It Was Always You (4 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: It Was Always You
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“Why are you in my room?” Her question was raspy and she touched her throat, knowing exactly why she sounded like a frog.
I guess screaming Zane’s name to the heavens will do that to my voice box.

“Because I want deets as to why I had to come pick you up twenty miles out of town when your car was at the garage. Not to mention what you were wearing and looking like someone ravished you.” She waggled her eyebrows. “In a deliciously good way.”

Aware her roommate wouldn’t leave until she answered, Zoë stretched and sat against the headboard. “I fucked Zane.” She shoved her hair away from her face with her deadpan remark.

Cora snorted. “You wish.”

Zoë merely blinked.

Cora’s gaze widened. “Shit…Nawh… You did? Oh my God!” Her final word fell from her lips in a screech. She reached for Zoë and squeezed her arm. “I can’t believe it. How did it happen?” Zoë cocked a brow and Cora amended, “I know how
happened. I meant the hooking up.”

Zoë’s body screamed in protest each time she moved. Muscles unused in far too long had gotten one hell of a workout last night.
And this morning.

“He found me at Traders. Got all, Me-Tarzan-You-Jane and kissed me.” Her nipples drew tight at the memory of his touches. “I didn’t say no. I didn’t want to.”

Cora’s blue eyes twinkled. “You shouldn’t have. You’ve had a thing for him since school. The opportunity came and you took it.” She sat back. “So why did you leave him?”

“It’s not like we’re a couple. I finally showed skin and it worked—like you said it would—so I had my night with the unforgettable Zane Kendrick. Now I can go back to wearing my comfy baggy clothing. So don’t tell me to dress like that again.”

Cora held up her hands. “Nope. I know it’s not your thing. Me? I love it but you prefer your big, baggy clothing. Nothing wrong with that. I said do it to snag his attention, I’m guessing
was a success. Especially since you did this as a trial run, so to speak. Then again, since it was and you had such a

She wasn’t going to address that statement. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Yes you should have.” She stood. “Come on, we’re going out for lunch since you slept the day away. Go shower the scent of Zane off you and get dressed.”

Alone, Zoë whimpered as she encouraged her sore muscles to move and allow her to get to the shower. Fifteen minutes later, she left her bedroom adjusting the waistband of her cargo pants. “Ready,” she called out.

“Good. I’m starved.”

Together they strolled to Cora’s Nissan. As they typically did, they ended up at Bethany’s. Cora’s expression had Zoë lifting an eyebrow as she drank some Henry Winehard Root Beer.


“You’re moving so gingerly.” Cora cackled. “It’s fucking hilarious.”

Zoë flipped her off before closing her eyes and leaning her head back. Cora was correct, her muscles still ached. The shower helped but hadn’t solved her soreness.
Good thing it’s my day off.

“Here you two go.” Megan served them their order. “Cripes, Zoë, you look like crap. Haven’t you been sleeping?”

“Not last night,” she said opening her eyes with a small smile. “I was out late but Cora didn’t want to eat alone, so she woke me.”

“Nap, honey. You need a nap. Or two.” Another smile and Megan left them alone.

Cora rested her arms on the table. “Are you going to see him again?”

“I highly doubt he came home from the Army to join me in bed.”

Cora ate some mashed potatoes and pointed her fork. “Perhaps not but he’s home now.”

“Nope. No way, Cora. I’m not going there.”

Cora shook her fork once more before muttering under her breath and attacking her food. Where Zoë had been hungry, now food held no appeal for her any longer. So she merely toyed with it, pushing it around and taking small bites.

“If you’re going to ignore me because you’re thinking about the dick you got last night, why did you come along?”

“You’re the one who woke me. It’s not like I begged to come along.” She dropped her fork, jumping slightly at the clatter. “I’m sorry, Cora. What were you saying?”

“Just whining about my shift. I understand, it’s okay.” She lifted her glass “Here’s to being related to me some day.”

That brought out a laugh. Grateful for her friend, Zoë clinked glasses with her. “Still after Cade? I thought you had a man.”

“He’s the place holder. Hell yes I’m after him. I saw him the other day, during the summer, swimming.”

Zoë flicked her straw around in the glass. “Swimming?”

A faraway look graced Cora’s expression. “In his birthday suit and oh lawd”—she fanned herself—“that man is
in that department. From the way you’re walking I’m betting it’s a family trait and Zane is as well.”

Her pussy pulsed at the reminder of being filled by his thickness, stretching her muscles.

“So you want him because of the size of his cock?”

“That and the rumors,” she replied unrepentantly.

Zoë pursed her lips. “Rumors?”

“Girl, if you would pull your head out from under a greasy car every now and then you’d know.”

“No thanks. Ewww. He’s like my brother.”

She raised her brows. “So what about Zane?”

“Not the same,” Zoë insisted immediately. “He’s been out of my life for eighteen years. And to be fair I’ve
felt anything remotely brotherly toward him.”

“As I haven’t toward Cade.”

True. “I also have to say, if I didn’t have my head there you’d be paying someone a lot of money to maintain that car—which you are hard on—running like a gem as I do.”

“And I appreciate…”

Her eyes widened as the words fell away.

“What’s wrong, Cora?”

“This ought to be interesting,” she muttered.

Zoë turned toward the door in time to see none other than Zane and his brothers swagger into the diner.
Oh hell.

Chapter Four

Zane spotted her the moment they entered the diner. Many of the folks fell silent before calls welcoming him home erupted. His brothers grinned and smacked him on the back. In truth all he wanted to do was take Zoë out of here and find out why she left, but he responded as they walked to an empty booth.

“I see Zoë and Cora are here,” Cade stated.

Zane remembered Cora. He said hi to a few more people as they passed their seats. He climbed into the side so he could see Zoë. She determinedly avoided his gaze.
No way her conversation is that exciting.

“Hey beautiful,” Cade called out. Cora gave Cade a look that nearly melted Zane’s boxers, just from viewing it. “Not even saying hi, Zoë?”

“Just recalling manners and how rude it is to yell across a diner, Cade,” she called back with a mock glare. Cade just laughed, not at all perturbed. Then again, Zoë didn’t seem concerned, either, for hollering to his brother.

Look at me.
She didn’t. Instead, she went back to speaking with Cora and eating. Her hair hung down her back in a loose braid. He shifted on the seat as memories bombarded him of those very strands trailing over his own skin.

“Right, Zane?”


His brothers looked at him. “Were those Cora’s panties in your truck?” Cade asked.

“No,” he replied immediately. “I haven’t touched her.”

Cade grunted while Nate just shook his head, obviously amused.

“See you don’t.” Cade’s tone was dangerous.

He ignored it, nodding at the waitress who delivered water and menus.

“Welcome home, Zane,” she said.

He flicked his gaze to the dark haired woman’s name badge. Alison.


She chuckled. “Alison Greer.”

Dawning hit him. “Good to see you again.” She’d been in his class, dating the captain of the basketball team. She’d put on some weight but carried it well.

“Still gorgeous as ever. Give me a call. Or swing by.”

Nate arched an eyebrow at him. Zane grunted again. Across the diner, Zoë and Cora had finished their meal.

Alison laughed and walked away. In his periphery he noticed the added swing to her hips. Cade waggled his eyebrows. The man would bed anyone.

“Adding her panties to the collection, Zane?”

“Grow up, asshole.” There was no heat in his tone.

“Hey, Zoë,” Nate said as the women neared.

“Nate.” A smile lifted her lips and Zane’s cock hardened at the simple act. “Cade. Zane.”

Cade winked at her. “How are you? Cora.”

The woman damn near simpered. Nate greeted her as well.

“Hi, Cora.” Zane put his gaze on the woman he’d bedded last night. “Zoë.”


No shyness or anything. Her reaction to him the same as it had been in the shop. Nothing special.

“What are you doing, Zoë? Day off?” Cade tugged her down to perch on his leg, arm causally around her waist.

An ugly anger unfurled in Zane’s gut. He had an insane need to rip her away from his flirtatious younger brother. It roared over him much like the fighter jets streaking over the desert. Fast. Loud. Dangerous.

He exhaled slowly maintaining his calm. Cade and Zoë were closer in age than he was to her. She relaxed against Cade and patted his hand.

“Sure is. Cora and I are off to do some things.” She flicked her gaze over him with a causal motion, including him yet not.

“Are you swinging by later?” Nate questioned, pulling at the napkin holder.

Her brow furrowed. “Shit. I forgot. Yes, about eight work?” Another brief brush over him before she refocused on Nate.

“Eight’s fine,” Nate assured her.

“You bringing me dinner?” Cade asked.

“Hell no. I ain’t your woman. I ain’t cookin’ for you.” She rolled her eyes. “Surely you know a woman who will do such things.”

“Zane does,” he said.

“Cade.” Zane’s warning fell softly like drops of fire.

Zoë smiled, amazingly. “Really? Who would that be?”

A growl formed in Zane’s throat when Cade tightened his hold on her.

“No clue. He won’t tell us.”

Her brown eyes latched onto his. “Some secret, Zane?”

A slow smile filled his face. “Yes.”

“She left her thong in his truck,” Cade chortled.

Cora snickered and Zoë merely blinked.

“Cade’s mad because I won’t tell who they belong to.” Challenging her, Zane waited.

Zoë made a small moue, not the least bit perturbed. “Perhaps she doesn’t exist, Zane, and you put them in there. You know, just because.”

He cocked a brow. “You think I have to resort to trickery and can’t get a woman?”

Cora pulled up a chair as Zoë shrugged. “No clue what to think. Don’t know you.”

“I’m sure you know more than you think.”

A chuckle left her. “Doubt it. All you Kendrick men are more mysterious than I care to think about.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely,” she said, sliding away from Cade. Zane’s anger soothed in a heartbeat. “Nate, I’ll see you later tonight.”

Zane knew his brother replied to her but the words meant nothing to him. Her departing figure was blocked by Alison returning with their food. He fought his crazing to peer around the woman to stare at Zoë’s dark gray clad ass.

This Zoë was the complete antithesis of the woman who’d been in the bar. He found it didn’t matter in the slightest. He still wanted her with a ferocity that rivaled the need from last night. Seeing her in that light had kickstarted the embers that had begun burning the moment he saw her again.

The press of her curves against his. The scent of her skin. His pants grew uncomfortably tight. He kept up these thoughts and he’d shame himself.

He focused on the food before him, even while he plotted how to get her alone tonight when she was at his house.


Cora burst into laughter as they rounded the corner. Zoë sagged against the brick wall, legs unable to hold her upright one second longer.

“Are you fucking kidding me? In his truck? Oh Lord, girl.”

“Shut up,” she hissed. Her breaths came fast and shallow.

“How the hell did you keep your cool?”

“Haven’t the foggiest.” Her pulse thundered and she was light headed.

“His truck? Good God and here I thought I was the freak.” Cora wedged her arm around her, helping support her. “Come on, let’s get you a bit farther away so you’re not here where he comes out.”

With Cora’s assistance they made it to her friend’s car. Cora sat on the back of her black cherry Nissan 370Z and continued her laughing spiel.

“Some days I don’t like you,” Zoë managed to push free.

“And others you love me.” Cora sounded unperturbed. And unrepentant.


“Can you imagine what your brothers will do when they find out? Oh my God, I so want to be a fly on that wall.”

She pinned Cora with a pointed glare. “They will
learn of that…my…that indiscretion.”

Cora’s blue eyes widened as she coughed. “Indiscretion? That’s what you’re calling it? An indiscretion? You left your
in his truck. Thong. Truck. And let’s not forget where I came to pick you up. That’s not an indiscretion.”

“Why don’t you scream it a little louder? Not sure if the dead heard you.” She pushed to her feet and dusted off her hands with a reproachful stare.

Once again, Cora had no remorse on her features.

“Are you ashamed?”

She forced a smile at the people who walked by them. Stepping so she stood beside Cora she punched her in the shoulder. “Yes!”

Cora hopped down, rubbing her arm. “Why? And goddamn it that hurt.”

“Good, damn you, it was supposed to. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because he’s hot as fuck and from the way you have been shuffling along all that’s not an exaggeration on his bed skills.”

She flushed at the recollection. The man did have some serious skills. “It’s more than that, Cora.”

Cora stopped her with a touch and turned her so they were face to face. Her expression lost all the teasing and grew thoughtful. “Why? Better yet, why does it have to be?”

“Because I can’t stop thinking about him and what it was like.”

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