fingers. “Ah, shit, I remember her now. We called her Pippi.”

Cade laughed. “She is
grown now and Nate is all over that.”

He didn’t begrudge his brother any happiness and smiled. “Good for him. Are the Duncans still the best garage in town?”

“Absolutely. Something wrong with your truck?”

Shoulders rising with a simple shrug, he replied, “Been parked for a few years. I need to take it in for a tune-up.”

“Well, let’s go drop it off now. We had planned for a big dinner with you tomorrow and just hitting the diner tonight. I’ll follow you then you can ride with me.” He paused, his expression turning thoughtful. “Unless you want to stay here and scrounge something up.” Cade flashed a smile. “I’m good with either.”

“I’ll be fine. Let’s go.” He fished his keys from his pocket and twirled them.

“All right. I can’t wait to see Nate’s face when you walk in.”

Back in his truck, Zane started the engine, frowning once more over the hesitations. He followed his brother to Duncan’s Garage. Hopping down, he strode through the open bay door.

“Hello! Anyone here?” Old school R&B, The Isley Brothers, played in the shop.

“What do you need?”

He blinked and stared down by the older Chevy Caprice, a pair of legs were sticking out. The voice sounded familiar but he couldn’t place it. Softer than the male tone he’d expected to hear. Perhaps there was a young man working there.

“I’m looking to get a tune-up on my truck. If you have time. Are any of the Duncan boys around?”

“Sorry, not this afternoon. Just me.” Rolling out on the creeper, the speaker showed themselves.

It was a woman. Could it be?

She had an expression of surprise. “Zane? You’re back?” Her shock vanished as swift as it had arrived, as did another emotion he couldn’t decipher.

Recognition slammed him. “Zoë? I don’t believe it.”

She grinned, making him recall the imp she’d been at one time. “That’s me. You wanna leave your keys? I’ll have one of them working on your truck in the morning.”

Zoë Duncan was the youngest in her family. She’d not been home when he’d returned for the funeral so he’d not seen her since aside from once after he’d left to join the Army. Eighteen years ago. When he’d been home, she’d been elsewhere. Her coveralls swallowed her, and her backward cap exposed a grease-smudged face. He was reminded of the little afro-haired girl who always wanted to be included in their shenanigans. Only briefly, for something else hit him, an emotion he wasn’t sure what to do with.

“What are you doing down there?” He reached out a hand.

She waved him away and rose easily on her own. “Working.” A brilliant smile filled her face as she stepped by him. “Hey, Cade.” She gave his brother an easy hug.

“Hey, darlin’.” Cade leaned back against the car she’d been working on.

Zoë cleaned her hands off on a rag she’d withdrawn from the pocket of her coveralls. “Anything specific you want them to check?”

“Them?” Cade spoke up glancing between the two. “Why aren’t you doing it, Zoë?”

She gave an apathetic shrug and waved it off like she didn’t give a damn one way or another. “He mentioned my brothers, figured he’d want one of them or Dad on it.”

Zane didn’t like them talking about him as if he wasn’t even there. How did Cade rate a hug when Zane had been the one gone for years and barely got a smile? Cade shot him a glare and he lifted his shoulders in confusion. “You want to work on it, Zoë, go ahead. I have no problem with that. You work in your daddy’s garage. So if he hired you, I know you’ve got the skills. I know your daddy wouldn’t let anyone in here who couldn’t hold their own.”

Something foreign flashed in her eyes before she gave another offhand shrug. “Either way, makes no never mind to me. I can check it tonight and leave you a message if it needs more than what I can do tonight.”

“It’s Friday,” he said. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for a date?” He crossed his arms. “Or did the combination of both our brothers scare them all off?”

A brief, nearly nonexistent smile. “Something like that.” She held out her hand. “Keys?”

“Sure thing.” He dropped them into her open palm, realizing there was no way to touch her without looking as if he was seeking out the contact. She walked toward the back of the shop and he shoved his hands in his pockets.

“She looks so young.” And innocent, and yet at the same time, there was something different about her. Something that intrigued him more than he wished to admit.
Or that I should be thinking.

Cade nodded. “Yep. Come on.”

He shadowed his brother to Cade’s SUV. The green Tahoe had dirt and mud covering the outside. He slid over the seat and saw Zoë heading for his truck. Another bay door rose as she climbed in his vehicle after placing a plastic covering on the seat and floorboard.

She never once glanced at them. Cade drove away as she nosed his truck into the garage. Zane wondered why her distance bothered him so much, then wondered why he was even concerning himself with it.


Zoë sagged against the table and stared at the dark blue truck she’d just driven in the garage.

He was home. Zane Kendrick. Sergeant Major Zane Kendrick. She’d kept up with his career by listening to her brothers and his speak about it.

She swallowed some water, gathered her bearings, then retreated back below the Caprice. Zane. She closed her eyes and released the shuddering breath she’d kept from escaping while he was there. Eighteen years. During that time he’d been gone the boy he had been—full of joy and humor, as well as his fair share of trouble—got replaced by a war-hardened man. No humor in those incredible stormy gray-blue eyes; they were flat and unemotional.

She nearly jumped up to hug him but somehow restrained herself. If she were honest with herself, it was because she was scared to death of being rejected by him. Even if it was just a hug. Better to play aloof and respect his look of
stay away

“Hey, Zoë, whose truck?”

“Zane Kendrick, Papa. I’m giving it a tune-up, or will be. Just about finished with Mrs. Forester’s car. What are you doing back? I thought you and Mama had date night.”

“We do.”

She angled her head and peered out. He wore a suit and tie. “They why are you here?” She tightened the last nut holding in the tray and inched her way out.

“Stopped to check on you.”

“Papa, go on. I’m fine. The boys have gone on their dates, you go on yours.”
Pathetic. Everyone in this family has a date except me.

“You’re a young woman and should be out.”

“Papa,” she said climbing to her feet, ignoring the ache in her back. “With my brothers and the two Kendrick boys, I’ll be lucky to ever get a date in this town.” She walked over and, being cautious of his suit, kissed his cheek. “Love you. Go on.” Zoë went to Zane’s truck after she cleaned off her hands and popped its hood.

Leaning against the side panel she waved as her parents drove away. The hesitation she’d encountered at the start up would be the first thing she addressed. Nope, the second. First it needed an oil change.

The clock neared midnight when she finally finished. Slamming the hood, she breathed deep. She’d not believed Zane could get any better looking. Never had she been so wrong about anything in her life.

Battle-hardened had replaced youthfully muscular. Her palms burned to touch and explore his wide chest. Problem was, that wasn’t the only part of her that burned when she thought of him.

“Get over it, Zoë. He never noticed you before, he sure ain’t about to change that now.”

“Why did I know you would still be up?”

She didn’t even jump at the sound of her friend’s voice. “Hey, Cora. Shouldn’t you be out with your man?”

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