
Read Jealousy Online

Authors: Jessica Burkhart

BOOK: Jealousy
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Chapter 1: Trick

Chapter 2: Three Weeks of Lies

Chapter 3: Tomorrow. The Next Day. The Day After That.

Chapter 4: Party Crasher Turned Guest

Chapter 5: Cuties in Cauldrons

Chapter 6: The Cover-up

Chapter 7: Your wish Isn't Coming True

Chapter 8: The Pirate and The Haunted House

Chapter 9: Lucky Number Thirteen

Chapter 10: EX-BF, Meet my Almost-sort-of Bf

Chapter 11: Sit and Spill!

Chapter 12: So Last Night was Real

Chapter 13: Not Interested

Chapter 14: Lt, Tour Guide

Chapter 15: Love Triangle

Chapter 16: Does Someone have a Secret?

Chapter 17: Maybe we should Microchip Taylor

Chapter 18: This Feels Like a Bad Movie

Chapter 19: Hello, Gorgeous!

Chapter 20: Whose Gut to Trust?

Chapter 21: Now or Never

Chapter 22: On my Nerves

Chapter 23: The Legendary Superstar

Chapter 24: Oui, be our Guest!

Chapter 25: Take a Bow

Chapter 26: Not Once but Twice

Chapter 27: Not Everyone is “Family”

Chapter 28: Face-Off

About the Author

This one's
for you, Matthew, for e-mailing and saying you're the #2 guy fan (after
Drew) and telling me about your horse, Mario!


Monica Stevenson and crew, thank you for creating one of my favorite covers! Models, you brought Lauren, Clare, and Brielle to life on the cover and looked fab doing it!

I have to throw sparkles and
s to everyone on Team Canterwood. A very sad event occurred while writing this book, and I've never, ever felt more support in my life. You gave Kate and me tremendous comfort when our precious cat Bailey passed away. RIP Bailey. Thank you for always listening to my drafts and giving me an um-that's-a-horrible-idea look when I came up with a plot idea that really was awful. I love you.

Canterwood wouldn't be here without everyone at Simon & Schuster's Aladdin imprint. Thank you to Alyson Heller for all of your help—you're so appreciated. Hugs to Fiona Simpson for being there professionally and personally. Thanks to Mara Anastas, Bethany Buck, Jessica Handelman (you rocked this cover!), Annie Berger, Craig Adams, Courtney Sanks, Katherine Devendorf, Nicole Russo, and Carolyn Swerdloff.

Zaffie Chandler, thank you for partnering with me for this book and allowing Sock Dreams to be written
. I have sock envy of Lauren and Khloe's shopping cart!

Bri Ahearn, you never miss a text or phone call.

Lauren Barnholdt, you're definitely my long-lost sister. We need to schedule some serious Barnhart time!

Alex Penfold, thank you for being there.

Ross Angelella, I did
like you dancing in front of me to wake me up. However, I loved the marathon writing sessions and all-nighters. You kept me supplied with the best candy and provided amazing company at 3 a.m. when I was ready to call it a night.

Kate Angelella, your edits for this book, like those before it, are the only reason CC exists. I love brainstorming the latest plot with you. Even though you're in tremendous physical pain, you never let it show when you help me. You're a truly selfless best friend, and I am so lucky to have you on my writing team, let alone in my life. As we wind to a close with Canterwood, I'm going to savor every moment of writing the final two books and working with you.


that I now could tell weren't ocean blue. The clouds had shifted past the full Halloween-night moon and, mask now in his hands, the wrong guy stood in front of me. Wrong as in my ex-boyfriend.

I reached out and shoved his chest with both hands. Taylor Frost staggered backward a step, clutching his white mask and holding up a hand. The door to the ballroom opened as more people went inside. Music blared until the doors closed.

I'd been dreaming about tonight—waking every morning with a silly grin on my face just thinking that my birthday wish might come true. That Drew Adams, my crush, would kiss me on my birthday. But I had kissed
someone else and not even realized it until it was too late. How could I not have

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