Jax (Cocky Cage Fighter Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Jax (Cocky Cage Fighter Series)
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"Probably, just to show the prosecutor, judge, and media that you're taking this seriously." 

"I can do that."

"So do you want me to make hotel reservations for you, too, or are you going to get your own?" I ask.

"I can make them for all of us. Jude and my dad will probably want to go even if nothing's going to happen. Taj Mahal okay?"


"Any required princess preferences for your room that I should know about?" he asks with a smirk.

"Ah, non-smoking is preferred. I'll also need Internet access, of course, a robe, whirlpool tub, a bar, oceanfront view, and thousand count Egyptian cotton sheets, but only if it's not too much trouble," I joke.

"Right. I'll try and remember all that."

"And if not, just try and remember the non-smoking part since I can't stand that nastiness," I say with a shrug.   

"Let's go tomorrow, or even better, tonight."

"Ah, what?" I ask him in confusion.

"To Atlantic City. Come on, when was the last time you had a vacation?"

"Well, I just got back from Paris about a month ago, Bermuda in April, and Hawaii in February."

"You really are a spoiled bitch."

"I'm kidding, and don't call me that," I snap. "I haven't actually had a vacation since I finished my undergrad three years ago."

"So are you going up with us today or not?"

"I don't know. Are you going to stop calling me a bitch?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes," he says, looking at the floor like a little boy being scolded. "Sorry."

"When are you leaving?" I let him off the hook since he apologized.

"As soon as you're ready. It's not like my dad and Jude have anything better to do."

I consider it for a minute. Spending a whole weekend with this man and his easygoing family does sound like a good time. Throw in some gambling and the beach, well that just seals the deal. Was it smart? No, but I'm tired of being smart.

"Okay. Let me get this letter to the prosecutor done, and all the attachments ready so I won't have to worry about it this weekend. I'll need to go to my apartment and pack a few things, but I could probably be ready around noon."

"Good. Should we pick you up here or at your place?"

"Ah, here I guess."

"All right. See you at noon," he tells me as he heads for the door. "Oh, and, Page," he pauses before hitting me with his parting comment. "Don't forget your bathing suit."

A few hours later I'm sitting in my office, going over my checklist for Monday one last time when I'm kidnapped. Well, I'd agreed to go with them, I just didn't think it'd be over Jude's shoulder with my protest.

"Jude, put me down, so I can grab my things!" I whisper, to avoid drawing attention to us when he leaves my office.

"Don't worry. Jax is getting all your shit from that neat little pile you made," he says with a slap to my behind.

"Jude!" I yelp in surprise.

"Ah, Page?" I hear the unspoken
in my brother's voice while we wait for the elevator.

I twist my neck and flip my hair up out of my face to see my older sibling frowning down at me like usual.

"Hi, Logan. Have you met Jackson's annoying little brother, Jude Malone?" I ask. "Jude, this is my annoying older brother, Logan Davenport."

Swinging me around, so I can no longer see Logan, I assume Jude is shaking Logan's hand. "Nice to meet you. We're kidnapping your sister. She needs a vacation after working so hard on Jax's case this week. Hey, bro, have you met Page's bro Logan?"

Jax must’ve joined us, although I can't see him.

"Hi, how's it going?" Jax says to my brother.

"Good. Where are you going?" Logan asks.

"Atlantic City," I tell him from Jude's back.

"Oh, well, ah have fun, I guess. Do Dad and Elliot know you're leaving?"

"I'm a big girl now, Logie, and don't need their permission. Now run along and tattle on me, snitch, before you kill my vacation buzz."

"Ha, aren't older brothers such a pain in the ass?" Jude laughs, slapping mine again. Why do men like to abuse my bottom?

"Touch her ass again and I'll break both of your legs," Jax warns Jude, making me smile that he's so protective of my ass...pen.  

"I'm not her client, so we can be as inappropriate as we want, right, Page?" Jude asks.

"Ah, right," I mutter, mostly just to annoy Jax when we finally make it onto the elevator.

"She has a fiancé, even though the cheap bastard didn't give her a ring."

"What? No way. The deal's not sealed unless there's a fucking ring," Jude argues. "She's a free bird."

"Put her down," Jax tells his brother.   

"No thanks."

"Did you guys get my purse?" I ask. "My phone? Briefcase? Luggage?"

"Yes to all," Jax replies. "Did you pack a bathing suit?"

"Ah, yeah."

"Bikini?" Jude inquires.

I smile. "Maybe."

"Hell yes," he replies.

"Jax, were you able to get us rooms?" I ask.

"Yep. Sorry but all they had were smoking rooms."

"Ah shit...ake mushrooms. I'll never get the smell out of my clothes," I grumble.

"Don't worry. We'll get you so drunk you won't notice the smoke," Jude promises.

"I don't drink."

"You do this weekend, princess. You need to loosen up before you give yourself an aneurysm," Jax responds. 

Finally we make it out of the stuffy office, and thankfully without running into my father. My feet touch down on the concrete sidewalk beside a black SUV.

"Your chariot to an awesome weekend awaits," Jude says with a wave of his arm to the vehicle, making me laugh as I climb into the back seat. He slides in beside me, and their dad is already waiting in the driver’s seat while Jax puts my things in the back. Again I can't help but wonder about their mother. Maybe I can ask Jude sometime, since I know he won't bite my head off for asking.

"Hi, Mr. Malone," I say in greeting.  

"Hi, Page. Sorry my knuckleheaded sons drug you out that way."

"Oh, it's fine. It's probably all the steroids making them so testosteroni," I tease.

"No, you didn't just say that," Jude huffs. Lifting his
Every time you masturbate God kills a kitten
t-shirt, complete with an adorable faced feline. Instead of a cat I'm suddenly fixated on his tan, washboard abs. I have to swallow back the drool. "This is all years of hard work, baby, and nothing else."

"I beg your pardon, but I'd have to point out that it's also great genetics," his dad says with a smile from the front seat.

The guys have me cracking up the entire three and a half hour drive. The time seems to fly by. They are so different from my uptight family, and I love it.

Jude and I played toll tap, sort of like punch bug, but with toll booths instead of Volkswagens. Every time one of those bad boys came into sight you'd have to try and be the first one to tap the other and yell "Toll tap!" I'm sure my shoulder is going to have bruises on it, but I gave as good as I got.        

Jax is the quietest during the trip. Looking out the window most of the time, he seem like he's a thousand miles away. I figure the idea of going to court Monday is probably getting to him, making the whole situation seem more real.

When we arrive at the hotel, Jax checks us in while me, Jude and his dad wander around the non-smoking side of the casino. I've already had two fruity drinks when Jax finds us to give us our room keys.

"They took your bags on up to your room already," he tells me when he hands over the plastic card.

"Aw, thanks," I say with a pat to his chest that may have turned into more of a petting. "You're so sweet, Jax. Even sweeter now that I know you're not an angry rapist," I blurt out, maybe a tad too honestly.

He smiles and looks over at his laughing brother. "Is she already drunk?"

"Ah, well, I didn't know she was such a lightweight," Jude tells him. "She's only had like two of those fruity things."

"Oh my God! It's Jackson Malone!" We hear a feminine squeal, followed by several more.

"Ah shit," Jax groans when three young and very pretty women head for him.

"Sorry, ladies," I say, turning around to stand in front of the big, sexy man to block their path. "As his attorney, I've advised Mr. Malone not to concur...confer with any females until such time as his case is over."

The women don't look very pleased at hearing that, so I throw them a bone. "Have you met his brother, Jude? He's so much nicer than Jax and looks just like him, see," I tell them, shooing them away in his direction. Jude looks like he's going to make a run for it.

"Thanks." Jax chuckles from behind me.

"All part of my job," I tell him when I turn around to face him.

"I didn't know attorneys also handled private security for MMA fighters," he replies.

!" came another feminine scream.

"Shit. I better head to my room."

"I'll go with you. Not to your room, but mine, I mean," I clarify. "I mean, you go to yours and I'll go to mine. I need a shower and to change clothes. Might be time for that bathing suit."

"Let's go. And
you shouldn't go anywhere this weekend by yourself. It's not safe for women to wander around alone in a wild and crazy town like this."

"Ironic advice coming from you." I snort, as I stumble forward toward the elevator.

Jax catches me around the waist but immediately let’s go to grab my elbow instead. "I think you should probably go easy on the alcohol."

"Yes, father," I tease when the doors swoosh open and we climb on the elevator. Luckily Jax knows which floor we're on and pushes the number eight on the panel. "I thought you wanted me to get drunk."

"That was Jude's plan, not mine," he mutters. "I just said you should lighten up."

On the way up to our floor my eyes are glued to Jax, noticing how well his black shirt hugs his broad upper chest. Remembering from that day at the pool what his sculpted upper body looks like. Wondering if the length behind the fly on his denim jeans is as big I bet it is. I'm betting it's...well, yeah. My face warms either from arousal or the alcohol buzz, I'm not sure which. Thankfully the elevator doors open, interrupting my carnal thoughts.

"This way," Jax says, heading to the left so I follow. "Here's your room, eight-eighteen."

"Oh, thanks," I say, pulling out the card he'd given me. I stick it in the slot and get all red lights. I try it again.

"Here, let me." He sighs, taking the card from my hand and easily swiping it to get green lights on the first try. He turns the handle and pushes it open for me. "I'm next door."

"Thanks," I say, breezing by him into the room, trying to avoid dwelling on how good he smells.

The first thing I notice is the incredible ocean view. Then I see the big ass whirlpool tub beside the bed. Next to the kitchen is a bar, and hanging on the bathroom door is a big, plush white robe. Did he do all this on purpose? I'd been joking about everything except non-smoking, and this room also met that request.

I turn back to the door where Jax still stands holding it open, watching me.

"You didn't have to do all this. I was just messing with you because of your princess insults."

"It's nothing," he says dismissively. But it really is. He keeps surprising me, probably because I keep underestimating him.

"Yes, it is. Thank you," I tell him. "I can't wait to soak in the tub." 

With only a slight shake in my hands, thanks to the liquid courage I'd chugged earlier, I start unbuttoning the bottom of my white dress shirt. I make it up to the third one, right around my navel, when he finally notices.

"What are you doing, Page?"

"Getting ready to take a bath," I reply. When he doesn't come any further into the room I start back towards him. By the time I'm standing inches away I'm on the top button. I want, no
to know if the real thing is as incredible as the fantasy of being with him. Screw Elliot, and the rules.

I let my shirt fall off my shoulders to the floor. "You might want to shut the door," I warn, working on the back clasp of my bra.

"Page..." Jax starts, he swallows deeply as his midnight eyes lower to my lace covered breasts. "Don't."

My breath catches in my throat at hearing that one word.

"Sorry," he says swiping a hand over his face. "But…we can't. Client-attorney whatever, and you're engaged for Christ's sake."

"Right now it's just you and me here. No one has to know…"

"I'm not interested, okay?" he snaps. "So let's just pretend that this never happened." He slips out the door and lets it shut in my embarrassed face.

The man who admits to sleeping with any and all women doesn't want me. God, I'm an idiot for thinking he might, and now I've made a huge fool of myself.

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