January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (45 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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“Shit,” I blew out a breath of air.

“Who the fuck are you?” The brunette sat up and wiped the cum off her lip with the back of her hand.

I crossed my arms over my chest. Mason shoved the blonde off his face and looked up at me. “Mia, sweetness. This here is uh...” he looked left and then looked right. “Tasty Pussy, and Super Sucker,” he laughed and the girls smiled.

“Seriously! And I fucking brought you a present.” I snarled , put a hand to my hip and stomped my foot.

His glazed eyes and red cheeks proved not only was he happily sated but drunk and possibly high. Both were bad for his image. Thank God we were in our private suite or he’d risk losing his new sponsor and prospective sponsor. “Please tell me it’s hiding under those clothes. I’ll shoo these fucking bitches off quick to get a taste of your sweet cunt.”

I sucked in a breath. “YOU DOUCHE! Stop thinking with your fucking dick!”

At that moment, said dick was hard and ready for round two. I gave it a gander. It was a really nice looking cock, too. Long, thick, hard. Brunette wrapped a hand around it and rubbed it up and down. He groaned but kept his eyes on me. “Sure you don’t want some! I’m offering?”

I shook my head. “I brought Rachel in here. She was going to tell you that she liked you, liked you! Then she saw you fucking these sluts and ran off.”

That did it. He flung brunette hobag off and then pushed off the bed removing himself from hobag two. “Rachel was here,” he pointed to the floor. “In here?” I nodded. “She saw me fucking these bitches?” Pushing my lips together in a grim line, I looked at him like the stupid idiot he was. “Fuck me!”

“Okay baby, we will. Just come back. It’s my turn to suck on you,” said blonde hobag.

He scowled and then sat on the bed. “Get out of my room,” he growled. Brunette hobag did not get the hint. She put her arms around him and rubbed her fake tits into his back.

“Come on baby, we’ll make you feel better, just like before.”

“Leave now!” he roared, stood up, and went into his ensuite.

“You deaf?” I opened the door.

“You just want him for yourself.”

“Well, since I’m the girlfriend…I’m going to go with yes. Now get out!”

I just got the girls out of the room when Mason came out in a pair of jeans and was digging through his suitcase for a t-shirt. “I have to go find her.”

Rubbing a hand over my face, I grabbed his hand. “And tell her what? Sorry you caught me fucking two floozies? I don’t think that’s going to work.”

He pushed his hands through his hair and then flopped back down on the bed. “I can’t just leave it like this.”

“Technically, you don’t owe her anything. Besides, it was my fault.”

He blew out a tortured breath. “No, you were just trying to help, but as usual, I started thinking with my dick.”

“What happened?” I tried. When I’d left him he was hanging out with the guys eating pizza.

Mason shook his head. “One minute I was chatting it up with my bro’s, the next minute I notice you and Rachel were gone. The two groupies were all over me, and the more I drank, the more I didn’t care. I just wanted to feel…something. You know? I looked for you, looked for Rachel, but they kept on me and I got weak.” His shoulders slumped. “Do you hate me?”

I put an arm around his shoulders. “No, I don’t. What I saw was fucking hot.” He chuckled softly. Man, he really was beautiful when he gave a genuine smile. “I just don’t think your girl, the one you really want, thought it was as hot as I did. She was really sad. Crying and everything.”

His head shot up. “She was crying? Honestly, Mia, I knew she might be sweet on me, but it’s never been like that between us. She’s always been untouchable. Perfect, professional, pretty, the whole package. A girl like her would never be with a guy like me. We’re in totally different leagues.” He rubbed his chin and the sound of hair grating along calloused palms sent chills racing up my spine. Reminded me of another time and another guy that I adored.

“I get it. There’s this guy I like, too. Way out of my league, but I’d like to think when the time is right, we’ll be in the same league at the same time. I think you can do that, too.”

“You like a guy?”

I grinned. Of course, that’s what he’d zero in on. “I do, but the timing isn’t right. When it’s right, if it is ever right, it will just be. And it will work out. I have to believe that. But you can do something now.”

Mason looked off into the distance then brought those green eyes to me. They were soft, almost beseeching, as if my own held the answers to every question he’d ever want to know in them. “Show her what type of man you can be. What type of man you are in here,” I pointed to his chest where his heart was. “Live like the man you want to be. She’ll come around.”

“You think?”

I smiled wide and hugged him into my chest. He smelled of sex and cheap perfume. “I know.”

“Thanks Mia. You’re pretty all right you know that?”

I laughed into his neck. “You’re pretty all right yourself, but you smell like a whorehouse. Do the world a favor and shower. I’ll work on Rachel. You work on you.”

He stood up and helped me up. “I’ll work on me.”

“While you’re working on you, can you work on getting these people out of our room? I can’t sleep with people fucking on the couch, pot being smoked, bodies everywhere, and music blaring.”

He opened the door from his room to the living area and took in the party. “Fucking hell. We’re never getting smashed again.”

I choked on a laugh. “Never say never.”




The rest of our visit in New York City went by in a flash. The team had three games in NYC, lost one, won two. So far, their rank was looking really good. Quick Runners booked Mason as their official year-long spokesperson for the new performance all-around sports shoe. It was good for running, walking, playing ball, and all other varieties of sports. We still hadn’t heard from Power Up. Apparently, their people had heard about Mason booking with Quick Runners and wanted to make sure that having the same spokesperson was a good thing for their image and the way they wanted to run their campaign. This, however, was not bad for Mason because another couple of opportunities came out of the woodwork for baseball gear and energy bars. Word got out fast. Now we just waited, Mason played hard, and stayed off the radar. Part of that was going home. Which is where we were driving to now. I was finally meeting Mason’s family.

When we got to the small home outside of Boston proper, Mason walked right in without knocking.

“Back here boy!” A loud voice yelled and was coupled with the squealing sound of a small child.

Mason held my hand and took me through the quaint home. Stuffed animals and dolls littered the floor where a child at play must have up and abandoned them for something else. The rooms were dark, lived in, and homey. You could tell by the pictures on the wall that a woman had once lived here, but by the layer of dust on them and the lack of girlie adornments, it had been a while. In the center of one wall was a wedding photo. A redheaded, pale, beautiful woman stood in a very old-fashioned wedding gown and had her arms locked around a large man with dark brown hair and kind eyes. A man who could be the spitting image of Mason. That apple did not fall far from the tree.

We made it through the home to the kitchen where I was instantly assaulted with the smell of cooked meat. My mouth watered at the smell of sage, and rosemary along with whatever was brewing on the stovetop. A large roast sat on top of the counter and a man with his back to us was carving it into slices and placing them on a platter. A small red-headed girl with giant blue eyes clocked me the second I entered. She stood up and clapped her hands. She couldn’t be more than four years old. “You’re here!” she squealed in that way only small children were capable of, with their whole bodies and full of joy.

I smiled wide and the man turned around and boy was I not wrong. He looked exactly like Mason or what Mason would look like in twenty-five years. “Hey Dad, this is Mia. She’s my uh…”

The man smiled wide and laid out a hand. “You’re the woman everyone says is my son’s girlfriend.”

I wasn’t sure how Mason wanted to play this so I stayed quiet about the girlfriend part. “It’s good to meet you Mr. Murphy.”

“Call me Mick, everyone does, ‘cept my boys because I’ll tan their hide if they disrespect their elders.”

At that I nudged Mason. “Your Dad is awesome.”

“Yeah, unfortunately when he’s around my cool factor goes down about fifty notches.”

“And don’t you forget it boy! Now set the table will ya?”

Mason proceeded to set the table while I introduced myself to Eleanor who liked to be called Ellie. She walked me through the house and showed me every single one of her toys then her room where she had everything princess and was very proud of it. I scanned the room. I never had anything like this as a child. A room devoted to the things I loved as a kid. Maddy and I always shared a room and neither one of us had a theme or anything much we could call our own. Made me sad for what I missed out on and happy that even though men we’re raising Ellie without a woman’s hand, they were still doing right by her.

My heart ached when Ellie placed a crown on my head and one on her own. “You can be the Queen, and I’ll be the Princess,” she offered. I nodded then hugged her little body. She held me tight before another look-a-like of the Murphy family interrupted us. Made me wonder if any of them looked like their mother.

“You must be Mia?” I nodded and stood up from the floor, Ellie clasped my hand tight.

“Daddy, this Queen Mia and I’m Princess Ellie. Do you want to be the King or the Prince?” she asked, her eyes serious as she stared at her father.

“I want Princess Ellie to wash her hands for dinner and let Queen Mia get back to her King,” he said playing along.

Ellie looked up at me with her huge blue eyes that she must have gotten from her mother because her Dad had the same green eyes that both the other Murphy men had. “Will you save me a spot next to you at dinner, Queen Mia?” She asked in her too cute little voice.

“Of course I will, Princess Ellie; I’d be honored.” I bowed for effect and she clapped her hands, spun on a toe, and was off running down the hall.

The big man with coppery hair and green eyes held out a hand. “Sorry about that. Ellie doesn’t get much female time. I’m Brayden.” I shook his hand and held it.

“Totally okay. I had fun. I can’t remember the last time I spent playing with a child.” And I couldn’t. There weren’t any children in my family that I knew of, none of my friends had kids, well technically, a couple of my new friends were going to have babies and Tony and Hector’s other family, the ones with children, didn’t hang around us when I was there. So this was the first time in several years that I’d spent one-on-one time with a child. It was fun. I rather enjoyed it. 

Brayden led me back to the table where I sat down and chatted up his brother and Father. When the food was completely set on the table, a whirlwind crashed through the back door, skidded to a stop, and dropped his backpack on the floor behind him. “Shit, Mace your girlfriend is fucking hot!” A gangly, tall, ginger haired boy with the same green eyes as the rest of the Murphy men shouted.

“Mouth!” Mick chastised with a fork pointing in the boy’s direction.

“Sorry Dad but dang…sweet girl you got Mace,” the boy looked me up and down. “I’m Shaun, how are you, sweetness?”

Oh no, he didn’t. He just called me sweetness. “Well, I can see who’s rubbed off on this young impressionable mind,” I glared at Mason and he actually looked chagrinned.

“Shaun, don’t call chicks sweetness. They don’t like it.”

“Sure, they do. I had my tongue in this sweet chick today.” My eyes widened and Brayden pressed his hands over Ellie’s ears.

“Boy, I swear I’m going to take two inches off your height if you don’t choose your words more wisely around my daughter. And stop disrespecting women. You’re teaching her bad shit!” His teeth were clenched and poor little Ellie’s was slapping at her father’s hands.

“Daddyyyy stop. I can’t hear when you do that!” she crunched up her little nose and looked at me. “Does Uncle Mace ever do that to you?”

The men at the table laughed. I smiled and tapped her nose giving the precious girl my full attention. “No, because I’m an adult, but your Daddy is protecting you from hearing things that are not appropriate for you. He’s a very good Daddy.”

She nodded and shoved a giant forkful of mashed potatoes into her mouth. Her cheeks pushed out like a chubby bunny. I shook my head and looked up at Shaun. “If you want to keep a woman in the future, you’ll learn to call her things that actually make her feel special and not like one of many. Remember that.”

His eyes looked me over in a way that a teenaged boy who only has sex on the brain would. Extremely skeevy. “If it secures me a hot babe like you, I’ll do whatever you say, sweetness.”

Mason’s forehead hit the table. Brayden shook his head and I bit back a seriously profane comment. The patriarch on the other hand, had no problem laying into Shaun, which he did after he pulled him by the ear into another room. When they came back, Mason and Brayden both had shit-eating grins on their faces. Ellie just happily ate more potatoes then asked for more.

“Sorry for being rude, Mia. I’ll try to be more respectful,” Shaun grumbled through a sour expression.

“Thank you, Shaun. That was kind of you. Now tell me embarrassing stories about Mason,” I changed the subject and every man besides Mason smiled and started sharing.

By the time dinner was done, my belly hurt so bad I could hardly breathe let alone put any cheesecake into it. The stories were detailed and plenty. The guys spent hours telling me about crazy Mason. In his younger years, he was a class clown, thought he was the worlds’ greatest inventor, and had absolutely no luck with the ladies. The last part I found unbelievable looking at how he’d filled out. The whole package was nice, once you got past the douchey ways, but we were working on those and he was making some serious progress. Not enough for Rachel to come around, but I had hope that I could work some magic there.

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