Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women of Camelot (79 page)

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Authors: J. Randy Taraborrelli

Tags: #Large Type Books, #Legislators' Spouses, #Presidents' Spouses, #Biography & Autobiography, #Women

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John English, New York political figure, political aide to Robert F. Kennedy (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Rowland Evans, journalist,
New York Her- ald Tribune,
syndicated columnist.

Paul B. Fay, Jr., friend of President Kennedy and under- secretary of the Navy; Richard Flood, friend and classmate of Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., at Harvard and worker for John F. Kennedy’s congressional and Senate campaigns; Edward Folliard, journalist,
Washington Post;
Hugh Fraser, Kennedy family friend and associate.

Edward Gallagher, Kennedy family friend; Elizabeth Gatov (interview conducted by the Women in Politics Oral History Project, University of California, Berkeley); Dun Gifford, legislative assistant to Senator Edward M. Kennedy, national presidential campaign assistant to Robert

F. Kennedy, staff member, secretary’s office, Department of Housing and Urban Development (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Roswell Gilpatrick, deputy secretary of Defense; John Glenn, Project Mercury astro- naut; Grace DeMonaco, Princess of Monaco; Katherine Graham, publisher,
Washington Post
(interview conducted by the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library); Edith Green (inter- view conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Jeff Greenfield, legislative assistant to Robert F. Kennedy, mem- ber of Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign staff (in- terview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Josephine Grennan, Irish cousin of John F. Kennedy; Michael Gretchen, West Virginia labor leader; Charles E. Guggenheim, film producer, political media consultant for Robert Kennedy’s Senate campaign and presidential cam- paign, producer of
RFK Remembered
(1968) (interview con- ducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Edwin O.

Guthman, editor,
Seattle Times,
director of public informa- tion, Department of Justice, press assistant to Robert F. Kennedy; Milton Gwirtzman, presidential adviser, speech- writer, Robert Kennedy’s senate campaign, director of pub- lic affairs, Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign, co-author (with William vanden Heuvel) of
On His Own: RFK, 1964–1968
(interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project).

David Hackett, friend of Robert F. Kennedy, executive di- rector, President’s Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime, member, John F. Kennedy’s and Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign staffs (interview con- ducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Kay Halle (Katherine Murphy), author and Kennedy family friend; John Harlle, Kennedy associate, chairman, Federal Maritime Commission; Averell (William) Harriman (interview con- ducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Harrison Gilbert, editor, publisher,
New Republic;
Andrew J. Hatcher, assis- tant press secretary to John F. Kennedy; Anne Hearst, West Virginia political figure; William Randolph Hearst, owner, editor, Hearst Newspapers; Mary (Welsh) Hemingway, wife of Ernest Hemingway; Louella Hennessey, Kennedy family nurse; David P. Highley, John F. Kennedy’s Washington bar- ber (written statement); Jacqueline (Provost) Hirsh, French language instructor to President Kennedy’s children (1966); Harry G. Hoffman, journalist, editor,
Charleston Gazette;
John Jay Hooker, member, John F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign staff; Claude E. Hooten, member, John F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign staff; Ralph Hooten, class- mate of John F. Kennedy at Choate Academy and Princeton University, member, John F. Kennedy’s presidential cam- paign staff, special assistant, Equal Opportunity Program,

Department of the Army; Oscar L. Huber, Roman Catholic priest who administered Last Rites to President Kennedy in Dallas; Hubert H. Humphrey, Vice President of the United States, presidential candidate (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project and also by the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library); Francis T. Hurley, Roman Catholic mon- signor, assistant secretary, National Catholic Welfare Con- ference.

Benjamin Jacobson, Kennedy associate, Boston; Jacob Javits, Senator from New York (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Rafer Johnson, friend and aide to Robert F. Kennedy (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project).

Joseph J. Karitas, White House painter; Nicholas Katzen- bach (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Pro- ject); Mary Kelly, Oregon political figure; John H. Kelso, journalist,
Boston Post;
Robert Francis Kennedy, brother of President Kennedy, Attorney General of the United States, Senator from New York; Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, wife of Joseph P. Kennedy, mother of President Kennedy (interview conducted by the Herbert Hoover Library Foundation); Fletcher Knebel, journalist, Cowles Publications,
Laura Bergquist Knebel, journalist,
(interview con- ducted for the RFK Oral History Project); John H. Knowles, classmate of Robert F. Kennedy, Harvard College, general director, Massachusetts General Hospital (1962–72) (inter- view conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Joseph Kraft, journalist, syndicated columnist (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Jerome Kretchmer, mem- ber, New York State Assembly from Manhattan, campaign worker, Robert Kennedy’s Senate and presidential cam- paigns (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Pro-

ject); Arthur Krock, journalist,
New York Times,
Kennedy family associate.

Donald Larrabee, journalist, Griffin-Larrabee News Bu- reau; Fridda Laski, wife of Harold Laski of the London School of Economics; Peter Lawford, actor, brother-in-law of President Kennedy (edited draft transcript); William Lawrence, journalist,
New York Times,
news commentator, American Broadcasting Company; Helen Lempart, secre- tary, Senator John F. Kennedy’s Washington office and White House; Anthony Lewis, journalist,
New York Times,
Washington bureau, London bureau (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project, portions closed); Samuel

B. Lewis, vice president, general manager, Carlyle Hotel, New York; Evelyn Lincoln, John F. Kennedy’s personal sec- retary (interview conducted by Barry Goldman for
Manu- scripts
magazine in 1990); Gould Lincoln, journalist, editor,
Washington Star;
Walter Lippmann, journalist,
New York Herald Tribune, Newsweek;
Kathleen Louchhmeim (Katie Scofield), director, women’s activities, Democratic National Committee, deputy assistant secretary of state for Public Af- fairs.

Torbert MacDonald (Hart), roommate of John F. Kennedy at Harvard, Representative from Massachusetts; Ralph McGill (Emerson), publisher,
Atlanta Constitution;
Mary McGrory, features writer,
Washington Evening Star;
Mary McNeely, Massachusetts political figure; Frank Mankiewicz, press secretary to Robert F. Kennedy (inter- view conducted for the RFK Oral History Project) (unedited transcript); Andrew Minihan, Irish cousin of John F. Kennedy, mayor, New Ross; Patrick J. Patsy Mulkern, Kennedy friend and political associate, Massachusetts polit- ical figure.

Esther Newberg, staff assistant to Robert F. Kennedy (in- terview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project).

Kenneth O’Donnell, special assistant to the President (in- terview conducted by the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library); Andrew Oehmann, executive assistant to the Attorney Gen- eral (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Frank O’Ferrall, Kennedy family friend, London; Jacque- line Kennedy Onassis (interview conducted by the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 1974).

Nelson Pierce, White House usher; Charles Roberts, con- tributing editor,

Pierre Salinger, press secretary to John F. Kennedy (in- terview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Dore Schary, playwright, motion picture producer; Arthur Schlesinger, special assistant to the President; John L. Seigenthaler, reporter, editor, the
Nashville, aide to Robert F. Kennedy; Maud Shaw, Kennedy family governess; Sargent R. Shriver, director, Businessmen for Kennedy, director, Civil Rights Division, Democratic Na- tional Committee, director, Farmers for Kennedy; Carroll Kilpatrick, journalist,
Washington Post;
Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of President Kennedy, executive vice presi- dent, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation; Hugh Sidey, jour- nalist,
Time, Life;
George Smathers, Senator from Florida (interview conducted by the U.S. Senate Historical Of- fice); Theodore C. Sorenson, staff assistant, speechwriter to Senator John F. Kennedy, special counsel to the Presi- dent; Charles Spalding, Kennedy friend and campaign aide.

George Taylor, John F. Kennedy’s valet and chauffeur, Boston; Cordenia Thaxton, White House maid; Janet G. Travell, physician to President Kennedy; Stanley Tretick,

photographer, United Press International,
Dorothy Tubridy, Irish friend of the Kennedy family.

Jack Valenti, special assistant to Lyndon Baines Johnson; Sandy Vanocur, journalist, NBC News (interview conducted for the RFK Oral History Project); Sue Mortenson Vo- gelsinger, secretary to John F. Kennedy; William Walton, artist, friend of Robert Kennedy, coordinator of Robert Kennedy’s 1968 presidential campaign in New York (inter- view conducted for the RFK Oral History Project).

Ernest Warren, reporter, Associated Press; Bernard West, chief usher, White House; Irwin M. Williams, White House gardener.

Personal Papers, Archives, and Manuscripts

As important as the Oral Histories were to this book, the personal papers, archives, and manuscripts housed at the Kennedy Library were just as vital. I must thank the many authors, historians, and researchers in the Boston and Washington area—too many to note here, but all have re- ceived personal letters of gratitude from me—who spent, literally, years going through all of the hundreds of archives and manuscripts, narrowing them down to what follows, and then making them available to me for
Jackie, Ethel, Joan.

Archival materials and manuscripts relating to the follow- ing individuals were used as source material for this book:

Kirk LeMoyne (Lem) Billings (includes letters from JFK); McGeorge Bundy (includes fascinating and useful transcriptions of presidential recordings on the Cuban Mis- sile Crisis); Clark Clifford (Kennedy family attorney,

1957–61; includes insightful memos); Barbara J. Coleman (journalist and White House press aide and aide in Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign; papers include miscella- neous correspondence between Jackie and Ethel); Dorothy

H. Davies (staff assistant to JFK; includes correspondence and memorandums).

Katherine Evans (including condolence letters and corre- spondence to Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy, drafts and copies of acknowledgments); James J. Fahey (author; includes origi- nals and copies of newspaper articles about the Kennedys); Paul Fay (personal friend of JFK’s and Under Secretary of the Navy; includes personal correspondence between Fay and JFK, as well as original manuscript and notes relating to his book,
The Pleasure of His Company
); Dun Gifford (in- cluding correspondence and campaign materials having to do with Joan Kennedy’s involvement in Ted Kennedy’s sen- atorial campaigns); Roswell Gilpatrick (deputy Secretary of Defense, friend of Jackie Kennedy’s; contains copious cor- respondence, memorandums, appointment files, and daily diaries, with correspondence to and from Jackie Kennedy Onassis); Doris Kearns Goodwin (historian and author; con- tains copious and fascinating notes, drafts, interview tran- scripts, edited and unedited material from her book
The Kennedys and The Fitzgeralds

Dave Hackett; Chester (Chet) Huntley (broadcast journal- ist; contains correspondence and notes relating to his cover- age of the assassination and funeral of JFK); Edward (Ted) Moore Kennedy (Senate files); John Fitzgerald Kennedy Personal Papers; John Fitzgerald Kennedy President’s Of- fice Files (the working files of JFK as maintained by his sec- retary, Evelyn Lincoln; includes correspondence, secretary’s files and special events files through the years of the admin-

istration); John Fitzgerald Kennedy White House Social Files (includes papers and records of Jackie Kennedy’s and the White House Social Office under the direction of Letitia Baldrige and Pamela Turnure); Robert Francis Kennedy (the author’s researcher utilized only the Attorney General Pa- pers 1961–1964); Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (correspon- dence, family papers, research, background materials and drafts of her memoirs,
Times to Remember

Evelyn Lincoln (personal secretary to JFK; includes re- search materials, notes, and other papers pertaining to her book,
My Twelve Years with John F. Kennedy
); Frank Mankiewicz; Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (includes condo- lence letters, tribute, Mass cards relating to JFK’s death; not particularly enlightening); Kenneth O’Donnell (special as- sistant to JFK; includes correspondence, audiotapes, news clippings, pamphlets, and memorabilia, as well as notes and drafts of
Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye,
written with Joe Mc- Carthy); David Powers (includes copious correspondence, audiotapes, news clippings, and memorabilia).

Pierre Salinger (press secretary to JFK; includes corre- spondence, press briefings, and, most important to my re- search, press releases and telephone memoranda); Arthur Schlesinger (special assistant to the President; includes cor- respondence, drafts, and copious research materials, book drafts, and manuscripts for his wonderful books
A Thousand Days
Robert Kennedy and His Times;
a treasure trove for any Kennedy historian); Theodore Sorenson (special counsel to the President; includes manuscripts and personal papers, as well as magazine and newspaper articles); Jean Stein (author of
American Journey: The Times of Robert Kennedy;
another treasure trove that includes tapes and tran- scripts or Oral History interviews, unedited drafts of her ex-

cellent book, as well as notes and other background mater- ial).

Janet Travell (physician to JFK; includes correspondence relating to his health); William Walton (journalist, painter, and Kennedy family friend; includes copious correspon- dence); Theodore White (journalist and author of
The Mak- ing of the President
and other works; the mother lode for any Kennedy biographer, including all of White’s outlines, notes, drafts, proofs with annotations, correspondence, notes and transcripts from his interview with Jacqueline Kennedy after JFK’s assassination); United States Secret Service Pa- pers and Files (includes all records of JFK’s and Jackie’s ac- tivities from 1960 to 1963; also lists visitors to the White House).

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