Italian Folktales (115 page)

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Authors: Italo Calvino

BOOK: Italian Folktales
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The prince lost no time in taking up the grass left there by the serpents, putting it in his wife's mouth and strewing it over her body. She began breathing again, color flowed back into her face, and she got up, saying, “Ah, how I've slept!”

They embraced and immediately sought the hole through which the serpents had entered; it was large enough for the couple to crawl through also. They came out into a meadow dense with that serpent grass, and the prince gathered a large sheaf, which they carried off with them. They went to Paris in France and rented a palace beside the river.

A little later the prince decided to become a merchant. He left his wife with a woman of good morals to help with the housework and, once he had bought a ship, he departed. He promised to return in a month and to signal his arrival, when the ship came in sight of the palace, with three blank cannon shots.

No sooner was he gone than a captain of the Neapolitan army came down the street and saw Teresina at the window. He began flirting with her, but Teresina withdrew. Then the captain called to an old woman and said, “Ma'am, if you can arrange for me to meet the lovely young lady who lives in this palace, there will be two hundred crowns waiting for you!”

The old woman went and begged Teresina to please help her, since they wanted to seize her possessions. “I have a chest full of things,” she explained, “and they will confiscate it. Would you be so good, madam, as to keep it at your house for me?”

Teresina agreed, and the old woman had the chest brought in. At night, out of the chest jumped the captain. He seized the lady and spirited her away to his ship. They went to Naples where the captain and Teresina, forgetting her husband, lived as man and wife.

One month later, her husband's ship came up the river and fired three cannon shots, but no wife appeared on the balcony. Finding the house empty, with no sign of her, the man sold all his goods and traveled through the world until he reached Naples, where he enlisted as a soldier. One day the king ordered a gala military parade, in which all the soldiers marched. As the captains filed by, arm-in-arm with their wives, the soldier-prince recognized Teresina with her arm in the captain's. Teresina
also recognized the prince among the soldiers and said, “Look, Captain, there's my husband there among the soldiers. What shall I do?”

The captain had her point him out. Oh, yes, the soldier was in his company and had only recently been named quartermaster. The captain invited to his house all his noncommissioned officers—corporals and quartermasters. They gave a banquet, at which Teresina did not appear. While they were eating, the captain had a silver knife and fork slipped into the young quartermaster's pocket. The knife and fork were missed after a time and a search was made for them. In whose pocket should they be found but that poor innocent young man's. He was court-martialed and condemned to die before the firing squad. Now the quartermaster had a friend among the soldiers of the squad. He gave the friend a bit of serpent grass and said, “When you fire on me, try to make a great cloud of smoke. While the soldiers are going through the ‘Shoulder arms!' put a little of this grass in my mouth and on my wounds and leave me lying there.”

He was shot. Screened by the smoke, his friend stole up and filled his mouth with grass. The prince revived, got up, and went off on all fours.

For some time the daughter of the king of Naples had been sick and on the verge of death. The doctors could do nothing for her. The king decreed throughout the kingdom:


Dressed as a doctor, the prince showed up at the royal palace. He crossed a hall packed with worried doctors, reaching the sick girl just as she drew her last breath and died. “Majesty,” said the prince, “your daughter is already dead, but I have a way to cure her yet. Please leave me alone with her.”

They left him and he drew out of his pocket a little of the grass and put it in the dead girl's mouth and nose. The king's daughter started breathing again and was completely well. “Fine, doctor,” said the king, “you will now be my son-in-law.”

“I'm sorry, Majesty,” said the prince, “but I'm already married.”

“Well, what favor do you ask?”

“Majesty, I wish to be general commander of all the armed forces.”

“By all means.” And the king ordered two grand celebrations, the first in honor of his daughter's recovery, the second in honor of the new general.

To his celebration, the general invited all the captains, including the one who had carried his wife off. Nor did the general fail to have a gold
knife and fork slipped into the captain's pocket. The knife and fork were found, and the captain was thrown into prison.

The general went to question him. “Captain, are you married or single?”

“Honorable General,” said the captain, “to tell the truth, I am not married.”

“And that lady who was with you?”

In that instant she appeared, handcuffed between two soldiers, and cried, “No, no, the captain kidnapped me from our house. I never forgot you . . . ”

But her words were in vain. The general ordered them both coated with pitch and burned to death. So, after all his many trials and tribulations, he ended up alone and general commander of all the regiments.


Province of Agrigento


The Peacock Feather

A king went blind. The doctors had no idea how to cure him. Finally one said that the only way to restore sight to those blind eyes was with a peacock feather.

Now the king had three sons. He called them in and asked, “My sons, do you love me?”

“You're as dear to us, Father, as life itself.”

“Well, you must get me a peacock feather, so that my sight will be restored. Whichever one of you brings it to me will have my kingdom.”

The sons departed, the two older boys and their little brother. They didn't want the little brother to come along, but he wouldn't hear of being left behind. They entered a forest, and night fell. They all three climbed a tree and went to sleep in the branches. The youngest boy was the first to wake up. It was dawn, and he heard the song of the peacock in the heart of the forest. So he went down the tree and then in the direction of the song. He came to a fountain of clear water and bent over to drink. When he stood up, he saw a feather float down from the sky. He looked up, and there was the bird flying through the air.

When the brothers found out that the youngest had the peacock feather, they seethed with envy, for he would now inherit the kingdom. Then without a moment's hesitation, one of them seized him, the other killed him, and together they buried him and took possession of the feather.

When they got back to their father, they gave him the peacock feather. The king passed it over his eyes, and his sight returned. The minute he could see again, he said, “Where is your little brother?”

“Oh, Papa, if you only knew! We were sleeping in the forest, and an animal came by. It must have carried him off, for that was the last we saw of him.”

Meanwhile, in the spot where the boy was buried, a handsome reed came up. A shepherd passed by, saw the reed, and said to himself, “What a fine reed! I shall cut it and make myself a shepherd's pipe.” That he did, and when he put his lips to it, the reed sang:


“O Shepherd holding me,

Play gently, don't afflict me.

They slew me for the peacock feather;

My brother, to be sure, was the traitor.”


Hearing this song, the shepherd said to himself, “Now that I have this pipe, I can give up herding sheep! I shall go all over the world and earn my living piping!” So he left his flock and went to the city of Naples. As he played his shepherd's pipe, the king looked out and listened. “Oh, what beautiful music!” he said. “Invite that shepherd inside!”

The shepherd went in and played in the halls of the king. The king said, “Do let me play a little bit myself.”

The shepherd handed him the pipe, the king began playing, and the pipe said:


“O Father holding me,

Play gently, don't afflict me.

They slew me for the peacock feather;

My brother, to be sure, was the traitor.”


“Oh,” said the king to the queen, “just listen to this pipe. Here, you play a little bit.” The queen began playing, and the shepherd's pipe said:


“O Mother holding me . . . ”


and so on. The queen also was dumbfounded and begged her middle son to play too. He shrugged his shoulders and claimed it was all nonsense,
but in the end he had to obey; he'd no sooner put his lips to it than the pipe sang out:


“O brother who seized me . . . 


but it stopped right there, since the boy was shaking like a leaf and passed the pipe to his big brother, saying, “You play! You play!”

But the elder brother refused, saying, “You've all gone crazy with that shepherd's pipe!”

“I order you to play!” cried the king.

So the oldest boy, pale as a ghost, proceeded to play:


“O brother who slew me,

Play gently, you afflict me.

You killed me for the peacock feather,

You were, to be sure, my betrayer.”


At those words the king fell to the floor, stunned with grief. “You wicked boys!” he cried. “To get the peacock feather yourselves, you killed my child!”

The two brothers were burned to death in the town square. The shepherd was named captain of the guards. And the king spent the rest of his days secluded in his palace, sorrowfully playing the shepherd's pipe.


Province of Caltanissetta


The Garden Witch

There was once a cabbage patch. It was a time of famine, and two women were out looking for something to eat. “Friend,” said one of them, “let's go into this garden and pick cabbages.”

“But someone is surely guarding it,” answered the other woman.

The first one went to see. “There's not a soul around. Let's go in.”

They went into the garden and each picked an armful of cabbages; they carried them home, prepared a good supper, and the next day returned for two more armfuls.

Now that garden belonged to an old woman, who came home and
discovered that her cabbages had been stolen. “I'll take care of that,” she said to herself. “I'll get a dog and tie him to the gate.”

The friends saw the dog, and one of them said, “No indeed, I'm not going in this time for cabbages.”

“Don't be silly,” replied the other one. “We'll get two cents' worth of hard bread and throw it to the dog. That way we can do what we wish.”

They bought the bread and, before the dog could go “Bow-wow!” threw it to him. He dived into the bread and remained perfectly quiet. The friends got their cabbages and left.

The old woman appeared and saw what had happened. “So you let them pick cabbages right under your nose! You're not fit to be a watchdog! Get up!” In his place she put a cat. “When it meows, I'll dash out and nab the thieves!”

The two friends returned for cabbages and spied the cat. They bought two cents' worth of lung, and before the cat could go “Mew” they threw him the lung and he kept quiet. The old woman appeared and, finding neither cabbages nor thieves, had it out with the cat.

“Now who will I put here? The rooster! This time the thieves won't get away from me.”

“No, indeed, I'm not going in this time,” said one of the two friends. “There's the rooster!”

“Throw him some grain,” said the other, “and he won't crow.”

While the rooster pecked on the grain, they cleaned out the cabbage patch. The rooster finished the grain, then crowed, “Cockadoodledo!” The old woman appeared, found the cabbages missing, grabbed the rooster, and wrung his neck. Then she said to a peasant, “Dig a grave the size of me!” She stretched out in it and had herself covered over with dirt, leaving only an ear above ground.

The next morning the women returned, looked all around, but saw no one in the garden. The old woman had had the grave dug in the path the two women would take. Going in, they didn't notice anything unusual; but coming out with their arms full of cabbages, the first friend saw the ear sticking out of the ground and exclaimed: “Oh, friend, look at this wonderful mushroom!” She bent over and began tugging on the mushroom. She pulled and pulled with all her might. She gave one final jerk, and out jumped the old woman.

“Ah-HA!” cried the witch. “So you're the ones who picked my cabbages! Just let me get my hands on you now.” She seized the woman who had yanked her by the ear. The other one took to her heels and escaped.

“Now I'm going to eat you whole,” said the old woman, clutching the thief.

“Wait,” said the woman. “I'm expecting a baby. If you let me go, I
promise that, boy or girl, when it's sixteen, I'll give it to you. Do you agree?”

“I agree!” replied the witch. “Pick all the cabbages you like and be gone. But remember your promise.”

Shaking like a leaf, the woman made her way back home. “Ah, friend, you fled to safety, but I got caught, and I promised the old woman that I'll give her the son or daughter born to me when the child turns sixteen!” Two months later, she gave birth to a baby girl. “Ah, poor daughter!” sighed her mother. “I'll nurse and raise you, and you'll be eaten alive!” And she wept.

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