Italian Stallions (9 page)

Read Italian Stallions Online

Authors: Karin Tabke,Jami Alden

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Italian Stallions
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He continued to control the slow rocking rhythm. She continued to increase the momentum. The tip of his long finger tapped on a spot she never knew existed. She bit back a cry of pure ecstasy. His hot breath against her ear encouraged her. Gabe increased the rhythm, pumping, pressing, caressing, repeatedly torturing her with his knowledge of her body. “Let it go, Gianna. Push against my hand; ride it out.”

The cradle of Gabe’s undulating hips against her bottom and the feel of his full erection digging into her back urged her on more heatedly than any words ever could. Her hips bucked wildly against him as she took the ride of her life. A thin sheen of perspiration erupted, slicking her flesh.

Gabe licked her neck and nipped at her jugular. Gianna went rigid. His hand pumped harder into her. A wave of desire crested, and had he not been supporting her, the velocity of the orgasm that hit her would have knocked her off her feet.

A scream tore from her lips as her whole body crashed against a wall of sublime pleasure. Her hips jerked as she continued to spasm hard against his fingers; they slowed, allowing her to ride out the orgasm. She could feel the warm stickiness of herself against her thighs. Spasms continued to grip her, and Gianna felt overcome with the urge to cry. It felt so damn good.

Gabe turned her in his arms and lowered his lips to hers. In a long, fluid, wild kiss, he took what little control she had left. Gianna melted into him, enjoying the way her body still trembled from the orgasm, the way her sensitive breasts rubbed against the hard planes of his chest, and the way he made her feel as if she were the only woman in the world.

When he drew away, she held him tighter. He took her hands from his and stood back, smiling down at her. “Never question your sensuality again, Gianna. You are sexier than a thousand women combined. Don’t ever forget it.”

Gianna nodded, afraid her voice would crack if she spoke. Her gaze dipped to his waist, then lower. His trousers rose high with no hint of going down. She smiled, then and moved around to his back. Gently she turned him to face the mirror.

He moved as if to get away from her, but Gianna was determined. “No, Gabe. Stand still, please.”

He caught her gaze in the mirror. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Gianna didn’t have the length of arm he did, so she was at a bit of a disadvantage, but she would manage.


Gabe knew he should leave. But damn if he could. The evening had gotten out of hand. Way out of hand. But at least he hadn’t fucked her. He’d come damn close to just picking her hot-and-bothered body up and tossing her onto the bed and blowing off some steam. But he didn’t. He wasn’t a damn cad. He couldn’t knowingly take a virgin when he wasn’t willing or able to make at least a minimal commitment to her. His back stiffened when those lovely little hands of hers rubbed his dick through his slacks. He hissed in a breath. “Jesus, Gianna.”

“Jesus has nothing to do with what I’m going to do to you, Gabe.”

She unfastened his belt buckle, then unzipped his slacks. “Look at yourself, Gabe. Let me see how big and beautiful you are,” she said from behind him.

Gabe grinned. He pushed down his pants. Gianna beat him to his boxers. In a slow unhurried slide, she pushed them down to his thighs. When he sprang free, he felt her body stiffen beside him.

“Oh, my, Gabe, that is beautiful.” He looked down at his cock. He knew he was hung. It wasn’t that he was cocky; he just knew he had a dick the ladies loved. Gianna raised her eyes to me his. He grinned and flexed.

“Touch me.”

She reached out a warm hand and slowly wrapped it around him. Gabe hissed in another breath. Her touch sent him to his toes. “Gianna, I swear to God, woman, I’m going to come right now.”

She rubbed her finger over the tip of his cock, smearing the soft warm precome around the head. She came around to stand beside him, and with both hands she began a slow, methodical pump. He threw his head back and caught her watching him in the mirror. He set his jaw and moved hotly against her hand.

“Gabe,” she whispered, “I’ve never touched a man like this before.”

He groaned and she tightened her hands around him. Jesus, he wanted her lips to lock around him and suck every ounce of fluid from his body.

When she pressed her lips to his belly, he groaned, and before he could even try to regulate his body, Gabe felt the tight coil in his balls unwind with a velocity that nearly knocked him off his feet. The hard hot rush of his seed erupted as Gianna pumped him. Her fingers tightened around his pulsing cock but she slowed her momentum, and in a slow slick pump, she milked every drop of come from his body.

He shuddered hard against her and caught her eyes in the mirrow. A slow satisfied smile twisted his lips. “You are a very naughty girl, Gianna Cipriani.”

She grinned and released him but quickly grabbed a handful of tissue from the box on the dresser and handed them to him. “I had a good teacher.”

In quick fashion, he had himself cleaned up and his drawers zipped and belted. He moved away from her. Cool air swirled between them. “I have to go,” he simply said. He pressed a fatherly kiss on her forehead, then slipped out the window and was gone.

Gianna stood breathless, ravaged, and alone in front of the all-knowing mirror. She didn’t know if she should be angry, relieved, or exuberant. She decided all three were in order.

She was angry Gabe had left her wanting…more. She was relieved that she didn’t feel like a freak anymore. And she was exuberant she had had her first bona fide orgasm and had returned the favor to Gabe.

He’d felt so big and powerful in her hands. She’d wanted to do more to him, but she’d chickened out.

Gianna raised her eyes, not recognizing the woman who stared back. Her eyes were heavily hooded, her lips full, and her breasts rosy and full. She looked exactly as she felt. Wanton. Her skin heated up again, and she smiled at the mirror.

She was tired of being a virgin. And if Gabe was stuck on playing coy that was fine with her. He wanted her, that was good enough for her. For now.

Gianna hugged herself and smiled. Gabe’s scent mingled with hers in the air around her and lingered on her skin and hair.

Her smile widened and she looked at the mischievous smile reflected in the mirror.

Tomorrow, she suddenly decided, would be the day. She had a little surprise for Mr. LaMotta, and it was going to be her pleasure to deliver it personaly.


abe whistled as he made his way into the elevator to his undercover office. He had Gianna Cipriani on the mind, and even after jerking off twice since last night, he had a hard-on the size of the Golden Gate Bridge. As the doors closed, a ham-sized gloved hand forced them open. The smile faded as Dumb and Dumber walked in. They looked like poster boys for the thugs they were. Dark hair slicked back. Dark glasses, long black trench coats. Gabe was a big guy, but between them, the duo had over four hundred pounds on him. Mario sported a nice shiner. Gabe smiled. “Nice shiner you got there, buddy.”

Mario took a swing at Gabe, who ducked and jammed his shoulder into the big man’s gut, sending him into his buddy. He pushed the
button and before the two could regain their balance and launch a new attack, Gabe spun out of the elevator and hoofed to the stairway, running up the four flights of steps to his office. As he went down the hall, he grinned. Standing outside of the elevator were the two thugs.

“I didn’t give you two enough credit.”

Mario casually held a nine mil at his hip, pointed Gabe’s way.

“Too bad for you,” the other one said.

Gabe stopped and raised his hands. “What do you two want?”

The elevator the two guys had come up on opened and several people walked out. Mario lowered the gun. Gabe lowered his hands. Mario nodded toward Gabe’s office. “Inside so we can talk.”

Gabe pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. Donna wouldn’t be in for another half hour. He had a semi in his desk, and there was one in Donna’s desk. His secretary was as skilled in arms as he was. Gabe smiled. She was also tactically sound. They’d spent a couple of months a few years ago practicing more than defensive tactics on each other.

As Gabe moved for the desk, Mario grabbed him and spun him around. Eddy nailed him in the chest with a solid jab. Gabe shook off the hit and dove into his desk and grabbed his gun. He turned on the two douche bags. “Get the hell out of my office and don’t come back unless you want to leave in a body bag.”

The two thugs grinned but held off. “Stay away from Ciao Bella and stay away from the girl,” Mario warned.


“Or we’ll fix it so you got no girlie to sniff around.”

“Touch her and you can look for your balls in your mouth,” Gabe said.

Mario narrowed his eyes. “Let me tell you this, Superman. She belongs to Mr. Tucci. I know you know who he is ’cause I’ve seen you hang around all that pussy at Roberto’s.”

Gabe grinned. “The ladies like it when I spread the love.”

“Yeah, well, Mr. Tucci likes virgins, and he plans on seeing the girl that way. Pop her and we pop you. Permanently.”

They turned to leave, and Gabe made a calculated risk by throwing a taunt at them. If he could force Tucci to make a move sooner than later, and an emotional one at that, he might just have him. “I already popped her.”

The two thugs’ eyes opened to the size of saucers. “Oh, you better be shittin’ us, ’cause Mr. Tucci, he’s not gonna like that.”

“Believe it. Last night on the table in the restaurant. And tell your boss she’s what wet dreams are made of. Tight, hot, and me first.”

Gabe felt like a sick bastard saying that, but dammit, when Tucci found out, he’d come after Gabe. The guy would be so pissed, he’d react in anger and in so doing, Gabe was betting he’d show his hand—and it would be enough to arrest him. It was a long shot, but one that if it hit would pay off big.

For a long minute, the thugs looked at each other. “I’m not going to be the one to tell him that,” Mario said, shaking his head.

“Maybe we won’t,” Eddy mused out loud. Mario narrowed his eyes at Gabe. “Did she bleed?”

“A gentleman never tells.”

“You ain’t no gentleman. That girl deserved better.”

Gabe bit back a laugh and said, “Like Tucci? Or you morons?”

Eddy turned to Mario. “I’m not telling him. He’ll kill us.”

Mario shook his head and moved toward the door. “Well, I’m not telling him! You think I want his foot up my ass?”

Eddy shoved Mario through the doorway. “Well, we better come up with something, ’cause he’s excepting a virgin.”

As they exited through the first office door, Gabe let out a long breath. Okay, so Tucci wants a cherry, does he?

Gabe’s dick twitched. So did he, dammit. And resisting Gianna had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done. All for noble reasons. But now? Christ, if she walked through that door, he’d clear his desk and have his way with her right then and there.

If she really wasn’t a virgin, would that cool Tucci’s obsession? Or did he want Gianna regardless? Gabe set up the coffeepot, then headed back into his office and thought about what his next step would be.


Gianna took the card Gabe gave Theresa with his business address on it and called the office number. “LaMotta Investments,” a cheerful feminine voice answered.

Gianna held the phone in her hand, her heart wildly pumping blood through her veins. For a minute, she wanted to hang up, wondering who she was trying to kid. Gabe might take her up on her offer, but that would be it. Once, maybe twice, then she’d leave him the box of condoms she was going to pick up along the way.

“Hello?” the woman’s voice said, now aggravated.

“Hi, um, is Mr. LaMotta in today?”

“He is. Would you like an appointment?”

“Um, yes. Does he have one this morning? Say around ten?”

“Let me check. He has an eleven thirty, but he likes to break for lunch promptly at noon. If you can conduct your business in that time, I can get you in.”

Gianna smiled. Maybe she’d convince him to have her for lunch.

“Eleven-thirty is perfect.”

“Your name?”

Gianna froze. She couldn’t tell her her real name. “Angela Dickenson.”

“And what can I say this is regarding?”

“A prime piece of real estate in the Tenderloin.”

“Okay, we’ll see you at eleven-thirty.”

Gianna slowly hung up the phone and smiled. She had plenty of time to condom shop and, she decided, to talk herself out of going.


Gianna hadn’t talked herself out of going to visit Gabe. At eleven twenty-five, she found herself standing front of his office building. After several long minutes, she pushed open the heavy glass and chrome doors, walked to the elevator, and pushed the button for the fourth floor. She stared straight ahead, her coat wrapped tightly around her. The cool air from the street had followed her in and wisped up to her warm nether parts. She shivered when she thought of Gabe’s mouth there. She closed her eyes and moaned, grateful she was alone in the car. She felt deliciously naughty. So much was her anticipation that she felt her body moisten between her legs. Lord, what if she made a mess?

As she pushed open the door to suit 417, Gianna smiled at the pert little blonde behind the desk. Instantly suspicion rose. Not that she had a right, but her natural female possessiveness grabbed her. If Gabe was her boyfriend, she’d worry for sure, but he wasn’t. And despite that fact, jealousy gnawed at her belly.

“I’m Miss Dickenson. I have an eleven-thirty with Mr. LaMotta.”

The blonde sized Gianna up before she forced a smile. “One moment please.”

A minute later, Gianna was escorted into a decent-sized office. She smiled. The office had a more than adequate desktop. It would give her great pleasure to spread herself on it and let Gabe do naughty things to her. He stood facing the big window, talking on the phone, his back to her.

Gianna smiled and wondered what his reaction would be if she pressed herself against him, and ran her nails down his back.

“All right, Gordo, but make sure you’re available tonight. And you owe me big time.” Gabe pushed the
button of his cell phone. He did not sound amused.

“Gabe. Miss Dickenson is here to see you,” the blonde said from beside Gianna.

Gabe turned around. Gianna had to give him credit. Surprise flashed across his eyes so quickly she wondered if she really saw it. He nodded to his secretary. “Thank you, Donna.”

When Donna closed the door behind her, Gianna turned and locked it. She turned around, her back against the door, her hands behind her, and smiled at Gabe, who stood too big and too handsome in front of the huge window.

“Good morning, Mr. LaMotta,” Gianna softly said.

He grinned. “Good morning, Miss Dickenson.”

Gianna smiled and pushed off the door. She moved slowly toward him, her hands still behind her back. “You can call me Angie.”

Gabe’s grin widened. “Angie Dickenson?”

“Yes.” She stopped in front of his desk and perched a stiletto encased foot on the corner. Her long coat fell away, revealing a smooth black silk stocking. “I have a piece of property in the Tenderloin I’m interested in selling.” She leaned forward. Looking deep into his eyes, she cocked her right brow and asked, “Do you know anyone who would be interested?”

Gabe kept a straight face and nodded. Then walked around his desk and stopped several feet away from her. “I might. But my client would want a show of good faith.”

All business, Gianna nodded and unbuttoned her long coat. She pulled it back, revealing her leg and the hint of the garter belt on her right leg. Gabe hissed in a breath.

“Is that enough good faith?”

He shook his head slowly. “I don’t think so, Miss Dickerson. My client has been burned. He’ll need more than a peek at the goods offered.”

Gianna nodded again and this time let the coat fall from her shoulders to her hips. Her cleavage spilled out of her demi-cup bra. Gabe’s eyes darkened. She watched his nostrils flare. She liked what she did to him.

“More,” he said, his voice low, almost hoarse.

Gianna obliged and let the coat slip to her wrists, exposing her hips and panties. “Now, Mr. LaMotta, what will your client give me in return as a show of good faith?”

Gabe moved closer. He reached out a hand and brushed the tops of her breasts with his fingertips. It was Gianna’s turn to hiss in a breath. Gooseflesh erupted in the wake of his fingers. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Just that little touch and her body reeled. She opened her eyes.

Gabe slipped an arm around her waist and brought her hard against his chest. The coat dropped to the floor. Feeling bold and beautiful, Gianna leaned back and wrapped her right leg around his thigh, arching into him.

“This.” His mouth slammed down to hers, and in that instant, he made her feel like the most desired woman on the planet. He pulled her tighter against him. His free hand rested on her thigh, his fingers caressing the silk stocking.

His erection swelled against her hips. And Gianna trembled in excitement, anticipation, and a little fear of what she was about to do. But not enough to pull out and run.

She tore her lips from Gabe’s and moved back against the desk. The hard edge bit into her bottom. The pain excited her.

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