Jerusalem: The Biography (104 page)

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Authors: Simon Sebag-Montefiore

Tags: #Asian / Middle Eastern history

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Islamic, Christian and Jewish fundamentalism: On American millennial speculation about Armageddon; Sarah Palin, Pentecostalists’ view on Second Coming; Latter Rain prophecies; America as new Jerusalem: Sarah Curtis, ‘Sarah Palin’s Jerusalem and Pentecostal faith’,
Colloquy Text Theory Critique 17
(2009) 70–82. Numbers 19, modern apocalyptic expectations. Lawrence Wright, ‘Letter from Jerusalem: Forcing the End’,
New Yorker
20 July 1998. Marwan Mosque vs Temple Tunnel, Temple Institute parallel to Northern Islamic Movement, plan to bury Arafat on Haram: Benjamin Z. Kedar and Oleg Grabar, ‘Epilogue’, in
Sacred Esplanade
379–88. Islamicism, Hamas Charter,
: Achcar 233–40.
Protocols of Elders of Zion
: Aaronovitch,
Voodoo Histories
22–48, including Hamas Charter. On Palestinian denial of Jewish heritage: Ben-Ami 247–84; ‘PA study claims Kotel was never part of Temple Mount,
Jerusalem Post
, 23 November 2010.
On challenges of the division of Jerusalem in one or two states: Michael Dumper, ‘Two State Plus: Jerusalem and the Binational Debate’,
39, Autumn 2009. Sari Nusseibeh, ‘Haram al-Sharif’, in
Sacred Esplanade
367–73. Sepulchre: Nusseibeh,
72. Religions ignore each other: Ethan Bronner, ‘Jews and Muslims Share Holy Season in Jerusalem’,
New York Times
28 September 2008. Quotations from author’s conversations/with Shimon Peres, Amos Oz, Rabbi S. Rabinowitz, Wajeeh al-Nusseibeh, Aded al-Judeh, Adeb al-Ansari and Naji Qazaz.



The Jerusalem literature is vast and this bibliography is not exhaustive but lists the main sources used in the book.
The Authorized Version of the Bible and the New Translation of the Koran by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (Oxford 2004) are used throughout.


Al-Fajr al-Adabi
American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures
Associated Christian Press
Biblical Archaeologist
Biblical Archaeology Review
British Journal of Psychiatry
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Eastern Christian Art
The Economist
English Historical Review
History Today
Israel Exploration Journal
Jerusalem Quarterly
(Institute of Jerusalem Studies, al-Quds University) (
Jewish Chronicle
, London
Jewish Quarterly
Journal of Asian and African Studies
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Liber Annuus
(Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem)
Middle Eastern Studies
New York Times
The New Yorker
Palestine Exploration Fund Annual
Palestine Exploration Quarterly
Pravoslavny Palomnik
Revue des Etudes Juives
Saudi Aramco World
Tadias Magazine
The Times
, London


Abu Zaida, Sufian, ‘“A Miserable Provincial Town”: The Zionist Approach to Jerusalem 1897–1937’,
32, Autumn 2007
Anon., ‘Where Piety Meets Power (Russia in Jerusalem)’,
19 December 2009
Ayele, Negussay, ‘Deir Sultan, Ethiopia and the Black World’,
Tadias Magazine
August 2008
Bar-El, Yair et al, ‘Jerusalem Syndrome’,
British Journal of Psychiatry
176 (2000)
Bronner, Ethan, ‘Jews and Muslims Share Holy Season in Jerusalem’,
New York Times
28 September 2008
Budeiri, Musa, ‘A Chronicle of a Defeat Foretold: The Battle for Jerusalem in the Memoirs of Anwar Nusseibeh’,
3, Winter/Spring 2001
Conybeare, F., ‘Antiochus Strategos: Account of the Sack of Jerusalem’,
English Historical Review
25 (1910) 502–16
Curtis, Sarah, ‘Sarah Palin’s Jerusalem and Pentecostal Faith: A Hysteric Symptom of American Utopianism’,
Colloquy Text Theory Critique
17 (209)
Der Matossian, Bedross, ‘The Young Turk Revolution: Its Impact on Religious Politics of Jerusalem (1908–1912)’,
40, Winter 2009
Dixon, Simon, ‘A Stunted International: Russian Orthodoxy in the Holy Land in the 19th Century’, unpublished ms, January 2009
Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor, ‘Historical Itinerary of the Armenian People in Light of its Biblical Memory’, unpublished ms, 2009
Dumper, Michael, ‘Two State Plus: Jerusalem and the Binational Debate’,
39, Autumn 2009
Gilboa, Ayelet and Sharon, Ilan, ‘An Archaeological Contribution to the Early Iron Age Chronological Debate: Alternative Chronologies for Phoenicia and their Effects on the Levant, Cyprus and Greece,’
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
332, November 2003
Glass, Joseph B. and Kark, Ruth, ‘Sarah la Preta: A Slave in Jerusalem’,
34, Spring 2009
Gonen, Rivka, ‘Was the Site of the Jerusalem Temple Originally a Cemetery?’,
Biblical Archaeology Review
May–June 1985
Greenberg, Raphael, ‘Extreme Exposure: Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1967–2007’,
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
, vol 11, no. 3–4, 2009
Gross, Miriam, ‘A Jerusalem Childhood’,
September 2010
Hintlian, George, ‘Armenians of Jerusalem’,
2, Autumn 1998
Housley, Norman, ‘Saladin’s Triumph over the Crusader States: The Battle of Hattin, 1187’,
History Today
37 (1987)
Ji, C. C., ‘A New Look at the Tobiads in Iraq al-Amir;,
Liber Annuus
48 (1998) 417–40
Al-Jubeh, Nazmi, ‘The Khalidiyah Library’,
3, Winter 1999
Kark, Ruth and Glass, Joseph B., ‘The Valero Family: Sephardi–Arab Relations in Ottoman and Mandatory Jerusalem’,
21, August 2004
Kedar, Benjamin Z., ‘The Jerusalem Massacre of 1099 in the Western Historiography of the Crusades’,
3 (2004) 15–75
Loupo, Yakov and Chen, Nitzan, ‘The Jerusalem Area Ultra-Orthodox Population’, unpublished ms
Lutfi, Huda, ‘Al-Quds Al-Mamelukiyya: A History of Mamluk Jerusalem Based on the Haram Documents’,
2, Autumn 1998
Manna, Adel, ‘Yusuf Diyaddin al-Khalidi’,
Al-Fajr al-Adabi
35–6 (1983)
Manna, Adel, ‘Scholars and Notables Tracing the Effendiya’s Hold on Power in 18th Century Jerusalem’,
32, Autumn 2007
Manna, Adel, ‘Between Jerusalem and Damascus: The End of Ottoman Rule as Seen by a Palestinian Modernist’,
22–23, Autumn/Winter 2005
Mazza, Roberto, ‘Antonio de la Cierva y Lewita: Spanish Consul in Jerusalem 1914–1920’, and ‘Dining Out in Times of War’,
40, Winter 2009, and 41, Spring 2010
Meuwese, Martine, ‘Representations of Jerusalem on Medieval Maps and Miniatures’,
Eastern Christian Art
2 (2005) 139–48
Mouradian, Clare, ‘Les Chrétiens: Un enjeu pour les Puissances’, in Catherine Nicault (ed.),
Jérusalem, 1850–1948: Des Ottomans aux Anglais, entre coexistence spirituelle et déchirure politique
, Paris, 1999, pp.
Al-Natsheh, Yusuf Said, ‘Uninventing the Bab al-Khalil Tombs: Between the Magicof Legend and Historical Fact’,
22–23, Autumn/Winter 2005
Pappe, Ilan, ‘The Rise and Fall of the Husaynis’, Part 1,
10, Autumn 2000
Pappe, Ilan, ‘The Husayni Family Faces New Challenges: Tanzimat, Young Turks, the Europeans and Zionism, 1840–1922’, Part 2,
11–12, Winter 2001
Pappe, Ilan, ‘Haj Amin and the Buraq Revolt’,
18, June 2003
Peters, F. E., ‘Who Built the Dome of the Rock?’,
2 (1983)
Reich, Ronny, ‘The Roman Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE: Flavius Josephus’ Account and Archaeological Record’, in Gerd Theissen et al. (eds),
Jerusalem und die Laäder
, Göttingen 2009
Reich, Ronny, Shukron, Eli and Lernau, Omri, ‘Recent Discoveries in the City of David, Jerusalem: Findings from the Iron Age II Rock-Cut Pool Near the Spring’,
Israel Exploration Journal
57/2 (2007)

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