Ivory Tower (5 page)

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Authors: K C Maguire

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BOOK: Ivory Tower
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Cautiously, I returned his kiss.  His body relaxed as he pressed harder against me, probing my lips with his tongue.  That was all the incentive I needed. so the tips of my fingers could reach the bottle.  He moaned and wove his fingers into my hair, giving me the perfect opportunity to loop my fingers around its neck.  The kiss turned almost painful as I raised the bottle behind his head.  The angle wasn’t perfect, but it would give me enough force to slow him down so I could grab my cellphone and lock myself in the bathroom.

And then what?

I raised my arm to strike, fingers almost numb from my grip around the bottle.  But I couldn’t move.  My nipples were hardening against him.  This was turning me on. 
  I had to stop him.  I couldn’t want him.  Not anymore.  Not now.  But this was Pete.  The only man who could give me what I wanted, who wanted to give me what I needed. 

I had to call the police.  But what would happen then?  I would find myself embroiled in a murder scandal. 

If I killed off all the guys

My own words.  I had the interim deanship.  And the permanent position could be … 

No, I couldn’t think like that. 

Could I? 

Of course I could.  I had before.  I had forged  that data to make the department look better ;  to make
look better.  But they had found me out.  If I’d been one of the boys they would have turned a blind eye, but when I tried it, it was the kiss of death for my career. Was Pete my answer to the boys’ club?  My ace in the hole?

My resolve was crumbling as he urged me back on to the mattress with his powerful arms, straddling me.  He raised an eyebrow when he saw the bottle in my hand.  Locking his beautiful scary eyes with mine, he pried it away, holding it close to my face, his lips thinning into a grim line.  We glared at each other and then he raised it over my head.  I squeezed my eyes shut, every muscle tensing. 

Silence.  No movement at all.  It was as if time  stopped.

Finally, I squinted one eye open and saw Pete’s features, arranged in that predatory glare, hovering above me.  When he could see that I was watching him again, he deliberately drew the bottle to his lips and took a deep drink. 

“To your health and happiness.”  His words rang out in the silent night.  “And a long successful career.” 

After a beat, he replaced the bottle on the nightstand, snapped off the light, and positioned himself over me.  He cupped my face with his hands, his grip like a vice.  It felt dangerous, and wrong. 

And oh so right

I wondered what would happen if I accepted him ?  Knowing all this, what that would make me?

Permanent dean

They couldn’t afford a failed search.  There was no one left.  They’d have no choice.

“Pete?”  I was trembling against him.  It took great effort to control my voice.

“Mm-hmm?”  He rubbed the pads of his thumbs roughly across my cheeks, brushing away tears I didn’t realize I had shed.

“They’re going to  medivac Maxwell to the university hospital later this week.”  My teeth were chattering and not from the cold.  I almost didn’t know why I was telling him this. 
.  I swallowed and closed my eyes. 
How much did I want this?

My voice became suddenly stronger, challenging, “I mean, if you want to send him a get well gift.”  I felt my own lips curve up and locked my eyes with my lover’s.  “Maybe we could pick out something nice?  Together.”

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