Jennifer's Surrender (8 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Jennifer's Surrender
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Suddenly I
felt his hand on my pussy, I knew I was drenched, and I wanted to beg so much,
but I was afraid if I said anything, if I asked, he’d just prolong the agony
longer. Plus, I’m not so sure I could have even formed words at that point. I
felt somehow in a weird limbo, like I was observing myself from outside my

He started
rubbing my clit as he inserted his fingers and I moaned. It felt so good to
have something inside me, but after that onslaught and with the spreader bar,
his fingers weren’t enough. He kept up the frustrating rhythm of circling my
clit and sliding now three fingers inside me. Finally, I heard his zipper and
in one hard, deep thrust he filled me and I exploded around him. Oh my God, he
was so huge, as he kept pumping and pumping me, my orgasm kept rolling and
rolling, as I kept moaning and moaning. I wanted to wrap my legs around him,
but the damn spreader bar, not that I was complaining as he continued to fuck
me harder and harder. “Come for me again, Jennifer, come now.” He gritted out
as he latched his teeth onto my painfully sensitive nipple making me scream out
and quiver again as I shuddered all over him which finally brought his release,
bringing with it a low growl as he pumped every last drop inside me.

His arm was
wrapped around my waist and we stood there for a moment, collecting our
breaths. I looked up at him through lazy, heavy eyes, and he looked down and
smiled, then leaned in and kissed me. He slowly slid out of me, and I whimpered
and then felt his cum start dripping down my legs. He reached up, unfastening
my cuffs from the ceiling straps, and then releasing the spreader bar, scooped
me up and carried me over to the bed. I didn’t say anything as we lay there
spooning, both exhausted. I don’t know how long we lay like that until finally,
he spoke while massaging my arms.

“Now, little bird, do you see why I made
you wait?” I could hear the smile as he spoke.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you. I’ve never
experienced anything like that before, ever.”

“Good, I’m glad that I could be the first
to pleasure you like that.” He said and then kissed my shoulder so tenderly. “That’s
just the tip of the iceberg, Jennifer.”

“Mmmmm” was all I could say, which made
him laugh.

He stroked my
body as he said, “You did very well. You submitted beautifully. I can’t believe
you’ve waited so long for this.”

“If you don’t know what you’re missing,
are you missing it?” I asked, somewhat rhetorically.

“True, but now that you know what it can
be like…” he trailed off.

“I’m going to become a greedy sub?” I
asked and he laughed again.

“Well, that’s just something we’ll need
to work on then. I’ll be sure to keep your greediness in check. You know, I
have lots and lots of ways to do that.” I could hear the smile in his voice, as
I felt his hands lovingly continue to rub out the stiffness from keeping my
arms above my head for so long.

“Oh, yes, Sir. I’m sure you do.”


“It is not
enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce.”



I’d like to
think that it’s because it started out so good that there was no way I could
see the path it would take.


I drifted off
to sleep on that bed, exhausted from what my body had been put through. With no
concept of time, I awoke not sure how long I’d been asleep, but with the
security that Sir was still behind me, stroking my body. I could feel his erect
cock pressing into my backside as I rubbed my ass against it. I realized that
he still had his clothes on. I turned over to look at him and he smiled,
looking down at me. “Sleeping beauty’s awoken.” He said as he leaned down and
kissed me tenderly on the lips.

I smiled, “How
long was I out?” I asked.

He weighed the
question, “Maybe an hour. How do you feel, little bird?”

“Mmmmm, good” then I remembered and
added, “Sir.” Which made him smile. That smile brought such a warmth to me. “A
little stiff.” I added,
starving.” Which made him smile deeper.

“Good. Let’s get you up and showered and
then we can eat.” He said as he slid off the bed and held his hands out to me.
I took them, and once my feet hit the ground, I was grateful he was holding me.
For someone who prided herself on being physically fit, I almost crumbled.
“Whoa” he said as he steadied me.

Embarrassed, I
looked up and said, “Sorry.”

“For what?”

“I’m not sure. Uh, I guess being a little
clumsy. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me. I’m usually much more sure-footed.”
I tried to explain, wishing my muscles would listen to me. He laughed,

“Your body’s been through a lot,
Jennifer. I’d say it’s exhausted and tired still. There’s no need to
apologize.” He said softly.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“I’m going to draw you a bath, because
I’m not so sure you’d make it through a shower. Wait here while I get the water
going. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He said and set me back down on the bed.
I mumbled ‘ok’ as he walked away. As soon as he walked out the door, I
panicked. I was suddenly alone. I knew he wasn’t leaving me, but my brain
wasn’t firing on all cylinders just yet. I couldn’t figure out exactly what I
was feeling. What I knew so far was that I had just had the most intense,
amazing sexual experience ever. I had never done anything that even closely
compared to what he and I just did. Or, more accurately, what he did to me.

I stilled my
breathing and laid back on the bed. I must have drifted off again because I was
startled when I felt his hand brushing my hair back off my forehead, “Are you ready
for a bath, Jennifer?”

I stirred and,
in a sleepy voice assured him that I was. He held my waist as he led me up the
first flight of stairs, out of the playroom, then up another set of back stairs
to the second floor. He walked me into what must have been his, the master
bedroom, and then his bathroom. I was pretty sure the bathroom alone was the
size of my bedroom, with a huge sunken tub filling with soap suds.

“Now, Jennifer, if I leave you here in
the tub while I go make some dinner, are you sure you’re not going to fall
asleep and drown?” he asked with sincerity. I couldn’t remember the last time
someone seemed so concerned as to my well-being and so in tune with what I was

I shook my
head, “I can’t guarantee that, Sir. I’m sorry. I’m just so tired. I don’t know
what’s wrong with me. I feel like I’ve been drugged.” He shook his head and
brushed my hair back. Such a tender gesture.

“Then I guess I’m just going to have to
bathe with you.” he said. I offered a sheepish smile as he gently held me as I
lowered myself into the tub, making sure once I was in I was safe.
He undressed quickly, and this being the
first time I was actually seeing his body, my expression must have changed.

“Was this just a ruse to see me naked?”
he teased as he lowered himself into the suds facing me.

I smiled, “No,
Sir! But it is nice to see your body.” He smiled and gestured for me to come to
him. I moved through the water and then turned around so that my back was
resting against his broad chest. The little that he allowed me to see just a
moment before was quite impressive. I realized I didn’t know how old he was, I
guessed mid-40s or early 50s, but he took very good care of himself.

He started
rubbing my breasts tenderly as we lay there, “Your body feels like it’s been
drugged because it has been.” I jerked and tried to turn around, and he
laughed, “No, little bird, I didn’t drug you.” I relaxed back into him, “What I
mean is, you got very close to subspace in there. Do you know what that is?” I
nodded. “Then you know that you release a lot of endorphins and other hormones,
it’s like running a marathon, the hormones your body produces. After, you’re exhausted,
spent. That’s all. I should have let you sleep longer, but I didn’t realize how
far you had gone. That’s my fault. But like I said, once we learn each other’s
bodies, I’ll know better.”

“Oh, ok.” Was all I could manage, but I
guess that even in this compromised state, he still expected certain protocol
as he pinched my nipple and I let out a little yelp. “Sir.”

I felt him
smile against my hair, “Better, little bird, better.” He cooed as he continued
to stroke my body. He reached for the soap and started lathering me under
water. Then he said, “Turn around and kneel, facing me” I did slowly, and he
washed me between my legs and my ass, under my arm pits, around my breasts,
down my belly. I had never before felt so taken care of. When he finished, he
handed me the soap and I dutifully lathered him, motioning with my fingers for
him to turn around when needed. When I was sure I got all the spots, I put the
soap back where it came from.

“I don’t think you’re up for food. We’ll
turn in early and then in the morning you’ll make us a nice big breakfast.” I
nodded, happy to do whatever it was he said.

We dried off
and he gave me a guest toothbrush. I thought about my bag in the car, but
obviously I wouldn’t be retrieving it now. I brushed my teeth and then followed
him into his big, king-size bed. Once there, after the lights were turned out,
I asked, “Can I ask you more questions, Sir?” I heard him chuckle and he said

“Is this normal, Sir?”

“Is what normal, Jennifer?”

“Sleeping with your sub. It seems that in
so many of the books I’ve read, the Doms keep their subs in a separate room.”

He laughed and
pulled me tighter, “Well, Jennifer, I haven’t read any of the books that
you have. Perhaps I should. But for me,
if I want to fuck you when I wake up in the middle of the night, then I sure as
hell don’t want to have to pad down the hall to do it.” And I could hear the
smile in his voice. I laughed lightly as I drifted off with his arms wrapped
tightly around me.


I was awoken
in the morning in the same position. I had no idea how long I had slept, but I
couldn’t remember the last time I had slept so soundly or deeply. Sir’s hand
was rubbing my clit and his cock was pressing between my legs. I arched my back
to give him better access and he slid it in.

“Ahhhhhh” I moaned, remembering why it
felt so intense. He was so big, even as wet as I already was, it was still an
adjustment. Not to mention I was still a little sore from the previous night. He
started out slowly, sliding almost all the way out and then all the way back in
as his hands slid up my belly to my breasts. Oh, my nipples were so tender, but
when he pinched them the pain felt so good I moaned again which spurred him on
to go faster.

He lifted me
up so that I was on my hands and knees and then he really started pounding into
me. He grabbed my hair and pulled so hard I was afraid it was all going to come
out in his hand. He was slamming into me so hard, this was not the same man I
had fallen asleep with. The pain from the day before was one thing. This was
something else. I tried to just relax and stop thinking but it was hard not to
start feeling violated somehow. Yet, that made no sense. I had willingly come
to his house, let him whip me and fuck me the day before, so how could this be
a violation? He just kept pumping an pumping his huge cock into me and
reflexively my body was reacting, meeting his thrusts, but I could tell it
didn’t really matter to him if I was into it or not. This became even clearer
as he grunted and came inside me… without me coming first. I tried not to
overthink things. I mean, hell, it wasn’t like I hadn’t been with guys where
that was a regular occurrence. But I thought the Doms were always about their
sub’s pleasure.

I was shaken
out of my thoughts when he pulled out and said, “Go clean yourself up and make
us some breakfast. You’ll get to come later, Jennifer.” I was so shocked and
confused that it took me a moment to move.

I slid out of
bed and looked at him. His face held no emotion. This was not the same, sensitive
man who took such good care of me the night before. But for whatever reason,
hope, perhaps, hope that he would turn back into that man? I simply replied,
“Yes, Sir,” as I got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom.

I stared into
the mirror wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into. Yet even with the
confusion, I didn’t want to dawdle out of fear that might upset him and
guarantee me I’d be met with the man from this morning versus the one from last
night. So I took a quick shower, washing him off of me, and reminding myself
how sore I was everywhere. When I came out of the shower I realized I had no
clothes. What I wore here the day before was still outside, where I had left
it. And my overnight bag was in my car. I didn’t see any robe, so I walked back
into the bedroom wrapped in the towel.

“You can leave the towel in the bathroom,
Jennifer.” He said, propped up on one elbow as he looked at me.

“Um, ok, but I don’t have any clothes.”

“Yes, I know. I prefer you naked.” He
said impassively. I stood there, apparently for a moment too long because he
then said, “Now, go on.”

I opened my
mouth to say something, but his look made it clear this was not open for
discussion, so I removed the towel, lowered my eyes and softly said, “Yes,
Sir,” as I turned to put the towel back in the bathroom. When I came back out I
couldn’t even look at him and just made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I
convinced myself that I would just get through this morning, make him his damn breakfast
and then get my clothes and leave.

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