Jared (16 page)

Read Jared Online

Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Jared
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Tessa trembled at the husky timber of his voice so close to her ear. “Uh….” Tessa swallowed hard not really having a comeback for that.

Jared chuckled nipping her earlobe. “Tell me you don’t want me Tessa.”

Tilting her head so he could have easier access a low moan escaped her lips. “It’s not that.” Her reply was whispered, eyes closed in pure bliss as his lips skimmed down her neck.

“Then what is
” His lips left her and he grinned when she moaned again, this time in disappointment.

Her eyes opened slowly to find him staring intently as if wanting to really hear what she had to say. No man had ever showed her this much attention, it was quite unnerving
in a good way.  “I just know what kind of women you’ve been with and I don’t want to be compared.”

Her honesty surprised him, he respected her for it, but it also pissed him off. “Not to sound too much like a son of a bitch, but you have no idea what kind of women I’ve been with. I don’t compare women against each other because each wom
n is different in so many ways. All women are beautiful no matter their age, hair color, beliefs…..” He glanced down her body. “or package. That’s what makes a woman special.”

“But men always….” Tessa started, but he stopped her with a finger against her lips.

“You don’t want to be compared to other women so you will understand that I don’t want to be compared to other men.” Jared replied
his eyebrows slanted low. “Not that it really matters, because I plan on making you forget every man you’ve ever known.”

If a human being could actually melt Tessa would be a puddle of goo at his fee
t. She was usually turned off by cockiness, but it was more confidence that he could and would do exactly what he said and didn’t that just make her toes curl. God
as in big trouble.

I really don’t think I can do this Jared.”

“I don’t play games with women.” Jared tilted her face to his.

Tessa looked deep into his beautiful eyes hoping to find truth behind them.
“I refuse to be used by any man.”

Jared stopped her turning her around. “He hurt you deeply.”
It wasn’t a question, but an observation.

Pretty much r
ipped my heart out.”
She replied honestly pulling away. She turned to leave.

“I wouldn’t do that to you
” Jared replied meaning every word, never been more serious in his long life.

That’s what he said
, but he did.” Tessa
smile was sad.
“With my best friend.”

You want me to kill him?” Jared tried to hide his anger behind humor at the man who had held Tessa’s heart and maybe still did.

“If you would have
me that months ago I would have jumped at the offer.” Tessa just shrugged her shoulder. “Now I just don’t car
e, but thanks.
s kind of sweet….I think.”
Glancing up at him as if trying to make her decision stick she finally turned away from him.
She had to. She couldn’t take a chance, the cost was too great.

I sure as hell ain’t giving up after that kiss Red.
” Jared gave
fair warning as she walked away.


Chapter 13

Awkward did not even come close
describing the feeling she had
about seeing Jared this morning, but the smell
the coffee filtering up the stairs into her room was too much temptation. Why had she told him about
having her heart
It had
then and it was
With a sigh
she swung her door open and headed downstairs. One thing she wasn’t was a coward. She may be a dumbass, but never a coward.

To her surprise Jill and Adam both sat
the table wh
ile Jared stood over the stove…barefoot. How in the hell can a man’s bare feet sticking out from his faded jeans be sexy?

“Good morning.” Jared smiled over his shoulder, his eyes roaming up and down her body in slow appreciation. “Coffee’s ready if you need a pick me up.”

Tessa nodded making a bee line toward
the counter
keeping her eyes on the coffee pot and
the way Jared’s snug jeans rode low on his hips. Grabbing her favorite ‘
I drink coffee for your protection’ mug filling it with hot steamy coffee
she took a deep breath filling her senses with the

“You want an omelet?” Jared smiled at her when she turned around.

“You have to eat one of these
.” Adam pointed at the huge omelet with his fork before taking another hearty bite. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”

“When you’ve been around as long as I have you pick stuff up.” Jared replied with a chuckle. “You could say I’ve
a lot of things.”
His heated eyes landed on her.

Tessa had just taken a sip of coffee which came sputtering back up, her eyes narrowing at Jared who was leaning against the stove his eyes gleaming.
He was not going to
the book issue go…the jerk.

“How about it Tessa? You want a taste of my….” His grin became downright wicked. “omelet?”

Tessa rolled her eyes at his double meaning. “Think I’ll pass.” She took another sip of coffee eyeing him over the rim.

“You don’t know what you’re missing.”
Adam replied not taking his eyes from his plate.

“She sure doesn’t.” Jared gave her a wink before he turned serious. “You know I don’t think I’ve seen you eat anything since I’ve been here.”

“She don’t eat.” Adam
. “Not since that asshole kept on her about losing weight.”

“Who, the sheriff?” Jared slammed the spatula down.

“Yeah. He was always here trying to run the show, telling Tessa how to..”

Adam shut up and finish your breakfast.
” Tessa
broke in giving
her brother the evil eyeball.

“I’m finished
.” He pushed his empty plate away.

Okay, t
hen shut up.” Tessa countered putting her empty coffee cup in the sink. “I’m sure no one wants to hear about Sheriff Otis Bowman. I know I sure as hell don’t.”

“Otis?” Jared snorted. “His name is Otis?”

“Otis T. Bowman
And he’
s a real asshole.
” Adam sneered.

“With a name like that I guess he is.” Jared snickered.

s given Tessa so many tickets since she broke it off with him
it ain’t even funny
. He always finds a reason to harass her and now since this has happened…” Adam flashed his fangs
“he likes to give me crap.
He says he will stop when she forgives
I’m surprised he hasn’t been around.
He’s going to have a cow when he finds out about you guys.”

“He ain’t going to like it.” Jill’s soft voice broke in. “I’m glad you didn’t marry him Tessa.”

her cheeks.
Everyone in town knew that the day they put
in the nursing home was the day she found her finance and best friend in bed together. She had been so upset
she had wanted to talk to her best friend and went to her apartment. Her suspicion spiked when she
saw Otis’s
car. Everyone but her had known they were messing around.

Yeah, me to
smiled at the girl who
rarely spoke
“And on that note I’m out of here. Is there anyth
ing you guys need at the store. I can get a few things now. I have to get my last check out of Bobby
and I don’t know how easy that’s going to be

“Did he fire you?” Adam frowned.

“No, but I’m sure he will as soon as I show up for my shift.” Tessa grabbed her checkbook and keys. “I’m just going for basics now, but if you need anything I can try to get it.”

Jared pulled a wad of cash
of his wallet. Counting out a few bills he handed them to her. “Here. Get everything you need.”

Tessa looked at the two hundred
without taking it. “I can’t take that.”

He grabbed her hand placing the money into it. “Yes, you can.” He then closed her hand around the
“I eat….a lot.”

Slowly she pulled her hand away already missing the feel of his strong h
. “Thank you.” Tessa put the money away still not feeling right and knew without a doubt she would be giving him change back. She was the coupon queen.

“Well since big guy there is paying how about some steaks for dinner tonight.” Adam leaned back in his chair stretching. “A big old rare steak would hit the spot. We can fire up the grill.”

“That sounds good.” Jill looked up from her drawing pad. “I haven’t had steak in forever.”

“How about it Jared?” Adam stood taking his plate to the sink. “You know how to grill?”

“Just call me
griller.” Jared grinned placing his plate on the table before sitting down. “I’m so good it’ll make your mouth water.” 
He wiggled his eyebrows at Tessa who rolled her eyes before walking out the door.

“Sounds like someone needs to teach old Oat some manners?” Jared said between bite
s of omelet after Tessa left.

Jill and Adam glanced at each other. “You know the fair is going on this weekend
” Adam grinned.

“And your point is?” Jared wiped his mouth with a napkin
it on his empty plate.
he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Can we go?” Jill ask
rare excitement shining from her eyes.

“We have training tonight.” Jared stood to get more coffee.

“Ah, come on
Missing one night ain’
t gonna kill us and
…” Adam smirked. “
Sheriff Oat will be there.”

Jared turned around with a steamy cup of coffee and evil grin. “Is that so?”

Both Adam and Jill nodded
matching grins.


Tessa was heading into the nursing home when her phone dinged
Glancing at t
he text she grinned reading the excitement in Adam’s text telling her that Jared was taking them to the fair. It had been years since she had gone to the county fair. She was usually working the bar and never had the chance to go.
She stopped by the bar and Bobby had her check waiting along with her pink slip. She was no longer employed so it looked like she was free to go to the fair
this year

Tessa nodded and greeted a few of the residents who were on the front patio enjoying the last days of summer before walking through the automatic doors.
Taking a quick look around she was relieved Mr. Weston was nowhere to be seen. She seriously doubted Adam had followed through with his promise to
supply condoms to the poor old man and she really didn’t want to be faced with that embarrassing situation

Stopping at her grandfather’s room she saw that it was empty and headed to the sunroom. There he sat
alone, staring out the window at the birds happily flipping f
rom one bird feeder to the next
while life went on around him. It totally broke her heart.

Coming up to his side so she didn’t startle him she placed her hand on his shoulder
leaning down
kissing his wrinkled
cheek. “Good morning
.” Tessa pulled a chair up beside him. When he didn’t respond or even look her way she placed her hand on top of his and sat watching the birds with him.
She hated the silence between them. He was the only person she could ever really talk to. He understood her and stood by her through thick and thin
. Her heart ached to talk to him
especially now.

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