It's All Relative (4 page)

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Authors: S.C. Stephens

BOOK: It's All Relative
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She brought him to the edge of releasing. When he was rocking against her and moaning in a rhythm she recognized, she removed her mouth and pulled back. She took a second to enjoy the firm body lying before her; his head was tilted back as he recovered his breath, and his marvelous eyes were firmly closed. Just as he was opening them to look at her, Jessie crawled onto his lap and pushed herself down on top of him. A surprised gasp left his lips, but it quickly shifted into an erotic sound of satisfaction. Jessie closed her eyes as a similar noise escaped her. The feel of all that length and width inside her was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Even drunk, she appreciated it.

Their hips moved together automatically, slowly at first, then steadily increased to a fierce rhythm full of drive and purpose. Jessie leaned back on his thighs, exposing as much of her body to him as she could. His fingers reached up to explore her; one hand cupped her breast, while the other slid down to where they were connected. As he drove into her, his thumb rubbed small circles against her core. The erotic sounds releasing from Jessie were uncontrollable. She knew she was close; she could feel the pressure building to a glorious breaking point with every stroke. She shifted her hips, to feel more of him against her, and instantly cried out as she was suddenly struck by a deep, intense climax. She rode out the sensation with tiny groans of pleasure; it was the most powerful, satisfying orgasm she’d ever had. Ten times more than Jeremy had ever given her. She felt like her entire body was trembling.

As she came down, he sat up under her, grabbed her thighs, and pushed her up and over. With a grunt and a couple of readjustments, he had her back to the mattress. Resting on top of her, he drove into her again with a needy groan. Wanting him to experience the joy she’d just had, Jessie met him thrust for thrust, and even though she was drunk on alcohol and an amazing orgasm, she enjoyed the sensation of their joined bodies rocking apart and coming together.

As he panted heavily in her ear, Jessie trailed her fingers through his dark hair. The pleasure slowly started building again, and as Jessie wondered if she could orgasm twice, she let her head roll off the edge of the mattress. From her vantage point, she could see their tangled, naked bodies reflected back to her in a television set nearby. She watched their bodies move together, watched his face as he approached his climax. It was an incredibly erotic sight, and she felt her body quickly responding. Yes, she could come twice.

Like he knew he was being watched, his eyes drifting to hers in the TV. “Are you watching us?” he murmured, his voice tight. She groaned and smiled, and he dropped his head to her shoulder. “Jesus, that’s hot.”

Jessie continued her voyeurism, feeling and watching the way his body shifted as he drove into her. It was mesmerizing and overwhelming, and she couldn’t take much more; she was close again. So very, very close. Needing just a little push to get her over the edge, she moved her hips harder under his. He groaned against her shoulder, his hand on her waist encouraging her vigor, then he sucked in a quick breath. “God, I’m close.” His voice was tight as he added, “Yes…I’m…yes…”

He let it trail off, and Jessie grabbed his head, bringing his eyes back to hers. “Say it,” she panted, again shocked at her own aggressiveness. Hard alcohol did surprising things to her.

He opened his mouth, and his beautiful face broke into a look that men only got when they were about to release. On most, it wasn’t that appealing. On him…it was breathtaking. “Oh God…I’m coming…” Then he let out a series of low groans as his hips slowed over hers.

Feeling him, hearing him, the eroticism of the moment hit her all at once, igniting her climax, and she started coming for a second time. Clutching each other, they rode out their joint orgasms together, and as he released inside her, Jessie’s slow mind suddenly remembered the one tiny little thing she’d forgotten in the heat of the moment…the condom tucked away in her purse. Oops.



ai was still enjoying the last lingering remnants of his outstanding release when Jessie’s phone started ringing. It took a moment for Kai to register what the odd, musical sound was and where it was coming from. Really, it took his slow mind a minute to register anything other than—
that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.
As he panted on her shoulder, he felt her shift beneath him, like she was uncomfortable.

Not wanting to crush her, he pulled out and shifted to her side. Jessie ran her hands through her dark brown hair, her chocolate eyes closing. Kai had been mesmerized by those eyes in the club. He’d never seen eyes that dark that had also been that alive. They’d trapped him almost instantly, even before all the booze she’d poured down his willing throat. Combined with the way she moved and the aggressive way she talked, and he was hers, she could have done anything she wanted to him. He smiled as he considered that, in a way, she had.

He ran a finger through a ringlet of her dark hair, loving the way it wrapped around him, possessing him. Her satisfied eyes shifted to him, running down his body before flicking back up to his face. “God, that was…”

She trailed off as she finally heard her phone ringing. Adorably scrunching her face into an expression of concern and annoyance, she started looking for the source of the sound. “Shit,” she exclaimed, as she searched around his mattress. Her lean, toned body twisted in intriguing ways as she started rummaging through their clump of clothes, desperately trying to find the culprit. With an almost frantic look in her blurry eyes, she sat up and stared at him. “What time is it?”

Sitting up, Kai wondered why time was an issue. He wasn’t kicking her out or anything. “I have no idea. Why?” Thinking she might just be looking for an excuse to leave, he added, “I know I don’t have much, but you can stay.”

Shaking her head, she slipped on her underwear and attempted to put on her bra. She had a little trouble enclosing those wonderfully full breasts in the fabric though. Kai brushed some of her hair over her shoulder, so he could help her with the clasp on the back. Since she seemed to be in a hurry, he resisted the urge to kiss the top of her shoulder when he was done. Jessie gave him a grateful smile for the help, but firmly shook her head again. “She’s gonna kill me if I don’t—” She cut off as her phone stopped ringing. “Shit!” she exclaimed again.

Kai grabbed her dress for her as she ran a hand through her hair. Concern filled him as he watched her; she looked a little panicked now. “What? Who is going to kill you?”

Grabbing the dress, Jessie staggered to her feet as she slipped it over her head. Pulling on his underwear, Kai stood beside her; he felt himself swaying a little as well. His head swam as he tried to focus on her face. She was quickly becoming more and more frustrated as she looked around his boxes for the purse she’d flung into his apartment earlier. “Harmony. She’s going to kill me if she can’t get ahold of me.”

Kai came around the other side of the mattress. On the way, he noticed a small shiny bag poking between his box of books and an open box of dishes. Careful to not fall over, he bent down and picked it up. Walking around to where Jessie was now digging through a box of clothes, he handed her the purse. Wildly searching through the box, she didn’t notice what he was giving her. “Here,” he said quietly, wondering if she would take off the minute she had it. Not hearing him, Jessie started muttering that this Harmony person was going to call her father, and then S.W.A.T. would be knocking down the door. Furrowing his brow and hoping she was exaggerating, Kai tapped her shoulder with the bag to get her attention. “Jessie, here.”

Finally noticing him, Jessie paused and glanced his way. Looking relieved, she straightened as she grabbed the bag. “Oh, thank you, um…yeah, thank you.” Biting her lip, she opened the purse and pulled out her phone. Kai noticed a small packet drop to his floor, but he ignored it as he began to wonder if Jessie even remembered his name.

With his vision starting to spin, Kai sat down on his bed, then laid back. He’d overdone it at the bar, and he was beginning to pay the price for it; his pleasant buzz was taking an unpleasant turn. Jessie pressed a couple buttons on her phone, then started stumbling back and forth, like she was pacing. Kai ran both hands back through his hair, and focused on taking deep breaths—in through his nose and out though his mouth. Maybe her leaving right now was an excellent idea. He didn’t want to ruin the memory of their night together by throwing up in front of her.

As Kai tried to calmly breathe through the discomfort churning in his stomach, he listened to Jessie connect with her friend on the phone, “Hey. No, I’m fine. I couldn’t find the phone. Yes, I’m dressed.” She sounded a little agitated at that, and Kai peeked up at her. Her beautiful lips were set in an adorable pout as she leaned back with a hand on her hip. Kai smiled, but then his vision of her started to twist, and he shut his eyes. That made everything start to spin, so he opened his eyes to stare at one spot on his ceiling.

“You’re in front of the building? Okay, okay…God. I’m coming down,” he heard her say.

She disconnected the phone, and Kai risked shifting his gaze to look at her. Stumbling on her feet, she stuffed the phone back in her purse. “I have to go…my friends are here.” She frowned, like she really did want to stay, and then her eyes slowly raked over Kai’s body. Even drunk, tired, and on the verge of vomiting, Kai reacted to her inspection; he could feel himself begin to harden, and wished her friends weren’t here and he felt better, so they could do all of that again.

Not noticing his growing arousal, Jessie sighed and attempted to lean down to kiss him. She ended up falling over his body instead. Still trying to not be sick, Kai laughed with her as he carefully helped her regain her balance. Jessie paused, hovered over him. Her long ringlets curtained their faces for a moment, blocking out everything but them. She let out a wistful sigh; the faint scent of alcohol on her breath worried his stomach, but ignited his body. Cupping his cheek, she whispered, “I had a great time.” Then she leaned down and placed those full lips on his again.

Desire, passion, and need trumped the queasy sensation in his gut, and more than anything, Kai wanted her to stay. He knew she couldn’t though. Angling his head to feel more of her mouth on him, he deepened the kiss. He wanted to savor this; he wanted to remember this. His hands dug into her curls, holding her head to him for a moment. She let him explore her, feel her, but eventually, she pulled away. Expression reluctant, she murmured, “I have to go,” just as Kai heard a car honking on the street. Also hesitant, he released her. Suddenly exhausted, he nodded as his eyes fluttered closed.

With another conflicted sigh, she gave him one last lingering kiss. Then her lips retreated, and Kai heard her grab her coat from the kitchen and open the door. “Bye,” he whispered, before he lost the war against sleep.

As he started to fade away, he heard her say, “Goodbye,” in return and close the door behind herself. It was only then that he realized they hadn’t swapped numbers. He didn’t know her last name, didn’t know where she worked, didn’t know much about her at all. He had no way to contact her, and goodbye was the last thing he’d ever hear her say.

Kai slept fitfully, tumbling in and out of consciousness as he dreamt of the encounter over and over. He would have dreamt about it all night and well into the morning, but long before an acceptable hour, his phone started ringing. His cell was set to an annoyingly loud, shrill tone, and right as his hand flopped over to find the damn thing, he vowed to change the setting.

Cursing that he couldn’t find his phone, he also vowed to get his place in order soon. He’d moved in a couple of days ago, and had only meant to go out last night to explore his new city. Not knowing many people here, he’d set out in the hopes of finding someone his age to hang out with. He had certainly never expected what had happened. One-night stands were
his thing. He liked steady dates that eased into sexual relationships. But that girl… Something about her had appealed to every single part of him. Plus he’d been a little tipsy to begin with, and when she’d started supplying drinks, well, everything had sort of amplified after that.

Sitting up, he squinted in the bright lights of his still-lit studio. Bringing a hand to his throbbing head, he grunted in pain; his annoyingly loud phone was not helping anything. Wishing he could ignore it, he pushed himself to his feet; he wobbled a bit before he gained his equilibrium. Seeing his jacket near the door, he sighed and staggered over to it. Grabbing the thick material with half-numb fingers, he shoved his hand into the pocket and gratefully silenced his phone by answering it.

“Yeah,” he mumbled, his forehead pounding. He’d definitely overdone it last night. On several different levels.

A too-bright voice answered his slurred greeting. “Oh, hi, honey. It’s Mom.”

Kai contained a sigh. His mom always announced that it was she who was calling, like somehow, after twenty-three years, he wouldn’t recognize her voice. “Hi, Mom.” Looking over his shoulder, he glanced at the time on the microwave. Just as he’d suspected, it was hardly a decent hour for her to be calling. “You do realize I’m four hours later than you, right?”

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