Read It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) Online

Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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“Miss Addison, I presume?” he asks.

“Yes sir, but you can call me Rhiannon,” I laugh nervously, “Miss Addison makes me sound old.” I reply without hesitation.

“Welcome to Kalebs productions Rhiannon.” he says smiling, his bright green eyes reflecting the early morning sun.

“Thank-you.” I respond automatically.

“Please have a seat.” he says pointing to the sofa that stands on the wall across from his desk. Its another white sofa, like the ones that were in the interview room. I gracefully sit on the sofa, and compose myself.

He takes his seat again, as he brushes the blonde hair of his face.

“I would like to welcome you aboard to Kalebs productions. I have a new movie come in, and I would like you to take the lead role. We have plenty of time to get this one done, while the rest of them have a close dead line, so I would like to see if we can get you to do this one before we throw you into one that has a short dead line.” he says as he pushes his blonde hair from his eyes again. “This morning, I have someone who will be showing you around the place, and introducing you to people. You have to meet the camera crew, sounding crew, producer, and other people. It will be a lot to take on, which we thoroughly understand. However, this afternoon, we do need you to do your first scene. Cassie will show you what you have to do. It will be a crazy day Rhiannon, Millie and Tina will do hair and makeup, and Scott will sort your costume out. This is why I called you in early. You need to get to know the building before your schedule starts. Is that okay?” he continues.

Now I’m nervous. I was expecting this, but I'm still not ready.

“Certainly. That sounds fine.” I say plastering my fantastic fake smile on my face, the one everyone so easily believes, trying to look unaffected by being throw in the deep end.

He then smiles at me and stands from his seat.

“Great,” he says flashing his dazzling smile. “We have Toby showing you around today, I am to believe you have already met him. Am I correct?”

Oh Toby, he was the photographer who I have met, I like him, so I don’t mind.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Thank you Mr. Braxton.” I say relieved, at least I have someone I have met before showing me around the big, daunting house.

“Not a problem. If you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to come to me, and welcome aboard. We hope you have fun.” he says as he opens the door and ushers me out.

Once I leave the confines of his office, Toby is waiting for me. His brown eyes shining kindly, and his smile genuine. I'm glad to see a face I have seen before. The reality of what I’m about to do is sinking in, and I am so fucking scared. What if I fail, what if I don’t fit in? These are all questions running around in my head, and the only way I can answer them is to give it a try, despite it being extremely daunting.

“Hello again Rhiannon. How are you?” he asks kindly, and genuinely interested.

“I'm good thank you Toby, how are you?”

“I'm good too. You ready to get this thing started?”

“Yeah, no time like the present right?” I smile.

“I agree, let’s go.”

He leads me away from the office, and into the grand entrance way, and he quickly greets the kind old gentleman. He then proceeded to lead me up the stairs, to the left this time.

“To your right, we have the meeting rooms, offices and editorial rooms.” he explains as he points across to the right staircase.

“To your left, these rooms are the dressing rooms. You will have your own by the end of filming today.”

He continues walking, and takes me up another flight of stairs.

“This floor is the filming level. It’s basically one big studio, set in to separate rooms. We have four different studios for different films. We have some rooms set up for outside scenes, bar scenes, that sort of thing.” he explains a little clearer.

“We are going in to studio three, as the rest are full with current jobs. The crew will be here in about twenty minutes to set up for the next scene, so we can’t stay here long.”

He opens the door to room three, and he steps aside for me to enter.

I walk in to the room and he follows. It looks like a blank canvas. I look around and I think I give of a confused expression because Toby speaks up, “This is how all filming starts. We get the script through, and have the rooms decorate accordingly. We have a few men constantly on stand site to set up and demolish the sets.” he explains.

I nod my head in understanding. He leads me back out and further down the corridor.

“The top floor is basically just storage for set props. We have elevators that lead straight to the back of the studio for the equipment.”

“That makes sense.” I smile.

“Yeah. Also back on the ground floor is the cafeteria, and a few lounge rooms where you can sit and gossip, watch TV or just relax while you’re not supposed to be filming.” he says firmly but with a hint of humor.

Toby leads me back to the dressing room area and takes me in to a white room.

“This on is yours, and will have your name on the door so people know it’s yours.” he says as my eyes scan the room.

I see a big dark dressing table, with an equally big mirror. In-front of the table is a nice big black comfy chair. In the other end of the room there is a comfy seating are. They have gone all out to make sure you’re comfortable in here. There are some shelves to the side, and another mirror, only this one is floor length.

“You can add, and change anything in here. No one will have access to this room apart from you, once I hand you this card key.” Toby says as he holds out my card.

I accept it from him while he resumes talking.

“People will knock and wait for you to answer, but it’s always important that you answer. On your table is your script for your first scene. I’m going to leave you alone to read through it. Can I get you anything to drink?” he kindly asks as my eyes roam back to the table, and see a stack of papers I didn’t notice before.

“Can I have a mocha please?”

“Sure, I'll be back in five with your drink, you best make a start on the script.” he says as he walks out.

I drop my bag to the floor beside the big comfy chair, and slowly perch my ass on the chair. I shake my ass a little in the chair. Finding a comfy position and pick up my script.

I lean back and open the first page. As I scroll through the first few pages I learn it’s not that bad. I somehow think they have given me an easy one to start with.

Suddenly there is a knock on my door. I put the papers down and answer it. Toby is stood there with a coffee in his hands. I smile as I grab it from him, “Thank you,”

“You're welcome. Have you started your script yet?” he asks.

“Yeah, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”

“That’s because it’s your first day, and Mr. Braxton wanted to see how you get on.”

“It seems easy enough.”

“You will regret saying that when it comes to filming.” he laughs, “For now though, you have to meet hair and make-up crew. They are going to be spending the next few hours here getting you ready.” he says as he steps aside, and two ladies walk in.

“This is Millie, makeup,” he says as a small lady steps forward and shakes my hand. She is very pretty, and looks very young, younger than me in fact.

“Hello Millie. I’m Rhiannon, or Rhi for short.”

“Nice to meet you,” she says with a genuine smile.

“Next we have Tina, who is hair department.” Toby finishes.

Tina steps forward. She is bigger than Millie, and a lot older, with a few wrinkles marring her face.

“Hello,” I greet as she too shakes my hand.

“Lovely to meet you, and with such beautiful long blonde hair.” she says making me blush. I smile at her, the first thing she notices is my hair, which I guess would be right for someone who works in the hair department. Truthfully though, I love my blond locks, I refuse to cut them short, and only drag my ass to have it cut, when it really needs it.

“Thank you Toby,” Tina turns and says to Toby, dismissing him. The poor guy is always getting dismissed. I think he is used to it though, as he just smiles, and makes his leave.

“If you need anything Rhiannon let one of us know.” he says just before he exits my room.

“Bless him, he is great and always looks out for everyone.” Millie says.

“He is a little gem.” Tina comments agreeing with Millie.

I just nod my head, I don’t know him so I can’t comment, but they all seem to get on with him. Maybe in time I will too.

“Right, we need you to take a seat and let us get to work. You can enjoy some pamper time, and get paid for it, before the hard work starts on set.” Tina says pulling my chair out. I take a seat while the ladies cover my desk with all their equipment. Once they have placed everything they smile at me. You can’t see my desk for everything. It panics me a little when I see it all, but I have to trust the ladies. They must know what they’re doing.

“Rhiannon, you have to change in to a robe dear, then we can start.” says Tina. She points to a corner in the room where there is a door I hadn’t noticed before. I get up and walk to the door. I open it and am suddenly in my own bathroom. It has a nice big shower, toilet, and sink. It’s all white, with the odd dashing of black, giving it a bit of life. I’m blown away with the house in general, but the more I see the more I love it. It surprises me at every turn. As I shut the door I notice the beige bath robe hanging on the back.

I strip out of my clothes without hesitation, not wanting to keep Millie and Tina waiting.

I’m back in the dressing room in three minutes. They both smile warmly at me as I sit down. Suddenly they both move as one. Tina goes to work on my hair, and Millie starts giving me a pedicure.

They're so in sync with each other, you can tell they work together regularly.

I get back to reading the script, leaving both ladies to their jobs, only moving when I’m asked too.

Suddenly my phone vibrates in my bag. I’m hesitant to get it since I’m at work, but then Tina speaks,

“You can get it dear. Sat here can be very boring at best of times. Everyone always sits on their phones.” she says smiling at me.

“Thank you,” I reply as I bend down to retrieve my phone.

I unlock the screen and notice a text from grace.

**I’ve not heard from you, and its being 2 and half hours. Let me know how you’re getting on. I worry when I haven’t heard from you, and I need updates asap. G XoX**

**Grace, it’s great. I’m currently sat having my hair done, a pedicure, and having make-up done after :-P you jealous yet? He he. Rhi XoX**

I press send, knowing she might be a little envious. She loves being pampered, and we try to do it whenever we can, but I still like to wind her up.

In no time at all I have a reply,

**Damn yes, and you knew I would be. I'll get my own back. Hope you continue having a great day. I'll meet you at yours after. Be sure to try sneak in a few pictures. :-) G XoX**

Honestly, she is so easy to wind up. I chuckle to myself. I can’t wait to see her tonight and catch up with her, and give her details of my day.

I turn messaging off, and turn the camera on. I take a few pictures of myself through the mirror. I set it up to send to Grace.

**Attachment. This is me right now ;-) I can’t wait to see you tonight, so much to tell ya. Rhi XoX.**

**You look like you're having fun. I'll be waiting at yours with a nice bottle of dry white. Love ya girl, go rock it. G XoX**

I smile at her reply. She always knows how to make me smile. She is the only other person who has a key to my home. I love it when I go home and find my best friend waiting with a bottle of wine for the pair of us.

“Rhiannon, I need your hands now please” Millie says. I place my phone on the table in front of me while she proceeds to do my manicure.



After two hours, I am done with hair, and make-up and have gone through my script twice. I think I have this.

As the ladies pack up, I thank the pair of them.

Just as they leave, Toby knocks again.

“Rhiannon, we need you down in costume now please.” he says as he pokes his head round my door, informing me its time.

“Wow, ladies you have done a great job.” he says complimenting myself and the girls, making me blush.

“Thank you Toby,” Millie says blushing too. I have a feeling she might like him.

“Okay, I’m coming.” I inform Toby. He pushes my door open further to let us all out.

Leaving my phone in the room, I double check its locked before dropping my key in my robe pocket.

I follow Toby a few doors down till he stops and knocks on a door.

A young man answers and smiles at me and Toby.

“Even more beautiful than the pictures,” the stranger states, matter of factly.

Toby leans down and whispers in my ear,

“He is overly affectionate some times, but don’t worry he won’t try anything. He is in a very happy loving relationship with his boyfriend.” he tells me. He straightens up and continues talking,

“Scott, as you know this is Rhiannon. Rhiannon, this is Scott.” he introduces us both.

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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